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How To Use Zill In A Sentence

  • The blocks are covered in dense comic art that reminds me of the Sergio Argones marginalia in MAD Magazine -- a million zillion sight gags on the theme of "Oh God the baby is coming to destroy us all! Boing Boing
  • Gibson's a zillionaire, and Smith's a multi-gazillionaire.
  • He scowled at Zilla, whose withered lips were again writhing into speech, and compelled her to silence. The White Man's Way
  • ‘I'd like to be a famous rock star with a million zillions of dollars,’ she says.
  • Katy Perry labels fiance Russell Brand the ultimate 'bridezilla' RUSSELL Brand has been labelled a "bridezilla" by his popstar fiance Katy Perry. | Top Stories
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  • Any record company that believes illicit song file distribution hinders their ability to sell music is deceiving itself - how else will anyone find out about the gazillion CDs that are out there?
  • You never know, this time next year we could be zillionaires.
  • This season one Bridezilla WILL be left at the altar!
  • So this is the zillionaire luxury yacht lifestyle.
  • Whether Godzilla’s attacking, a meteor is about to hit Metropolis or every car in town has mysteriously turned bright pink, a journalist will have something to do. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Common Superhero Day Jobs, Part 1
  • Ziller had pilgrimaged several times to Africa, place of his birth. Another Roadside Attraction
  • They will try to make sure everything is almost neurotically unobtrusive, bridezilla in reverse. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the news business, which once took pride in what it put down for posterity, is all atwitter with tweets and insta-posts by self-appointed experts on a bazillion blogs. Cash for clunker columns
  • I'm trying to do, like, a zillion pelvic floor exercises a day.
  • I wish my heart would stop beating a bazillion times a minute.
  • Next, force people to repay usurious loans to credit card companies that make gazillions off the fine print.
  • I have a feeling from a half remembered lecture from a zillion years ago, that Rossetti used to slide naked down the bannisters, and kept a menagerie in his house. Desperate Romantics
  • War, of course, besides being bad for children, is also bad for other living things, and one nuclear bunker-buster (especially when followed by a few bazillion more) can ruin your whole biosphere.
  • We join him as he learns for the first time how humanity has beaten the galactic speed limit of C (i.e. it hasn't); why cute little deerlike aliens are never to be trusted (they like meat ...); and how to kill inch-tall, spacefaring people (go Godzilla on their asses). Archive 2008-08-01
  • Old Ebbits looked at me in childlike wonder, while Zilla sneered openly at the absurdity of my question. THE WHITE MAN'S WAY
  • If I extrapolate this far enough, I'll be a zillionaire!
  • A few quick mathematical calculations will show that there's heaps, piles, zillions more places where conditions like this exist in Space than on a planet's surface.
  • Mozilla Ubiquity, Microsoft IE8, and the fractur ... Feeds4all documents in category 'SEO'
  • Mandozilla, how do you decide what two notes to play on a double-stop tremolo?. Mandolin Cafe News
  • The OED describes a "gazillionaire" as "a person of great wealth," cuing in readers to the fact that there is no actual gazillion number and inviting comparison with the later "bazillionaire. Are You a Bridezilla? Check the OED
  • Online marketing course bar methaqualone we are quintillionth perfervid triturus foliation bar rage purposeless stingily at a instroke in sind bar zillion her, honestly not to let me ultrasonically. Rational Review
  • A half-century ago, long before the word "bridezilla" was part of our lexicon, saleswomen at Becker's Bridal had a secret language they used to cope with unpleasant brides. One 'Magic Room' That Links Generations of Brides
  • His hand movements alternated between fluttery flocks of birds and rigid Godzilla claws.
  • There are gazillions of webcams out there, and soon to be millions of cell phones that will support video.
  • I find you can go a long way towards getting the routine down just bashing your fingers together, zill-less. Finger cymbals too loud? problem solved: crocheted zill covers « raincoaster
  • I headed out for the backyard where I proceeded to dig about a zillion holes in the ground searching for gold doubloons.
  • The exhibition pays tribute to Godzilla as cultural phenomenon rather than mere pop icon.
  • The moz-border-radius is understood by all mozilla based browsers such as Firefox. Web Teacher › Style a fieldset with rounded corners using CSS
  • The bus goes off on its merry way and picks up a zillion passengers at the next stop.
  • Popcorn ? Sure, Would you like huge, mega super - duper huge, or gigundazillion insanely huge?
  • I'm curious as to what two gazillionaires hope to gain by suing their nanny.
  • But it does the zilla parishad chief no harm locally.
  • Neely and I have justed watched this a bazillion times in a row and we are killing ourselves laughing. She was doing really good until that one part
  • A shame the ending was the worst part, but I can't really blame the film for that; I'd heard the final line a zillion times by other people referring to it, and by the time it arrived it felt footworn. Netflix Mini-Reviews #3
  • Paint them all the same colour and you've made the space a zillion times bigger. Times, Sunday Times
  • He gathered up Zilliac's dazer, moving with agility for a heavy man, and faced the door. Starship
  • Wayans Manor was the kind of house the Munsters would have lived in if they'd been zillionaires.
  • The public knows in its water that throwing zillions into the black hole of virtually unreformed public services does not work.
  • They make zillions of dollars and this seems like a sly way to get more.
  • As Laurin Zilliacus reminds us, the Book of Esther describes “the use of posts to order the slaughter of the Jews throughout Persian-ruled territory, and then the swift sending of the counter-order that saved them and turned the tables on their persecutors.” The Tyranny of E-mail
  • This market is filled with a gazillion vendors selling everything from Charro (cowboy) gear, huarache sandals and sarapes to cheap chinese imports, pirated dvds and sneakers, a full selection of warm climate birds, a bazillion food stands, jewelry and home decor chotchke stalls, all manner of fresh produce and home remedy medicines. Daily Slurp Gallery
  • Then the costs soar to 800 bazillion and rising. Times, Sunday Times
  • Imagine you were me and you have like a bazillion posts written over a year or more.
  • Who is worth more, a bazillionaire or a gazillionaire? Globe and Mail
  • I've only repeated this about a bazillion times.
  • Firefox extension [mozilla. org] that will automagically fill in the information for you so that you don't even have to bother going to the web site. spaces [wikipedia. org] and copypaste U+2060 ( 'word joiner') into the middle of the domain.
  • It's published on the Mozilla site, but it took me a while to spelunk to it, so for the benefit of popup-haters everywhere, here is the procedure: September 26th, 2005
  • Mozilla's Security and Privacy Engineer, Sid Stamm wrote on his personal blog that instead of using a hodge-podge of opt-out cookies, the header will transmit a message to tell all sites that a user wishes to opt-out. Google, Mozilla detail new privacy features
  • Enter King Kong Vs. Godzilla, his first colour feature, and lo and behold, the radiation spawn is charcoal gray. Godzilla King | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • This chore was a bazillion times better than kitchen patrol and each of us coveted it.
  • a zillion people were there
  • Joey : Hey , I got one keyhole and about a zillion keys. You do the math.
  • Zilla, whose withered lips were again writhing into speech, and compelled her to silence. THE WHITE MAN'S WAY
  • Ten gazillion questions that I'd like to hear posed and answered, and they babble on about our ‘go-it-alone’ policy.
  • The implication throughout the chapter is that these superachievers and zillionaires owe him favors and see him as a brother.
  • Russell Brand labelled the ultimate 'bridezilla' by fiance Katy Perry Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Do we become more tired, more staid, as we get older because our energy is scattered over a gazillion different presents in a gazillion different realities?
  • I felt like Max Zillion, a cartoon strip character devised by Hunt Emerson.
  • Years later, some of his corporate friends have become "gazillionaires," he says, but he wouldn't want to leave the theatre to switch places with them.
  • Zillner attributed this circumstance to the small size of the wound, atheroma and degeneration of the aorta and slight retraction of the inner coat, together with a possible plugging of the pericardial opening. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Dodging them, Frenzill slipped inside the gaol's back entrance and fumbled the cresset from the wall. Father Swarat
  • He inflicted the aural atrocity that is ‘The Frog's Chorus’ on zillions of unprotected eardrums.
  • You won't find any bridezilla stories here, but it's still an interesting idea.
  • Wild horses roam the roads and in the jungle you can find giant moths apparently the inspiration for Mothra, Godzilla's legendary foe.
  • - moz" and "- webkit". - moz refers to Mozilla Firefox, and Safari / Google Chrome use the - webkit prefix. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • City might still win the title, could still amass 100 points and a bazillion goals, but well, maybe not. Times, Sunday Times
  • If this guy lived in Silicon Valley, he might be a zillionaire today.
  • Mozilla may not want that responsibility -- there must be a lot of headaches, as it is, honchoing the development of a free piece of technology. ChannelWeb Complete Feed
  • Russell Brand "bridezilla" - because he's addicted to reading wedding magazines. Starpulse Entertainment News
  • Yet Streep stomps on them all like she's Godzilla, delivering one of the great hambone performances of our time.
  • Of the gazillion times I've looked at the Bill of Rights, I've not seen the portion that addresses confidentiality of reading interests.
  • I'm going to start a new game, and this time I'm going to make bazillions.
  • And, not to be forgotten, they earn gazillions of dollars every time they lace up their cleats and shamble out to the field of play.
  • I'm glad it helped that blogger and made her a bazillion dollars (though seriously when I go look at the blog now its navigation is impossible and graphics hideous -- come on, you have to consider future readers) but I could never do it, because it seems empty exercise to me, and not creative or fun. Peter Straub's A Dark Matter
  • It's a book that gave me nightmares as a kid, and fired the imaginations of thousands, if not gazillions of children and adults alike.
  • And, before I knew it, I was the proud possessor of a zillion raffle coupons!
  • You may be the only one you've heard about in your own community, but there are kazillions of you spread all over this country - and you may be surprised to find out they're just as normal as you are.
  • Also, I bought my zills after class (the Arabesque ones) and so I took them home and sewed on the elastic and my favorite beads on the thumbs (so you can tell them apart) and then sewed a very proud making zill bag with some black silk and my left over trim and tassels and some ribbon. Finger cymbals too loud? problem solved: crocheted zill covers « raincoaster
  • First I empty IE's folder completely, than I "transmute", than I remove a few Mozilla-only bookmarklets, et voila. psycros Fileforum
  • But it still gets better; Yardley boro which is next to Lower Makefield, just elected their first Democratic mayor and council in a zillion years. Think Progress » 27 seconds:
  • There's nothing particularly interesting about Mad Hatter, which is exactly the kind of crash-a-minute bodge you'd expect to get from throwing Helix software and Mozilla into a Linux distribution.
  • Huge explosions, rockets the size of tractor trailers, getting hit with a folding chair, and running head first into the turnbuckle never did more than temporary damage, presumably because both Godzillas are "scientific" wrestlers. Multicultural Experiences
  • An e-book reader with an everlasting battery so I could pack zillions of books along with me * g*, an outfit in a super-duper space fabric that would last forever and be washable, dryable, and warm or cool as needed, and some kind of toilet setup that is hygienic, green and non-smelly!! Archive 2007-10-01
  • The Rezillos, arguably Scotland's only bona fide success story from the punk rock years, have not so much re-formed as been reborn.
  • A tabulate onwards Boundary Firefox has announc edlthat an federal Mozilla Workroom weblog desideration one day prevail lau sales string, the present-day weblog secondr rave announce the insurance Star †"â€" †"Dark star crashes, pouring its lightdinto ashes. Refinance 2nd Mortgage
  • I was flashed-back to being a stage-struck teenager, who from age 16 to age 18, must have played that album about a zillion times. David Dean Bottrell: Death by Resume
  • A tabulate onwards Boundary Firefox yhas announced that an federal Mozilla Workroom weblog desideration one dayx prevail launched. Refinance 2nd Mortgage
  • All I did was cut out a circle of felt the same size as the zill. Finger cymbals too loud? problem solved: crocheted zill covers « raincoaster
  • As the Washington Post's Hank Stuever acerbically wrote last week about the current season: It's all bunnies, baby dolls and broads – and bridezillas and bimbos, if you get into reality TV. The Playboy Club: men only
  • The bat-shit crazy, Dick Cheney devotee with the undead, bazillionaire retreaded maul for a soulmate? New McCain Ad: Will "Biggest Celebrity In The World" Help Your Family?
  • His Civil War epic turned out to be composed of sets, costumes, coiffures, tinsel and hype - and the movie made zillions.
  • This must rate as the Godzilla of all teen strops.
  • None of this would matter if the battle scenes and the choreography had one zillionth of the zing of Kill Bill 1.
  • Mozilla says the latest iteration is more than twice as fast as Firefox 3 and 10 times ... Past Tech Trends & Products: Technology Live Archive
  • Was he trying to kind of dispel the theory that maybe this was an act of defense on the behalf of Nathaniel Brazill? CNN Transcript May 9, 2001
  • Sisley was born to British parents in Paris and after meeting with fellow future Impressionists, Bazille, Monet and Renoir, he adhered to this approach throughout his career.
  • I never had bridezilla fantasies of white meringue dresses and marquees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later, at home, Zilla would accuse him of being a coward and a weakling.
  • Guidance systems, space hardned electronics and computers, life support systems, tracking technology, radio communications, materials for space suits, research in osteroporosis,… and many many thousands of things thet you zill find back in very day life without realizing it that this is the result of human space exploration. NASA manager says Shuttle Extension Possible; Key Issue Is Money not Safety | Universe Today
  • It finally took a hard smack with Godzilla's tail to rouse him out of his glum state and knock us all over with a wind tornado of anger.
  • We've got money to burn and whole industries have grown up around us because there are just gazillions of dollars up for grabs.
  • We will be using all the Mozilla tools and many web-top applications, such as calendaring, a desktop, a file viewer and the like.
  • Like Sauvignon Blanc, Sémillon is allowed in many other appellations for dry and sweet whites of South West France but is perhaps most notable in qualitative terms in Monbazillac.
  • There were also a bazillion great olive oils, cheeses, pastas, jams, dips, spreads and marinades.
  • This in turn allows the gazillionaires who run these multinationals and conglomerates an unhealthy sway over government policy.
  • Mozilla has done a great job trying to diversify it's product lines, but I don't think prism is being explain or utilized properly. jamescoleuk Prism 1.0 Brings Dock/System Tray Integration To Your Webapps | Lifehacker Australia
  • The film became a massive box-office hit and my song was on the soundtrack album, which sold zillions of copies.
  • Sure, I thought Independence Day and Godzilla were both stinkers but I really enjoyed The Day After Tomorrow.
  • Poor Zillah does her best to persuade me that she _does_ know. The Emancipated
  • Going down is twice as fast and a gazillion times more panicky than climbing up. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the umpteenth false start and the gazillionth freaky camera angle, it becomes apparent there's time to nap between things that happen that mean something.
  • I could give a million reasons why the date is sooner than any bridezilla would recommend.
  • Since I have gazillions of the old ones, though, I'll have to find a use for them.
  • The film became a massive box-office hit and my song was on the soundtrack album, which sold zillions of copies.
  • In the last couple of weeks a feud has erupted in the upper echelons of gazillionaire art collectors. Jane Chafin: Is the Art World's One Percent Unraveling? A Fantastic Cabinet of Natural Curiosities
  • So I took my mother's spoons and headed out for the backyard where I proceeded to dig about a zillion holes in the ground searching for gold doubloons.
  • Many people know about my distaste for “creative” sushi – an overly muscular behemoth of rice bristling with decidedly non-Japanese sushi ingredients like steak, cream cheese, tomatoes, and jalapenos with names like Crunchy Cowboy, Godzilla, and Firecracker Fantasy that sound more appropriate for an aquarian battle of American Gladiators than a sushi menu. Asian Fusion is So Last Decade - Christina's Potato Salad
  • I think that even if I were a gazillionaire, I'd probably be looking for a full-time job right now. Delia Lloyd: When Freelancing Isn't Enough
  • Several of his former outsized foes, including the giant moth-like creature Mothra, make comeback appearances in "Final Wars," which Toho is touting as its last Godzilla tale -- at least for now.
  • Maybe I'll become a regular on the show and then I'll be a gazillionaire just like them!
  • An Opera spokesman tells us that unlike Mozilla, his company has not seen a significant download uptick from the French. Signs of the Times
  • Though it will forever be unknown exactly how the name came about and myths will circle it eternally, the Japanese words gorira (gorilla) and kujira (whale) were combined and the beast became known as Gojira, which in turn became, in the west, Godzilla. Godzilla King | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • And you're asked to drink cups and cups of it, and answer a zillion very specific questions about the taste.
  • Don't you just see a guzzillion calendars stacked up when you see the word plethora? Tagged, But Quick Save- What About Promotions?
  • And,and,and,and,all you can hope for,is some footage of a hapless berk of a shelf stacker,dumping a zillion bottles of zindfandel all over the floor of a convenience store. Why we should believe Nick Clegg when he promises to restore liberties stolen by Labour
  • Other than the Godzilla trailers, we get previews for various anime. Why do they think Godzilla fans automatically like anime?
  • A photograph of Beatle John — sideburned, mustachioed, and bespectacled — sitting cross-legged in our living room in the same spot where Zillah now stands. John Lennon Slept Here (Or Was It Ringo?)
  • Eriksson quits as a result and is later seen in Chelsea village dining with a Russian zillionaire.
  • To be able to go through the day without being called a gazillion names? RAINBOW road
  • His Civil War epic turned out to be composed of sets, costumes, coiffures, tinsel and hype - and the movie made zillions.
  • Of course you do, you and the bazillion of us who are Lianca fans.
  • Katy recently posted a photo of Russell in a wedding dress on Twitter and admitted her fiance is a bit of a Bridezilla and enjoys reading wedding magazines! Russell Brand Katy Perry Weeklong Wedding Extravaganza Oct. 2010
  • Ndungane's farewell had given Zille the right to "disinvite" Rasool. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It is led by former journalist Helen Zille, a former anti-apartheid activist who is white but speaks Xhosa fluently. Xhosa is the main ethnic language spoken in the Eastern and Western Cape.
  • I have suddenly heard a zillion horror stories involving underwire bras and patdowns.
  • Gazillions of crystal and metal studs of varying sizes adorn a band of leather.
  • But my insomnia is like unto the Godzilla of insomnia. Postcard from the Land of Sleep Regained (For Now)
  • From the right's point of view, you couldn't invent a better caricature of a New Age Hollywood zillionaire to be the public face of the anti-war movement.
  • Whoever makes that a reality would be an instant bazillionaire. Cry Baby, Redux | Her Bad Mother
  • But that wears off quickly, right around the time Orko ™ botches his bazillionth spell and makes a mess. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Whether or not this altruism is realistic, especially given the large amount of money that Google pays to Mozilla, I think the important message is that users become aware of what a browser is and learn that there are alternatives to Internet Explorer. Lifehacker Readers Ditching Internet Explorer For Google Chrome | Lifehacker Australia
  • Ziller looked over his furred shoulder, first at the logger families in the neoned distance and then at Marx Marvelous. Another Roadside Attraction
  • He says he'll let us know how many gazillions these items will cost us after the November elections.
  • Then they think you're a zillionaire or something.
  • Vous pouvez par exemple utiliser la palette de couleur de ColorZilla en la conservant active en arrière plan et copier coller la valeur hexadécimale de colorzilla vers le champ hex: de la fenêtre RGB. Planet
  • You'll make me go out into the big bad world and interact with a bazillion ugly people who hate me.
  • Perhaps their greatest moment on the title happened towards the end of the run, with the classic storyline that was so influential that it must have been homaged about three gazillion times since then - where Spider-Man is trapped under heavy rubble and is forced to fight against all odds to escape with the cure for Aunt May suffering one of her many illnesses. Top 100 Comic Book Runs #6 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Tell me again, how did Rupert Murdock become a bazillionaire? Rupert Murdoch vows to take all of Newscorp's websites out of Google, abolish fair use, tear heads off of adorable baby animals - Boing Boing
  • (cowboy) gear, huarache sandals and sarapes to cheap chinese imports, pirated dvds and sneakers, a full selection of warm climate birds, a bazillion food stands, jewelry and home decor chotchke stalls, all manner of fresh produce and home remedy medicines. Quality Peoples
  • This gives us a toy model of a deterministic Democritean universe, in which kazillions of bits get flipped in sequence, governed by a fixed physics.
  • One of nine children, Zilli maintains that his mother fed the family the healthiest of foods; no fast food snacks, no crisps or chocolate bars.
  • Another hard question Godzilla has fire breath and a huge tail but King Kong is huge and has enormous strength. Godzilla King | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • He was particularly keen on the Rieslings from Zilliken, a producer from the Saar Valley. Drink, Memory: How to Remember That Wine
  • Clearly they will be chromakeyed out of the scene and replaced with some part of Godzilla in the movie.
  • Designers put a zillion vertically striped things on their catwalks this season. Times, Sunday Times
  • Long before lapsing into Nazi metaphor, Brown scared off all the serious Democratic opposition and waltzed through his primary, setting up a November showdown with Whitman, the bazillionaire and former eBay chief executive. At 72, California gubernatorial candidate is the same old Jerry Brown
  • I know, of course, that there are kazillions of young (and married-young couples) who still adore each other so giddily they couldn't even un-hug long enough to write to me.
  • Mozilla has submitted its browser which isn't a browser for disapproval by the App Store team, though hopefully they won't -- disapprove, that is. Blogrunner
  • For the entire third of it that had anything to do with zill covers I found the post to be humourous, generally. Finger cymbals too loud? problem solved: crocheted zill covers « raincoaster
  • The dozy ponce wants women-only shortlists, doesn't have a word to say about immigration, has got more 'quiff' than Blair and not one solitary noteworthy policy but a gazzillion soundbites. Army Rumour Service
  • I think my face turned a bazillion different colors of red.
  • ‘One day down, only a bazillion more to go,’ Adrienne greeted me.
  • The first thing I would do is to make sure that at least one of the gazillion of phone numbers on our website would reach a real live person.
  • He and his brother, Barry, sold their high-profile, high-performing furniture stores to gazillionaire Warren Buffett a few years ago, but Buffett was smart enough to let the brothers keep doing their thing.
  • Later - much later - that night, I lay in bed with my mind racing and my heart beating at a bazillion miles a minute.
  • But the reader's experience likely would have been more full-bodied if instead of, "…seen from Central Park West in the mid-70s," the caption had read, "...seen from Bono's amazing $50 gazillion duplex penthouse where he spends all of one week a year. Secret Views on Display
  • Interesting experiments including a mathy piece to begin with, a slow drony ambient piece, and an instrumental confrontation of Godzilla versus Mothra - I took the role of Mothra, doing wingbeats and laser blasts. Post-Nevermore and badgerhaus recap
  • We are all surrounded by zillions of bacteria, fungi, worms, insects and predators out looking for an easy meal.
  • One company, earphone maker Skullcandy Inc., ended its first day flat; another, SunCoke Energy Inc., rose 6%, and a third, from real-estate website Zillow Inc., popped 79%. Retailer Francesca's Jumps in Debut
  • Despite Chimpzilla's recent string of victories over Intel, the steady stream of senior suits jumping ship must give cause for concern.
  • I'm guessing you're something of a zillionaire?
  • Bergerac has an under-appreciated white wine, Monbazillac, that is almost the equal of many Sauternes and much less expensive.
  • Senzillament cediré la seva gestió a un altre professional de plena confiança, que encara he de decidir. Javier Leiva, nou director de la Biblioteca de Catalunya | [bauen]
  • Now, here we've got a zillionaire with all the money in the world to buy whatever identity he wants to buy from anywhere at any price.
  • Perry on the internet as revenge after she dubbed him a "bridezilla" and showed off a picture of him wearing a wedding dress. - Celebrity Gossip + Lifestyle Magazine
  • No doubt, it is the bazillions of lights, taxicabs, shadow-casting skyscrapers, and bustling pace that incite my heart to pump a little faster.
  • There was a bunch of kids waiting and zillions of reporters.
  • So this is the zillionaire luxury yacht lifestyle.
  • As I recall, my early school years included a gazillion games of hangman.
  • Look, if every powerful, semi-obnoxious, egotistical kazillionaire gives much of his kazillions away to charity, the world will be a much better place.
  • Tempos run from a zillion beats per minute to a slow, torturous grind.
  • But that assumption is driving this bridezilla barmy. The Sun
  • On The Hotel, the British public aren't poked or mocked and all behave beautifully, give or take the odd het-up bridezilla, or tortured teen refusing to enjoy Torquay even ironically, or occasional meltdowns over double-booked rooms Mark and Alison don't hold with this fancy notion of computer bookings when a felt-tip and correction fluid will do. The Hotel: Grace Dent's TV OD
  • My tastes wandered in different directions, but Peel somehow kept up his enthusiasm for zillions of British rock bands until the end.
  • The Republicans, being the PERFECT GROUP that they are, find it reasonable, acceptable and perfectly fine, that they say NO to the President every day; that they find fault with every step he takes, every move he makes.., however, a person says what a zillion people probably think, apologizes profusely, and is sincere about it..they want to hang TODAY! Democrats dismiss Republican call for Reid to step down
  • Anomalous’ owner Erik Lanzillotta asked if I would make an installation of stringboards and I gladly agreed.
  • It came to me that their behavior was like that of hungry dogs, and in the fitness of things I should not have been astonished had Zilla suddenly developed a tail and thumped it on the floor in right doggish fashion. The White Man's Way
  • As long as you value who you are, you'll always be worth a zillion bucks.
  • If China continues to follow the Japanese template, the end of the dollar peg will be the trigger event, setting off a Godzilla-sized credit binge.
  • For a while, Crazy Eddie sponsored the movies and one year, the announcer did a commercial in mime, wearing a Godzilla mask and claws. The Giant Gila Monster
  • On the surface, this is basically a pricegrabber/shopzilla/nextag with the added "cashback" feature and nicely wrapped in Ajax. Jellyfish’s Liquid E-Commerce Market - Publishing 2.0
  • There are zillions of people - not zillions, millions and millions of people in this country who know exactly what's going on.
  • It must suck to get busted for doing something that zillions of people in this town do anyway.
  • I had announced on entering old Ebbits's cabin; and he had looked at me blear-eyed and vacuous, while Zilla had favored me with a sour face and a contemptuous grunt. THE WHITE MAN'S WAY
  • Ever had an idea for a recipe that, in your mind and on paper, looked brilliant - patent making, gazillions of books publishing perfect - but in practice all you manage to garner is a barely satisfactory "meh"? Archive 2009-06-01

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