How To Use Written material In A Sentence
We are used to refreshing our memories from written material, maps and gazetteers.
All written material copyright bellis 2001 html is 60 cove design 40 me: * I think some kind of soundproofing material would be more effective in creating privacy: P Refrigerator an antique beauty which sits unplugged in my kitchen looking pretty and quietly mocking me like some kind of untamed gigolo.
Boing Boing: September 1, 2002 - September 7, 2002 Archives
The official distributed written material about the election to every voter.
Series 9 contains drafts, notes, galley proofs and other written material relating to articles, books and reviews written by Goldberg.
Navy Captain John Murphy, the lead prosecutor, told the court it was standard practice for the guards to "peruse" written material after a detainee spoke with his attorneys "for force protection.
David Danzig: Khadr Case Goes Nowhere at Gitmo (Again)

She flipped through a few pages of hand written material; written in a script only the oldest dragons could understand.
We use today's machine-translation systems for document triage and for filtering written materials for further study by human translators.
This can be accomplished by employing consistent verbal descriptors in both oral speech and written materials.