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How To Use Very much like In A Sentence

  • Remember that we also know that in many body systems there are quasiparticles which act very much like normal particles.
  • Admin coldblood told The Register, "This is very much like the Scientology thing started more than a year ago now. P2pnet news
  • Ghoma barked out a laugh that sounded very much like a goat's bray.
  • Sandara squealed excitedly, ‘how come you never told me your cousin was very much like me?’
  • She laughed that remarkable laughter that sounds so very much like chimes, the laughter of feminine innocence, pure joy, a laugh that begins in the diaphragm, explodes through a grin and electrifies the eyes. Stop the runaway horses
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Master English with Ease
  • Now, dance music is very much like any other form of American pop - slinky, sophisticated and mostly sung by young innocent popstrels.
  • Some of our comrades love to unite long articles with no substance, very much like the foot-bindings of a slattern long as well as smelly.
  • Warren carries a thin Bible as he moves to and from the podium, but never opens it during the sermon, which feels very much like a self-help seminar. American Grace
  • I love these videos, because the jaguar is simultaneously acting very much like a cat (playing around) and very much not like a cat (playing in the water). Kitty in da water! « Skulls in the Stars
  • One palpitating report indicated that the “blue-eyed Queen took on a storybook aura” during a dinner at the Williamsburg Inn and that the prince received a greeting “very much like bobbysox squealing.” Queen Elizabeth Is Coming To Virginia
  • Aurora would very much like to tell him to scram but she really did need his help.
  • It must have manipulatory organs, such as this being very obviously did have -- organs very much like his own. Anything You Can Do ...
  • She smiled, and looked very much like a pink-haired version of the cherubs in Michelangelo's ceiling in the Sistine Chapel.
  • It looks very much like the rose-tinted spectacles kicking in. Times, Sunday Times
  • He looked very much like a savage creature, with his wild, shaggy black hair and infuriated and crazed grin.
  • But now that we're all plugged into the Matrix, will we basically conjure up a "dreamworld" that feels very much like the "real world? Archive 2007-11-01
  • The proposed size of the MSPV 37 - 42 meters sounds very much like an under-1000 tonner to me. Archive 2009-07-01
  • I wasn't going to go to my law school graduation, but my sister guilted me into it by reminding me that I have a 90-year-old grandmother and a 12-year-old niece who would very much like to see me graduate.
  • I've eaten Indian in Tooting before - a super-duper veggie place - and would very much like to do so again.
  • A culture is very much like the experimental space used in the analysis of behavior.
  • In fact, the audience is very much like one of her suitors, left to comfort each other drunkenly while she gallivants with someone new.
  • It's very much like the way there is no ambiguous common-sense basis for the interpretation of the terms incall and outcall as used by massage services.
  • Sure enough, at nine o'clock sharp, a man who looked very much like a fisherman walked in bearing assorted calamari, shellfish and prawns on a large plastic tray.
  • A few passages of Irish heroic poetry that survive from the prehistoric period employ an alliterative line very much like the one used by Old English poets.
  • I am already thinking about possible research subjects, though the question cannot really arise for several years yet, as I should very much like to feel that I have done some work by the time I leave academia behind, and also because I want to cock a snook at that absurd fellow who has bestridden the field for forty years like a pinchbeck colossus. To do
  • Erik's mannerisms were very much like one who was raised under both the disciplines of a soldier, but also the restraints of a gentleman.
  • It was so good and very much like him to make that line about the condom, rather than do something like 'boink' her like he's simulating rape or something along those lines. - Because visibility matters
  • In size and marking it looks very much like a leopard, although the jaguar is the much heavier animal, weighing up to 34 kg.
  • Very "imperfective" and hardly a "story," it is nevertheless done with sober and conscientious craftsmanship, very much like Bunin and very unlike the usual idea we have of Pilniak. Tales of the Wilderness
  • We treat it very much like we would treat alcoholism or drug addiction.
  • Mmmm, sounds very much like one my mom used to make - crookneck squash, Rotel tomatoes, onions, chilies, cheese, and sour cream on top. Tex-Mex squash casserole | Homesick Texan
  • In it, they describe a hierarchy of entities very much like what you're talking about here.
  • Tsongas -- the truth-telling "nonpolitician" - was suddenly acting very much like one, turning nasty and personal toward Clinton with a series of misleading ads. Stepping It Up
  • The truth is, that the word is used because the connation is negative, very much like "your mother wears combat boots". A Job to Do - Just Do It
  • Its magazine was placed in the pistol grip very much like a Uzi and had a front pistol grip at the very end of the barrel underneath the muzzle.
  • This reads very much like a womens' libber thread. COMING UNSTUCK
  • Is it not true, furthermore, as some metrical sceptics like to remind us, that if we once admit the principle of substitution and equivalence, of hypermetrical and truncated syllables, of pauses taking the place of syllables, we can very often make one metre seem very much like another? A Study of Poetry
  • His lightly muscled tanned bare skin glistened in the sun and he felt very much like an article on display.
  • In this house system, the twelve divisions are very much like spokes of a wheel, equally spaced at 30 degree intervals, with all houses being the same size.
  • Next up is celeriac, a large bulbous root vegetable that tastes very much like celery.
  • ‘Let me go,’ I shrieked, feeling very much like a madwoman.
  • This species, which is endemic to marshes and moorlands located in the Ethiopian highlands, is very much like the northern lapwing, V. vanellus, found in Europe: it is a relatively tame, noisy bird with a swerving flight that feeds on the ground, making short runs and sudden stops. Mystery bird: Spot-breasted plover, Vanellus melanocephalus
  • Dressage terms like; capriole, levade, piaffe, pirouette, sound very much like those used in classical ballet and definitely equal the precision, control and athleticism required of a prima ballerina, yet these are the movements of a 1200 lb. horse. Undefined
  • For this reason it is called the black, or cherry, birch, and also because the tree is very much like the black cherry. Among the Trees at Elmridge
  • Len, who's about the size of a freight car, smiles kind of sickish at this, and says he hopes there's no hard feelings among old friends and lodge brothers; and Egbert says, Oh, no! It would just be in the nature of a friendly contest, which he feels very much like having one, since he can be pushed just so far; but Cora says gambling has brutalized him. Somewhere in Red Gap
  • And they very much like lissome blonde lovelies with a winning smile and statistics that are undeniably vital so long as we aren't talking about her game.
  • They're about how these characters succumb to these pressures and these influences very much like we all do in our lives.
  • I very much like going to parties and dancing and meeting people.
  • In a way, the cover for Shadow Fall is very much like the scene I excerpted from the book for one of the questions, but really, the wonderful artists at Dorchester just did a fantastic job. Blogging with Erin Kellison
  • I would very much like to pair this dress with a pseudo-Victorian choker and/or hairpiece -- something in silver (or silvertone) and pearls (but heaven knows if I'll find something I like, or if I'll be able to scrape up the dough for it if I do). January 18th, 2006
  • I also discovered what a kistvaen is by the simple process of falling into one (a burial hole ill-covered by a cracked and unbalanced slab of stone), and we met a herd of immensely shaggy, long-horned highland cattle, looking very much like prehistoric creatures recently risen from some weed-grown swamp. The Moor
  • Life for the couple sounds very much like it is drawn from the plot of a Ben Stiller movie.
  • So, he decided to inhabit a character who was very much like he was in real life: Brash, glib, superficial and immensely appreciative of beautiful women.
  • It's very much like the radiance of falling in love, but it's not the ordinary falling in love where we're still involved in attachment and aversion; it's a radiance that is imperturbable because totally ultimate.
  • It sounded very much like she was trying to sound evil and diabolical, but all she came across as was somewhat disturbed.
  • It looks very much like the rose-tinted spectacles kicking in. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would very much like to feel better now so I can get back to regular vigourous exercise, which makes me feel all shiny and renewed as opposed to sluggish yet slothful, which is how I've been feeling since Hurricane Datlow returned to base. Seen On A Passing Bus In London This Morning:
  • He was thoroughly conscientious, always helpful and very much liked.
  • Though home staging seems very much like interior design, it isn't.
  • I dozed lightly, the sound of her voice and her strokes in my hair and over my neck pulling me gently into a place that seemed very much like heaven.
  • The economic situation is very much like that, and the ranting you hear about how it's going has major components grounded in simplism. Talking Our Way Out of the Great Recession
  • Slick It drives very much like a car thanks to light steering and a slick gearbox which comes in six-speed manual or auto. The Sun
  • I hung out at Fitness World in San Salvador, which is very much like a fitness studio in the United States with Garfield posters on the wall. Children of Cain: Violence and the Violent in Latin America
  • She had got used to the idea, and besides, death was very much like life, only without the worries.
  • If Ann is guilty of objective mendacity in print, I should very much like to see it pointed out.
  • And one of the marvelous things God described to Job sounds very much like an apatosaurus.
  • Mr Bercow's banter with Mr Grayling looked to me very much like 'chuntering' - if we can use the word the Speaker himself threw at Keith Simpson. Home | Mail Online
  • It is very much like turning the tiller on a boat to deflect the wake on the boat and alter its course.
  • Turkish Interior Minister, said the explosion sain "very much like a terrorist attack.
  • Fired by much wine and a weariness with the visitor's braying, these words (or something very much like them) tumbled unbidden from the Professor's lips.
  • Every little dent in the rickety vehicle was a tiny book in itself, and made one feel very much like a parent of a child, knowing every thing about them from missing teeth to hangnails.
  • So the most that science can determine is that the object did not look very much like a face. Critical Thinking Exercise
  • This one was from a different time period and its skirt ballooned, very much like a ball gown a princess of the old times might wear.
  • Their relationship was far from cold: she very much liked being held by him, and she awoke every morning in his arms, head pillowed on his shoulder, or his arm if her back was to him.
  • Burke's phrase of "the swinish multitude," applied to mobs, was then in every body's mouth; and, accordingly, after my brother had recovered from his first astonishment at this audacious mutiny, he made us several sweeping bows that looked very much like tentative rehearsals of a sweeping _fusillade_, and then addressed us in a very brief speech, of which we could distinguish the words _pearls_ and _swinish multitude_, but uttered in a very low key, perhaps out of some lurking consideration for the two young strangers. Autobiographical Sketches
  • However, induction (or something very much like it) plays a crucial role in the theory of scientific knowledge in the Posterior Analytics: it is induction, or at any rate a cognitive process that moves from particulars to their generalizations, that is the basis of knowledge of the indemonstrable first principles of sciences. Aristotle's Logic
  • An unplowed grass field can look very much like any other field that's covered with snow.
  • They are noted for having the hind legs much longer than the fore ones -- in fact, being shaped very much like the kangaroos -- of which they might be termed Lilliputian varieties, were it not that they lack the pouch, which distinguishes these curious creatures. Quadrupeds, What They Are and Where Found A Book of Zoology for Boys
  • It suddenly struck me that without the monocle, he would look very much like the statue of David by Michelangelo.
  • It was made out of black polyester that looked very much like silk, floor length, with a kind of cowl neck, cut low to the back with straps fanning out across the back and bugle beading at the hips and collar.
  • I'd very much like to visit them sometime.
  • When I was a kid, I used to enjoy doing something very much like this by following cross-references in the unabridged dictionary at the library.
  • The tufted convallaria bifolia, or bead-ruby, is one of our most common wood plants, very much like that of Europe, although the flowerets are larger. Rural Hours
  • The people very much like the myna which is with good intention, because she has a body black feather, the people kindly are called her "black eyebrow coloring plume princess".
  • And they very much like lissome blonde lovelies with a winning smile and statistics that are undeniably vital so long as we aren't talking about her game.
  • I'd also very much like someone, if possible, to do some artwork for this fic, but that's not necessary.
  • In the evening I killed a nsamma doe, an animal very much like the Kobus Ellipsiprymnus, but without the lunated mark over the rump; and at night, about 1 a.m., turned out to shoot an elephant, which we distinctly heard feasting on plantains; but rain was falling, and the night so dark, he was left till the morning. The Discovery of the Source of the Nile
  • Putting on coat and tie for me is very much like the priest putting on chasuble and stole.
  • The rest of the plasma is very much like seawater, an ocean of life.
  • Some have heard that he went thence to Augusta; others aver that in their opinion, he travelled away down into the low country "whar they call sop, gravy; again, some say that a man very much like him was seen travelling in the Cherokee country; and not a few contend that he married, and settled in an adjoining eastern county, leading a quiet and blameless life for many years. Some Adventures of Captain Simon Suggs, Late of the Tallapoosa Volunteers; Together with "Taking the Census," and Other Alabama Sketches. By a Country Editor. With a Portrait from Life, and Other Illustrations, by Darley
  • This is very much like paraphrasing or adding an ellipsis in a sentence.
  • An unplowed grass field can look very much like any other field that's covered with snow.
  • It looks very much like Mary first anointed Jesus' feet as a penitent, then again in gratitude for the raising of Lazarus, and finally she attempted to anoint him after his death.
  • It is made from kangaroo meat, which is very much like venison. The Sun
  • Meanwhile, he busied himself designing Peter, who looked very much like Columbus, but with a different head. First they toppled the Moscow mayor, now they're after his sculptor
  • Reading your book at the moment, sounds very much like all of the once great forces and services of Her Most Royal Mag are going down the swanny. on April 13, 2009 at 7: 26 pm | Reply Log Entry I’ll Do Anything Me. For Now That Is. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Barely were the words out of my mouth when I stubbed my toe on some obstacle, pitched forward, and butted my head into something that FELT very much like a door.
  • The people very much like the myna which is with good intention, because she has a body black feather, the people kindly are called her "black eyebrow coloring plume princess".
  • By the way, if you do see him, these very nice, yet heavily armed people would very much like to have a word.
  • I would very much like to know if you are contemplating marrying Giles, in spite of your apparent denial.
  • A culture is very much like the experimental space used in the analysis of behavior.
  • It tells other passengers that you would very much like a seat so you can rest your swollen ankles or aching back. Times, Sunday Times
  • (in the vernacular sense) of nature, such as entropic processes, particle interactions, etc. (including selection) are parallel to, very much like, or even the same as Dawkins 'purpose. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • 'We'll travel most of the way through unspaced areas, but then, one section of nothing is very much like any other, kweli? The Tar-Aiym Krang
  • She was very much like a Zen monk, or a lama, or my guru.
  • Bowman had a perfect view of a beautifully streamlined, torpedo-shaped body, very much like one of the remora or suckerfish that attach themselves to sharks. Tin
  • Also, the pacing of the scenes - when the cuts come, often late and after a period of nothing happening - is very much like a piece of anime.
  • It is very much like the difference between looking at a well-arranged garden, planted in rows and patterns, versus seeing a wild thicket or forest growing in confusion.
  • Very scarey … … and this brief glimpse is totally very much like the orginal. Must Watch: First The Day the Earth Stood Still Trailer! «
  • This looked very much like some of the phrenology and craniometry that was being done in the 19th Century.
  • The family is barely holding together, and Charlie acts out with violent activity designed to impress a gang of roughnecks that he'd very much like to hang out with.
  • It did sound very much like the flip side to Mrs Richards' story.
  • At the time, it seemed very much like Shakespeare's sole method of creating comedy was to involve cross-dressing.
  • (Laughter) All the little Italian generals came in swaggering around, and finally came Count Ciano looking very much like Prince Danilo of the "Merry Widow". The World From Westminster
  • Your idea sounds very much like Deleuze's conception of "intensities," but what you are saying sounds much more "literal. Body is Vibration
  • He looks very much like the absent-minded professor," he said. Newt Gingrich loses key members of his campaign
  • The skull of a capybara is very much like that of a guinea pig, except that it is very much larger and more robust.
  • A culture is very much like the experimental space used in the analysis of behavior.
  • According to one informed source who has confided in me after recently returning from a trip to Syria (the new enlightened herd very much likes using this phrase or something similar) the bathroom is the most likely crime scene for these psychotically sick and abnormal boys and girls. Global Voices in English » Syria: A Week Against Everything and Anything
  • I am sorry, Mr. Goldsmith, Civil War was a gratuitous exercise in sensationalism, trying to take silly ideas like Superhero Blockbuster (it is formatted very much like a Bay movie), applying a demagoguery hamfisted, hollywood-liberal demagoguery to it. /Filmcast Ep. 91 - Green Zone (GUEST: Jeff Goldsmith from Creative Screenwriting Magazine) | /Film
  • It sounded to me very much like a relative of the traditional boil-and-bake fruitcake, an old teatime favourite that is deliciously quick and easy to make.
  • It tells other passengers that you would very much like a seat so you can rest your swollen ankles or aching back. Times, Sunday Times
  • The seal has a big, fat, fleshy tongue and nostrils and a larynx very much like ours.
  • The word for “shepherd” (rayah) sounds very much like “darling companion” (raayah) in the original language, which name he gives her in 1.9. Solomon’s Song of Love
  • His drawings are very much like the way he spoke, with gravity, irony, and with unexpected turns of humor.
  • It sounds very much like a stock party beat, with plenty of chimes and a very simple backbeat.
  • It tells other passengers that you would very much like a seat so you can rest your swollen ankles or aching back. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is made from kangaroo meat, which is very much like venison. The Sun
  • Harris and Gage take places along the goal line, looking very much like they are about to race each other in a sprint.
  • In size and marking it looks very much like a leopard, although the jaguar is the much heavier animal, weighing up to 34 kg.
  • Post-Modern Satanism is very much like dark humanism with the Nietzsche, Rand, and other atheistic philosophers. An Interview with Venger Satanis : The Lovecraft News Network
  • She'll usually have short hair, regular pants, a regular shirt, and an unbathed look; she'll look very much like a stereotypical guy. EVENT:: The Day After - A Feminist Town Forum
  • With his constant commenting on this and that, we worry that Mr. Delong has a case of blogorrhea that's getting in the way of his ever finishing the economic history of the 20th century he is writing -- and which we would very much like to someday read. Top 25 Economics Blogs
  • The movements are very much like the "fluttering of a young birdling. The Mother and Her Child
  • And by the time that Windows 2 is released in 1987, the Macintosh screen looks very much like it does to this day (possibly excepting the OSX leap).
  • We were looking at trucks that looked very much like Chevys and Fords at the time.
  • The butte was a strong point that the Council of Masters would very much like to take back. The Flood
  • Very much like the issuance of a patent by the US Patent Office on any crazy notion, implies that the idea, invention, process, actually exists or works?
  • It tells other passengers that you would very much like a seat so you can rest your swollen ankles or aching back. Times, Sunday Times
  • His lightly muscled tanned bare skin glistened in the sun and he felt very much like an article on display.
  • He is very much like a musher who is determined to win the iditarod race in Alaska, by getting rid of those sled dogs that are weak and clearing the obstacles. News -
  • And at this point, or at one very much like it, Thomson's mobile phone rings and bleeps out the theme tune from James Bond.
  • The exceptional cases and the conforming cases intermesh very much like flesh and blood.
  • Which, all in all, does tend to make me look very much like an incomparable idiot.
  • Joint ventures are treated very much like subsidiaries when it comes to parental liability.
  • That sounds very much like a bribe, but Pearson insists that adults need time when they can be together alone.
  • After being here less than 24 hours, I feel very much like a mosquito in a nudist colony.
  • It still smells very much like gin and tonic, but with the addition of a few elements that make it a little more complex: lemon leaf, orris root CO2, litsea cubeba, lime and copaiba balsam. Arsenal Reformulated
  • He assumed that his best friend was in a cell very much like this one and hoped that he was well.
  • The remains of the dead are sent to be cremated and placed in multistory depositories, called columbaria, that look very much like the government apartment blocks where many of them had lived before their interludes underground. NYT > Home Page
  • Her stepfather, Jim Lewis, brought some of her furniture back to Palmetto — her dressing table, her entertainment center — and tried to create a room that would feel very much like home to her.
  • We still attend the small group from our old Vineyard church in Springdale, and that group is very much like a house church. Cerulean Sanctum
  • I do very much like writing in coffee shops, surrounded by people and with some kind of frothy coffee drink at my side. Book Chick City
  • (Carassius carassius), a close relative to the goldfish (Carassius auratus), looks very much like any other temperate freshwater cyprinid. Evolution versus "Intelligent Design" - The Panda's Thumb
  • Admin coldblood told The Register, “This is very much like the Scientology thing started more than a year ago now.” Big 4 IFPI under online attack
  • A cache-sexe is a triangle of cloth with strings at each corner, very much like a club dancer's G-String, but worn by both sexes in places like L' Ile du Levant.
  • Although a fugue, it moves very much like a chorale.
  • Their public revelation of the deal's contents even before the votes were cast looked very much like a bid to sink a free and open election.
  • The old stairs creaked and groaned as I climbed them and suddenly, I felt very much like an intruder.
  • And we also need to understand that the barb is a modified scale and it's very much like our fingernails. CNN Transcript Sep 4, 2006
  • This, in form, size, and general appearance, is very much like mango apples, so that the natives call mangoes the Scientific American Supplement, No. 365, December 30, 1882
  • Very much like being named No. 1 in the final Associated Press college football poll after the bowl games.
  • Her party trick is to stand on her back legs and beg for food very much like a dog begs.
  • to my mind one of the pixellated cronies seen on the TV programme snorting near the expensive equipment looked very much like aging baldy Wendy James "shagger" Mick Jones. Kate Moss on recording console design
  • An article, in its embryonic stage, is very much like a spoiled piece of chicken that is consumed too fast.
  • The fellow she describes is very much like my ex husband.
  • [Illustration: LITTLE PRUDY'S CAPTAIN HORACE.] "You wide-awake little boys, who make whistles of willow, and go fishing and training, -- Horace is very much like you, I suppose. Prudy Keeping House
  • The small, vitreous, opaque black grains look very much like the murataite with which it is associated.
  • Burke's phrase of "the swinish multitude," applied to mobs, was then in every body's mouth; and, accordingly, after my brother had recovered from his first astonishment at this audacious mutiny, he made us several sweeping bows that looked very much like tentative rehearsals of a sweeping _fusillade_, and then addressed us in a very brief speech, of which we could distinguish the words _pearls_ and _swinish multitude_, but uttered in a very low key, perhaps out of some lurking consideration for the two young strangers. Autobiographical Sketches
  • And one of the marvelous things God described to Job sounds very much like an apatosaurus.
  • So a guild is very much like a university but it's not open-concept - it's a closed-concept university.
  • Charbroil, but instead uses a nested scrubber, which is very much like a scouring pad or a WhiteTrashBBQ
  • It was very much like a hologram, three-dimensional with horizontal lines running across.
  • May 1st, 2008 1: 45 pm ET there once was a man very much like Sen. Obama who came out of nowhere and courted the youth vote and the elite and preached and promise change and boy did he ever deliver you can read all about it in mein kamp Dems seize on 5 year anniversary of 'Mission Accomplished' speech
  • The building looked very much like a country courthouse, with an intricate wrought iron sign hanging over the door, a pair of scales framed by swirling designs.

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