How To Use Worn out In A Sentence
Fact is, his grogginess is of a piece with his intensely absurd comedy, the enervated mutterings of one worn out by too much hard thinking.
He wore a pair of worn out old sneakers that matched his worn out old jean trousers.
Have a list of what you know works for you and find replacements if they have worn out.
Times, Sunday Times
He was a legend in his hometown for having worn out many pairs of straw sandals, as he walked hundreds of miles to the port of Yokohama, to book passage on a boat to North America.
You're worn out, Laura," he said. "Go home and get some rest.".

By late afternoon Glover was feeling glad not to be worn out for the mild diversion of Halloween.
Worn out or dirty spark plugs are a common cause of misfiring in petrol engines, and cleaning or replacing them can make your car go better.
Times, Sunday Times
Since many drivers and stablemen were uninformed, and even human labourers were overworked and dismissed once they were ‘worn out’, it is not surprising that maltreatment of horses was common.
The choice of phrases in Ballads and Songs, and perhaps more in serious pieces, is of much importance; a common use of old worn out words I do not like, such as erst, whilom, and a thousand more; and yet to take up and use
Letter 94
After a hot, unlively march of four hours (= eleven miles), on mules worn out by want of water, we dismounted at a queer isolated lump on the left of the track.
The Land of Midian
When I discard clothing nowadays it's because it is worn out, yet I am loathe to throw anything away.
Children in Need has become a supporter and is giving them a kick-start in replacing worn out equipment with a grant of £2,661.
You can never go wrong with a simple, plain, crewneck T-shirt as long as it's not too worn out and it fits properly (loose gives the impression you're trying to hide something; tight makes you look like Simon Cowell — and that's not good.)
The Answer: Growing old gracefully
He argued that one horse could pull more with a two-wheel, rather than four-wheel, vehicle, since there was less friction with the pavement and the wheel was larger, but carthorses were more easily fatigued and worn out.
He looked tired and worn out, with pale skin and purple bags under his eyes.
Plastic everything was cast away everywhere, along with old one-of-a-kind sneakers, worn out towels and pieces of clothing.
'Fore I thought, says I, ''Tis all worn out, Betsey,' says I; 'why on airth don't ye git somebody to git some o' your own wood an 'season it well so' twon't warp, same's mine done, an 'build ye a new one?'
In Dark New England Days
I think I am both physically and emotionally worn out from this (I managed to not break down in tears until after the test was over, but when I was still so woozy from the valium I couldn't get up.)
Breakfast in Bed
The character traits, situations, and dialogue feel formulaic and worn out from overuse.
Worn out after a day of breakout sessions and adventure excursions, which include mountain biking, horseback riding, and sea kayaking, conferees can retire to the spa to partake of a varied menu of massage therapies.
Not to be outdone, his neighbors could be grouty and grump, glunch, grunch until they were worn out with gruntling.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 1
The forefeet of scarabs are so little destined for modelling and rolling mud balls that their tarses are worn out in the process.
Because, quite honestly, she was feeling absolutely worn out.
She was so worn out she could hardly see straight, but she couldn't take her eyes from the stars.
Afterwards, waving smiley good-byes as the screen door slammed inside the last manure-footed fly of the season, we would pretend this was the most enjoyable and relaxing sojourn ever undertaken by the Midwest kinfolk; who now are worn out, corn-fed, under-financed, and facing several hundred miles of back-breaking, exhaust-choking, bug-splattering, road-hog crowded highways returning home.
SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 609
Therefore that which I would exhort you to, is to acquaint yourselves with Jesus Christ, and you shall find a new way opened in him, by which you may boldly come to God, and having come to God in him, you are called to walk with him to entertain that acquaintance that is made, till all the distance and estrangedness of your hearts be worn out.
The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
There's a reason those economy seats are uncomfortable: If it seems like the seat cushions in coach class are worn out, it's not your imagination.
The soles of my good summer shoes are peeling away and the worn out cleats are frozen in my trusty Airwalks.
Carefully, you’d write down the numbers on a piece of scratch paper with a worn out half-sized pencil with no eraser you snagged from a little cardboard box on the librarian’s desk.
What Are Keywords? « Lorelle on WordPress
Quite a few of them, particularly a pair of WORD's 'Now Hear This' discs as well as a label sampler and a few themed ones via "the competition", are nearly worn out at this stage.
Word Magazine - Comments
Father worn out from the beating he had administered, sat on the doorstep smoking his pipe.
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride! Hunter S. Thompson
Having worn out these straw men almost completely, educators are trying a new tack.
I was so worn out with all their stopping and detaining me, it got to be frightfully hard work emerging from the flood of felicitations. tandem abii ad praetorem; ibi vix requievi: rogo syngraphum, datur mi ilico; dedi Tyndaro: ille abiit domum. inde ilico praevortor domum, postquam id actum est; eo protinus ad fratrem, mei ubi sunt alii captivi.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
You could tell when the barrel was worn out.
Woman folded their worn out linens and few spare clothes, packing them into cloth sacks to be carried.
In this part of the country are to be found that race of persons known to the original natives as _Gavaches_: the word is one of contempt, taken from the Spanish; and the habit of treating these people with contumely, which is not even yet entirely worn out, comes from an early time: that is to say, so long ago as 1526; at which period a great part of the population on the banks of the Drot, and round La Réole and
Béarn and the Pyrenees A Legendary Tour to the Country of Henri Quatre
QUOTATION: The more congenial page of some tenth-rate poeticule worn out with failure after failure and now squat in his hole like the tailless fox, he is curled up to snarl and whimper beneath the inaccessible vine of song.
It begins where the mules are tied up on the trailhead, and was originally worn out by bighorn sheep.
These ranged from missing safety clips that hold the rail in place, missing bolts, cracked sleepers and eroded ballast as well as worn out rails.
Men generally wear trousers and sport shirts or guayaberas - dress shirts with decorative tucks worn outside the belt in place of a jacket.
Her fears were put to rest though, when instead the white mare continued to pace up and down her now worn out stall floor, giving the occasional snort of what seemed to be frustration.
I can be very patient, and then I can burst if my nerves are worn out.
Or maybe he's worn out from competing with the furious film director in a smackdown of comparative auras.
He had been doing some research on that most ancient and worn out of vessels.
Worn out from a long hike on the moors.
Times, Sunday Times
Worn out by what was really never life to him," is a prefatorial phrase I recall.
Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
Indeed, when hafted lithic tools were broken or became worn out, trips to flint or chert sources would have been necessary.
Glossary: hail = whole fient = hardly straucht = straight dwine = dwindle forfochten = worn out abrede = spread tae gar = to make warldis = all the world remeid = relief mirk = darkness thir = these dule = misery leal = loyal soothfu = truthful
Oh Wee White Rose of Scotland
Her worn out old woolly overcoat finished off her appearance, thus she wasn't that surprised when a primly dressed young couple quickly averted their eyes from her as she crossed their front gate.
I can be very patient, and then I can burst if my nerves are worn out.
He is usually exhibited as over-laden with wine, and seated on a saddled ass, upon which he supports himself with a long staff in the one hand, and in the other carries a _cantharus_ or jug, with the handle almost worn out with frequent use.
Roman Antiquities, and Ancient Mythology For Classical Schools (2nd ed)
I can see myself now, worn out and dog-tired after the long day, lying on the mats of the palace veranda and gazing upon her at the piano, myself in a perfect idiocy of bliss.
The greatest scoundrel is always captain of the band of patrols; they are the offscouring of all things, the refuse, the fag end, the ears and tails of slavery; the scales and fins of fish, the tooth and tongues of serpents; they are the very fool's cap of baboons, the echo of parrots, the wallet and satchel of pole-cats, the scum of stagnant pools, the exuvial, the worn out skins of slaveholders; they dress in their old clothes;
Narrative of the sufferings of Lewis Clarke : during a captivity of more than twenty-five years, among the Algerines of Kentucky, one of the so called Christian states of America, by dictated
Instead, its biggest sellers are PVC trousers with matching tops, bustiers and corsets that can be worn out clubbing as well as underneath more sedate outfits.
An ancient Russian weather satellite has worn out and will plummet Earthward unless its out-moded equipment and doodads are repaired sufficiently to send the bird in the direction of infinity.
Experts explained that Japan confronted the same problem during its period of rapid economic growth, with many husbands too worn out at work to satisfy their wives.
Together with the dust that collects in the fan the worn out bearing suddenly stops the rotation of the fan.
Not that it was an easy way, however, in the best of places; but it became a really possible trail, along which he could have made good time if he had not been worn out, if he had had light with which to pick his steps, and if it had not been for Bondell's gripsack.
The faded distorting mirrors beside Fat May; the impossibility of choosing a mount when one had but a single ride on the great carrousel; the vertigo attendant on his recognition that Ocean City was worn out, the place of fathers and grandfathers, straw-boatered men and parasoled ladies survived by their amusements.
The Worst Years of Your Life
But the only bags I had with me in the bungalow were a brown leather tote with a cheesy lining from TJ Maxx and a worn out little sack I bought the previous weekend at the Rose Bowl swap meet for $15.
Martha McCully: My Reinvention Tour: The "It" Bag Isn't Doing It for Me Anymore
Glossary: hail = whole fient = hardly straucht = straight dwine = dwindle forfochten = worn out abrede = spread tae gar = to make warldis = all the world remeid = relief mirk = darkness thir = these dule = misery leal = loyal soothfu = truthful
Oh Wee White Rose of Scotland
Worn out or dirty spark plugs are a common cause of misfiring in petrol engines, and cleaning or replacing them can make your car go better.
Times, Sunday Times
The dogs took it all in their stride, but I am damp and cross with myself, since if I'd kept in the habit of turning off the washing machine taps after each load, then the washer might not have worn out.
Sighs of gratitude have been heard all over Comoro Airfield for Maintenance's ability to fix unserviceable vehicles, repair worn out air-conditioners and extend the life of the Mess tent fridge.
If you buy it on tick it'll be worn out before you've finished paying for it.
Jim-NO! unless it's used and worn out majorly. a ruger red label is a VERY very very nice shotgun.
I am a college student and I would like to start trap shooting this summer.
I've got old 'Fawlty Towers' videos which are almost worn out, I've played them so many times.
He stuck unswervingly to his opinion that the West was too feeble, too worn out, and too decadent to begin the war seriously.
The newlabour gang have been told for years about the dire shortage, old sea kings now almost worn out, a few heavy lift chinooks spending more hours on the ground than in the air, where are the new mega expensive merlins?
Upon the "anvil" of Lord Milner the "hammers" of the enemies of the Empire were worn out -- _Tritantur mallei, remanet incus_.
Lord Milner's Work in South Africa From its Commencement in 1897 to the Peace of Vereeniging in 1902
This is not the case certainly with the fine ropes of Manilla hemp, which, though stronger than the best Russian hemp, are almost useless when worn out.
Before the race, he is fine. But afterwards he is worn out.
Its members take on the characteristics of mechanical cogs, performing their prescribed chores until they are worn out and replaced.
This time you could feel it, or not feel it, the cold detachement, worn out concepts struggling to entertain with ridiculous, poorly staged action scequences (how many times did they have to go over the waterfall?) and poor characterization (did you really think Karen Allen or John Hurt were used to full effect here except to stumble around behind Ford like a couple hobos?)
Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
He is for us, with all the infinity of his being; with all the omnipotence of his love; with all the infallibility of his wisdom; arrayed in all his divine attributes, he is for us,eternally and immutably for us; for us when yon blue skies shall be rolled up like a worn out vesture; for us throughout eternity.
God is for me - BatesLine
But that may not be beneficial if his primary mate cuckolds him as soon as he starts to look seedy and worn out.
Worn out, he retired to Cardross, his quiet, thatched, unfortified summer hall on the Clyde, and sailed and fished like the Celtic forebears he was careful to acknowledge.
I am worn out calling for help; my throat is parched.
Christianity Today
Ten years down here, and one gets worn out, the lack of certain niceties: NPR, libraries, bookstores, well paved roads.
US vs. Mexican culture
It will be seen that clothing is inexpensive to the blousard, and as the fashions _never_ change with him, he never lays aside a garment till it is quite worn out.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 87, March, 1875
Born when the earth sleeps, yet Effie never seemed to rest and had soon worn out a rather fragile Marjorie.
‘Our old accordions are worn out and have given us great service,’ says bandmaster Peter Smith.
The ulcer is a disease endemic in Southern Arabia; it is frequently fatal, especially to the poorer classes of operatives, when worn out by privation, hardship, and fatigue.
First footsteps in East Africa
Can we sit down? I'm worn out.
Even brushing my teeth in the morning was an effort, and chatting on the phone with clients—forcing my voice to be light and bright—left me so worn out that I sometimes put my head down on my desk and catnapped in the middle of the day.
Skipping a Beat
But he died at last, worn out by disease; and when the body came to be opened after death, no fluid like that he had micturated was discovered either in the bladder or the kidneys; but in the left ventricle of the heart and cavity of the thorax plenty of it was met with.
On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals
Men generally wear trousers and sport shirts or guayaberas - dress shirts with decorative tucks worn outside the belt in place of a jacket.
Lognar tried as best he could to maintain a stern and uncompromising demeanor with this enemy of his people, but was plainly worn out by his exertions and his obvious physical infirmity.
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride! Hunter S. Thompson
Toward the end of the movie, though, even they were worn out; plum tuckered by the endless repetition.
I am worn out with domestic worries.
Even the worst drunks that hang out at the local bar here know that Fox news is a bunch of worn out republican journalist grasping at straws while sinking in mire.
Think Progress » Fox News Slams Colbert: ‘Inappropriate,’ ‘Over the Line,’ ‘Not Very Funny’
One is to replace worn out parts in your vehicle with tough and durable replacement auto parts.
Because they are composed of vegetable fibers, EcoDragon's sandals can be composted once they're worn out.
Every cut or twist of tire evokes a different feeling, from scary to charming, aggressive to shy, belligerent to just plain worn out.
Extra care has been taken to present a frayed and worn out look sought by the young and young at heart.
Then, I checked the micrometer height adjustment shaft - its bearing surfaces were worn out!
His gun was not loaded, nor did he wear either shot-bag or powder-horn; and his weapon, an ancient Highland Scotch "fusee" changed to percussion, seemed as worn out and dilapidated as the owner.
Adrift in the Ice-Fields
But waiving this, of which it was not my intention to speak, let me remark, that the reason why poetry will no longer go down with the public, _as poetry_, is, that the whole frame-work is worn out.
Punch, or the London Charivari. Volume 1, July 31, 1841
Before the race, he is fine. But afterwards he is worn out.
He is closing on the last remaining competitor who, in panic, redoubles his efforts to coax his own damaged, worn out and jury-rigged boat faster, causing it to break up entirely and sink.
It would help considerably if the now almost worn out hatched area was repainted, or occasionally there was a policeman strategically standing there acting as a visual deterrent.
By late afternoon Glover was feeling glad not to be worn out for the mild diversion of Halloween.
7887The more congenial page of some tenth-rate poeticule worn out with failure after failure and now squat in his hole like the tailless fox, he is curled up to snarl and whimper beneath the inaccessible vine of song.
The children are unsmiling, worn out with waiting!
Worn out by looking after this miserable and ungrateful old man, she tentatively takes to drawing as an outlet for her depression.
He was wearing old, worn out blue trousers, boots of the same make, a blue slashed white shirt, and a bandanna on his head.
She lay motionless, utterly worn out by her exertions, yet at the same time ominously wide awake.
Because they are composed of vegetable fibers, EcoDragon's sandals can be composted once they're worn out.
The guard covering the chain drive on the belt had worn out, exposing the mechanism.
Now, many find themselves worn out after decades of back-breaking physical work, and they are unable to find work.
I pulled my worn out jacket closer, glad to have at least my long nightshirt under my thin sweater.
She was into juicing long before it was cool and trendy and has worn out several electric juicers.
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride! Hunter S. Thompson
As a result of the consequent shortfall between supply and demand, a spokesman complained, some poor schools would have to recycle worn out copies, so that needy children would be learning from third- or even fourth-hand books.
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride! Hunter S. Thompson
She packed all she had in a worn out old carpet bag and swept up a little, she hated not to leave things tidy.
I was tired and worn out, having been teaching all day, but left her, energised and full of enthusiasm.
The running spider, called the tarantula, is not very common in Europe, though it is found in some parts of Italy; it is sometimes known to bite people, and an old but false belief held that the poison forced them to keep on dancing till quite worn out.
Chatterbox, 1906
And yes, please throw away any tools that are worn out and replace them.
The incessant assaults of the sea have cut deep but narrow clefts in the granite, worn out sounding hollows, and smoothed away angularities.
The Confessions of a Beachcomber
I have grown up in Tasmania on the east coast and the light and shade of a kelp forest or the whispering of a seabreeze through pine trees that edge a beach, the chuckle as waves push and pull at shell-grit: even now, those are the sounds that ground me when I am slightly worn out.
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Words, Pictures, Memory
Last I remember of it, it had several torn and wrinkly pages and the cover was folded and worn out.
They were very slightly clothed, having nothing more than abuffaloe robe, or a deer, or cabree skin, thrown over their shoulders, with only leggins, their moccasons being worn out.
A topographical description of the state of Ohio, Indiana territory, and Louisiana : comprehending the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and their principal tributary streams ; the face of the country, soils, waters, natural productions, animal, vegetable, and
Gearbox graunches on changing down from top to third or third to second means an old worn out synchromesh.
35The more congenial page of some tenth-rate poeticule worn out with failure after failure and now squat in his hole like the tailless fox, he is curled up to snarl and whimper beneath the inaccessible vine of song.
If you treat your coat so roughly, it will be worn out soon.
Mr. Maroon must have worn out his welcome at all his usual plugola places (excuse me, op-ed pages) because he has been reduced to contributing to the cheapest outlet in town.
After I had moved several maps and a pair of worn out gloves from her seat, she climbed in.
The adrenaline that had kept her so firmly in control inside the opera box was starting to bleed away, leaving her weak-kneed and worn out.
He did so, and had it not been that a writ of Habeas Corpus was immediately sworn out, the Deptford tailor would most certainly have exchanged his needle for a marlinespike.
The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
Spots of silver dance on the sea, and it almost makes me forget the awfulness of the past few days, though I'm worn out from crying.
Equipment is not replaced after it has worn out, positions are left unfilled and staff are dangerously overworked.
Finally, she saw what she had been hoping for: the worn out brake pads that her lazy, good-for-nothing father hadn't replaced.
If the bearings that allow the crankshaft to turn freely are worn out, the crankshaft cannot turn so the engine cannot run.
Although the leather sole had worn out, he'd resoled them with an old black bicycle tire.
If anything, she thinks her husband's six-year anti-ageing mission has left him more worn out than men of the same age.
Virtually worn out by the life he has led, there is a weariness in his character's every movement.
Indeed, I have worn out the mortars with beating wool and pounding drugs,186 and I am not to blame; the barrenness is with thee, for that thou art a snub-nosed mule and thy sperm is weak and watery and impregnateth not neither getteth children.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Your blanket is worn out.
Americans are just plain worn out from all that success.
The strapping jacket or the overlapping blazer worn out a new dior facette.
Diane, A Shaded View on Fashion
I think the adversarial part of it comes from the fact that the technicians from the testing lab are beat up and worn out, and they're driving a little bitty pickup truck with 50 cylinders in the back.
you look worn out
Notwithstanding all these arguments a compunction was always present in Miss Eelen's worn out yet not extinguished heart.
Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
His father, worn out, disillusioned, had been scribbling in order not to believe in the power of evil.
Mechanic said everything looked great inside except the 3rd gear synchros were worn out.
For whatever the reason, diabetes, heart, stroke, or plain worn out bones.
Taking Time
She was worn out, scared stiff, her heart was beating furiously, and her lungs were screaming in protest with every breath of icy air she inhaled.
In February, people pine for a glimpse of this herald of spring, but by April, the robin has already worn out its welcome.
The gear wheal in the workshop is worn out . Change it for another one immediately.
Hardware was found to be worn out and unsalvageable.
The F18 A/B are almost worn out (sea air and carrier takeoff is bad for fighters – corrosion).
Matthew Yglesias » Selling In Circles
The Reformation settlement that established particular versions of Christianity as official religions in Britain has largely worn out, except for a few anachronistic survivals.
My other eager thirstful self I shook off like a thing worn out.
The Adventures of Harry Richmond — Complete
My one source of rejoicement lies in the fact that the pattern was worn out down here, instead of being sent up to make our mountains by.
On the Firing Line
Their skins and faces were tumefied by the wind, salt water and sun; the epidermis of their hands was renewed three times; their legs were anchylosed; and they were worn out.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 1082, September 26, 1896
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride! Hunter S. Thompson
Intellectual works cannot be worn out by overuse, so the tragedy of the commons through overuse cannot occur in this field.
Pints were raised, toasts made and car horns worn out as Ireland celebrated this famous victory, this piece of sporting history that will rank alongside the heroics of both 1990 and 1994 in the football annals.
Tomorrow will be my first proper day off for a fortnight and I feel utterly worn out.
The child stayed on the table, listening until the shuffles of worn out, oversized slippers.
[sic], Dearest, nearly worn out; duty! duty!! study! study!! clamors at my heels all day long, and at night fatigued and weary I sit down to write with brain addled, thoughts confused, and scarcely strength or energy enough to originate a thought or conceive an idea, and so it is to night, as you perceive from what has preceded, and no hope for the better.
Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston,March 11, 1857
Many memories created during 4-H years (2 comments) frankchristian: Friedman, the great thinker. he has "droned" on, with the previously worn out theories concerning the destruction of our planet because of our use ... stories
He was wearing old, worn out blue trousers, boots of the same make, a blue slashed white shirt, and a bandanna on his head.
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride! Hunter S. Thompson
This way, when they become worn out or do not provide enough cushioning or support, they can be replaced by more appropriate insoles or orthotics.
Afterwards, waving smiley good-byes as the screen door slammed inside the last manure-footed fly of the season, we would pretend this was the most enjoyable and relaxing sojourn ever undertaken by the Midwest kinfolk; who now are worn out, corn-fed, under-financed, and facing several hundred miles of back-breaking, exhaust-choking, bug-splattering, road-hog crowded highways returning home.
SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 609
Everything else we wanted to keep the elevators as in tact as possible for every shot, and the actors wanted it as well as claustrophobic as it was, they wanted to keep it as real as they could, and we shot all of the elevator stuff consecutively, so the elevator became more and more havocked, and the actors could get more and more worn out over the course of shooting.
Ain't It Cool News - The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.
Even though having the game stored on your console is actually a pretty good way to have it – no scratched disks or worn out cartridges are those prices going to be the same for people in the UK? cause £5.30 for a classic N64 game doesnt seem too bad for me
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Today’s Comic
Their skins and faces were tumefied by the wind, salt water and sun; the epidermis of their hands was renewed three times; their legs were anchylosed; and they were worn out.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 1082, September 26, 1896
Sausage, hamburger steak and "game" with a high flavor, are little if any better than carrion, and the poisons which such foods introduce into the body must all be detoxicated by the liver and eliminated by the kidneys, and thus they are worn out prematurely by overwork.
Northern Nut Growers Report of the Proceedings at the Twenty-First Annual Meeting Cedar Rapids, Iowa, September 17, 18, and 19, 1930
It would describe Jesus' birth in a pitch-dark cave, amid piles of oxen scat and filthy hay and poor travelers elbowing into the Holy Family's space, Joseph worn out from a frantic search for an inn, Mary all alone as her water breaks and her pain hits excruciating levels.
John Backman: A Jesus For The Great Recession (And Other Dark Times)
Referring to the "100% Zuluboy" t-shirts worn outside ANC deputy president Jacob Zuma's court appearances, he said T-shirts bearing the words "100 percent Pedi" or "100 percent Mosotho" should be banned at the ANC's national conference in Polokwane in December.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Forty-five per cent blame impulsive buys for unworn outfits in their wardrobes.
The Sun
I am worn out calling for help; my throat is parched.
Christianity Today
Her patience had/was at last worn out.
It was a moonlight night, and Montrose, worn out by the fatigues of the day, was laid down to sleep in a miserable shieling.
A Legend of Montrose
Talk about "vocalizing" - I am worn out with my own.
NPR Topics: News
Indeed, when hafted lithic tools were broken or became worn out, trips to flint or chert sources would have been necessary.
The entire family lives within the walls of a tiny apartment and the play takes place entirely in its worn out, lived-in living room.
Once the instru-ments are worn out, the musicians, and a conductor who doubles as cook, toss each onesintosa stewpot to make soup -- to be enjoyed by the audience after the concert.
If you treat your coat so roughly, it will be worn out soon.
His nomenclature is borrowed from his selected exposure via media to the Afghan chadri, which is almost never worn outside of Afghanistan or neighbouring countries.
2009 June : Law is Cool
A third time he approached in the same manner, when the Christian knight, desirous to terminate this elusory warfare, in which he might at length have been worn out by the activity of his foeman, suddenly seized the mace which hung at his saddlebow, and, with a strong hand and unerring aim, hurled it against the head of the Emir, for such and not less his enemy appeared.
The Talisman
A third time he approached in the same manner, when the Christian knight, desirous to terminate this illusory warfare, in which he might at length have been worn out by the activity of his foeman, suddenly seized the mace which hung at his saddle-bow, and, with a strong hand and unerring aim, hurled it against the head of the Emir, for such and not less his enemy appeared.
The Talisman
What is not shown is that phagocytotic cells will then simply eat these, providing for the clean removal of diseased or worn out cells.
2008 March - Telic Thoughts
CPT BRAD regarding the public lashings, my wife often says that its a good thing that I am not a judge otherwise the limbs on the cottonwood trees down by the creek would be worn out from public hangings.
.177-Caliber Parenting
The choice of phrases in Ballads and Songs, and perhaps more in serious pieces, is of much importance; a common use of old worn out words I do not like, such as erst, whilom, and a thousand more; and yet to take up and use
Letter 94
Veneering, in a pervadingly aquiline state of figure, and with transparent little knobs on her temper, like the little transparent knob on the bridge of her nose, ‘Worn out by worry and excitement,’ as she tells her dear Mr Twemlow, and reluctantly revived with curacoa by the
Our Mutual Friend
Anyone would think that they would be worn out and ready to hand the reins of the grand tours over to their heirs.
The best deals are on classic pieces that can be worn out of season, like leather boots, wool coats and knitwear.
The Sun
Worn out from a long hike on the moors.
Times, Sunday Times
The latter we were far too poor to own; the 'tufted' ones had worn out; and I loathed the cheap
Quilts Their Story and How to Make Them
The interpretation of this passage is that ben Azzai died prematurely, worn out by his activities in mystical and theosophic speculation; ben Zoma became demented thereby; Elisha, contemptuously referred to as Acher (the other), became an apostate; but Akiba was unaffected.
Pirke Avot Sayings of the Jewish Fathers
Surprise, the left-click on my trackball was all worn out!
Back again. Saner, but not by much.
II. iv.35 (184,7) [lost and worn] Though _lost and worn_ may means _lost and worn out_, yet _lost and won_ being, I think, better, these two words coming usually and naturally together, and the alteration being very slight, I would so read in this place with Sir Tho.
Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
She'd tried so hard all day to seem cheery and good humoured, and she was worn out with the effort.