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[ US /ˈwaɪˌpaʊt/ ]
  1. a spill in some sport (as a fall from a bicycle or while skiing or being capsized on a surfboard)
  2. an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something

How To Use wipeout In A Sentence

  • These boards have a soft cushiony exterior, which is a real asset if you get hit by your board during a wipeout.
  • Furthermore, his system had not a single wipeout in 20 years of back testing.
  • Two of my favorite downhills are Wipeout and Lost Run.
  • Combine ceiling high sets with powerful rip currents and Rockaway's notorious, shifty, ledgy peaks, and the stage was set for some serious ripping… and brutal wipeouts.
  • The last wipeout, which few remember was 91-92 when all the money center banks were essentially caput. Matthew Yglesias » The Finance Economy
  • I recovered well and managed to land in a kind of lop-sided on-one-bended-knee stance, but it's still a wipeout in my book. bah.
  • He experienced the best and the worst of Pipeline with a perfect 10, a handful of hideous wipeouts and broken surfboards.
  • I gave a good wipeout of the controls and double-checked my flaps-half, trim and radar altimeter set.
  • Arms and legs grow stiff in the chilly water, paddling becomes hard, wipeouts and swims brutal.
  • The closing minutes of the first semifinal heat saw a strong set, some jumbled take-offs and a few crowd-pleasing wipeouts.
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