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How To Use Usa In A Sentence

  • As he ran past, the arquebusier shouted something about Susanoo, the kami of storms, and how he was punishing them for their arrogance. Blood Ninja II
  • In 2005, the Mugabe government launched what it called a slum clearance scheme, that bulldozed major shantytowns, brutally displacing hundreds of thousands of people. CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2007
  • Then there are the PIP implant problems that thousands of women have had to contend with. The Sun
  • Does the plain, unsugared doughy type bagel look alike surpass the overly decorated with hundreds and thousands and pumped full of sweet chemicals with optional coating of chocolate (half dipped) Tescos Express doughnut win every time? Rabbit Stew. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Bounties were paid right across a banking sector whose incompetence threw thousands of innocents into jeopardy. Times, Sunday Times
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  • A few uncounted votes or a few thousand voters turned away can be the difference between a national victory or not.
  • Hmm... a bit of Googling produces this short book review by Charles Solomon, which has the line: "As an essayist, Didion lacks the hyaline profundity of Susan Sontag or the classical erudition of Marguerite Yourcenar ... Making Light: Open thread 136
  • Thell Torrence's name may not be familiar to the average fight fan but he, along with a couple of others, is the premier teacher of the manly art in the USA.
  • Human relations do not always rely on meeting each other in person every day. When we talk about relationships between people on either side of the border, just a few thousand miles can’t keep love from growing and blooming into a beautiful bonding. Gulzar 
  • If she levels a levelheaded, legitimate accusation, delegitimize it by feigning astonishment and outrage.
  • English is called a nominative-accusative language because both transitive and intransitive verbs take subjects. Behind Bars | ATTACKERMAN
  • Despite their superficial similarity, submersion of minorities in English-only programs in the USA and Canadian immersion programs are different and they lead to different results.
  • Having had some narrow escapes the priest was eventually arrested as a recusant priest and was tried by revolutionary Court.
  • In present-day usage, despite Fowler's strictures, concern for classical and linguistic purity is minimal and the coining of etymological hybrids is casual and massive.
  • We'll fry anything - as long as it's fryable and edible, we'll make it deliciousable. Blogposts |
  • Alimony (also called spousal support) is tax deductible to the payor and taxable income to the payee. How To Make Divorce Less Taxing
  • Their accusations of corruption are hypocritical - they have been just as corrupt themselves.
  • Severe paruresis in school aged children can also lead to complete school refusal by the child, as well as more pervasive anxiety that can spread into other areas of life, such as social anxiety or even panic attacks. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • Adding to my trepidation is this primary poll from Survey USA, which confirms Roulstone's campaign doesn't yet have the profile it needs. Sound Politics: Roulstone Update
  • At the beginning of the war, the Nationalist forces had eighty thousand men. The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge
  • Although there were additional conditions in the Heuer and Reisberg study the interesting comparison is between the arousal and neutral conditions.
  • So there is a perennial temptation to appeal to the idea of arbitrariness when discussing the alleged informational nature of some biological causation. Biological Information
  • ‘There were many times when I felt faint at matches because of menstrual cramps,’ Susan says.
  • Often he found her quietly weeping, but they were never tears of accusation; only tears of regret.
  • Together, they were able to mollify workers and quietly implement the destruction of thousands of jobs.
  • Day after day thousands of people die of confessing their loyalty to the Tokugawa shogunate.
  • I've seen leadership schools set out on the fringes, including one in an outpost of Jerusalem that teaches would-be messiahs to lead in the coming apocalypse.
  • We have increased by tens of thousands the number of surgical procedures being carried out in this country.
  • Thousands died on the seas while they were being shipped like caged cattle between continents.
  • Thousands of householders are being urged to redesign their gardens to halt the rapid decline of sparrows and starlings. Times, Sunday Times
  • For 10,000,000 years during the Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs this area was a fiery inferno of constant volcanic activity and magnificent giants such as the Grizaba, La Malinche, Iztaccihuatl, Popocatepetl, Volcan de Toluca and Volcan de Colima, along with thousands of smaller volcanic cones, came into eruptive existence. The geology and geography of Lake Chapala and western Mexico
  • And David took from him a thousand chariots, and seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand footmen: David also houghed all the chariot horses, but reserved of them a hundred chariots. 1 Chronicles 18.
  • What I really liked, from my white boy point-of-view, was Eddie taking a brief second to explain his continual usage of the N-word: because its power is lessened the more it's used.
  • The drug will be useful to hundreds of thousands of infected people.
  • Such a usage is ethically unacceptable, politically manipulative and decidedly unhistorical.
  • It nearly brought a tear to my eye when I saw thousands of screaming fans watching a bunch of (and I use the term affectionately) nerds out there doing their thing. Sun Bloggers
  • He claimed that the Chief of the USAR at the time, told him that he didn't need to re-enlist (he had only accrued two good years for retirement in the 4 years he was back on the books) and to keep singing for the troops. Heroes or Villains?
  • But his police career ended in a welter of accusations that in order to obtain results, he hadn't just bent the rules, he'd twisted them out of shape.
  • Records, is among the thousands of devoted followers who have raised figure skating to new heights of popularity.
  • The latest strategy is now seen dropping unsupported accusations across the media spectrum to the effect that the intelligence agency's assignment of Ambassador Joseph Wilson to look into the now-discredited Iraq/Niger/uranium claims were all part of a long-term insidious scheme to try and discredit the Bush Administration. Brad Friedman: Wingnuts Declare Coordinated All-Out Cross-Media War on CIA as Newest Front in TreasonGate!
  • Thousands of free apples and oranges will be handed out each day as the government urges in-school tuck shops to serve healthier snacks.
  • Certainly observant Jews remember the crusaders as evil butchers, who on their way to Jerusalem, slaughtered and massacred many thousands of Jews and decimated entire Jewish communities such as Speyer, Worms and Mayencea and of course, when they arrived in Jerusalem, put the holy Jews of the city to the sword. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • More specifically, a recusant was someone who refused to attend Protestant church services.
  • One major advantage of growing in containers is that you can keep plants free of common soilborne fungal diseases: verticillium and fusarium wilt.
  • Well, sir, I won't say anything about the hextry gas, though a poor widder and sevenpence hextry on the thousand, but I'm thinkin 'if you would give my Rosie a lesson once a week on that there pianner, it would be a kind of set-off, for you know, sir, the policeman tells me your winder is a landmark to' im on the foggiest nights. The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes
  • See, Stuart is like all the rest of the blood thirsty criminals in D.C., … ya seel hundreds of thousands more brown people will be killed because he's arrognt enough, he's evil enough and doggonnit Satan likes him! Franken Tells Pickens To Blow it Elsewhere « Blog
  • I would argue that this "mire" in which we have so willingly immersed ourselves results from our refusal to use labels. What is an Atheist?
  • You can bank by phone in the USA, punching in account numbers on the phone.
  • Machines soon wear out under rough usage.
  • As we got closer, a face so old and cragged with such deep wrinkles they looked like sun-baked crevasses formed by thousand of years of standing in the wind and rain. Guanajuato restaurants
  • The sight of the fireball was followed by a sonic boom as the meteorite exploded into thousands of pieces over Barwell near Leicester. Times, Sunday Times
  • What we come twenty thousand miles to get is worth saving, sir. Moby Dick
  • Silliness in stories is more or less excusable, since they are not even supposed to be believed. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
  • At twenty thousand meters, with the pods still traveling at a high velocity, parachutes billowed out from the same boxes that had contained the glider wings.
  • Kirkwall lifeboat was called out to a boat aground in the Rousay Sound on Sunday afternoon.
  • Poland has ten symphony orchestras, seventeen conservatories, over one hundred music schools, and almost one thousand music centers.
  • The nia nucleotide sequences were compared among Fusarium species representative of different lineages.
  • Foreign exchange deposit bargain is 42 stir thousand catty develop a financial product.
  • Nevertheless, CNN has talked to a "language analyst" who gets paid to "[analyze and catalogue] trends in word usage and word choice and their impact on culture," and they report that Obama was too "professorial," and now America is at grave risk of not passing its midterm exams on the oil spill. Obama Oil Spill Speech Criticized By CNN's Language Analyst For Not Being Moronic Enough [UPDATE]
  • Thousands of people applied for the 200 seats available for the public at the reburial. Times, Sunday Times
  • Certain batik designs, like the parangrusak motif, are still considered sacred as they were specially designed for sultans, their consorts and crown princes.
  • My ships have now unloaded five thousand tons of kit for five and a half thousand troops -- that's nearly a ton each! ONE HUNDRED DAYS
  • The government fell nine days after an invasion force of five thousand troops was said to be advancing on the capital.
  • The relative clause: it is defined as a clausal modifier, restrictive or non-restrictive, used to modify a preceding construction, most often a preceding noun or noun phrase.
  • Army Medical Research and Material Command (USAMRMC) at Ft. Detrick, which also manages activities unrelated to bio-warfare, such as supplying medical materials for use by the Army. Inside America's Biological Warfare Center
  • They had already experienced discrimination in the army while fighting the "crusade for freedom". The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • But the bourgeois and the coalitionist press represented this movement as a pogromist, counter-revolutionary affair, and, at the same time, as a Bolshevist crusade, the immediate object of which was to seize the reins of Government by the use of armed force against the Central Executive Committee. From October to Brest-Litovsk
  • Occidentali Noruagiæ Insula, quæ Glacialis dicitur, magno circumfusa Oceano repentur, obsoletæ admodum habitationis tellus, A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • Perhaps I've been corrupted by Photoshop, but regardless, the GIMP just feels unusably arcane and clunky. December 29th, 2007
  • The disgusting partiality shown in the accusations was disrelished, as was the resort that had been had to torture. History of the United States, Volume 1 (of 6)
  • The Australian Alps are also known for the annual migration of Bogong moths (Agrotis infusa) which aestivate in the mountains each summer. Australian Alps montane grasslands
  • We found that tallness is also probably linked to increased risk for ovarian, pancreatic and pre-menopausal cancer as well," said Willett. Diet, Growth Are Major Cancer Causes | Impact Lab
  • The organisers are hoping that families, schools, groups and businesses will plant thousands of sunflowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • These feeling make you avoid generalizations and Russia is no more 'feudalistic' and USA is no more 'Paradise for handmaidens'. On Bushevicks, Bolsheviks and Scum: For The Record
  • Since most of the shuttle system was designed to be reusable, it was supposed to take the astronomical costs out of astronautics.
  • Such verses are preserved mainly in the kings' sagas; many ‘lausavísur’ or occasional verses, and some love poetry are included in the narratives of family sagas.
  • thousand of time i have thought of you .my heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you i don't care loneliness. i am satisfied when you are happy and i am happy when i think of you!
  • The talks between the USA and the USSR were very significant for the relationship between the two countries.
  • Three hundred thousand corpses in sandy mass graves cry out that the war was just. Tragedy of Tony Blair
  • This column will doubtless attract accusations of self-indulgence, although you might equally contest that having demanded that my photograph appear at the top of the page and that my name appear in capitals and bold type, that particular ship has sailed. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love.
  • $10 for premium membership in usafurniture. org only for DP member. not only get quality link from PR3, but you can get buyers, we have top 3 in keyword "usa furniture". just one time fee, you will be in our USA furniture directory. Digital Point Forums
  • No surer sign of a female character's evilness is his disinterest or refusal to reproduce. Michael Giltz: Halloween DVDs: The Exorcist, Psycho, Troll 2 and More
  • So free-standing pronouns are accusative, even when they're interpreted as subjects: Who did that?
  • Thousands of people flocked to the Malton Racing Stables Open Day, when 18 stables around Malton and Norton opened their doors to a fascinated public.
  • A more specific look is then taken at the Ottoman 'sanjaks' or district provinces, with the Jerusalem sanjak "as a separate entity from the other regions of Syria [being] of tremendous importance for the emergence of Palestine about fifty years later. The Israel/Palestine Question - Book Reveviw
  • But people don't know the background of arguments and backbiting that has been going on over the state of the equipment and their refusal to give us concession prices.
  • And four dragger captains fined two thousand apiece for fishing redfish in closed waters. THE SHIPPING NEWS
  • Slips, trips and falls are a very common cause of accidents with hundreds of thousands of incidents reported each year.
  • No issues with anything stopping working, and while the trackpad is small (hi, it's a computer that is less than half the sixe -- sideway -- of a MBP 17 ), it's extremely usable, and I haven't had a lick of trouble with it. The Problems With A Hackintosh Netbook, Six Months Out | Lifehacker Australia
  • In the second week of August the government was obliged to answer accusations of negligence and indifference.
  • Her verbal spontaneity ruffled far too many feathers even if it attracted admiration from thousands of radicals and feminists.
  • Thousands logged on to view the live Internet broadcast of the concert.
  • From almost two hundred field offices, more than two thousand special agents teletyped all new data daily to Headquarters in Washington, where an army of clerks indexed it for easy retrieval.
  • The causal infection can be viral or bacterial and may have been innocuous. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were pointed fingers and raised voices, harsh accusations and angry rebuttals.
  • Now St. Paul had seen the gift conferred at Ephesus and St. Luke does not distinguish Ephesian glossolaly from that of Jerusalem. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The fresh sausage most widely eaten is fresh pork sausage.
  • Thousands of people can live in a hutong which is made up of hundreds of quadrangular courtyards each surrounded by four homes.
  • To solve the low quality of pork sausage, HACCP system was introduced.
  • He made the accusation in the presence of witnesses.
  • The insurer based its refusal on the fact that I had taken statin tablets during that period for raised cholesterol. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like sausages, bacon tends to be very salty and may also be preserved with the chemical sodium nitrite, which has been linked to an increased risk of stomach cancer.
  • 'I knew a case once where an heir who expected a large sum of money was bequeathed a family Bible, which he threw into the fire, learning afterwards, to his dismay, that it contained many thousands of pounds in Bank of England notes, the object of the devisor being to induce the legatee to read the good Book or suffer through the neglect of it.' The Triumphs of Eugène Valmont
  • Throne of God, by tens, by hundreds, by thousands, the harmonious and multisonant salutation of all the Voices. The Captive
  • The party last night maintained its refusal to reopen the investigation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thousands of miles of unspoilt coastline, isolated and untouched lakes and pristine mountain ranges are there for the discovering.
  • When they got to Lisbon there was a telex from Tex Weston offering to buy the aircraft for ten thousand pounds. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • And Bob and uh others … I was pointing a usage of the word enjoy in a specific way … made possible by todays culture of "enjoy" that is distinctly different from the way the Westminster catechesim uses the word. Reclaiming the Mission
  • In the seven games that they won the young squad travelled thousands of kilometres, lording it over 191 other contesting schools.
  • The British Biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake introduced the concepts of Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance in his revolutionary 1981 book A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation.
  • This usage proceeded, in part, from the notion of consanguinity between every member of a clan, even of the lowest degree, to his chieftain, and the affability and courtesy with which the head was in the habit of treating those over whom he ruled. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. Volume I.
  • Can you increase usable space by taking out a wall? Christianity Today
  • The USA has this power anyway but wants Western governments to recognize it and to accept it politically. After Thatcher
  • Thousands of animists joined the Church in 2000 and 1000 adult catechumens are scheduled to be received this Easter.
  • Now in a place so small as Jerusalem, what we call the rank and file really counts. The New Jerusalem
  • In 1867 another visitor, Mark Twain, called Jerusalem “the knobbiest town in the world, except Constantinople.” Crossing Mandelbaum Gate
  • She splurged 30 thousand on a fur coat.
  • Thousands of visitors are set to descend on York when the five-day festival of horse racing and pageantry comes to the city in June next year.
  • A growing body of evidence supports the supposition that the quantitative depletion of mtDNA, once thought to be a consequence of type 2 diabetes, could be a causative factor in pathogenesis.
  • The loss of the plant led to thousands of children dying from malaria, tuberculosis and other treatable diseases.
  • Objective: To compare the impact of two different kinds of kinesiotherapy - jogging and dancing on bone metabolism and bone mineral density(BMD) in postmenopausal women.
  • Let us adopt then words sanctioned by usage, and give the distinction between intelligence and instinct this more precise formula: _Intelligence, in so far as it is innate, is the knowledge of a_ form; _instinct implies the knowledge of a_ matter. Evolution créatrice. English
  • In reality the record suggests that it is rare for knowingly false accusations to be made against British troops. Times, Sunday Times
  • Slide 41: Calcium Channel Blockers:. •Pueden ser usados con seguridad en pacientes con CKD. •Causan vasodilatación de la arteriola aferente produciendo un incremento agudo en la GFR, un efecto que desaparece con el uso crónico. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Through a series of strategic puns Sukenick associates the collection of evidence, analysis and causal sequence with political totalitarianism.
  • Both Jews and Muslims worship the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem as a holy shrine.
  • But the 38-year-old house husband proved he has an eye for a bargain by claiming a basketful of prizes worth thousands of pounds.
  • Besides, he caused a general visitation to be made of all the land from Quito to Chile, registering the whole population for more than a thousand leagues; and imposed a tribute [_so heavy that no one could be owner of a_ mazorca _of maize, which is their bread for food, nor of a pair of_ usutas, _which are their shoes, nor marry, nor do a single thing without special licence from Tupac Inca. History of the Incas
  • Inside are row upon row of metal shelving on rails, containing thousands of boxes stacked to the ceiling. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd rather have a sliver of prosciutto or a wheel of spicy sausage than neutral, inoffensive chicken any day.
  • Judah and Jerusalem desolate then this credit of the prophets, and the hopes of the people, will both sink together; the former will be found false in flattering the people and the latter foolish in suffering themselves to be imposed upon by them, and so exposed to so much the greater confusion, when the judgment shall surprise them in their security. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • There are thousands of film festivals around the world, many as welcoming to the casual visitor as they are to movie industry bigwigs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Susan felt slightly annoyed with herself.
  • Si ello fuera el caso, el gerente general de una empresa podría ser acusado si un trabajador suyo cometiera, de forma aislada, un crimen. Global Voices in English » Peru: Ex-President Fujimori Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison
  • Principe nempe Persarum gessit; ratione quorum bellorum in partes alias bellum mouere noluit, ob eamque causam in partibus Poloni� latrones quidam Cosaci nuncupati, et alij facinorosi in partibus illis existentes, subditos C鎠aris potentissimi turbare et infestare non desierunt. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The increase will hurt small business and cost many thousands of jobs.
  • Since then thousands of artists have tried to bottle up its bright metallic sheen for themselves. The Sun
  • Even after all these thousands of years of human settlement, the vastness of Majipoor was such that ample room for expansion still remained. LORD PRESTIMION
  • The attack came amid a major upsurge in violence across the country that has left a thousand dead.
  • What is the causal relation between the pattern of division and cell differentiation?
  • In theory, we were going to walk up the thousand steps, but neither of us could be bothered.
  • One penny with right is better than a thousand without right. 
  • It proved the operational concept of a winged, reusable spaceship by successfully completing the Orbital Flight Test Program.
  • Another serious fungal disease in Africa is Fusarium wilt or Panama disease, which attacks the roots of the banana plant, affecting the vascular system required for mineral and water transport.
  • Though unconscious of them, such memories are claimed to be significant causal factors in shaping conscious thought and behavior.
  • Thousands of pounds worth of property have been stolen from properties on the outskirts of town in recent weeks.
  • Lazy Susans, pullout shelves, and special trays can make kitchen cabinets much more useful.
  • Then, the bubble burst and thousands of investors were ruined.
  • The fourth stage is the deepest form of sleep during which the patient is the least arousable. - Articles related to Get your beauty sleep
  • False perception can arise only if the nervous system has spontaneous activity independently of any causative external object.
  • The implications of the refusal of the hand are clear and yet beautifully understated.
  • I know exactly what you mean," Data said, clearing the evidence of last night's carousal into the recycler. The Beast That Resembles A Poem(A Handy Resource for Architects,Engineers, and Students)
  • The range of the cero mackerel is limited to the western Atlantic Ocean, from Massachusetts, USA south to Brazil, including the Bahamas and West Indies.
  • Snorkelers can have a grand time floating just 30 feet above the stern, watching the divers below and the thousands of fish that live in the wreck.
  • Fifteen thousand bird watchers visit annually.
  • Developers and speculators were left holding thousands of new unsold condos creating the greatest buyer's market ever experienced in this part of the world, i.e. the supply (glut) of new condos far outnumbers the demand. Herd Mentality As it Applies to Real Estate in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
  • Thus residual confounding could not be completely excluded, and the findings could not assign causality.
  • This led to a communal bloodbath in which hundreds of thousands were killed and many thousands more were expelled from their homes.
  • In other words, forgiveness is for real sin, not for foibles, mistakes, excusable blunders, and things we can't help.
  • At that time, I being but eight years of age, was left in town for the convenience of education, boarded with an aunt, who was a rigid presbyterian, and confined me so closely to what she called the duties of religion, that in time I grew weary of her doctrines, and by degrees received an aversion for the good books, she daily recommended to my perusal. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • European missionaries converted thousands to Christianity.
  • Since Active Directory can scale to hundreds of thousands or even millions of objects, it's necessary to carve up the Active Directory database into sections, called naming contexts.
  • Frenetic attempts to distract and comfort him may actually overstimulate him and increase his levels of arousal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everything goes well until one critical day when the wooden clogs are no longer usable.
  • Susan is daughter of Vinny and Kitty O'Connor and she is departmental manager at Penny's.
  • Viewing it from all angles the point is, it is discriminative criteria to reject siblings of non Jewish mothers on the logical basis that no female line could possibly hereditarily claim pure Jewish roots going back five thousand years. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Thousands of leaflets had been given to motorists passing through and 1,000 had been hand-delivered to addresses in the city centre.
  • The OED always gives the earliest known usage of the word and in this case it's, wait for it, Lord Lyttelton, 1760, Dialogues of the Dead. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Thousands of people perished in the earthquake.
  • The pub now has two restaurants serving anything from sausages to shark steaks.
  • By that time, the patterns of usage - still being developed as far as mathematics is concerned - will have become fairly clear.
  • Some causal relationships between morphology and hydrodynamic performance have been established for macroalgae, through theoretical studies and hydrodynamic comparisons of differently exposed thalli.
  • They operate through autonomous cells, strict secrecy, and a refusal to engage the enemy's strength.
  • The F-22's "supercruise," that is, its ability to cruise supersonically, is unusably short in duration due to inadequate onboard fuel capacity -- so short that current Air Force training missions to exercise supercruising combat actually schedule one tanker refueling just before going supersonic and one more refueling before going home subsonically. The Full Feed from
  • About eighty thousand dollars per hour. BAD BOY BALLMER
  • LIZZIE: ( ironically ) With five thousand a year, would not matter if he warts and a leer.
  • Then they would disband the defeated regime's army, turning hundreds of thousands of trained soldiers into disgruntled potential insurgents.
  • By the way, did you know that there really was a wall in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem that divided Jews from Gentiles?
  • Thousands of turtles drag themselves onto the beach and lay their eggs in the sand.
  • ’ Then did they ask a thousand questions of Don Quixote; but he would answer to none of them, and only requested them to give him some meat, and suffer him to sleep, seeing rest was most behooveful for him. The First Part. V. Wherein Is Prosecuted Former Narration of Our Knight’s Misfortunes
  • A bomb blew out the front of a hotel in central Jerusalem early today.
  • The pulse of war that beat from the West suggested the companionship of battling thousands; here was naught but silence, and himself, and possible death-dealing bullets from a myriad ambushes. War
  • England, and she kept Susan Talbot and her children in what she called their meet place, in which that good lady thoroughly acquiesced, having her hands much too full of household affairs to run after queens. Unknown to History: a story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland
  • The main roads remind me of the roads on the outskirts of huge cities in the USA, with their seemingly endless miles of fast food joints and lurid neon signs.
  • It's a difficult companion, prone to accusatory comments and dark moods, and it changes you, leaving you both tougher and more tender.
  • Hungary, yet was my attorney obliged to solicit the instrument called ritter-diploma, for which, under pain of execution, I must pay two thousand florins. The Life and Adventures of Baron Trenck, Volume 2
  • Thousands of young people are facing long-term unemployment.
  • To make advanced computing and communications information infrastructure available to-and usable by-a larger segment of the society.
  • Single-use diapers consume less water than reusables laundered at home, but more than those sent to a commercial diaper service.
  • I guess this reading room to contain five thousand books.
  • The company's reputation suffered when it had to recall thousands of products that were unsafe.
  • Optus blamed "lower usage and rates for international inpayment traffic. ITnews Australia
  • Just why the politician who destroyed his premiership crusading against dictators wilfully became a servant to them remains unanswered. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I looked at these mines with their thousands of grinning natives and heard the rattle of gravel in the "jigs" my mind went back to Kimberley and the immense part that its glittering wealth played in determining the economic fate of South Africa. An African Adventure
  • In some ways, the self-taught writer could be called the Southern godmother of feminism, an autodidactic intellectual who carved out her singular role as a woman to be reckoned with on her on terms, in her own idiosyncratic ways, in the most hallowed and male-dominated coven in the country--the Halls of Congress--a generation before Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton emerged on the national stage. Jeff Biggers: "Office Holders Are Desperate": 180 Years Before HuffPo, Anne Royall's Wicked Blogs Held DC Accountable
  • Not a coincidence is my guess, but no one should confuse causation and correlation. Perspective
  • And when he was before the prince, he excused himself so sagely that the prince and his council held him excused, and so he fell again into the prince's love and redeemed out his men by reasonable ransoms; and the chatelain was set to his ransom of ten thousand franks, the which he paid after. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • I'd like to have a shrimp cocktail and the tomato sausage soup first.
  • General Philosophy covers such topics as mind and body, theory of knowledge, causation and personal identity.

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