How To Use Wipeout In A Sentence
These boards have a soft cushiony exterior, which is a real asset if you get hit by your board during a wipeout.
Furthermore, his system had not a single wipeout in 20 years of back testing.
Two of my favorite downhills are Wipeout and Lost Run.
Combine ceiling high sets with powerful rip currents and Rockaway's notorious, shifty, ledgy peaks, and the stage was set for some serious ripping… and brutal wipeouts.
The last wipeout, which few remember was 91-92 when all the money center banks were essentially caput.
Matthew Yglesias » The Finance Economy

I recovered well and managed to land in a kind of lop-sided on-one-bended-knee stance, but it's still a wipeout in my book. bah.
He experienced the best and the worst of Pipeline with a perfect 10, a handful of hideous wipeouts and broken surfboards.
I gave a good wipeout of the controls and double-checked my flaps-half, trim and radar altimeter set.
Arms and legs grow stiff in the chilly water, paddling becomes hard, wipeouts and swims brutal.
The closing minutes of the first semifinal heat saw a strong set, some jumbled take-offs and a few crowd-pleasing wipeouts.
We settled in, completed our checks, and taxied to the catapult - tension, run-up, wipeout and lights on.
One consequence was the virtual wipeout of Mexico's small farmers by a flood of subsidized U.S. food imports.
Fortunately, in 1972, a law was passed to ban DDT, which saved the bald eagle from total wipeout.
He experienced the best and the worst of Pipeline with a perfect 10, a handful of hideous wipeouts and broken surfboards.
Wear a wetsuit that won't blow open in severe wipeouts.
For car racing, the series Wipeout has enough iterations to defy time/platforms: it's notable for the futuristic theme (antigrav car racing) and music tracks (techno).
Mrissa: AKICILJ: the video game edition
Rollie watched Shannon walk away, thought about going with him, but instead made his way over to the swings, and Bobby gave me a high-five and said, “Nice wipeout, man,” and they all laughed about it, and Cody said, “Shannon's weird,” and Rollie agreed and they laughed again.
The Kid Who Knew Something
And with an entire community having sprouted along the river, there is no doubt that the next flood will be a complete wipeout.