- the mother of Jesus; Christians refer to her as the Virgin Mary; she is especially honored by Roman Catholics
- a Bloody Mary made without alcohol
How To Use Virgin Mary In A Sentence
- I see his sensibility as basically that of an earlier age: he is a chivalric knight devoted to his lady; this devotion is like that of a medieval Christian who lives in the world yet profoundly venerates the Virgin Mary. Sena Jeter Naslund - An interview with author
- One legend has it that thyme was included among the hay used to make a bed for the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child, so it is often considered one of “Mary’s bedstraws” of which there are several. Thyme - The Virgin's Humility
- His Requiem Mass was celebrated in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
- The ampulla was believed to contain holy oil, said to have been given by the Virgin Mary to Thomas Becket and rediscovered in time to assist Henry IV at his coronation in 1399.
- I had lunch today, in a little glassed-in concrete area above the public toilets in a little bay on the headland of which stands a statue of the Virgin Mary, just south of the old port of Biarritz.
- At Vatopedi, it's the camel-hair girdle worn by the Virgin Mary and a four-inch fragment of the Cross. A Fossil With Flesh
- This Levi is here said to be the son of Alpheus or Cleophas, husband to that Mary who was sister or near kinswoman to the virgin Mary and if so, he was own brother to Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
- Between rows of monuments, including homages to revolutionary scribe José Martí, independence warrior Antonio Maceo Grajales and the Virgin Mary, is an old ceiba tree, sacred to the Santería religion, where you'll find offerings like candy and cow's tongues. Take Monday Off: Cuban Miami
- Like the Virgin Mary, who believed what the angel told her about God's plan of salvation, Philip also believed the angel's message.
- The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.