

[ US /ˈvɝnəɫ/ ]
[ UK /vˈɜːnə‍l/ ]
  1. suggestive of youth; vigorous and fresh
    he is young for his age
  2. of or characteristic of or occurring in spring
    the vernal equinox

How To Use vernal In A Sentence

  • In 1994 the church announced plans to convert the tabernacle in Vernal, Utah, into a temple.
  • She believes the mural depicts a celebration of the convergence of the sidereal and tropical zodiacs and the ingress of the vernal point into Pisces.
  • Northeastern bulrush inhabits small vernal ponds that occur within the forest matrix.
  • When it was ended, the Virgin came forward, and bade the brother begin the verse, "O vernalis rosula, etc.;" which signifies, O thou lovely little rose of summer. The Life of Blessed Henry Suso by Himself.
  • Like its predecessors, the album arrives just in time for Spring and comes bearing more than a few certifiable vernal jams.
  • Lowland cudweed may be found in low moist places such as along streams puddles, and in dried vernal pools.
  • Its terebinthine odors scent the vernal gales that enter our open windows with the morning sun. Among the Trees at Elmridge
  • The determination of the date of Easter is governed by a computation based on the vernal equinox and the phase of the moon.
  • The term vernal pool originally referred only to small, intermittently filled wetlands found in the Mediterranean-type climate of the western United States. Vernal pool
  • In addition, birds such as egrets, ducks, and hawks use vernal pools as a seasonal source of food and water. Vernal pool
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