
How To Use Voting machine In A Sentence

  • Voting machines were on the fritz, and the office received constant calls about voting procedure.
  • For some people, snapping a pic of their ballot or their voting machine after checking the box for Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, or Roseanne Barr seemed only natural.
  • We keep acquiring degenerative diseases from stress and working three jobs; we keep playing the lose/lose "voting machine game"; we keep saying "oh well" to our disappearing heath plans and retirements; and we keep permitting vomitus "religious institutions" (not only in America) to murder in the name of God with nauseating self righteousness. Friends help me out here. Can we "wake up" in time to save ourselves from satanic national/international banker elites?
  • I discovered four magic words, ‘voting machines and glitch,’ which, when entered into a search engine, yielded a shocking result: A staggering pile of miscounts was accumulating.
  • There is a paper trail andno voting machine surprises or malfunctions. Life as a provisional voter
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  • Julius realised his rejected voting machine could speed up this whole process, so by 1913 he'd changed his voting machine into a totalisator, nicknamed the tote, which counted all the bets.
  • CLAIM: Electronic voting machines in Carteret County, N.C., mysteriously “lost” more than 4,500 votes — most of the votes cast in the county election! The Volokh Conspiracy » Debunking the most common vote fraud rumors.–
  • What's creepy about this quote is the context in which it appears on the homepage of a company that manufactures touch screen voting machines in California.
  • The EVM2003 project is a SourceForge-hosted project to develop voting machine software that uses wholly free software, and whose machines produce a voter-verifiable paper ballot.
  • We'll never know because electronic voting machine don't leave an audit trail.
  • The voting machine industry is unregulated and has not chosen to regulate itself.
  • Voting machines recorded no votes for James Cashman at all in one precinct, but in others he says he polled plenty of votes.
  • In a move anticipated for several months, the state of California has decertified all touch-screen voting machines due to security snafus and vendor stonewalling.
  • But such highly specific, dedicated voting machines are unnecessary and impracticable for the future of electronic voting.
  • In a video he provided us, Gonggrijp and friends showed they were able to change the votes recorded by a popular e-voting machine in under a minute. Dan Rather: Digital Democracy in Doubt
  • PA: State decertifies AVS touch-screen voting machines LINK 'Daily Voting News' For December 29, 2007
  • Computers are fallible; some of the computer voting machines in this election failed mysteriously and irrecoverably.
  • To assure party loyalty, the precinct captains merely accompany the voter into the voting machine.
  • Good news coming out of California today, as they've done the sensible thing and will require all electronic voting machines to include an auditable paper trail to make sure that the votes are accurate.
  • VotePAD proponents would like to see a noncomputerized alternative to electronic voting machines that are currently promoted as the only solution for disabled voting access requirements set in federal law. Controversy about VotePAD: demonstration and press conference before voting system certification
  • Under state and federal law, all voting machinery and component parts must be certified before use in an election.
  • If you spend any time on the Internet in the U.S., it is almost impossible not to know about the scandal involving touch screen voting machines.
  • The claim that IRV is better than plurality is questionable, since it increases the rate of spoiled ballots by a factor of 7, and incentivizes the implementation of fraud-prone (electronic) voting machines, and cannot be counted in precincts (and therefore requires central tabulation that makes counting less transparent and more prone to a central fraud conspiracy). Easter Lemming Liberal News
  • There concerns centre on ATM-style voting machines that computer scientists have criticised for software glitches, hacking and malfunctioning.
  • The voting machines and paper ballots for said election shall carry the following designation, which shall be the title and submission clause.
  • She arrived at her polling place on a gurney in an ambulance, where an election judge and support worker climbed aboard with an electronic voting machine and let her cast her ballot.
  • But these can carry a hidden problem: in some localities, voting machines stamp a bar code on the paper record, and it is the bar code, not the human-readable portion of the printout, that is the official record of each individual's vote. Paper Trails That Lead Nowhere
  • Plenty of distraught candidates have gone to court accusing the voting machines of miscounting their votes, but to little avail.
  • That's not all - the party plans to use paper ballots rather than voting machines in order to keep down costs.
  • By their own admission in the words of their signed contracts with government agencies, voting machine vendors" disclaim "or refuse to stand behind their products. Armed Madhouse and the huge task ahead of us
  • For all of you folking clamoring over recounts, isn't the purpose of electronic voting machines to avoid such a thing? Tim Hugo's Future Chaos
  • There have been several calls to vet voting machines by Irish software developers.
  • To assure party loyalty, the precinct captains merely accompany the voter into the voting machine.
  • Taitz, who believes that the Federal Emergency Management Agency is building internment camps to house anti-Obama activists and that Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez controls the software that runs American voting machines, makes for undeniably good television: She looks like a young Carol Channing, sounds like an overexcited Zsa Zsa Gabor, and has the ability to make absurd accusations with a completely straight face. The Panic Virus
  • A number of voting precincts have since spent considerable money upgrading their e-voting machines so they also record a paper record. Dan Rather: Digital Democracy in Doubt
  • Thousands of electronic voting machines 'okayed' by the Ciber labs were in use last Nov, despite what the Times reports as a failure by the company to follow quality-control procedures and an inability to 'document that it was conducting all the required tests.' ' OpEdNews - Quicklink: NYT Front Page Stunner: Feds shut down e-vote testing lab last summer...
  • California has halted its own rush into electronic voting upon learning that some Diebold voting machines used in the recent election were delivered and used with uncertified software.
  • The only real question at this point is if they have been successful in rigging enough voting machines to swing this election if it's close enough.
  • The activists have used their technological know-how to demonstrate that most, if not all, e-voting machines can be hacked. Dan Rather: Digital Democracy in Doubt
  • One of the silly arguments of those deafening poorly designed electronic voting machines is that there's never been any evidence that they miscount votes.
  • Held in London in 1851, the Great Exhibition introduced new inventions like an early form of the fax machine and the voting machine.
  • As of now, there is no federal body monitoring problems with e-voting machines. Dan Rather: Digital Democracy in Doubt
  • The canvass is a legal process in which local officials literally reconstruct the results of the election one voting machine and one precinct at a time, to ensure that all votes validly cast in the election are counted fairly and accurately. Fairfax GOP head questions vote totals in Connolly-Fimian race
  • The layout of almost every voting machine I have ever seen is just terrible.
  • There are dozens of stories about computerized voting machines producing erroneous results.
  • In our latest segment examining the use of e-voting machines, "Das Vote," we will show again that there's no guarantee that these machines count votes correctly. Dan Rather: Digital Democracy in Doubt
  • The only path I'm seeing for McCain - aside from a horrible mistake by Obama - is to make Frank Marshall a story in the last 48 hours, hope that it tightens the polls by 2-3 points, like the Gore campaign did in 2000 with Bush's drunk driving arrest, and hope that slow voting machines reduce turnout in areas with high African-American populations in OH, FL, PA, and VA. The Poll Dance: No Tights - Swampland -
  • All of these are machines that involve data input that results in a transaction, just like a voting machine.
  • Indeed, since 2000, there have been several cases of certain types of e-voting machines mis-recording votes. Dan Rather: Digital Democracy in Doubt
  • In spite of the flaws exposed by U. S.-based hackers and activists -- groups such as Black Box Voting and Verified Voting -- states here continued a spending spree on e-voting machines. Dan Rather: Digital Democracy in Doubt
  • To assure party loyalty, the precinct captains merely accompany the voter into the voting machine.

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