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very much like

  1. in a similar way

How To Use very much like In A Sentence

  • Remember that we also know that in many body systems there are quasiparticles which act very much like normal particles.
  • Admin coldblood told The Register, "This is very much like the Scientology thing started more than a year ago now. P2pnet news
  • Ghoma barked out a laugh that sounded very much like a goat's bray.
  • Sandara squealed excitedly, ‘how come you never told me your cousin was very much like me?’
  • She laughed that remarkable laughter that sounds so very much like chimes, the laughter of feminine innocence, pure joy, a laugh that begins in the diaphragm, explodes through a grin and electrifies the eyes. Stop the runaway horses
  • Now, dance music is very much like any other form of American pop - slinky, sophisticated and mostly sung by young innocent popstrels.
  • Some of our comrades love to unite long articles with no substance, very much like the foot-bindings of a slattern long as well as smelly.
  • Warren carries a thin Bible as he moves to and from the podium, but never opens it during the sermon, which feels very much like a self-help seminar. American Grace
  • I love these videos, because the jaguar is simultaneously acting very much like a cat (playing around) and very much not like a cat (playing in the water). Kitty in da water! « Skulls in the Stars
  • One palpitating report indicated that the “blue-eyed Queen took on a storybook aura” during a dinner at the Williamsburg Inn and that the prince received a greeting “very much like bobbysox squealing.” Queen Elizabeth Is Coming To Virginia
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