How To Use Virgin mary In A Sentence
I see his sensibility as basically that of an earlier age: he is a chivalric knight devoted to his lady; this devotion is like that of a medieval Christian who lives in the world yet profoundly venerates the Virgin Mary.
Sena Jeter Naslund - An interview with author
One legend has it that thyme was included among the hay used to make a bed for the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child, so it is often considered one of “Mary’s bedstraws” of which there are several.
Thyme - The Virgin's Humility
His Requiem Mass was celebrated in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The ampulla was believed to contain holy oil, said to have been given by the Virgin Mary to Thomas Becket and rediscovered in time to assist Henry IV at his coronation in 1399.
I had lunch today, in a little glassed-in concrete area above the public toilets in a little bay on the headland of which stands a statue of the Virgin Mary, just south of the old port of Biarritz.

At Vatopedi, it's the camel-hair girdle worn by the Virgin Mary and a four-inch fragment of the Cross.
A Fossil With Flesh
This Levi is here said to be the son of Alpheus or Cleophas, husband to that Mary who was sister or near kinswoman to the virgin Mary and if so, he was own brother to
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
Between rows of monuments, including homages to revolutionary scribe José Martí, independence warrior Antonio Maceo Grajales and the Virgin Mary, is an old ceiba tree, sacred to the Santería religion, where you'll find offerings like candy and cow's tongues.
Take Monday Off: Cuban Miami
Like the Virgin Mary, who believed what the angel told her about God's plan of salvation, Philip also believed the angel's message.
The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.
Evening Prayer II for August 15 features this antiphon: ‘The Virgin Mary was taken up to the heavenly bridal chamber where the King of kings is seated on a starry throne.’
Almost 200 of his works survive, including 84 songs, eight complete masses, 13 isorhythmic motets, and numerous hymn settings, single mass movements, and works in honour of the Virgin Mary and various saints and liturgical feasts.
Archive 2009-04-01
The people prayed, wept, gnashed their teeth, pulled their hair, imploring the mercy of the Virgin Mary.
The Pope is due to beatify two dead shepherd children who were lucky enough to see the Virgin Mary six times in five months way back in 1917 when they were just 11 and 12 years old.
Then went the innocent into the chamber of his wife, whom he thought more beautiful than the Virgin Mary painted in Italian, Flemish, and other pictures, at whose feet he had said his prayers.
Droll Stories — Complete Collected from the Abbeys of Touraine
How can you, when every crucifix, monstrance, rosary, statue of the Virgin Mary or picture of the Sacred Heart that you see reminds you of the abuse that you suffered?
Fr. Benedict Groeschel blasts American Psychological Association
Currently the Virgin Mary is revered, and many churches are dedicated to her.
How important is it to pray to the Virgin Mary?
In the Christian tradition, people like St. Bernadette Soubirous, the 19th-century woman who saw apparitions of the Virgin Mary in the town of Lourdes, are called "visionaries.
Rev. James Martin, S.J.: St. Steve Jobs? Probably Not, But….
Nativity of the Holy Theotokos, founded in August 2008, is named for the birthday of the Virgin Mary, who is called Theotokos in the Orthodox Church.
News for WNCT
But the Divine Feminine, sometimes known as Shekinah, sometimes as the Holy Spirit, sometimes as Quan Yin, sometimes, even in the darkest patriarchy, known as the Blessed Virgin Mary, that Divine Feminine is a yielding, accepting, forgiving aspect of God.
Dr. Susan Corso: The Morality Police and the Divine Feminine
One day, she might appear in the character of a devout young mother, peeping shyly from a giant mantilla as she explains the importance of the Virgin Mary.
Cement versions of Virgin Mary have been donated by different towns such as Colima, Tepic, Zapopan, and others, and they line the wide sidewalk from the arch into town.
From Talpa to Puerto Vallarta in the 1800s
One day, as she roams deep in the forest, ill with allergies and the flu, her sweat-shirt hood pulled tightly around her like a postmodern wimple, Ann experiences an apparition of the Virgin Mary.
Local village life is marked by celebrations honoring the saints and the Virgin Mary.
The Virgin birth, the bodily Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Resurrection of Jesus, the survival of our own souls after death: these are all claims of a clearly scientific nature.
On the grass verge beside the signpost was a small shrine with a blue-clothed statue of the Virgin Mary.
The chant pilgrimage at the National Shrine concluded with a Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary, extraordinary form, with Gregorian ordinary and propers, including organ by David Lang and the Shrine choir directed by Peter Latona singing Palestrina and Byrd.
Chant Pilgrimage report
Every weekend the couple and their friends -- who call themselves the Gentsche Ghesellen, or Ghent companions -- sleep in windowless tent encampments where they build benches from branches, bake bread, sing religious tributes to the Virgin Mary and drink hippocras, a 14th-century wine drink spiced with ginger, cloves and pepper.
Archive 2007-04-01
Virgin Mary; on the sides of this trumeau are bas-reliefs representing the
Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 3 France and the Netherlands, Part 1
So says St. Alphonsus: Do you then, be also careful always to join to your daily visit to the Most Blessed Sacrament a visit to the most holy Virgin Mary in some church, or at least before a devout image of her in your own house.
The Visit to the Blessed Virgin
The Virgin Mary statue is dressed in an elegant gold-flecked gown.
One of these is the mode in which the Nunc Dimittis is sung during the ceremony of distributing the blessed candles on the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
All over Ireland, posters advertise pilgrim coach tours to Knock, a town famous for apparitions of the Virgin Mary.
Director Paul Gameson will conduct a 7.30 pm programme of Christmas music by Charpentier, honouring the Virgin Mary in a selection of carols, motets and dramatic oratorios.
The texts are bound together with some hymns and the story of an errant monk whom the Virgin Mary saved from eternal damnation.
At the center of this church is a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary, with paintings by Leopold Layer.
How, for example, to reconcile Aquinas' doctrinal disproof of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the acceptance and dogmatical promulgation of the same?
Light from the East: The Russian Catholic Parish in Lyons, France
According to chronicler William of Malmesbury, her dying act was characteristically pious: as a final gift to the Priory, she ordered hung about the neck of a statue of the Virgin Mary her personal rosary of precious stones.
Simultaneously, however, a battle over the symbolism of blondness was taking place in other parts of Europe where the Virgin Mary was being portrayed as a blonde.
All over Ireland, posters advertise pilgrim coach tours to Knock, a town famous for apparitions of the Virgin Mary.
It was on 24th June 1981 that young villagers first reported seeing the Virgin Mary in a vision.
In opposition to the rational approach to divine understanding that the schoolmen adopted, Bernard preached an immediate faith, in which the intercessor was the Virgin Mary.
In the Arena chapel's image of Enrico presenting a model of his chapel to the Virgin Mary, Giotto provides us with one of the first true portrait likenesses of a patron in an essentially traditional, supplicant, role.
I believe that's the Virgin Mary handing out her baby to a rabi for circumcision.
Tarnish and Style: Why I Like Venice, part 1
Perhaps a Virgin Mary, or some sparkling grape juice would be in order.
To many, the crown was a reference to the Virgin of Charity, the patron saint of Cuba, worshiped by Roman Catholics as the Virgin Mary and by devotees of Santeria both as Mary and as Oshun, the river spirit.
Cuba's Real Religion
Finally, in the seventh, A Prayer for my Daughter, the author instructs his child not to believe in the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.
There is a Roman Catholic church with a Virgin Mary statue out front.
But suckling a pig in imitation of the Virgin Mary, as she did for one album's inside sleeve, is eccentric in anyone's book.
The insides of the Basilica and Rosary are stunning, while the grotto, with a statue of the Virgin Mary in creamy white and baby blue and nestled in the cave, is the main drawcard.
The ‘Virgin Mary’ - with due apologies to the original Bloody Mary - is one mocktail that is popular with most mock tipplers hereabouts.
And to hold up the Virgin Mary as the only example of a true, honest woman and to show this as the ideal can not be right.
It is tragic and ironic that the scandal that led to the fall of the French monarchy would explode on the patronal feast day of the kingdom, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Archive 2009-08-01
The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.
The virgin Mary, however, was to marry a local carpenter Joseph.
Michelangelo allegedly responded to the suggestion that in his Pieta , the Virgin Mary seemed the same age as her son Jesus, by saying that the chaste remain young for longer.
Hence the "good mother" is imagined as a source of perfect sympathy, a fantasy like that inscribed in the notion of the Virgin Mary as "fons pieta.
'Mummy, possest': Sadism and Sensibility in Shelley's _Frankenstein_
he had a vision of the Virgin Mary
It is not surprising that in his later works, Huysmans should replace the lonely des Esseintes with the convert Durtal, who finds solace in the Mother Church and the Virgin Mary, source of all nurturance and forgiveness.
Then on the four small beads say the "Hail Mary", adding after each, "Blessed be the pure, holy and immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Icons depicting the Virgin Mary and the saints are widely venerated, and the faithful light candles, pray, bow, and sometimes weep before these sacred images.
It gives a precious glimpse of Constantinople 's most famous image of the Virgin Mary painted it was believed from the life by Saint Luke himself.
He reconsecrated it to the Virgin Mary and resumed using the temple to pray for the dead, only now it was ‘Christianised ‘, as men added the unscriptural teaching of purgatory.
In the image of the Virgin Mary, we find compassion, tender-heartedness, care, trust, humility.
Raised in an irreligious family, he found himself "skeptical and guarded" in the village of Medjugorje, where visions of the Virgin Mary have been reported, drawing pilgrims by the busload.
'Miracle Detectives' On The Hunt For Answers
It is a massive hymn in the Byzantine Rite, in praise of the Virgin Mary.
Thus, when the reliquary was exhibited from the outdoor pulpit on feast days sacred to the Virgin Mary, a strong visual bond between the reliquary and the church in which it was kept could be discerned.
Her alienated, out-of-step Mary Henry is one of horror cinema's great heroines and that image of her stepping coltishly out of the brine, back from the brink of death, is iconic on a Virgin Mary level.
20 Girls 20
The Virgin Mary could be tolerated for her merciful, loving, consolatory virtues if only one didn't at the same time have to buy into her passivity and sexual repressiveness.
In a more vigorous vein he wrote some church music, including a Mass in the old style and the famous music for Vespers on feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Pope Pius XII infallibly proclaimed the doctrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 1 November 1950.
The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.
The long robe of the allegoric figure as well as her appearance over water would be familiar to the majority of the nominally Catholic French nation as an allusion to the Virgin Mary.
Christians refer to the mother of Jesus as the Virgin Mary
For Christians, the Virgin Mary is a symbol of purity.
I don't have the list of office hymns that are sung specifically on this day - but the LLPB appoints this hymn, "The God Whom Earth and Sea and Sky" (that's the mp3) (Quem terra, pontus, aethera) to "The Common of Saints - A hymn about the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Archive 2008-05-01
My email address, multifoliate, literally means "many leaves", but it also refers to the Virgin Mary.
Beyond Meds
Lamentations", settings of the liturgical hymns, a collection of motets, the well-know "Stabat Mater" for double chorus, litanies in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the offertories for the ecclesiastical year.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
A graveside statue of the Virgin Mary in Sligo Cemetery is the latest local monument to be daubed with red paint.
For centuries, Italians had turned to the Virgin Mary in times of individual or collective trouble to ask for salvation or deliverance.
Regarding his miraculous birth, the Qu'ran narrates the transcendent annunciation dialogue between the Angel Gabriel Jibril and Virgin Mary: She said: When shall I have a boy and no mortal has yet touched me, nor have I been unchaste?
Wilfredo Amr Ruiz: Islamic Christmas
The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.
Local village life is marked by celebrations honoring the saints and the Virgin Mary.
They both had the same device upon the surcoats; it was a Virgin Mary embroidered on a field azure.
The following year, the city opened the world's largest public lavatory, which can accommodate 1,000 people over four floors and which featured crocodile and Virgin Mary themed urinals.
She had chosen moreover to ally herself to the cult of the Virgin Mary, known as Theotokos Mother of God, provoking those religious leaders who denied that God was born of a human womb but winning her great popularity among a growing number of fellow Mariologists.
Caesars’ Wives
One is struck by the correspondence between the ornate gold bullion that ornaments Spanish statues of the Virgin Mary and the same bullion that adorns the matador's traje de luces "suit of lights".
Between Heaven and Earth
In the west of Ireland a small roadside shrine to the Virgin Mary stands almost alongside an equally modest stone circle.
Some Christians even cultivated a theology with a built-in female principle, with the worship of the Virgin Mary dubbed the Theotokos alongside the Son and the Father.
Caesars’ Wives
Thousands of believers have visited the site, which many say at certain times and in certain lights projects the image of the Virgin Mary.
These five-part sacred motets were published in 1612 with a dedication to the Virgin Mary.
The pristine, pale features of the Virgin Mary looked back at my alabaster skin stoically.
Next it was the pilgrimage part of our tour, as we visited the house where the virgin Mary spent the end of her life under the care of the Apostle John.
Eastern Christians celebrate not the Assumption, but the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
On July 30, the pope intends to canonize Juan Diego, the humble Aztec to whom the Virgin Mary supposedly appeared in 1531.
Of Germanus 'works "certain homilies on Marian themes have survived, of which some have had a profound influence on the piety of entire generations of faithful, both in the East and the West", including one which Pope Pius XII "set like a pearl in the 1950 Apostolic Constitution' Munificentissimus Deus '", dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.
Benedict XVI on St. Germanus of Constantinople, defender of holy images
Mary, for like as Eve by the exhorting of the devil gave her consent to do the sin of inobedience to our perdition, right so by the greeting of the angel Gabriel and by exhorting, the glorious Virgin Mary gave her consenting to his message by obedience, to our salvation.
The Golden Legend, vol. 3
This is followed by a narrative poem which combatively asserts the central role played by women (Eve, the Virgin Mary, Pilate's wife, the daughters of Jerusalem) in the Christian tradition.
On the one hand, for the religious mainstream, virginity during the Middle Ages was the sign of highest moral purity and devotion, in likeness to the virtue of the Virgin Mary.
In a possible scenario, the abduction mystery would be about real otherworldly visitations, beings of a kind perhaps related to apparitions of the Virgin Mary, or fairies, or demons, or other creatures of an elemental, discarnate or excarnate nature.
Experiencing the Next World Now
I found myself turning a box of cards around so the Virgin Mary wouldn't have to witness me buying skeleton candy.
Had the Virgin Mary interceded on my behalf as a result of all that fervent prayer?
Oh yyyyeah, this is Mexico - quaint religious shops, Virgin Marys everywhere, guys laying around on the street and taquerias vending food for one-tenth the price of just a few blocks away.
Over the eighteen years since the first reports emerged in West Waterford of apparitions of the Virgin Mary, many thousands of people have gone there by day and night to pray and reflect on their lives.
The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.
There's lots of lovely symbolism in the processes of apiculture and (more unexpectedly) the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Four BF audios
O God, who by the resurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ didst vouchsafe to give gladness unto the world: Grant, we beseech thee, that we, being holpen by the Virgin Mary, his Mother, may attain unto the joys of everlasting life; through the same Christ our Lord.
Archive 2006-04-01
A gild dedicated to the Virgin Mary was founded there in the early 15th century.
Next day, appropriate sermons in the churches, processions in the afternoon, in which wax figures of Christ and the Virgin Mary were carried by men got up in fancy dresses as soldiers and centurions, and so called penitents, walking covered with black shrouds and veils, with small round holes to look through, or in the yellow dress and extinguisher cap, both with flames and devils painted on them.
Anahuac : or, Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Modern
It was in this city that a Council in the year 431 proclaimed the Virgin Mary "Theotokos," of Mother of God.
Itinerary of Benedict XVI's Trip to Turkey
Christ, the Virgin Mary, the Apostles, saints, angels and religious events are depicted.
Oh yyyyeah, this is Mexico - quaint religious shops, Virgin Marys everywhere, guys laying around on the street and taquerias vending food for one-tenth the price of just a few blocks away.
The peasant girl adores the statue of the Virgin Mary.
A portrait of the Virgin Mary looms behind him like a heavenly guardian.
This person is also a current practising catholic - reinforced by her refusal to go for a drink with me this weekend, as she is off to Bendigo for a pilgrimage behind an alabaster statue of the Virgin Mary for 100 km of walking to Ballarat.
For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became truly human.
Symbols of love and sacrifice, roses became a floral emblem of the Virgin Mary.
In the west of Ireland a small roadside shrine to the Virgin Mary stands almost alongside an equally modest stone circle.
The term nuptials itself is apparently derived from the Old French term nuptialis, part of a centuries-old French musical composition, Nuptialis hodie, which appropriately celebrates the Virgin Mary’s wedding day.
A French Perspective or Une Perspective Francaise
That every puir fellow as has no gret brains in his head will be left to his superstition, an 'his ignorance to fulfil the lusts o' his flesh; while the few that are geniuses, or fancy themselves sae, are to ha 'the monopoly o' this private still o 'philosophy -- these carbonari, illuminati, vehmgericht, samothracian mysteries o' bottled moonshine. An 'when that comes to pass, I'll just gang back to my schule and my catechism, and begin again wi' 'who was born o' the Virgin Mary, suffered oonder
Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet An Autobiography
If the Virgin Mary as an image draws together contradictory ideas about sexuality and motherhood, then perhaps a trans Virgin suggests the impossibility of such a figure of reproductivity.
Transgender Women and Catholic Iconography « Gender Across Borders
Jackson's woodcut of the Pieta theme hangs in my loft as a reminder of a classical motif, the Pieta of the Virgin Mary and Jesus.
Madame Tussaud's waxworks has been exhibiting a Nativity scene that depicts the footballer David Beckham as Joseph and his popstar wife, Victoria, as the Virgin Mary.
The Virgin Mary statue is dressed in an elegant gold-flecked gown.
Virgin Mary descended of the Ioyal line, and had cousinage of the priests.
The Golden Legend, vol. 5
Along with figurines depicting the Virgin Mary, the Three Wise Men and the Christ child, a Caganer is a fixture in Catalan nativity scenes—but with a scatological twist.
Christmas, and Caganers, in Catalonia
There is a Roman Catholic church with a Virgin Mary statue out front.