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How To Use Zionist In A Sentence

  • Nations. yep, it's pretty quaint stuff, couched in terms of newness and normalcy, of foreigness and familiarity. it describes the music as modern and "swingy" and yet timeless, as being of universal appeal - they belong to everyone - and yet "from a single nationality." i wonder whether the universalist rhetoric was meant to appeal to non-jews or simply to jews ambivalent about their jewishness? or am i simply being naive about midcentury, metropolitan jewishness? it is interesting to me also that, apparently, zionist discourse had not yet divorced the term palestinian from any association with jewish heritage.
  • Zionist program and pay the annual contribution, known as a shekel, varying from 15 cents to 25 cents in different countries. The Menorah Journal, Volume 1, 1915
  • prof lesbica porcate video fica esibizionista foto natiche tope vergini fica grossa e donne sfondate immagini bulma tettone fica senza mutande sorelle lesbiche foto culi cubane piedini gratis figone free storie di inculate orge esbiche ivy bbw  Detective work on the Sherlock copyright issue
  • The Zionists tried to de-bourgeoisify Jews by creating a national economy in which Jews would hold all the jobs, including farmer and soldier, rather than just the bourgeois middle-man-minority jobs at which they made much money, but also elicited dangerous resentment from other peoples. Blog Articles » Print » David Brooks: The Tel Aviv Cluster
  • Early Zionist leaders, from the late nineteenth century onwards, consciously set out to create a class of Jews who were the opposite of the Jews of the shtetl (the traditional Eastern European Jewish ghetto).
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  • Now if you wish to annex, and make the Palestinians citizens, this would cease to be a Jewish nation-state and you’d be offering Israel’s enemies the hallowed “one-state-of-Palestine-secular-and-democratic” that is: another Arab state like many others; if you wish to annex but to withhold citizenship from the Palestinians, you’d be making true the antisemitic lie of “zionist apartheid”; either way annexion is *not-gonna-happen*. Jewish Voice for Peace calls on Michael Moore to make his next film about US/Israel relationship | Jewschool
  • It wasn't until last year that the kibbutzniks of Degania, ardent Zionists, voted to build a synagogue.
  • Zionist Occupied Government, or ZOG, is a phrase employed by most American neo-Nazi groups to describe the current federal government. Mark Potok: Alleged Georgia Plotters Belonged to Racist, Anti-Semitic Group
  • Volunteers have also raised funds from synagogues in the US, for the “special aim of the yeshiva which is to attract more young Jewish families by strengthening and maintaining the Zionist Jewish character of this ancient Jewish city.” 16 « October « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • It's possible that "Jewish Nazis" would be accurate enough, but I suspect you'd like that even less than you like "Zionist" and would then accuse us of Jew-baiting and anti-Semitism. Waxman Attacks Winograd On Israel; Ignites A Political Firestorm
  • On June 20th, 1947 78 Palestinians were killed and 24 injured when Zionist terrorists put bombs in a crate of vegetables in the suq of Haifa. Sunday, June 01, 2008
  • There is no use in hoping that governments will solve this problem - the Zionists have managed to get their hands on all the levers of power in most of what is called the First World, particularly in the U.S., the heart of the Empire. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • Right on semsem above, Let there be some anti Zionists, not necessarily anti Semitic people who still have a heart and are moved by the atrocities of the Zionist regime. Never Mind the Ban, Turkish Leader Stars on YouTube - The Lede Blog -
  • Benny Morris decided all by himself that the word 'transfer' was a codeword dreamt up by the Zionists to describe their (alleged) plans of ethnic cleansing. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • In this sese Zionists are enemies not only of Jews but of the entire humanity. Jews Against Zionism
  • You realize of course that from here on in the same flaccids you excoriate will now call you a liar as they lie about you, call you a coward as they hide behind their ridiculous pseudonyms, and traduce you as a neocon, a Zionist, a warmonger and an idiot? Archive 2009-03-01
  • Schwarz had an agent who would serve as the key intermediary for this operation: Trillium, the flower code for a reputed Zionist named Andor Gross, alias Andre György, a chatty and somewhat disreputable intriguer who over the years had been a freelance courier for both the Allied and Axis intelligence services in Istanbul. Wild Bill Donovan
  • Perhaps it is time for CUFI and other Christian Zionist allies of Israel to create a firestorm of adverse criticism on Capitol Hill against the Obama 'Israel agonistes' strategy. Israpundit
  • In the video that surfaced Tuesday, Mr. Schiller, the head of NPR's fund-raising arm—who is no relation to Vivian Schiller—and a colleague are shown meeting two men in a café pretending to be from the fictitious Muslim Education Action Center and offering a donation of as much as $5 million to NPR because of what they describe as "Zionist coverage" by other news organizations. Video Kills the Radio Czar
  • The binding nature of the court's legal opinion is hardly a matter of true concern for Zionists.
  • The persecution of European Jews impacted on Jews not simply as men and women, but also as religious and irreligious, assimilated and unassimilated, Zionist and non-Zionist, rich and poor, urban and rural, young and old.
  • Nora expects to be met by her cousin Bela, a Zionist and war hero she has loved since they were children. Louisa: Summary and book reviews of Louisa by Simone Zelitch.
  • The men tell Mr. Schiller that they are considering donating as much as $5 million to NPR because of what they describe as the substantial "Zionist coverage" by other news organizations. NPR Executive Quits After Video Comments
  • Everyone hates the prolix Gadaffi, particularly Arab despots who he routinely blasts as "old women in robes," "Zionist lackeys," and "cowards and thieves.
  • Reading early Zionists such as Nordau, Borochov and Gordon provides us with some very contemptuous references to Jewish character and identity that would make Nazi ideology look mildly liberal. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • The crowd, solemn and tense, represented a heterogeneous cross-section of the Jewish population of the Yishuv: kibbutz members in sandals and khaki, socialist intellectuals in suits and wire-rimmed glasses, South African immigrants in their traditional garb, religious Zionists, clean-shaven and in skullcaps, and even ultra-Orthodox rabbis, bearded and behatted. 21 « May « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • But he says that this is because what they called the Zionist regime threatens Iran militarily with its false threats. CNN Transcript May 20, 2009
  • A hate filled zionist who believes in killing is calling a hindu who believes in nonviolence and has jewish relatives an ‘aryan nation’ person. Think Progress » Protest Turnout: A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Lies
  • If the Zionists had merely settled without claims of taking the land as their own from the principal inhabitants at the time, then yes "infiltrated" would be an inappropriate term. Edwards: I'll Travel The World To Fix U.S.'s Global Image
  • The response of the Zionists was to go absolutely bonkers.
  • I cringe when I hear some one refer to an Israeli as a Zionist and are using it as a radical Muslim hater uses Islamo-fascist; so I guess "cringing" goes both ways and Ron is correct. Banning some words HERE on This Website
  • Like Borochov, Lieberman is a Russian-speaking Jew and a committed Zionist, but his vision of peace and stability is at antipodes from the one Borochov set forth in 1917. "Israel Is Our Home"
  • At 23, Jackson was ordained as a minister in the African Zionist church, while learning wood-carving from his father.
  • On August 26th, 1938, 34 Palestinians were killed and 35 were injured when Zionist terrorists detonated a car bomb in the suq of Jerusalem. Sunday, June 01, 2008
  • the Zionist leader Theodor Herzl
  • But since we are tallying “extermination/expulsion of subhuman populations”, one group that somehow that always ignored by so many ‘loving, compassionate’Zoinest Christians and Zionists alike is the Christians of Palestine whose luck was not much better than the Muslim of Palestine either. It’s Hard to Be an Anti-Zionist Jew « Blog
  • He may start fallaciously believing that the Federal Reserve is not in fact part of the federal government, but is instead controlled by wealthy Zionists.
  • The secular Zionists were doing the work of God and the Messiah but they did not yet know it.
  • It definitely is hard to be an anti-Zionist Jew as the Zionists have led a strategic and successful campaign to capture mainstream Jewish organizations, polarize their community, and marginalize secular non-Zionist Jewish voices. It’s Hard to Be an Anti-Zionist Jew « Blog
  • The Zionist quotes I posted establish that the antiZionist accusations that Zionist Jews intended to "dispossess" Arabs - that are frequently posted on these threads by Arab apologists - are false. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It is no problem for me to being ethnically Jewish and yet outspokenly anti-Zionist. It’s Hard to Be an Anti-Zionist Jew « Blog
  • A seguito delle reazioni suscitate dal recente Decreto della Congregazione per i Vescovi, con cui si rimette la scomunica ai quattro Presuli della Fraternità San Pio X, e in relazione alle dichiarazioni negazioniste o riduzioniste della Shoah da parte del Vescovo Williamson della medesima Fraternità, si ritiene opportuno chiarire alcuni aspetti della vicenda. Archive 2009-02-01
  • And that law in Europe is ridiculous; I think it is anyone's right to 'trivialize' the holocaust after the zionist-driven holocaust industry has produced endless books and movies and used the holocaust as justification for further crimes against humanity and jewish religious fundamentalism. Dissident Voice
  • The depths to which goldstone, who purports to be a long-standing 'Zionist', totally identified himself with this crude anti Israel exercise, was exemplified in his recent NY Times op ed, in which he had the gall to compare Israel's defense against hamas to the atrocities committed in Darfur, where millions were displaced and over 200,000 civilians were raped and butchered. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • If theres hatred toward zionists, its not like they’re innocent and unprovoking, the victim. Think Progress » Gingrich: ‘This Is, In Fact, World War III’ And The U.S. ‘Ought To Be Helping’
  • Considering Ms Phillips 'outrage at some of the president-elect's contacts, she might care to comment on the contacts of his new chief-of-staff, Rahm Israel Emanuel, and in particular on his father having acted as a gun-runner for the terrorist Zionist organization, the Irgun, responsible for multiple attacks on British civilians and troops under the Palestine mandate. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Diary Entry by chris ariel (about the author) yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Fractures in the Truth Movement, Part III The Fissure Becomes a Gulf'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = '\'This fracture in the truth movement between the anti-zionists and the Alex Jones automatons was building gradually for a few years until [Jason] Bermas blew the issue wide open on Alex Jones\' show in April. OpEdNews - Diary: Fractures in the Truth Movement, Part III The Fissure Becomes a Gulf
  • Its petty ambitions, jealousies and internal intrigues contrasted vividly with the humility of the shammes, whose son was indeed the only Zionist in the practical meaning of the word, since he was “there,” in Israel. Janette Fishenfeld.
  • Banning the word Zionist by brisa on Wednesday, Aug 29, 2007 at 3: 04: 35 PM Banning some words HERE on This Website
  • Stuck with his family in a purlieu of Rome densely populated by other displaced Jews, he immerses himself in his memories, which include seeing his father murdered by Cossacks and, just as hauntingly, informing on his cousin for Zionist activity. Lost in Transit
  • Since immigration to Israel is seen by Zionist ideology as “going up” (hence the Hebrew term aliyah), the newcomers are considered olim (“those who ascend”). Ethnic Dance in the Yishuv and Israel: 1900-2000.
  • Two inter-related characteristics distinguished the Histadrut and the Labour Zionists from their inception.
  • Guys like you need to understand that as time goes on and Zionist leaders continue to order human-rights violations that are ever more outrageous, the rest of the world grows ever more deaf to Zionist complaints of anti-Semitism and Jew-baiting. Waxman Attacks Winograd On Israel; Ignites A Political Firestorm
  • To remain within the Zionist consensus, Aliyah Hadashah had to give its full support to aliyah and settlement and reject the 1939 White Paper.
  • He responded to our “open hand” by holding a press conference with the president of Iran, during which the latter expostulated on his dream of a future Middle East “without Zionists and without colonialists”. Latin America
  • Clearly, by anti-Semitism, Stephen means anti-Jewish well then dont use the wrong term. a term hijacked (amongst other things) by jewish propaganda. i dont use word jewish instead of zionist do i? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Mr barnes has written on his web claims that would make any intelligent persons hair curl - CST which is an organisation of volunteers to defend synagogues and Jewish gatherings (why is that necessary?) are insulted with ridiculous claims of being Zionist• activists-does he even know what a Zionist is? for those of you who do not know it is the wish of a Jewish person to live in the holy land - nada mas. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Apparently, the thirst of the Palestinian blood among the Jewish politicians either in Israel or US and the plans of Zionist state has not quenched so far, even after orphaning, widowing hundred of thousands Palestinians, somewhere by the US made missiles, the German made tanks that could ravage their settlements, French made bullets to pierce the chests of women, children and somewhere in the torture cells of Tel Aviv. Gaza Again on Fire, Revenge will be Taken of Each Life: HAMAS
  • The al Qaeda leader wants Muslims to see what he calls a crusader Zionist war against Islam. CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2006
  • This must have sounded like blasphemy to Weizmann, who like most mainstream Zionists believed that the Jewish mission was a long-term ingathering of all Jews everywhere back to the Promised Land. Crossing Mandelbaum Gate
  • So the 'fortuitous outcome of battle', the 'discrimination' against inhabitants of Palestine was never, as has been stated here by Arab apologists, some kind of agressive action by Zionist founders of Israel, but purely the result of hardened Arab attitudes by different Arab factions, who even allied themselves to fascism and Nazi Germany, in their obsessive anti-Semitism and militant rejection of Israel, because it conflicted with their own nationalism and antagonism to Jews. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. Archive 2008-07-01
  • In the eyes of the vast majority of Arabs and Muslims Israel has become synonym to death, brutality, wars and destruction to the extent that the term Zionist Jew in the Middle East has become a synonym to murder, brutality and ruthlessness.
  • These early Zionist leaders knew of course that religion had preserved Jewish identity in the ghettos and shtetls of Europe, but in the modern Jewish state, they felt there would be no need for it.
  • Mr. Saggan (the Zionist American funned by the Washington Institute) has come recently to dwell amongst his fellows in Jerusalem and started to weave the threads of the new trick. Mideast Youth - Thinking Ahead
  • From Aleppo, Brand was forced to travel to Cairo where he was kept under arrest and interrogated repeatedly for information on Hungary, the German intelligence system, and even Zionist armed activities (which Britain feared might threaten their role in Palestine). Lives in Balance-Jim Gillett
  • What they grew dissatisfied with was Bush's bungling, his ineptitude driving oil to 80 bucks a barrel and putting America in diplomatic isolation as a Christian Zionist-led pack of cowboys, and the idea that we are stuck there nation-building for a pack of ingrateful Arab shitheads that would as soon as kill us than dip their purple fingers. The number of Americans who have died in the Iraq war...
  • What could be the most outstanding in Dr. Sayegh's introduction is the Biblical concept of the "Exodus" that spread throughout more than thirty centuries coupling this expression of Jewish history from one side and Biblical myths on the other, considering this so-called fallacious "Exodus" in its foundations, sources, meaning stands ashamed in front another factual, actual and felt exodus in millions of proofs, which is the exodus of three quarters of a million Palestinian Arabs forcefully and savagely uprooted by the force of arms and Zionist terror. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • To remain within the Zionist consensus, Aliyah Hadashah had to give its full support to aliyah and settlement and reject the 1939 White Paper.
  • A couple of days ago, I heard an invited female guest on Savage's radio program read off a lot of claims about Hamas and I was struck by one: Hamas thinks the Rotary Club is a tool of the Zionists and should be eliminated. RADAMISTO
  • Note on the term Zionist - I am a Zionist in that I support the idea of a Jewish state. OpEdNews - Diary: Condemn Israel and the Rocket Men
  • A Google non basta il web gestirà anche la pubblicità stampa Senza clamore Google ha iniziato a offrire ai propri inserzionisti la possibilità di acquistare spazi pubblicitari su testate "off line" tramite il suo servizio Google AdWords (fonte: MarketingPilgrim). Google Print Ads Opens to All
  • Hezbollah Leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadinejad banqueted together and discussed "the latest developments in the region, and Zionist threats against Lebanon and Syria," according to Lebanese Al-Manar television, in reference to Tel Aviv's saber rattling hinting at a fresh conflict with Hezbollah. Patrick Galey: Nasrallah and Ahmadinejad's Banquet of Defiance
  • A: One Zionist state – stable Jewish majority (only accomplishable by ethnic cleansing – argued earlier in this thread, by people sympathetic to Zionism, that it is only accomplishable with violence) Matthew Yglesias » Israel’s Irrealism on Settlements
  • the Zionist movement
  • Everyone hates the prolix Gaddafi, particularly Arab despots who he routinely blasts as "old women in robes," "Zionist lackeys," and "cowards and thieves. Eric Margolis: After Bombing Libya, What Now?
  • This clear and simple method has been distilled from a life spent listening to and reading Zionist propaganda. Matthew Yglesias » Goldberg: The Middle East Is Complicated and It’s All the Arabs’ Fault
  • E: One non-Zionist state – stable non-Jewish majority (accomplishable, as in South Africa, by giving the vote to people who currently do not have it and reforming race-based immigration laws) – Maximalist anti-Zionist Matthew Yglesias » Israel’s Irrealism on Settlements
  • I know a person with a non-Orthodox background who davened with them and was taught to lay tephillin by them when they visited the large shopping centre in a Jewish neighbourhood where he worked; he enjoyed their regular visits to his shop, but he was comfortable with his brand of Judaism (a committed non-Orthodox Jew and - dare I say it, Zionist) and so did not join the Lubavitcher movement. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The flood has reached its climax and after the destruction, terror, murder, and sacrilege practiced by the aggressive, terrorist, and criminal Zionist entity, together with its tyrannical ally, the U.S., have come to a head against our brothers and our faithful struggling people in plundered Palestine. Tales of the Tyrant
  • It is clear that the clowns at white house were caught unprepared for this latest atrocity by the zionists.
  • We issue this statement in support of the actions of brother Nidal Malik Hassan; as a congratulations for his brave and heroic deed, as well as the jealousness he displayed for the pains suffered by the Muslim Ummah as a result of the modern Zionist-Christian Crusades against it. The Two Malcontents
  • South Africa's fast growing, indigenous, Pentecostal-influenced Zionist churches encourage baptism by full immersion as a form of healing and rebirth.
  • Because of its emphasis on universalism and on acculturation within the host societies, Reform was unsympathetic, even hostile, towards the Zionist movement.
  • Given the number of last-ditch Zionists that President Obama has surrounded himself with, Rahm Immanuel being the most influential, is it any wonder that Obama would appoint someone like Ross to be “special adviser” on Iran. Wonk Room » Keep Your Friends Close, And Dennis Ross Closer
  • Province political columnist Mike Smyth column that Elmore was a "wingnut" for using the term Zionist five years ago. The Georgia Straight - News And Views
  • As for 'tribe', plenty of Zionists of my acquaintance were happy to use that term themselves and it carries no particular baggage for me, but you may well be more clued up than me about it's advisedness as an identifier. Israel Palestine Blogs
  • It became a costly and heavy burden for the Zionists and a perpetual source of fear for its soldiers and settlers.
  • He was attacked by rabbis and Zionist activists the length and breadth of the state.
  • They advocated not only inter-class cooperation within the Zionist movement, but also what was later termed the ‘constructivist strategy of Labor Zionism.’
  • 'hambone' goes to iraq and makes farrah reyna cry the zionist occupation of iraq is the war in iraq franklin graham is full of crap ralph nader talks about israel's attack upon the uss liberty agtr-5 remember the uss liberty agtr-5 attack We saw that...
  • You know, Ali Khamenei, he went on to really rail against what he called the Zionist media, the western media having it out for Iran. CNN Transcript Jun 19, 2009
  • Hamas is just one cog in the Islamist machine which makes no secret of its hatred of Jews [note not Zionists] They are quite transparent in their demonisation of Jews although they try their best to use the term Zionist as often as possible. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Only Zionism - so at least Zionists believe - can provide some mitigation of this great tragedy.
  • Reply: How about the idea of programmatically using real names if some of those flaggable words are used, like zionist, nazi, sh*t, islamofacist, a**hole, liar, loser ... Using and Banning Handles and Pseudonyms on OpEdNews
  • While the distinction between Likud's positions and more dovish ones is important, for some purposes it doesn't matter, and that's when the term Zionist -- an ideological term, not a racial one -- is useful. Introducing "Think Twice" Word Detection System To OpEdNews
  • Ali Wasif, 23, a Shiite student leader who witnessed the bombing, said he attributed it to "Zionist" and other non-Muslim "elements. Clashes at Karachi university reflect city's intractable feuds
  • She was raised in a traditional-Zionist home and educated in a heder, together with boys. Hasya Sukenik-Feinsod.
  • Then again, it’s not as if Israel has no influence with the White House – Rahm Emanuel, that Zionist warmonger, is chief of staff. jack Abrams Confirms His New Role « Blog
  • There is no use in hoping that governments will solve this problem - the Zionists have managed to get their hands on all the levers of power in most of what is called the First World, particularly in the U.S., the heart of the Empire. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • For the last couple of decades, the Zionists have been laying the groundwork in Russia and the former SU nations for their relocation from the US to Russia. September « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • Galloway, who has a tendresse for any 'antiZionist' leader – how could we forget his face-to-face eulogising of the late Saddam Hussein? To Beeb or not to Beeb
  • That speaks all the more highly for the efforts that have been made by the Zionist settlements in reclamation within recent years of a comparatively unfruitful land that requires hard work and intensive effort. Palestine, Today and Tomorrow
  • The 18,000 Druse and 2,000 Alawites on the Golan would be reunited with their co-religionists, but decades of life under the Zionists will have created social, economic and, yes, political expectations that could "contaminate" the larger Syrian polity. Jihad Monitor
  • How about the idea of programmatically using real names if some of those flaggable words are used, like zionist, nazi, sh*t, islamofacist, a**hole, liar, loser ... Using and Banning Handles and Pseudonyms on OpEdNews
  • Abdulrahman Bursahid at Jul 13, 2010 01: 39 you zionist billyboy the only person spewing garbage is you actual Arabnews - frontpage

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