How To Use Vernal In A Sentence

  • In 1994 the church announced plans to convert the tabernacle in Vernal, Utah, into a temple.
  • She believes the mural depicts a celebration of the convergence of the sidereal and tropical zodiacs and the ingress of the vernal point into Pisces.
  • Northeastern bulrush inhabits small vernal ponds that occur within the forest matrix.
  • When it was ended, the Virgin came forward, and bade the brother begin the verse, "O vernalis rosula, etc.;" which signifies, O thou lovely little rose of summer. The Life of Blessed Henry Suso by Himself.
  • Like its predecessors, the album arrives just in time for Spring and comes bearing more than a few certifiable vernal jams.
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  • Lowland cudweed may be found in low moist places such as along streams puddles, and in dried vernal pools.
  • Its terebinthine odors scent the vernal gales that enter our open windows with the morning sun. Among the Trees at Elmridge
  • The determination of the date of Easter is governed by a computation based on the vernal equinox and the phase of the moon.
  • The term vernal pool originally referred only to small, intermittently filled wetlands found in the Mediterranean-type climate of the western United States. Vernal pool
  • In addition, birds such as egrets, ducks, and hawks use vernal pools as a seasonal source of food and water. Vernal pool
  • In addition, winter annuals can usually be vernalized either as seeds or as seedlings.
  • Easter Sunday, a time of hope and joy is timed to coincide with the Sunday following the first full moon of the vernal equinox.
  • When the night and day are equal in spring, the point which the sun occupies on the heavens is termed the vernal equinox. Great Astronomers
  • Vernal pools are shallow depressions in the natural topography that have hard pan, impermeable hard pan, beneath them and when the winter rains come they fill with water.
  • Of course, spring has its vernal breezes, thriving greenness, seasonal promises and so on.
  • It is primarily restricted to flat or sloping grasslands, often along valley bottoms or areas adjacent to vernal pools.
  • I do not suppose you will have any occasion to renovate the turf in any part of your park; but, if you should, the best way is to get a mixture of the seeds of several sorts of grasses, such as the fox-tail meadow grass (Alopecùrus praténsis), the sweet-scented vernal grass (Anthoxánthum odoràtum), the crested dog's-tail grass (Cynosùrus cristàtus), and other valuable kinds. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • These broken instruments of fertility were afterwards reverently wrapt up and buried in the earth or in subterranean chambers sacred to Cybele, where, like the offering of blood, they may have been deemed instrumental in recalling Attis to life and hastening the general resurrection of nature, which was then bursting into leaf and blossom in the vernal sunshine. Chapter 34. The Myth and Ritual of Attis
  • Others (like astronomers) may insist that the equinoxes and solstices mark the season starts, so that spring begins with the vernal or spring equinox around March 20.
  • Evelyn commended the use of young shoots in salads or ‘in a vernal pottage’, while Caleb Threlkeld gave a recipe for an Irish ‘Lenten Potage’, a soup based on alexanders, watercress, and nettles.
  • In the northern hemisphere the March equinox (or "first point of Aries") is called the vernal equinox; the September equinox ( "first point of Libra"), the autumnal. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Remaining vernal pools within an area of approximately 36,500 acres in San Diego and Orange counties are included in the proposal.
  • He wants to write big, important, unforgettable, unusual books, whose sentences zing with vernal energy.
  • The air at ground level was heavy with the aroma of drying peat, crushed thyme and the new-mown hay scent of sweet vernal grass. Country diary: Westgate, Weardale
  • Although many endemic plant species are recognized, especially those associated with vernal pools (e.g., solano grass, Tuctoria mucronata). California Central Valley grasslands
  • L'hiver pointe 2, alors Gromax revet sa couette hivernale! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • This happens twice a year, and the times when the sun passes the equator are called the vernal or spring equinox and the autumnal equinox respectively. Kepler
  • I have half filled this sheet, which capability I attribute, chiefly, to the sweet fields that are now smiling in vernal beauty before me. Memoirs, Correspondence and Poetical Remains of Jane Taylor
  • El Capitan on the left, the Yosemite Falls dancing down in three great leaps opposite; the Half Dome and Cloud's Rest off to the right, Vernal and Nevada Falls pouring their torrent over the cliffs at your side, the Hetchy-Hetchy Valley, the rolling plateau that stretches back to the perpetual snow and rising peaks behind you. The Transformation of Job A Tale of the High Sierras
  • The linnet chirps her vernal song.
  • It occurs once in the spring, the Vernal Equinox, and once in the fall, the Autumnal Equinox.
  • Officially the start of the Chinese lunar new year, it is a grand religious, patriotic, vernal, and family holiday rolled into one.
  • Thirteen vernal pools, ranging in size from a quarter acre to nearly twenty-five acres, develop mostly on the tops of mesas.
  • The correct Latin term for spring flowering is vernal, as in Leucojum vernum, the spring snowflake, and Crocus vernus, the Dutch crocus.
  • Right ascension, measures the easterly distance of an object from the vernal point, along the plane of the celestial equator.
  • At vernal Iguacu National Park, the valves are wide open in a staggering demonstration of Nature's force.
  • The seasons are Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, with the start of each season noted as vernal equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox, and winter solstice.
  • The same trend is evident in midge populations that occur in shallow vernal ponds in this marsh.
  • The Phrygian priests of the Great Mother openly opposed their celebration of the vernal equinox to the Christian Easter, and attributed to the blood shed in the taurobolium the redemptive power of the blood of the divine The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
  • Afar from honks of motor cars, and all the city's clamor, I'd like to sleep beneath the stars, and feel no katzenjammer when in the vernal dawn I wake, as chipper as the foxes, to eat my frugal oatmeal cake put up in paper boxes. Rippling Rhymes
  • Cybele, where, like the offering of blood, they may have been deemed instrumental in recalling Attis to life and hastening the general resurrection of nature, which was then bursting into leaf and blossom in the vernal sunshine. The Golden Bough
  • Burned with the flame of the vernal erotical rapture, The Stranger at the Gate
  • We must dance to the vernal saraband while we can: Spring is so short in this norland country of ours. The Prairie Child
  • However, if such management is directed at ponds where northeastern bulrush already occurs, this approach will do little to maintain conditions appropriate for colonization of new vernal ponds.
  • At least four listed vernal pool species also will benefit.
  • A vernal equinox represents the instant at which the sun lies exactly between the north and south celestial poles.
  • The independent responses of vernal and summer herb communities to topography or disturbance are rarely considered.
  • I even felt a little vernal as I got up this morning, actually, but at the time I put it down to the Nepali I had for lunch yesterday.
  • Many vernal pools themselves are simply filled.
  • In ancient times, fasts were traditional at the vernal and autumnal equinoxes and were believed to increase fertility.
  • Then, as heavy spring rains flood the region, these shallow basins fill with water, creating vernal pools.
  • Historically, March 21 is known as the vernal equinox -- an equal balance of light and dark. Kari Henley: What Seeds Of Change Are You Planting This Spring?
  • Thus after seventy-two years the colure of the vernal equinox which passed through a fixed star, corresponds with another fixed star. Letter XVII-On Infinites in Geometry, and Sir Isaac Newton’s Chronology
  • Possible analogies with other cold-requiring processes such as vernalization and stratification, and the interaction of auxin and gibberellin in the stalk elongation process in other plant species are discussed.
  • A little bit of the vernal season becomes a part of you.
  • After the spring rains Sullivan Canyon, which lies behind my house in Bel Air, California, is a vernal paradise.
  • “Filling in this large vernal pool/wetland will result in the direct loss of 0.69 ha of amphibian breeding habitat, fragmentation of the habitat and the probable displacement of area-sensitive, pollution intolerant herpetofauna as well as other potential wildlife species,” the report states. Archive 2009-11-01
  • It is primarily restricted to flat or sloping grasslands, often along valley bottoms or areas adjacent to vernal pools.
  • The ancient Egyptian Magi observed another division of the year that was called the fatidic year and began at the vernal equinox.
  • REGION: Military bases looking to fill variety of permanent job openings MURRIETA: City named top U.S. subprime boomtown REGION: Vernal pools emerge from hibernation OCEANSIDE: 'Drag Race High' teacher's job at risk DEAL OF THE WEEK: Turning back the clock in Vista ESCONDIDO: Three arrested in prostitution sting REGION: Military bases looking to fill variety of permanent job openings MURRIETA: City named top U.S. subprime boomtown Escondido Undefined
  • The ephemerally flooded depressions are called vernal pools. Coastal Hills - Santa Rosa Plain
  • the vernal equinox
  • I do not suppose you will have any occasion to renovate the turf in any part of your park; but, if you should, the best way is to get a mixture of the seeds of several sorts of grasses, such as the fox-tail meadow grass (Alopecùrus praténsis), the sweet-scented vernal grass (Anthoxánthum odoràtum), the crested dog's-tail grass (Cynosùrus cristàtus), and other valuable kinds. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • The distribution, water chemistry, ecology, hydrology, limnology, and invertebrate and amphibian fauna of vernal ponds have been investigated.
  • Granite bedrock and boulders – all encrusted with lichens – are lapped in clumps of white bladder campion and pink thrift, drifts of bluebells and patches of turf starred with vernal squill (the seaside bluebell). Country diary: Cornwall
  • It exudes the aroma of flowery vernal Kashmir landscape.
  • Consequently, since this month always began with that new moon of which the fourteenth day occurred on or next after the vernal equinox, Christ arose from the dead on Sunday, the seventeenth day of the so-called paschal moon. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Although the Beijing March spring answer the earth, but people still feels carry secretly is returned to wear a few minutes in vernal spring breeze unexhausted chill.
  • In the spring the mead through which we were passing was a natural parterre, where in the midst of the lively vernal green, bloomed the oxlip, the white and blue violet, the yellow-cup dotted with jet, and many another fragile and aromatic member of the floral sisterhood. Woman on the American Frontier
  • So I'll play safe and stick to a simple list: brown bent, totter, sheep's fescue, crested dog's tail, cock's foot, sweet vernal, soft brome – poetic names of common hay meadow grasses that reflect a bygone era of agriculture. Make hay meadow photos while the sun shines | Phil Gates
  • Swans were racing along in the vernal currents.
  • She is impudently vernal, like Hogarth's more plebeian Shrimp-Girl, and even more fluorescent in her dewiness.
  • That was what he called twining her vernal wreath around the brows of patriot Hope. In a Green Shade A Country Commentary
  • Vernal stitchwort can be use in front borders and rock gardens.
  • Here on Barbary Lane, the vernal equinox was heralded by an ancient scarlet azalea that blazed like a bonfire next to the garbage cans. FURTHER TALES OF THE CITY
  • He thought within himself what she could mean by this, and yet, wishing to obey her, he began in joyous mood, "O vernalis rosula. The Life of Blessed Henry Suso by Himself.
  • Thus after seventy-two years the colure of the vernal equinox which passed through a fixed star, corresponds with another fixed star.
  • Although generally isolated, they are sometimes connected to each other by small drainages known as vernal swales. Vernal pool
  • This past spring, I visited one such impermanent place, a vernal pool tucked into the base of Ruffner Mountain.
  • The sun will cross precisely over the equator at 7: 44 this morning, a time known as the vernal or spring equinox. News | OS |
  • Others think his image is more autumnal than vernal, signifying the sin of lustfulness and death—the devil. Bel's Fire and Little Green Men
  • Egypt; and the eggs of innumerable insects, and the spawn of fish, and of frogs, in this climate are hatched by the vernal warmth: this might be the case of birds in warm climates, in their early state of existence; and experience might have taught them to incubate their eggs, as they became more perfect animals, or removed themselves into colder climates: thus the ostrich is said to sit upon its eggs only in the night in warm situations, and both day and night in colder ones Note IX
  • The vernal equinox is defined in astronomy as that point in space where the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun, the ecliptic, intersects the plane of the Earth's equator extended into space.
  • Plants from winter-type cultivars were first vernalized and then kept in the greenhouse.
  • He discovered the liquid light of her dark eyes in the rippling darkness of the streams; the lilies recalled the faintly tinted paleness of her cheeks; the silene roses, scattered throughout the hedges, called forth the remembrance of the young maiden's rosy lips, and the vernal odor of the leaves appeared to him like an emanation of her graceful and wholesome nature. The French Immortals Series — Complete

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