How To Use Wright In A Sentence
Finally, I think that Wright, who has written a good deal about evolution, is missing a basic evolutionary analogy.
Zunun Kadir, the famous writer, playwright and fabulist, was the founder and the pioneer of the contemporary Uighur literature.
Oklahoma had an extra blocker ‘chip’ Wright and then move on to another defender more often than they double-teamed him outright.
VSA, the organization on arts and disability, will continue its playwrighting program and its annual young soloists program.
Kennedy Center offers Cate Blanchett, hip-hop, 'The Addams Family'
An inquest heard that the fire started after friends of Mr Wright lit candles in his flat while he had gone out drinking with a friend.

He was called to the Irish bar in 1951 and has earned a reputation as an esteemed playwright, poet and biographer.
The lawyer-turned-playwright's "true story" of her friendship with a convicted "homegrown" terrorist does suffer from an unfortunate Pollyannaism, however.
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It was a productive time for both film-makers and playwrights, with houses full and involvement high.
HISTORY buffs still wax poetic about the brutal patent battles a century ago between the Wright brothers and Glenn Curtiss, another aviation pioneer.
Obama is too intwined with Wright regardless of his denouncing of Wright's hateful rhetoric.
Jeremiah Wright Steps Down From Obama Campaign
When he got to the third computer, Mrs Boatwright and I exchanged an anxious little glance.
In October 1926, National Air Transport sent out a request for bids for a transport aircraft that could carry passengers or mail and be powered by a Wright Whirlwind radial.
I intend to live forever. So far, so good. Steven Wright
The playwright allows a predetermined narrative structure to quash the complexities that make Yamashita's case worthy of dramatization.
The even skin of the carvel hull enabled shipwrights to cut gunports close to the waterline.
At the very least, he's a far richer playwright than the dour tag would imply.
Wright demoed the tool at last August's DefCon but held off its release until Cisco was able to make a fix available.
By mid-century, the Marxist sociologist C. Wright Mills could write persuasively…of American office and store workers as a new proletariat, no less regimented, poorly paid, and declassed than manual workers of the previous century.
However, mention pots, oatcakes and Wright's Pies and they gab away at you for hours!
A celebrated playwright of South Africa, Athol Fugard began his career in a courtroom.
In 1926, he designed a three-seat Wright-powered commercial monoplane for Tony Yackey.
At the same time, Gaon, the Israeli playwright, attempted to use his version as a way of providing the audience with a more balanced view -- the duel of the Palestinian and Israeli narratives, if you will, which goes back to 1948 and Israel's War of Independence and the Palestinians' Nakba Disaster That may explain why Gaon has been criticized by both Palestinians and Israelis.
Leon T. Hadar: Return to Haifa: Whose Narrative Is It Anyway?
They lacked the long sleek lines of the local boats that went from tree to sea with such grace, under the shipwright's spell, turning the waves aside like coulters and combines, ploughing and harvesting.
When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane. Steven Wright
PARIS — Opening last week, "Un Tramway Nomm é D é sir," a French version of Tennessee Williams's Pulitzer Prize-winning "A Streetcar Named Desire," became the first work by an American playwright — or any non-European author — to enter the repertory of the Com é die Fran ç aise, the classic theater company founded by Louis XIV in 1680.
French 'Streetcar' Takes a Detour Via Japan
Dustin Aksland for The Wall Street Journal On the second floor, a nook off the media room has a round Biedermeyer table with Frank Lloyd Wright barrel chairs and is topped by a spinning bookstand just like Jefferson, who liked to read several books at a time.
Inspired by Monticello
Wainwright’s concert at Carnegie Hall on Wednesday (and also last night) was not merely a show, but a cultural event that drew a sold-out crowd dotted with celebrities and an audience that held Wainwright in rapturous esteem.
Katie Holmes “So You Think You Can Dance” VIDEO (Judy Garland “Get Happy” Tribute)
Of course clinton supporters are going to argue wright is an issue.
Exit polls: Nearly half in both states say Wright an issue
Obama's dignified elevation of our national discourse through honesty, depth, and nuance was greeted by ratings-esurient tabloid news, race-baiting commentary, and rancorous replay of Wright -- ad nauseam.
Shaun Jacob Halper: Beyond Jeremiah: A New Kind of Media for Obama's New Kind of Politics
But he is a playwright by trade, and a smart witty guy, so it could all be some kind of situationist prank.
My Roommate, the Streaker
Anyone had experience buying walnut gunstock blanks or lumber (any species) from Goby Walnut or Wrights Gunstocks in the Portland, Oregon Area?
Anyone had experience buying walnut gunstock blanks or lumber (any species) from Goby Walnut or Wrights Gunstocks in the Portlan
Tom Goldstein, dean of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, where impressionable novitiates are prepared for the high calling of the Fourth Estate, avowed that Wright was just ‘a corporate citizen’ doing his job.
The story begins with the Wright brothers, ‘inventors’ of flight, who successfully threw a series of intricately connected two-by-fours off a ledge high enough so that they did not land for a full 12 seconds.
We found similarities between visual art and playwrighting; choosing the story to be told, the collage of characters to tell them and what's better left unsaid.
Tracy Shaffer: Riva Sweetrocket Rocks the Botanic Gardens
When a white van with two more whiskered men pulled up to the huddle, Sergeant Tommy Wright stepped out of his gold Ford Explorer.
Her _brother_!" said Benjamin Wright; "Sam, my boy, he isn't her brother.
The Awakening of Helena Richie
If the production is attached to a box-office name: major playwright or composer or director or actor, any or all of these folks might have what is called "contractual approval.
The New York Public Library: Artists as Critics
After the wreath laying ceremony at the cenotaph and the service at Holy Trinity Church conducted by Rev Botwright, the parade will march past the civic dignitaries and finally be dismissed in Newmarket Street.
The film was made under the auspices of the British Film Institute's Production Board, on which I served in the 1960s and 70s alongside, among others, Karel Reisz, Carl Foreman and the eminent documentarist Basil Wright.
Britain's best film directors show some early promise
British playwright Noel Coward was natty and flamboyant, a born performer.
On December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the Wright Brothers' Wright Flyer became the first powered, heavier-than-air machine to achieve controlled, sustained flight with a pilot aboard.
In fact your book cites a lot of poetry including that of Judith Wright who acknowledges that there's an unbridgeable gap between herself and her close friend, Oodgeroo Noonuccal.
Even if these people are the fictional creations of a playwright, you feel that you know them at the end of a good play.
McCain deserved to lose because he held his tongue on Obama's associations with Rev. Wright, ACORN, Bill Ayres,
Palin: 'I will forever question' Rev. Wright strategy
He was known as a zealous puritan, and had given his sister in marriage to the celebrated Edmund Cartwright the leader of the sect.
Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth
It may be true that, according to Freddoso, Obama dismissed the slogan “Yes we can” as “vapid and mindless” when it was first proposed to him, in 2004, but he liked it well enough in 2008, and then came the null emptiness of the phrase — the audacity of hope — that he annexed from a windy sermon by Jeremiah Wright.
Cool Cat
They include fitters, shipwrights and electricians.
Ever since, we have circled each other amiably, two playwrights on similar trajectories.
Once, this was a stout ship, with oak futtocks and floor timbers, fastened with iron nails, built with saw and adz and the calloused hands of shipwrights now long dead.
Md. center studies ship's remains found at World Trade Center site
When she gets back, Pa and the head of the family living on the other side of their boxcar, Mr. Wainwright, are discussing his daughter's relationship with Al.
Ships of the Age of Discovery were built from the mind of a shipwright, instead of blueprints.
In today's review section Anthony Edwards, playwright, poet, novelist and general wordsmith, talks about his glittering career.
Both suggestions were similar in tenor, namely, to give Mr. Bertram Arkwright an insight into the rawness and redness of life in the Solomons.
By contrast, a Scottish artiste might play to sodden Glasgow shipwrights, a restrained middle class audience and a temperance rally in the same week.
He is not the first director to realise that the playwright's famous study of marital hatred is really a black comedy.
Green hills and gregarious people await you in this fabled land of poets and playwrights.
Wright sees flexibility as a polytechnic's greatest asset.
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak. Steven Wright
Colonel Boone had but to hear him out and bare his shoulders for such other blows which Judge Wright sought to pelter him, and we will hear with what blow he was driven from his post as Indian Agent.
The Second William Penn A true account of incidents that happened along the old Santa Fe Trail
Yet One Touch of Venus shows that the experiences of working with radical dramatists, including socialist playwright Bertolt Brecht in The Threepenny Opera, clearly left their mark on him.
Johnson:Yeah, well, think of anybody else. Frank Lloyd Wright was too cantankerous to love. Mies van der rohe.
Clinker shipbuilding was a genuine craft, in which the shipwright remained close to his materials.
So that essentially means a millwright or any other trade, in order to finish a job, could do the work of an electrician, or tinner or hvac?
The Truth Revealed!
It's a bastard of a fine line to walk with Wainwright being more self aware than your average flamboyant drama queen opera fan.
All in all, it is reminder that even with a natural talent, playwrights do not necessarily spring fully formed.
But George and Arsenal can impress upon Wright the harm he is doing his own career.
The playwright contrasts the suffocation of village society with the vastness of the sea that both creates and destroys.
Andre, a retired millwright, said they'll bank the latest winnings until they decide what to do with the cash.
Erickson studied under Frank Lloyd Wright, and while his education projects tend to err towards megastructures, his houses are exaggerated takes on Wright's Prairie Style aesthetic.
Sometime before the Wright brothers' momentous flights of December 17, 1903, Quick began construction of a heavier-than-air flying machine of unknown configuration.
He was eventually much happier at the Architectural Association where, uncharacteristically for the time, Frank Lloyd Wright was his preferred modern architect.
I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder. Steven Wright
McCain categorically denounced the mention of Rev. Wright in GOP ads back in April.
Notice How the GOP Gets Denounced For Racism Even When They Absolutely Won’t Mention Anything Touching Race?
The even skin of the carvel hull enabled shipwrights to cut gunports close to the waterline.
Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time. Steven Wright
Frank Lloyd Wright liked to cantilever his buildings
Pericles is without doubt a very silly play, probably Shakespeare's silliest (and the silly bits are shared evenly between the bits he wrote and the bits by brothel-keeper and part-time playwright George Wilkins).
Susan Boyle
The playwright, who at 48 is 15 years Lane's senior, has an avuncular attitude towards the actor, who in turn looks at him with obvious respect.
This was an immediate reaction to a widespread strike by millwrights, but passed against the background of fear of radicalism as embodied in the French Revolution.
Rocket man Steve Bennett has started the countdown to his first manned mission - to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Wright brothers' maiden flight.
Superdelegates as well as all voters should learn what Cornell Fowler, former reporter for the Des Moines Tribune, wrote in today's Des Moines Register: Fowler, whose father and grandfather were both pastors from the south side of Chicago, says that to understand the ruckus over Wright, you must understand the south side of Chicago, where Obama attends church.
Blitzer: Should Clinton's swing state edge be a factor?
Wright was, in a sense, adding apocryphal books to his own hermetic scripture with each poem.
They shook hands on it, and the cartwright departed with his promised fifty pieces of silver.
The Robin And The Kestrel
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - It would be hard to imagine a player and moniker meshing more seamlessly than Chris Wright and the Dayton Flyers.
The cartwright was a squat man, made even broader by eight decades of hard physical labour.
The Dreaming Void
Mr. Wright concluded that there was nothing urgent requiring immediate attention.
John McCain embarked on a health care tour Monday, but veered off course seizing on the latest remarks by Rev. Wright.
CNN=Politics Daily
Drosophila mutants, including bicaudal, in a review by Ted Wright (1971).
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard - Autobiography
Sandra Bullock is Sidda, a famous playwright who mines her ‘terrible’ childhood for profundities.
He has had a distinguished career in dramatics, having been the first post-war President of the Oxford University Dramatic Society, and Governor of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, and subsequently he achieved fame as Author, Playwright and Actor-Manager.
The British Council
And as for the leftish flavor of Wright's messages, God knows the rightish ministers feel free to preach about social and political issues, so I suppose turnabout is fair play.
zone_info": "huffpost. politics/blog; politics = 1; nickname = marian-wright-edelman; entry_id = 173018; cradle-to-prison-pipeline = 1; criminal-justice = 1; glenn-loury = 1",
Marian Wright Edelman: A Look at Race, Incarceration, and American Values
The sliest of them may be a series of line drawings spoofing the long-standing rivalry between the playwright Frank Chin and the novelist Maxine Hong Kingston.
Karen Tei Yamashita's "I Hotel" is a finalist for the National Book Award
David Mamet has long been considered the leading American playwright of his generation.
In 1770, Arkwright used millwrights and clockmakers to install his mainly wooden machinery at Cromford.
The Cardinals will monitor Wainwright, who led the NL in innings last season with 233, 101 more than 2008.
Org. report: Cardinals ready to mentor a pair of masters
Now, Wright and Reynolds start another title pursuit in the spotlight.
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Ludwig's show-biz success has always prompted people to ask why he hasn't moved to New York, but the more interesting question may be why someone who saw himself as a playwright from the age of 6 never saw himself living the fantasy Manhattan penthouse life.
Ken Ludwig returns to Signature Theatre with golf farce 'A Fox in the Fairway'
May 25th, 2008 2: 59 pm ET rev wright is going to be vice president
Carter: After June 3, it will be time for Clinton to 'give it up'
F Brandan Wright (dislocated left shoulder) and G Marco Belinelli (sprained right ankle) remain sidelined for Golden State. ...
She left Wright in the room, his head in his hands, crying.
Whether it was analyzing Lee Trevino or counseling Mickey Wright, Penick stressed remaining true to your natural swing tendencies while observing a few basic guidelines.
Wright begins with the note commonly sounded by rhetoricians: the orator must first feel the passion he wishes to ‘imprint’ in his audience.
Before Wright arrived, the forward line worked around Alan Smith, an unflashy 20-a-season man, a player as traditional as jellied eels.
This second post also carried with it a position of assistant mistress and Cartwright soon found that she was being diverted from teaching by the administration.
Appearing before the commitee were the US Sec of Defense Robert Gates and the Joint Chiefs of Staff chair Gen James E. Cartwright.
Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude
The "Wright petitioners" have asked the FCC to regulate interstate telephone calls initiated by prisoners.
Outrageous rates charged for prison phone calls breaks family ties
The Wright brothers' interest in aeronautics paralleled the growth of experimentation in the field.
LOA encompasses African-American literature from slave narratives to the essays of intellectuals like Frederick Douglass and W.E.B. DuBois and the fiction of Richard Wright.
Eighteenth century playwrights and novelists often made their hero a criminal, a highwayman or confidence trickster.
(Soundbite of song, "Rowena") Mr. �WAINWRIGHT: (Singing) Rowena, my darling, please don't let me down.
Loudon Wainwright's 'Charlie Poole Project'
As the buckboard bounced on its way to the Ponderosa, Hoss and Joe rode close to the buckboard so all four of the Cartwrights could talk.
The Cartwright's Chinese cook had been with the family for more years than anyone cared to count, but he was not above putting on his coat and hat, and heading for the door with his carpet bag in his hand whenever he felt himself slighted.
He was a millwright for the Simpson Lumber Company in McCleary, and always on call if any of the machines there broke down.
In the Still of the Night
Seawright was first suspended and, when he failed to withdraw his remarks and apologize, was expelled from the Party.
An Elizabethan playwright - Shakespeare himself - is stymied by writer's block until he discovers his muse.
A major problem with Wright is that, if he does hold to Christ's vicarious atonement, he believes Christ died for and will save all men.
Whether it was analyzing Lee Trevino or counseling Mickey Wright, Penick stressed remaining true to your natural swing tendencies while observing a few basic guidelines.
Rob '. - wyard Wright of sajd Boston marriner, A parcell of Edw: cartwright grouud in the sajd Boston wit' 'a dwelling house thereupon by the sajd Wyard newly erected, the sajd Ground bounded wit' 'the Land of Thomas Shetieild Eastward, wit* "the Land of Samuell Mayo South - ward, wit' '
Suffolk deeds
There can be few among today's absintheurs whose skills are on a par with this dwarfish playwright, author of Ubu Roi and creator of the monstrous stage figure Pere Ubu.
Capt C. killed 2 bucks and 2 buffaloe, I also killed one buffaloe which proved to be the best meat, it was in tolerable order; we saved the best of the meat, and from the cow I killed we saved the necessary materials for making what our wrighthand cook Charbono calls the boudin (poudingue) blanc, and immediately set him about preparing them for supper; this white pudding we all esteem one of the greatest del [ic] acies of the forrest, it may not be amiss therefore to give it a place.
Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806
This Irish-born actor, director, and playwright is best known for his adaptations of Shakespearian plays.
Five People Born on December 10 | myFiveBest
By joining Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, and Richard Wright in the act of literary testimony, Malcolm became part of the most essential genre of African-American literature.
Did Wright have a "Mission Accomplished" banner hung from an aircraft carrier after he took a million dollar ride in a fighter plane just for pomp? fraulein
Obama reminds voters of McCain's '100 years' comment
Now, if I don't agree with my church I find a different church, but Rev Wright is Sen Obama's mentor, (you hear the oratory influence in sen Obama's speaches,) and a cared for "old Uncle.
Two more Edwards delegates switch to Obama
Wright's views are heterodox, to say the least, and as we shall see, are sometimes not even internally consistent.
I had just come up to the house from Snow Goose, expecting that you had come back with him, when I saw Cartwright's car pull in.
He wrote sketches of the fashionable crowds on ‘the Block’ and the sharebrokers under ‘the Verandah’ as well as the cabmen in Bourke Street and the larrikins outside Wright's Gin Palace.
In this extraordinary passage, Wright anatomizes the lynch mentality: collective hysteria as a matter of symbolic racial representation.
Wright turned his ankle in the first minutes of the game.
Yan Su, China's civilian Major General, the famous playwright, lyricist.
Then some jumped-up English playwright wrote about this whole fracas.
Paul Wright was unfortunate that his downward header was saved brilliantly by McCulloch.
Wright, the youngest pitcher to start in the Series since Bret Saberhagen in 1985, improved to 3-0 in the postseason.
The current trend is not simply to revive an old translation of a classic but to have an established playwright revisit it.
Times, Sunday Times
He telephoned Lucille Wright, the cateress, and asked her to prepare a buffet of low-country food.
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
In Wright's defense, I might point out that Wright wanted to counter some of the ideas of Negritude current at the time.
The group went into receivership on 27 August and Mr Wright was made redundant on that date.
The playwrights' experimental use of English (including the absence of capital letters, apostrophes, punctuation, etc.) is one way in which they resist oppression.
April 28th, 2008 4: 15 pm ET jerimiah wright is causing racial divide across the nation i am a black man and i have to say mr wright is a racist
McCain: Obama and Wright do not share views
Compared to these old troopers Nancy Cartwright, the voice of Bart Simpson, is a relative newcomer.
The Middle English word (in the sense of "builder") was wright (from the Old English wryhta), which could be used in compound forms such as wheelwright or boatwright. [
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Recently the orthomolecular pioneer Jonathan Wright, MD, made a compelling case for lithium being a safe and well-tolerated neuroprotectant at low doses.
I reported and proceeded to be screamed at for putting a female on duty at boatwright, how I should have ensured her safety by putting her on a shift with other soldiers and so on and forth.
Army Rumour Service
a playwright specializing in tragicomic drama
Wright said he doesn't buy that - pointing to the Massey Tunnel where northbound and southbound traffic is controlled by counterflow signals with few accidents.
The lads are now calling Shaun Wright-Phillips a prolific scorer and at least it showed me that we are not one-dimensional.
The United defence thronged into the middle for some reason, allowed Wright to send a ball back to Mitchell who was by this time trotting, unaccompanied, into the box.
The Republicans will paint him as a daishiki wearing black nationalist who goes to an out of the mainstream curch who only distanced himself not because he disagreed with them (since he initially defended Reverend Wright) but because he wants to get elected.
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Born in London the posthumous son of a clergyman and trained by his stepfather as a bricklayer, Jonson became a mercenary, then an actor and leading playwright.
Wright and the volunteers will remove the outboard wings, the rudders, inlet spikes, nose, and various other parts.
A United Steelworkers of America activist, the soon-to-be-unemployed millwright entered a nonpartisan race for a seat on the St. Louis County Commission and topped a field of twelve candidates in February voting.
You have to go wholeheartedly into anything in order to achieve anything worth having. Frank Lloyd Wright
The boatman steers the boat out into the current where Paul and his fellow co-celebrity, Scotland rugby star Rob Wainwright, make the first casts of the season.
There was slave labor available, but shipwrights, machinists, sailmakers, and all the skilled trades required in shipbuilding were in critically short supply.
Wright imagined five stepped ceiling planes up and out from the stage, reflecting sound back down toward the rear of the house.
The artists presenting work ranged from traditional monologuists and playwrights to dancers and emcees making their first forays into theater.
Playwright and actor Joe Ascher believes he is the greatest artist of all time and expects his family to adulate him.
The Embers-Hyatt Bass « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
Other instruments developed from this time also included the Wright respirometer, still in use in anaesthetics.
The boatman steers the boat out into the current where Paul and his fellow co-celebrity, Scotland rugby star Rob Wainwright, make the first casts of the season.
Joe Cornish is a friend of Edgar Wright, so this could be extremely interesting.
Attack the Block Roundup, Including Detailed Synopsis and Sales Art | /Film
Even in comedic and satiric forms that suspended the stability of this dominant gender ideology, it remained particularly complicated for Romantic women playwrights to portray a body scientifically sexed as female and discursively gendered as feminine that might challenge prevailing medical accounts that devalued the female body as an aberration deviating from the male anatomical “norm.”
Feminist Utopianism and Female Sexuality in Joanna Baillies Comedies
We seem to have a genetic capacity for self-delusion, Wright says.
Cartwright admits that some host cities, most notably Durban and Cape Town, have tried to initiate projects, but says in general it has been left too late.
Wainwright isn't just a sweet songbird; she's the black dove with the weather-beaten coo and has the ability to howl like a seasoned blues singer.
Screams of delight from the young things in the doorways prevented the proper answer and Lute, from under the piano, cried out to young Wainwright, who had appeared:
Cartwright spends a not inconsiderable amount of time contemplating the unusual nature of her fame.
The most lasting version has been the one attributed to Petipa, with subsequent revisions by Cecchetti, and it is this that forms the basis of Peter Wright's lovely 1995 production for BRB.
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French german guest guestreader horror indian irish italian jewish joyce krampf latin american new york new zealander pataphysics peruvian playwright poet polish russian satire scandinavian scifi south american southern soviet spanish spooky student swedish women wonderful youth
The Burning City | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
William Davenant was a godson of Shakespeare, and he and several of his fellow wits were "Sons of Ben"—drinking associates of Ben Jonson, Shakespeare's friend and fellow playwright.
Pens at the Ready
In the reign of Henry VIII. the shipwrights of this country began to build ships which combined something of the strength, and capacity of the dromond, with the length and fineness of the galley.
On the Spanish Main Or, Some English forays on the Isthmus of Darien.
The billy flood rose or an elk charged him or the sultrup worldwright from the excelsissimost empyrean (bolt, in sum) earthspake or the Dannamen gallous banged pan the bliddy du-ran.
Finnegans Wake
At the same time there were harness makers, tailors, dressmakers, builders, blacksmiths, wheelwrights, watchmakers, saddlers, masons and carpenters.
They had been arrested together for singing calypsos on Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain and though their careers had taken decidedly different paths, there was an intimacy to their relationship that was truly profound.
Wright caught the eye of filmmaker Spike Lee, who featured him in a jeans commercial.
A photocopy of the document, shown to AP, bore the name Jose Luis Jorge dos Santos, an alias that US officials said Wright used.
The Guardian World News
In fact, he had been, until ten years previously, a shipwright on the Pacific coast.
Miss Cartwright put in very firmly that she was not at all lated.
At the head of the Wright Valley the pyramidal shape of Mt. Fleming loomed above the Dry Valleys.
Wright looks back to sixteenth-and seventeenth-century England to explain the social origins of Australia's distinctive pub culture.
With that he called for Sylvanius, who was throwing dice with the shipwrights by the boat yard.
The idea of repeating variations on a single geometric form in a building at all scales from the overall site plan to interior ornamental detail was central to Wright's concept of an organic architecture.
Long and bitter patent actions brought against him by the Wright brothers have only provided tinder for this blaze of confusion.
Obama's only credential is that he learned how to preach from a pulpit from his mentor guru Rev. Wright and people like you bought it.
Obama plays Taboo on long flight
BROWN: So Barack Obama is again hoping to get what he calls the distraction of Jeremiah Wright behind him.
CNN Transcript Apr 29, 2008
Designer: Joseph Wright (thick planchet, 1793-1795, prepared by Robert Scot; thin planchet, 1795-1796, prepared by John Smith Gardner)
Liberty Cap Cent, 1793-1796 : Coin Guide
Cllr Wright said he was not an informer, but where drugs were concerned, he would have no problem informing on those pushing, selling and taking drugs.
But if the Wright controversy comes to define his candidacy, if voters split along racial lines, if the media proves unable to cover the speech with as much sophistication and depth as Obama displayed in delivering it – then it will be the senator from Illinois who has misapprehended the possible.
Obama's Speech Also An Indictment Of Our Political Discourse
A carpenter in Freeport meant, or course, he was also a shipwright.
Dream Lab allows young writers to work with professional playwrights.
Mrs Cartwright said she would be only too delighted to present the prizes.
Wright knocked the free kick head high across goal and Wilkinson escaped his marker to nod home at the far post.
Wright slipped but managed to keep hold of the ball.
Restoration comedy The Recruiting Officer by Irish playwright George Farquhar was the first play ever to be staged in Australia, by convicts of the First Fleet in 1789.
This week's new theatre & dance
Dalton Ross -- EW editor, writer, jokesmith, caterer, and wheelwright -- is taking a well-deserved breather after multitasking himself into near-exhaustion.
Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
Henry Wright, the former partner of Clarence Stein and the codesigner of Radburn, helped draft the proposal: “The need, the urgent need, now exists for a designer with a broad vision, with understanding of the life of the city and these times, and above all with unusual skill in composing buildings in relation to each other and to their natural setting and to the activities of the city.”
Makeshift Metropolis
Yes, I know their defense looked good most of the season and Simon was good addition, I just feel they still need more beef up the middle and Wright is, I think, an active playmaker who can stuff the run.
Along with blacksmiths, farriers and wheelwrights, they watched as the land was blitzed.
Playwrights, directors, songwriters migrated from New York to California, confecting a word-and-picture medium quite similar to the one they had left behind.
Terms Gordon Wright Publishing of Edinburgh has increased its minimum order on credit invoice to 25 retail value.