
How To Use Warp In A Sentence

  • Randall-Maciver and Wilkin illustrate a vertical loom in use among the Kabyles, _Libyan Notes_, London, 1901, Pl. IX., and although the details of the illustration are not clear the text indicates the existence of one heddle: "The warp is decussated by means of a horizontal rod and leashes. Ancient Egyptian and Greek Looms
  • Denim is identified as an "American cotton textile where the diagonal warp is a striped hickory cloth that was once associated with railroadmen's overalls, in which blue or black contrasting undyed white threads form the woven pattern. My God George Will is a bigger fashion snob than me! - dfi
  • Last week, exultant rebels in Tripoli clambered on Gaddafi's vainglorious statue of an American warplane in the grip of a mighty Libyan fist.
  • French warplanes based in Italy report to NATO's command headquarters in Naples while aircraft flying sorties off the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle report directly to French military commanders in Paris. Political Gridlock at NATO
  • Four British warplanes would also return to eastern Europe this year in an air policing role. Times, Sunday Times
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  • I will not be there with a £180 ticket to be biffed into kingdom come by some insane person on the end of a weighted rope - or falling off it - but good luck to those who come to brave the 2 chords of U2 at warp volume and other truffles of this cultural feast. Bono and The Edge defend Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark
  • How sad are the D.C.s of the world who seek only to rend and never to mesh with the warp and woof of a community.
  • If the cylinder does not line up with the bore vertically, you are plumb out of luck since the base pin frame holes could be drilled crooked or the frame warped from heat treatment or stress.
  • The Karmarkar method starts in the inside of the polytope, then uses a technique called projective geometry to warp the whole structure, again and again, in effect changing the shape of the polytope, over and over, until the best solution is achieved. Economic Principals
  • The time warp doesn't extend to the rooms, although some are more refurbished than others. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shadows warped and distorted as a humanoid shape detached itself.
  • At least four high-flying warplanes had to take evasive action.
  • With the unresolved limina of Gertrude's involvement only fuelling his existential crisis, trapped in a tangle of determinacy and authoritative warp, Hamlet has only his affective judgement to fall back. Modality and Hamlet
  • It is, however, one method by which self-coloured warps for denim cloths (e.g. T1 fabric) can be prepared. Chapter 5
  • = In gauze weaving all the warp threads are not parallel to each other, but are made to intertwist more or less among themselves, thereby favoring the production of light, open fabrics, in which many ornamental lace-like combinations can be obtained. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
  • Crossing genres from lo-fi slacker rock to Greek chillwave, it felt exciting and fresh at the same time as throwing you back into the past in a disorientating timewarp reminiscent of Gold-era Spandau Ballet. The sax is back
  • It has to be cut thickly (making individual panels rather heavy) and is prone to warping and damage by woodworm.
  • The classic Newtonian view of gravity as a simple force between objects was overthrown by Einstein's vision of gravity as the result of objects warping space and time.
  • Xaviers could fit himself to the dignity and formal habiliments of state; Yet in the fringed deerskin of frontier garb, he was fleeter on the warpath than the Indians who fled before him; and he could outride and outshoot -- and, it is said, outswear -- the best and the worst of the men who followed him. Pioneers of the Old Southwest: a chronicle of the dark and bloody ground
  • At a time when most vintage warplanes have retired to a quiet life on display in drafty museums, 65-year-old Fifi is embarking on a new mission: giving rides to paying enthusiasts and once again making the air-show rounds, which occasionally feature a simulated atomic-bomb attack. Owners of the Last B-29 Hope It Doesn
  • The window was warped by the dampness and it wouldn't shut.
  • Warping, splitting along the grain, the breaking apart of joins, the flaking of paint and ground from the wooden substrate, and insect damage are all commonly encountered.
  • “Lay in a course to alpha Arietis, warp five, and execute immediately.” Rihannsu: The Bloodwing Voyages
  • Air defence systems are designed to take out warplanes flying at speed. Times, Sunday Times
  • And I rejoice that I was left to deal with the Bible alone; for if I had had some theological "explainer" at my side, he might have tried, as such do, to lessen my indignation against Jacob, and thereby have warped my moral sense for ever; while the great apocalyptic spectacle of the ultimate triumph of right and justice might have been turned to the base purposes of a pious lampooner of the Papacy. Science & Education
  • Even the most silly distorted fact, tongue-in-cheek headline or top-spinned newspaper tales concerning Hibs put this awkward customer on the warpath.
  • They had what they called a warp mill donw there in the old mill, and you spooled, run the thread on big old spools, they called them. Oral History Interview with Louise Riggsbee Jones, September 20, 1976. Interview H-0085-1. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • The 4mm safety glass used to make the Quality Mat gives it a very solid feel - there is no way that this surface should bend, warp or distort.
  • The Warp Floral Container line is a unique concept in floral arranging, designed and patented by Kimberly Manne. Flower Containers by Warp Designs
  • Cotton thread produced on spinning wheels or spinning jennies was not generally strong enough to be used as the warp as well as the weft of cloth, which meant that it had to be interwoven with linen or wool yarn. 'The Industrial Revolutionaries'
  • It is indisputable, however, that the warplanes and helicopter gunships occasionally make mistakes.
  • It runs parallel to the warp threads. Technology Basic Facts
  • TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL!! fastlane: Dr Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran dafuck: the only explenation could be a time warp in the middle of detroit .. bobacus: According to Curve magazine, Lesbian visitors will find a Detroit that's shifted into the 21st century. wolfer: only his body, his soul lives on, I heard it coming from a Escalade in the wal-mart parking lot last night dafuck: Micheal Jackson is dead? wotak: for best results, remove your nose to get the correct weight distribution wolfer: Im gonna practice and bring back the moon walk
  • I had just spent seven years in an English public school, a school which in terms of its attitudes, beliefs and judgements was not so much out of date as stuck in a time warp, back in the nineteenth century.
  • The wraiths and phantoms creep under your carpets and between the warp and weft of fabric, they lurk in wardrobes and lie flat under drawer-liners.
  • Is darling loll head extended on become warped and what does prolapse have to distinguish?
  • Warp 11 doesn't just focus on altenative/punk style of music, they dabble in a wide range of styles, all of them on display on this album. REVIEW: It's Dead, Jim by Warp 11
  • He has no clanship, no friendships, that warp him. Uncollected Prose
  • The warp technology of Star Trek, however, allows a spacecraft and its inhabitants to travel many times faster than light by moving through subspace, a theoretical parallel universe in which Einstein's theories do not apply.
  • Drummond was working on a book in collaboration with Zodiac Mindwarp.
  • The subprocessor was linked to the warp core, and was counting down before executing an unknown subprogram. STRANGE NEW WORLDS
  • Arrows are expensive, and can warp in damp weather. The Sling « Isegoria
  • Left out in the heat of the sun, tapes easily warp or get stuck in their cases.
  • They make cloth, all cotton; cloth of cotton warp and wool filling called drugget; dimity, a heavy cotton used for coverlets; a yarn jean which has wool warp and filling, and cotton jean which is cotton warp and wool filling; homespun is a heavy cloth, of cotton and wool mixed. Home Life in Colonial Days
  • The average length of warp float of six-ply exchangeable weave should be as same as possible, the junction point is not applied.
  • That would have been great if it wasn't for the another squadron of Zylons popping out of warp space behind me.
  • With the interlink once again in hand, my artificial transwarp program should work- I only await a temporal polestar that will allow me to reopen the gateway that brought me here.
  • In its ancient usage, weaving creates surfaces and volumes by the regular interlacing of pliable strands - the warp and the woof - passing over and under each other at right angles.
  • He spoke of fyke-nets and drag-nets and warp-lines, and of eel-spearing through the ice. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 26, September, 1880
  • The bag was beginning to lose its resistance, and so the box was a little warped where the damp had seeped through.
  • He might have a slightly warped view of cash at this point. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bagpipes are warpipes and those who thrill to them today are the inheritors of a warrior tradition.
  • The pile is formed by knots, which are tied round the warp threads, and held in place by the weft, which is passed back and forth and beaten down securely.
  • This is more usually caused by discs that are not sitting correctly on the hub or that have been warped by excessive heat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also, the dynamics of the geared engine were helping induce wing warping and aileron reversal so the crew labored to put the other engine back on the racer.
  • From garage rock to punk, electro and disco it's blend of angular funk bass lines, cut and paste loops and warp style electronica provides both a fascinating and highly danceable listen.
  • 'Fore I thought, says I, ''Tis all worn out, Betsey,' says I; 'why on airth don't ye git somebody to git some o' your own wood an 'season it well so' twon't warp, same's mine done, an 'build ye a new one?' In Dark New England Days
  • Woven from copper and lead strips, two new works, constructed as grids, swollen with empty pregnancies, provide a text, censoring itself, in rhythms of weft and warp.
  • The works look distant, remote, slightly warped. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rubber used is durable and strong so as it will not tear, expand or warp out of shape.
  • Though opposite in rhythmic conceits, both seem to warp one's sense of movement through space.
  • The planks they were made of had warped and shrunk. Opposite the door hung a dark-coloured icon with a wax candle sticking to it and a bunch of everlastings hanging down from it.
  • The disruption or absence of it — which is to say where what “can happen” carries uneven deontic and/or boulomaic modalities — is equilibrium warp. Archive 2009-06-01
  • A peaked shingle roof, weather-bleached wooden walls, the planks warped and twisted.
  • In the meantime, there were repeated air strikes on the city from US warplanes and helicopter gunships.
  • A Congress stalwart like Jinabai Darji is on the warpath and the Seva Dal chief has resigned.
  • Then there is a film, Timeless Warps by Fahad Samar, which is a picturesque documentary depicting the art of making dhurries.
  • Heck, even the first warp drive ship in Star Trek: First Contact was depicted being launched on a rejigged ICBM just like the Geminis that went up on Titans. Beam me up Wayne - NASA Watch
  • Thankfully the fashion gurus have stopped short of the tightly laced stays that warped the ribs of our great grand mothers.
  • It seems they have a strangely warped sense of what they think is funny as well.
  • If I had my druthers, NATO would send in warplanes to take out every one of these knuckleheads. Three Tips for Surviving the Art Museum
  • She used to play the piano but the instrument has been warped by the tropical heat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women in blue plastic capes weave wool through the fence, using it as warp and weft.
  • Linen was used for the warp and cotton for the weft.
  • Everybody sees through their warp, through their bias, through their pretensions, through their needs all of that.
  • The principles and methods of weft backed weave CAD with and warp grouping are introduced.
  • Rotors get warped due to several reasons most common being overtorquing or unevenly torquing the lug nuts with an impact wrench.
  • The rubber used is durable and strong so as it will not tear, expand or warp out of shape.
  • Beyond the devices agents use to secure and conduct auctions, the problem is that many buyers allow emotion to warp their judgment.
  • It had warped me into a suffocating, totalizing essence, pinned me with the girders of weakness, monstrosity, and leprosy that supported their dichotomous construction of Homosexual.
  • The album takes some getting used to, but underneath the warps and glitches is sophisticated songcraft. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a warp in this record.
  • The very legend of the Old South, for example, is warp and woof of the Southern mind.
  • It can warp their behaviour and may well have lasting, emotionally ruinous effects. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sub's golden light warped through thick cellular membranes with a peculiar refraction, like interference between two layers of glass. VITALS
  • Fischer's argument is that American society has permanent threads that form the warp of the woven cloth of American history.
  • The result is not a historical schema, a taxonomy of modes as phases, but rather a model of narrative dynamics grounded in the potential variances of credibility and equilibrium warps. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Expressions such as play possum, bury the hatchet and go on the warpath became common.
  • Put another way, they tend to warp the wings when we want them to be stiff. Plane Speaking - a personal view of aviation history
  • It was a state of mind where reason appeared to turn in on itself; became warped.
  • Order now before today's pussified, PADI-preaching prattlers warp you into taking "living reef eco-tours" when, instead, you could be going 30 fathoms deep and power-heading jewfish between the eyes. Hell Divers' Rodeo
  • RAF and United States warplanes bombed three sites in southern Iraq yesterday in the biggest display of allied air power for six months.
  • The boiler had cooled since yesterday, the outer insulating jacket stained and warped from heat.
  • But time is fickle and not particularly friendly to me and the fecker will go all warp speed.
  • When clay particles are in a random arrangement the clay is more likely to crack or warp.
  • Warp speed, back to the sounds of 80's pop and those jittery keyboard blips!
  • I suppose I shouldn't be laughing about death - perhaps I've got a warped mind/sense of humour!
  • It was nothing to explain the leakage - the wrecking of the upper works had warped the hull and started the seams - and, for a little, 'twas nothing, with patches and a hose laid to the steam pump, to keep the water back.
  • He stooped over the table, pulled a leaf from a warped pocket - book.
  • His obituary pointed out that he used his post to enrich himself through a web of smuggling and warped business deals.
  • He is one of the country's leading experts on sex offenders, a man who has spent the past two decades delving into the warped minds of killers such as Robert Black and Fred West.
  • Escaping relatively unwarped from Rick Jenkins' mesmeric power, he's had a nice career, written some truly inspired stand-up best "Ladies, tell me if this is true" line ever and also been way ahead of the curve with his web presence. Eugene Mirman
  • (The warp and weft are at forty-five degrees to the stripes, because the stretcher is rotated.) James Elkins: How to Look at Mondrian
  • Women use them as a yardstick for measuring their own attractiveness, thus arriving at a warped perception of their own physical attributes as being hopelessly deficient.
  • The consensus among community forums is that the message was probably a warped joke.
  • For now the town exists in a time warp. Times, Sunday Times
  • Good frames are made with kiln-dried wood to prevent warping and cracking.
  • He regretted that if such irresponsible, poisonous and aggressive speeches were not stopped, they would cause irreparable loss to the country's secular warp and woof.
  • Years of living alone may warp one's personality.
  • The shiny exterior glimmered in the lights of the bright room and reflected each of their faces in a warped way.
  • That part of his history is actually quite usual among vintage warplane aerobatic pilots.
  • He was unaware of her gaze, and she watched him intently, speculating fancifully about the strange warp of soul that led him, a young man with signal powers, to fritter away his time on the writing of stories and poems foredoomed to mediocrity and failure. Chapter 20
  • The wood grain should run longitudinally to minimize warping and cracking.
  • What he did has warped from the path of the common sense.
  • Pluralism was woven into the warp and woof of Indian society.
  • If I put the shelves near the radiator, the heat might warp them.
  • Genuine bobbinet tulle is constructed by warp and weft yarns in which the weft yarn is looped diagonally around the vertical warp yarn to form a hexagonal mesh which is regular and clearly defined.
  • The yarn color of each vertical line and horizontal line in weave diagram represented should be marked clearly. The weave diagram can be drawn according to the arrangement of colored warp and weft.
  • If you want your children to grow up unwarped by Hollywood, will it help to write a book keeps taking swipes at their grandmother? 2009 October 13 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • Determinacy warp: Where alethic quirks defy credibility, epistemic quirks defy determinacy. Notes Toward a Theory of Narrative Modality
  • Because a target missed is now, apparently, a bonus postponed, these plenipotentiaries of the new bureaucracy are on the warpath. Times, Sunday Times
  • But you should go see it, and not only that, you should look at it closely, the warp and weft of details that make it all hang together in such a unique way.
  • Left in the garage where it was damp, the wooden frame had warped.
  • Its benefits included intergalactic space travel at warp speed.
  • All three deal with the way money corrupts people, but more specifically, how every transaction in life is based on money and how the intersection of money and personal relationships destroys or, at very best, warps everyone's life.
  • She found a handyman who put up bookshelves made of green, unaged timber, which she knew would warp and sag. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Celluloid had some of the same disadvantages of tortoise shell: it had to be shaped by hand; it could be warped in heat, and so on.
  • That view, however widely it may be propagated, is so warped that it can only raise suspicions about the agenda of those who peddle it.
  • When clay particles are in a random arrangement the clay is more likely to crack or warp.
  • One of the strangest effects of the introduction of machinery into industry is that instead of liberating the human powers and initiative of workers from mechanical drudgery, it has often tended to devitalize and warp these forces to the functions of machines. [ Making Both Ends Meet The income and outlay of New York working girls
  • Those who disagree are misled either by a warped view of history or a pernicious form of moral relativism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Israeli warplanes launched a raid into Gaza Strip on Monday, killing two.
  • The jali normally worked by tearing apart the warp and weft threads of the cloth and by preparing minute button hole stitches.
  • Forget the outlandish demands and warped sense of value.
  • Painted in 1520 on thin wood which is now badly warped, it will require delicate and major surgery over the next few months to remove the accretions of time, coal dust and candle smoke.
  • His previous album, Conasauga, dwelt almost wholly in Appalachian ruralisms and pristine fingerpicking, and you can hear that ornate classicism in the well-mannered portions of ‘Warpaint’ and ‘The Nest.’
  • The warplane clipped the tops of trees lining the airfield before scraping the ground and slicing the nose off a large transport aircraft.
  • Immunostaining of WARP-interacting ligands demonstrated that the collagen VI microfibrillar matrix was severely reduced and mislocalized in peripheral nerves of WARP-null mice. Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
  • She makes a reasonable fist of appearing down-to-earth but every so often, you see how warped the foundations are.
  • He played a total jerk in “the people vs. larry flynt” but then got total redemption as Zefram Cochrane, the lushy yet discover of Warp speed in Star Trek 8 a movie that proved the inventor of the warp drive had a taste for women of color and tequila, sometimes at the same time. '24': Meet Jack Bauer's dad |
  • And whose warped mind is responsible? Times, Sunday Times
  • At present the civilized world is trapped somewhat in a timewarp of arguably obsolescent political, ethical, and strategic assumptions and practices.
  • The ships were built around a torus shaped Spacial-Warp core.
  • If calcaneal, sole grows a callosity to let you have bitter taste, first elaborate clip becomes warped the dry skin that come out.
  • The game contains smooth graphics whilst playing although you notice very little at warp speed, and the cut scenes do a good job without creating too much fuss.
  • The tapestry is woven in wool on linen warps and contains details in silk, gold and silver.
  • The caravan interiors seemed to be stuck in a 1960s time warp, with pink velvet seats, patterned carpets and lots of teak furniture.
  • Looming and gaiting of the sized warps is not described in detail, but mention of the equipment required for these processes is made in the section entitled Chapter 4
  • Five thin horizontals seem to warp under the pressure of three verticals that are twice as wide.
  • They are then called upon to "weave the warp, and weave the woof," perhaps, with no great propriety; for it is by crossing the _woof_ with the _warp_ that men _weave_ the _web_ or piece; and the first line was dearly bought by the admission of its wretched correspondent, "give ample room and verge enough [198]. The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. in Nine Volumes Volume the Eighth: The Lives of the Poets, Volume II
  • Whenever the noise of warplanes began the child would mime the approaching bombers, sweeping her arms through the air.
  • This kersey is made of black and white wool, carded together and wove with cotton warp, which makes a kind of black and white, which we call nits and lice. Narrative of events in the life of William Green : (formerly a slave) : written by himself,
  • However, at the date and in the part of the world now dealt with, this great free-trader enjoyed the warm though possibly brief embrace of fame, having no rival, and being highly respected by all who were unwarped by a sense of duty. Mary Anerley
  • Squares and rectangles are the main planning module and these warp into parallelograms to accommodate the natural topography.
  • Over the last few months, councillors and residents say some local youngsters have been on the warpath, terrorising the people of Sutton.
  • But doing what is necessary to live in a warped world is very different from doing what is merely convenient. Christianity Today
  • Demonstrating warp-drive capacity—which really amounts to little more than sustaining and harnessing the mutually annihilative reaction of matter and antimatter, as the Hranrarii have done—is what determines whether a culture has attained warp capability. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire
  • Venezuelans go shopping to beat Chávez's devaluation of bolivar fuel price rises and inflation • Chávez claims jets intercepted American 'warplane' - Articles related to Venezuela marches continue, Chavez shuffles cabinet
  • The warplane clipped the tops of trees lining the airfield before scraping the ground and slicing the nose off a large transport aircraft.
  • They pulled open the warped wooden door and stepped into the inky dark of the carousel.
  • I suppose I shouldn't be laughing about death - perhaps I've got a warped mind/sense of humour!
  • A single warped door that once covered a two-car garage somewhere in suburban California serves as a wall.
  • I believe Dickie is Lord Arden," Elfrida began, and I am not at all sure that she would not have gone on to give her reasons, including the whole story which the Mouldiestwarp had told to Dickie; but at that moment there was a roaring, rushing sound from inside the cave, and a flash of shiny silver gleamed across that dark gap in the hillside. Harding's Luck
  • Laurence has a cool question for you: What movie scenes have horribly warped and scarred your psyche?
  • Before ten o'clock the adobe wall of the patio was warm enough to permit lingering vacqueros and idle peons to lean against it, and the exposed annexe was filled with sharp, resinous odors from the oozing sap of unseasoned "redwood" boards, warped and drying in the hot sunshine. Susy, a story of the Plains
  • Pain warps the lens through which we see the world. Friday!
  • You need a warped sense of humour to do this job. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Fig. 5 is shown Mather & Platt's yarn-bleaching kier, which is designed to bleach cotton yarn, either in hanks or in the warp forms, without removing it from the vessel into which it is first placed. The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
  • Shortly after, I began learning to fly with the sole goal of flying vintage warplanes.
  • Speaking strictly for myself, when I hear presumptions about America being a Christian nation, and political lip service to warped notions of "Judeo-Christian" values and tradition, something in my BS meeter goes off. Obama To Address Middle East Issues Today, Courting Jewish Voters In Florida
  • I mean human rights afterall is a tricky subject for DeMint to wrap his warped head around. Think Progress » DeMint Blocks A Wise Lesbian Latina From Serving On The D.C. Superior Court
  • Vietnam orders submarines and warplanes from Russia photo: Creative Commons/saturnism - Business News
  • His previous album, Conasauga, dwelt almost wholly in Appalachian ruralisms and pristine fingerpicking, and you can hear that ornate classicism in the well-mannered portions of ‘Warpaint’ and ‘The Nest.’
  • We need freedom from our own warped ideas of what is right and what is not.
  • The spoken word convinces the utterer; but a man can act against his own bad judgment without warping it, and contrive to win in a bad cause without maintaining that it is a good one, like the barrister. Eve and David
  • According to Einstein, the Earth warps its local space-time like a bowling ball sitting on a trampoline, a phenomenon called the geodetic effect. Wired Top Stories
  • The worst aspect of our skewed perspective is our warped view of which judgments matter. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Social Registry, a local record label that specializes in warped, noisy rock and damaged dance music by the likes of Psychic Ills, Gang Gang Dance and Vietnam, had the second of its two showcases at the Glasshouse Gallery in Brooklyn. CMJ Music Marathon: Social Registry Thrills; Crowd Disappoints - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • We want to express solidarity with our brothers who are being bombed by warplanes and tanks.
  • The works look distant, remote, slightly warped. Times, Sunday Times
  • Theodore Dwight Weld no relation to Theodore Dwight, a leader of both the antislavery and school reform movements, aptly declared that inner restraints “are the web of civilized society, warp and woof.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Nestled close together by the circumstances of history, they symbolised an intimate relationship, the warp and the weft of the fabric of the country.
  • Actually, with this example of a limina, thinking about it, it seems that we might well prefer the determinacy warp unresolved, the quirk left dewarped. Modality and Hamlet
  • The same Darbar which had held court to the great Nusrat saab was now in another warp, a magical spell cast by chota Nusrat.
  • The energy signature belonged to an alien probe that had detected the warp emissions from the warp drive tests.
  • If you continue to buy canvas boards, look for those which are advertised as non-warping.
  • If getting paid a couple of million quid a year to wear an unlimited supply of free leisurewear, trainers and football boots is your idea of a hex, you've got a very warped idea of what does and does not constitute good fortune. World Cup 2010: Spain v Portugal - as it happened
  • For when that part of the art of composition which is employed in the working of wool forms a web by the regular intertexture of warp and woof, the entire woven substance is called by us a woollen garment, and the art which presides over this is the art of weaving. The Statesman
  • This gently warped lyricism is soon displaced by ‘electric candyland,’ which is filled with distorted rumbling and overdriven guitar noises ranging from howls to sci-fi lab pulses and whines.
  • Xinhua News: 24 am local time, Israeli warplanes bombed a western Gaza City Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) base, a large area power outage in Gaza City.
  • The door must be warped. It won't close properly.
  • Rovers went on the warpath in the first half - streaking to a four-nil lead.
  • The military base is the principle strategic airhead for the militia, supporting its small fleet of helicopters and warplanes.
  • He is back on the warpath, freshened up and revitalised by his months away from Downing Street.
  • But Coutlass solved it in another way by jumping overboard, over his head in deep water, taking our hempen warp with him (I had made one end of it fast to the bitts, meaning to be able to find it in the dark). The Ivory Trail
  • Farmers go on the warpath upset over their lost crops.
  • When midway through the set four go-go dancers appear, the warped cabaret becomes all too slick and momentum is lost.
  • Only blissful ignorance or a warped sense of humour could have seen the bloke returned three times. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dave, bless his warped soul, writes an ode to Neil Diamond that must be read to be believed.
  • But doing what is necessary to live in a warped world is very different from doing what is merely convenient. Christianity Today

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