How To Use Write in In A Sentence
Aren't you a spoiled child, without the childness and the spoiling, to go and write in that plaintive, solemn way about 'help of some connexions of Jane's in Glasgow,' as if you were a desolate orphan
Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
In fact, one of the things I ask the salespeople in my classes to do is to take out their business card, scratch out whatever title is on it, and write in CEO.
Please write in capitals / in capital letters.
Most of these diarists ceased to write in 1945, but a few kept going through the threadbare peace.
And a general weariness in having the same conversation about genre versus the mainstream that crops up whenever a young'un who hasn't bothered to read anything published on the internet over the last decade gets the bright idea to write in haphazard fashion about a topic that's like the same piece of gum masticated for a month.
[Guest Post] Part 1: A Manifesto of Imaginative Literature by Justin Allen
The superficial similarities are obvious: both have Welsh connections, but write in English; both are priests in the Anglican tradition; both served their pastorates in rural settings.
In the opening "distich" Mr. Dutt makes the claim to be the first Asiatic poet to write in English, and if that is true this insignificant work becomes the seed of which the full flower is the gifted Rabindra, son of
A Boswell of Baghdad With Diversions
A meeting was held at the school and parents were invited to write in with suggestions for alternative names.
Marita was being asked to write in a cognitive and social vacuum.
But I find it hard to make a judgment one way or the other, because the Pastoral Epistles are widely accepted as being pseudepigraphical, and yet I find it hard to imagine someone who idolizes Paul enough to write in his name penning 1 Timothy 1:15.
Review of Doubting Jesus' Resurrection
If I even vote on election day I will write in Hillary's name before I vote for this Chi-town slickster
O'Donnell: Clinton will exit race by June 15
Instead of writing in opposition to your nemesis, write in favor of your cause; instead of calling the boneheaded author's integrity into question, extol the virtues of those who oppose that person; instead of pointing out flaws in the author's logic, create a flawless argument of your own.
Edward Muzio: The Power of Shutting Up in the Internet Age
Excuse this maddish letter: I am too tired to write in formal --
The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 5 The Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb
He therefore has much less of the baggage that converts often bring, and he is able to write in a largely irenic and fraternal manner.
Residents in the surrounding areas have also been leafleted about what is proposed for the site and are being urged to write individual letters of objection to the council.
Moreover, they write in full by diaeresis words which are circumflexed, for [Greek omitted],
Essays and Miscellanies
The same courage that moved the great poet to write in his own vernacular tongue, instead of in Latin, emboldened the artists to look away from the received standards, and to follow nature.
Outline of Universal History
And he starts to write in his notes what Kirsten Powers, in the Daily Beast, remembered: he described himself as "definer of civilization ... leader possibly of the civilizing forces.
Gingrich Is Inspiring—and Disturbing
I sometimes try to write in between the pictures but my handwriting does not seem to suit the style.
The third year teachers are loaded down with thank you flowers and gifts from the students and write in the students year books.
English is the primary language of instruction in schools, and by the secondary level all students can read and write in basic English.
It's a slow-ish news day here at TEV, which is just as well because I'm now in something like the seventh week of promising my agent that I'll deliver my rewrite in "two or three weeks".
A few people worked out what was going on, but couldn't summon up the interest to write in.
I've kept everything: his letters, little notes and the messages he would write in his books.
Then she passes the diary on to her travelling companions, each of whom write in it too.
It was some days before I saw her: and this intervenient space giving me time to reperuse what I had written, I thought it proper to lay that aside, and to write in a style a little less fervent; for you would have blamed me, I knew, for the freedom of some of my expressions,
Clarissa Harlowe
Nor do we taint John Le Carre's understated brilliance with the unpalatable thought that Jeffrey Archer is forever trying helplessly to write in roughly the same genre.
Currently, a minimum of 38,000 pupils sit in classes without desks and write in their books supported by their knees.
S&w was actulay sued by Glock when they first came out for copywrite infringment.
I looked at a glock 27 today to use as a backup weapon for my job.
Not that I'm not pleased to have a straight day to write in, but I'll be even more pleased when promotion season is over and I can get back to making stuff up without interruption.
‘We write in a spiral notebook, and when we need to name a foal we refer to it for ideas,’ Charles said.
I was told that I write in short bursts and my writing is kinda abrupt.
It took a lot of courage to write in a police state that ‘the ruling bureaucracy is anti working class, an enemy’, and call for its revolutionary overthrow.
I have transfer students who consistently ignore fingerings I write in the score.
She cannot write in her ‘familiar’ style; her text becomes fragmented, disordered, dislocated.
Each pair contains a read and a write access bit that determines if the processor can read or write into virtual memory pages protected with the associated storage protection key.
Truly you have to read the books as it is impossible to write in a few words what it took me to write in three books about the coming 2012 cataclysm. 2012 is complex; only one-third of the worlds population will survive and it is the end of the world, the original creation in this universe…..have to read the books to understand.
Surviving 2012: Ian O'Neill on Discovery Channel Sunday Night | Universe Today
Solomon was celebrated for wisdom, but folly is write in legible characters upon his almost every action.
On the Equality of the Sexes
Stilwell was to write in his diary after seeing the document.
You write in the book's acknowledgements that ‘a brief sighting’ of Jules Beckman ‘triggered the whole idea’ for the novel.
Those who can write in with the correct guess win a book of stamps!
The authors write in a clear, straightforward style, but the strength of their books lies with pacey dialogue that echoes cadences with which children will be familiar from TV and film.
It is because I have seen him that I have to write in my journal.
But I should add that I’m a big believer in teaching children and anyone who’s just learning to write in English slavish adherence to grammatical rules.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Kids These Days
Marita was being asked to write in a cognitive and social vacuum.
You may still comment, but if you choose to do so please write in haiku.
Myself, I never ever abbreviate (i.e. write in textspeak), but cabinet ministers and heads of industry do.
Please write in ink, not in pencil.
To think in these terms - clearly derived from popular music practice - is to question an almost universal precept of music education systems, that students need to learn to read and write in music notation.
I have an idea for a short story that could develop...and I have an idea for a fascinating character based on a real person who I'd love to write into a book...a conflict-engineering virus of a person, a manipulator, insinuator, psychic bottom-feeder, a lonely monster whose elastic mind has stretched too far and is starting to unravel...
Nor has it become difficult only for me to explain the relevance of a kirpan or a kara, but also for those who sermonize in the gurudwaras or those who so zealously write in the religious magazines.
Now if we feel compelled to write in longhand we are embarrassed by the unpractised scrawl that we see appearing on the page in front of us.
Be ruthless with clutter, write in the active voice, place each idea into a sentence of its own, and lastly, get your punctuation right.
I can only invite readers to write in their queries and I will do my best to answer, possibly by photostats from some better informed writers.
It was some days before I saw her: and this intervenient space giving me time to reperuse what I had written, I thought it proper to lay that aside, and to write in a style a little less fervent; for you would have blamed me, I knew, for the freedom of some of my expressions,
Clarissa Harlowe
Those of us who write in these pages are aware that we scratch the surface of sport.
Times, Sunday Times
As a poet, I think I write intelligently, but I’m not an intellectual. Gulzar
It is a situation which has compelled me to write in to your publication to voice my opinion.
We tend to think which kids usually sense to review as good as write in propagandize yet giving any thought to how which happens, said Elizabeth Adams, join forces with vanguard of a College of Humanities as good as coordinator of a Literacy Scholars program.
Literacy News 217th Edition
Was he trying to write in her style or is it a holdover or are they just simplifying things for us?
I began to write intermittently and spasmodically
Visitors are invited to write in condolence books.
Times, Sunday Times
If you would like a copy of our fact sheet, please write in, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.
People are entitled to their opinion and write in to us on a regular basis.
You must write in a clear and lucid style.
The system also hamstrings younger untenured professors, making them fearful of taking intellectual risks and causing them to write in jargon aimed only at those in their narrow subdiscipline: Thus in economics, people have "utility functions" instead of needs and wants.
Tenure trouble?
You may write in biro or pencil.
I shall write in this diary every night, so that if something happens, there'll at least be some kind of record.
The villagers were so surprised that they could read and write in Bambara on the Web!
Global Voices in English » Translator of the week: Boukary Konaté in Mali
Mr. Green's pupils could generally write in his own language, more or less, and could "envisage" things, as we said then, from his point of view.
Adventures Among Books
It is the key to not having to write in lots of different possibilities and usually unlocks all but the most fiendish Su Doku puzzle.
Times, Sunday Times
I write in part to have people notice me and my thoughts, which I think are worth noticing.
A lady angler who can not only fish, but also write in that manner of the sport we all love so well, is very worthy of being placed in the front rank of the great army of piscators.
But then all those people out here know I don't talk what I write in their letters for them.
I shall write insistent letters to comedy networks telling them to put her on television.
Shaftesbury was impelled to write in his journal: -- "Professor Huxley has this definition of morality and religion: 'Teach a child what is wise: that is _morality_.
Thomas Henry Huxley A Character Sketch
Take phenomenological psychologists focusing on the subject and behaviourists focusing on objects: They typically do not just write in different journals, they also disagree with each other in discordant ways.
It was some days before I saw her: and this intervenient space giving me time to re-peruse what I had written, I thought it proper to lay that aside, and to write in a style a little less fervent; for you would have blamed me, I know, for the free-dom of some of my expressions.
Clarissa Harlowe
a mannerism which is well described as stagey, and is supposed to be natural to the stage; just as half the modern poets write in a recognized form of literary manufacture, without the least impulse from within, and not with the purpose of saying anything, but of turning out
Backlog Studies
How do delphi developer deploy solution write in delphi using interbase.
Cohen said he has seen anxiety increase among some clients who use Facebook because they focus too much on how many friends they have, or worry that others aren't posting enough items on their walls, or fret about what to write in their status updates, just as they agonize over what to say in person.
Can Facebook help overcome shyness?
Seeing as there's been a dry spell of planets named Fomalhaut from the current generation of writers (unless y'all wanna prove me wrong), I promise that the next SF story I write involving space travel will now contain a lava-red planet with breathable air called Fummelhot.
Here a Fomalhaut, there a Fomalhaut...
I suppose Mandeville would say that acting has got into a mannerism which is well described as stagey, and is supposed to be natural to the stage; just as half the modern poets write in a recognized form of literary manufacture, without the least impulse from within, and not with the purpose of saying anything, but of turning out a piece of literary work.
The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
The highly plotted aspect of this, and the short sections, often from different characters 'points of view, enabled me to write in bursts, often on the morning train I take from where I live in Connecticut to my office in
David Levien - An interview with author
_Edward_ the third, and _Richard_ the second for any that wrote in English meeter: because before their times by reason of the late Normane conquest, which had brought into this Realme much alteration both of our langage and lawes, and there withall a certain martiall barbarousnes, whereby the study of all good learning was so much decayd, as long time after no man or very few entended to write in any laudable science: so as beyond that time there is litle or nothing worth commendation to be founde written in this arte.
The Arte of English Poesie
In Japan, the country of my birth, I tried to write in a neutral style, without either elegance or inelegance.
I write in my bed, propped up with pillows, and get the main bulk of my writing done early in the day.
The Sun
Please write in pen on both sides of the paper.
You write in several different genres; you've written some science fiction and romance in addition to mystery.
I think you know the term grassroots lobbying, which means Washington-based lobbyists reaching back into the districts to get people to write in on behalf of the causes that they advocate.
The Lobbyists: How Influence Peddlers Get Their Way in Washington
In fact, the authors write in their preface, ‘Our objective was to write a book that you could pick up in the airport, read during a couple hours' flight, and deplane at a new mental as well as physical destination.’
We aren't allowed to write in ballpoint at school.
Does he write insults and incredibly rude BS then snivel like a girlscout with a bulletwound when we return his contempt?
Think Progress » O’Reilly: There’s ‘No Evidence’ Obama Is A Socialist But He Does Believe In ‘Tyranny And Socialism’
My sisters send their amities, and will write in a few days.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 38, December, 1860
Reich-Ranicki began his career as literary critic in West Germany, where his colleagues in the leading feuilleton sections tended to write in an academic, dry, moralising tone understandable only to their peers.
It is like demanding that students revert to quill pens and write in copperplate script.
It was a great opportunity to write in a chamber music setting, leaving space for the bandoneon to improvise.
Joseph Vella: Interview: Vince Mendoza (Jazz Composer Extraordinaire)
That's an important issue and one that strikes to the heart of why we train college students to think logically, research carefully and write incisively.
You are progressive, sir," he went on; "you write in iron-nutgall ink, just made, commercially, in this year of fifty-six by Mr. Stephens.
The Sleuth of St. James's Square
Its a sad sad day when this political correctness crap makes poeple worried about something they say or write in case it causes screaming abdabs, which it appears to have done in your case.
Go! Now! Start!
I like to write in a very subconscious way.
The Sun
People are entitled to their opinion and write in to us on a regular basis.
I write in my bed, propped up with pillows, and get the main bulk of my writing done early in the day.
The Sun
I want to see a Clinton write in or a third party. sv
Schneider: How did Clinton win big?
If you would like a copy of our fact sheet, please write in, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.
Such an author will at one moment write in a dithyrambic vein, as though he were tipsy; at another, nay, on the very next page, he will be pompous, severe, profoundly learned and prolix, stumbling on in the most cumbrous way and chopping up everything very small; like the late Christian Wolf, only in a modern dress.
The Art of Literature
You must write in a clear and lucid style.
I cant even write in my agenda the important upcoming dates in the school year because oh wait, I dont have a schedule.
Don't get your hopes up with any of them, even my candidate Hillary Clinton, whom I will write in in November, gets immeshed in drivel.
Bartlett rips McClellan, calls allegation 'total crap'
The Literary Association of North America (LANA) is an association of writers who write in Malayalam, the language of Kerala, the state with 100% literacy in India.
Literacy News – 100th Edition « News « Literacy News
While I love my fountain pen and ink (I actually went and bought more paper today to start morning journalling again) – I only ever write in my day to day diary in grey lead.
Ephemera « Write Anything
Users sign up, write in where they would like to then see if anyone else up for it.
The Sun
Of course, they could be prompted to write in response to emotions on a biochemical rather than conscious level.
Of course, the policemen are described, these servants of arbitrariness, these lifeguards of contemporaneousness, striding up to their knees in blood, or how else do they write in such cases?
Yama: the pit
She would later write in her autobiography that she "used to try more and more cunningly to hide my feelings."
As I write in 2004, the only other significant engineered U.S. crop is Hawaiian papaya, which is now resistant to a formerly devastating virus disease.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
According to a certain futurist, on-going technological developments (i.e. the Internet) will lead the U.S. society in a direction where being able to read and write in English well will become less important.
Will accepted forms of literacy (reading/writing) become less important than listening/oral speaking skills? « Literacy Skills « Literacy Help « Literacy News
Though a self-proclaimed Australian writer, Carey is a fabulist who does not write in any recognizable national tradition.
On the other hand, some articles remind me of the term papers I used to write in college: Lots of research, time spent at the library or on line double checking facts and quotes.
Teacher's Pet
I bought books by my instructors, books my instructors recommended, and the unlined, soft-cover moleskine notebooks that I love to write in.
It takes a village to make a writer
Most lose or never develop the ability to read and write in their native language.
Are you using "cut and paste" to try to give the impression you can read and write in Korean?
Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom, rather than a pop one.
I normally never write into magazines but Mr Stubbs has finally crossed the line.
Crank up the gain high enough, and you can make a tractor tap dance or a jet skywrite in cursive.
Rambles at » Blog Archive » Robot helicopter’s impossible tricks
You can buy an all-purpose greetings card, with blank space, for you to write in your own message.
McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom, rather than a pop one.
The coordinating committee at that time predicted that the next revision would be a rewrite in 1997-8, so a new version is overdue.
Permit me to say, that I know how to write in the approved newspaper style, and to add that my name insures a wide hearing.
The Eyes of the World
Write in to any radio stations you know of and demand that they play this record.
To write in a straight line is to say something clearly in the fewest possible words.
Some of them will even write indignant ‘I'll never buy your product again’ letters and then, on their way home from mailing the letter, stop off and pick up the product.
A voter then must fill in the oval next to the "write in" slot on paper ballots and use the stamper to cast their write-in vote.
Voters can stamp 'Fenty' on ballots
This capability means that programs are easier and faster to write in high-level languages and are easier to debug.
Matija Strlic and colleagues write in the ACS's Analytical Chemistry about "material degradomics," a techniques by which the odors emanating from old books are noninvasively analyzed to figure out which books are rotting and need preservation:
Boing Boing
I think I'll write in Pat Wilson.
After each new edition, hundreds write in with suggestions and the occasional correction.
I seem to be unable to write in prose at the minute; I think all that revision has screwed up my brain.
May 23rd, 2008 5: 17 pm ET it does'nt matter if the supers go against the people and nominate obama because the people will write in sen. clinton in nov. and she will beat both obama and McCain. so all you clinton supporters write her in.
Obama: Cuba policy to be based on 'libertad'
McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom, rather than a pop one.
The modified write inhibit threshold essentially facilitates an acceptable delay in activating a write inhibit signal.
By the mid 16th century school systems were starting to expand, and the term literate became more of a descriptor to dichotomize the population into those who could read and write in the local dialects.
The History Of Reading « Literacy Articles « Articles « Literacy News
In Van Renterghem's words, Makine ‘chose to write in French to escape the tutelary shadows of his fatherland’ and Hector Biancotti likewise notes Makine's ‘power of freedom.’
Others can then write in to redress any imbalance.
The Times Literary Supplement
In English or Chinese I like to write in longhand for this reason.
Since I write in all sorts of light, indoors and out, I find the greenish paper comfortable.
Others can then write in to redress any imbalance.
The Times Literary Supplement
Some simply take the themes in order to construct fantasy variations; others write in semibreves and minims to make the motifs for chorale preludes.
The bigger punch-line, however, is that the founders of the social media site that requires its users to write in abbreviated, acronymized snippets have launched their own wine label to raise money for — of all things — literacy.
Literacy News – 48th Edition « News « Literacy News
It is the key to not having to write in lots of different possibilities and usually unlocks all but the most fiendish Su Doku puzzle.
Times, Sunday Times
Please write in capitals / in capital letters.
Ummm .... maybe or just write in Elmer Fud or Bugs Bunny he's the man!!!! frank
Blitzer: Obama v. McCain a tight race
He belongs, like Borges and a handful of others, to that sacred sect of storytellers (one part sorcerer, one part shaman, one part shape-shifter, one part fabulist) that seem to write in the invisible ink of dream.
Italo calvino | if on a winter’s night a traveler « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
Indeed, as I write in the book on p. 40, he kept the top-secret decrypts in what he called ‘The Magic Book,’ tucked away in the tightly-guarded Map Room of the White House.
Occasionally he would do a rewrite in reported speech to present a smatter of variety.
A Small Death in the Great Glen
Kindergartners write in every genre imaginable.
Pelham made demands to use a kind of dissonant but yet confluent music that I wanted to write in my ear by itself but not lead me to it, so by employing those techniques, the problem got solved and I'm very proud of it.
If any readers know any other comparable solitaire programs or a good Backgammon program, another game that I get frequently requested, please write in.
I have a tendency to write in what might be called a wordy style, so forcing myself to actually watch the word counts forced me to really think about the words that were important and those that were extraneous.
Chapter Seven – Fall 2008 Conclusion « Write Anything
Shriver has her narrator write in an uncompromisingly opinionated style.
The authorities most often cited — Pliny especially — did not write in sufficient detail to replicate any technique with certainty, and so the eighteenth-century encaustic-painting revival supported several rival theories. reference Was wax supposed to be the vehicle for the color, or was a separate layer applied to the face or reverse of the work after completion to produce a nonreflective luster and make color more permanent?
The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
Write in columns the nominative singular, genitive plural, gender, and meaning of: - operibus, principe, imperatori, genere, apro, nivem, vires, frondi, muri.
They offer a glimpse of the kind of unsentimental prose that Alcott often said she longed to write in an "adult novel" but died before she had the chance.
Statesman - AP Sports
If you draw or write in pencil you can always rub out your mistakes with an eraser.
Would any local landowners like to write in and offer their land for this scheme?
My advice is to get the laws down correctly and then have someone who both understands the company and who does not write in legalese prepare the manual in the "right" voice.
Donna Flagg: The Ins and Outs of Writing Employee Handbooks
Parking attendants often continue issuing the ticket after the vehicle has left the scene and then untruthfully write in their logbook that the ticket was FTW (fixed to windscreen) or GTD (given to driver).
In English we all get a spiral notebook we're to write in.
Please write on both sides of the paper, and don't write in the margin.
Zero, LaTeX has the "babel" package for almost any language you might want to write in.
Things I want.
McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom, rather than a pop one.
You write in the book's acknowledgements that ‘a brief sighting’ of Jules Beckman ‘triggered the whole idea’ for the novel.
People often write in about the conventional terms for groups of animals and people, especially birds, such as parliament of rooks or murder of crows.
If my kids go to Russia, I will write in my will that they won't get a kopeck.
Acquitted American crabber in Russia still caught up in criminal justice system
If you can't vote Obama, write in pr leave it blank, but don't vote McCain.
McCain raises $21.5 million in May
If one talks to these kids coming from the illiterate villages in the mountains and south, it has been my experience that they are quite weary of official attempts to educate them in Tamazight; why not teach them to read and write in a language they can use first, rather than marring them down with a language that doesn't take them anywhere beyond where they're already at?
Global Voices in English » Morocco: Teaching “Berber” in Schools
We aren't allowed to write in ballpoint at school.
Provide some space for students to write in their hobbies.
Eventually, I rejected my advisor's advice to write in the passive voice; it surely sounded more scientific, but was far duller.
Dr Nelson announced the $6million pilot program in May, pledging that families with children who struggle to read and write in Year 3 would secure assistance.
Because you write in the book, about the time I moderated the South Carolina debate with your son, and how you could not watch.
That's how this family grows: we lure them in with pretty words, and then BAM - we correct their grammar, ask them not to type in the title box and mock them when they write in all-caps.
Pounding The Rock
More recently I've found myself in bed at night (always a good place to be at night, if you think about it) musing over what I'd write in my blog, if I were writing it, re the day that's just gone.
More than 4 million patients worldwide have received aprotinin, sold as Trasylol, since 1985, the scientists write in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Costly bypass medication may raise death risk later
I would not want anyone to read my innermost thoughts, which is how I like to think of what I write in my journal.
You must write in a clear and lucid style.
After all, people who write in these languages on a computer want to use the correct accent marks.
Starting with the simply weird, consider the notion that: "The system also hamstrings younger untenured professors, making them fearful of taking intellectual risks and causing them to write in jargon aimed only at those in their narrow subdiscipline: Thus in economics, people have" utility functions "instead of needs and wants.
Tenure trouble?
Please write in pen on both sides of the paper.
The trick is to cross two separate lasers, and where they intersect to write in three dimensions across a 1.3 millimeter gap filled with a two chemistry photopolymer, between the substrates.
Readers are invited to write in with their comments.
To write intelligently and sensitively students need to understand the culture and how what they create might be received.
I used to write in leatherbound journals with elegant heavy pens, but the fetish for elegance has fallen by the wayside in my rush to commit everything to paper.
I write in spiral notebooks, the plain, drugstore kind.
Linguistic style: Someone may write in an ornate style, speak in a laconic style, and have an aggressive style when arguing.
Could you write instructions for a microwave oven?
Although the poll contained no follow-up question to clarify who voters planned to write in, the poll is a good sign for Lisa Murkowski's reelection bid.
In fact, one of the things I ask the salespeople in my classes to do is to take out their business card, scratch out whatever title is on it, and write in CEO.
They eschew narrative, write in turgid, jargon-ridden prose and concentrate on micro-topics instead of the big picture.
Every year people are asked to write in and beg for money.