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How To Use Us senate In A Sentence

  • That judicious senate, very sagely perpending the reasons of his perplexity, sent him word to summon her personally to compear before him a precise hundred years thereafter, to answer to some interrogatories touching certain points which were not contained in the verbal defence. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Because these threads owe so much to the Tea Partyers and their success in KY with Rand Paul, who you have not said is other than representative of libertarians, I would like to know what we might expect of such people if, Heaven forefend, they were elected to public office, let alone the US Senate. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Activist Government” and the Rights of Minorities
  • In a speech at the National Defense University, Vice President Biden "called on the US Senate Thursday to ratify an international treaty banning nuclear testing to strengthen a 'fraying' international consensus against the spread of nuclear weapons. Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • Rate It ias announced that Franken has asked the MN Supremes to affirm the district court decision, declare that Franken is entitled to a certificate of election; that judgment be entered immediately and that the Repub Gov Pawlenty & Dem SoS Ritchie be ordered to perform their 'ministerial duty' to prepare, countersign and deliver the certificate of election promptly to the sec. of the US Senate. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Franken Replies to Coleman's MN Supremes Appeal
  • Then in short shrift within a year or so in the US Senate, he has decided he wants to be President. Hillary Outraises Obama In Fourth Quarter Of 2007
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  • I am proposing to arrange, therefore, that your letter of purported rebuttal and my letter "compellingly" refuting your rebuttal will be read into the record of proceedings of the US Senate, which - for the avoidance of doubt - are covered by absolute privilige. Archive 2008-07-01
  • I mean, at a certain level I can understand the US Senate thing ’cause they can always blame the mess on someone else but how in God’s name Granholm keeps getting reelected is beyond me. Sen. Susan Collins (R, ME) rejects trigger for ‘public option.’ [UPDATE: Sen Snowe rejects public option] - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Sen. Oral Snatch is one of the snippiest, small minded, hateful, racist Momorons you will ever see from the US Senate. Think Progress » Hatch Forgets About The Bush Years, Claims Reconciliation Is Meant To ‘Balance The Budget’
  • South Carolina's GOP includes Mark Sanford (fornicator & liar), Thomas Ravenel (drug addict,) and Jim DeMint (dumbest member of the US Senate). Wilson calls White House to apologize
  • If the election is as tight as it promises to be, they could well determine who controls the US Senate.
  • Obiang and this same son have featured in detailed US Senate investigations on corruption and money-laundering. Lisa Misol: A Corrupt Dictator Tries to Buy UNESCO's Brand Name.
  • During the mid-50s, facing a bilious Senate, the comic-book industry had agreed to censor itself, guaranteeing parents that their books would conform to basic moral standards.
  • King is now hailed as a hero, but let's not forget he was denounced from the floor of the US Senate as the most dangerous man alive. Celebrating king
  • We took the view that it would distort the truth of what was being said in the US Senate if we had either edited out or "bleeped" the offending word. How the Media Dealt With Carl Levin's 'S--tty' Questions
  • Click here to download our newsfeed code eDonkey throws in the towel p2pnet Special Report: - The Big Four record label cartel is working with at least five p2p file sharing services to convert free trading of copyrighted music on their networks to paid services, Hollywood favourite senator Dianne Feinstein today told a US Senate Judiciary Committee Protecting Copyright and Innovation in a Post-Grokster World hearing. EDonkey throws in the towel
  • When he arrived in Silicon Valley in 2005, brought in from Ohio to lead Hewlett-Packard after the stormy tenure of former CEO and now US Senate candidate Carly Fiorina, he was approvingly described as "unpretentious" -- a button-down manager who prized efficiency over flair. mark hurd, mark hurd wife, mark hurd resigns, hpq, hp, hp ceo - Business News
  • In 1950, he ran unsuccessfully for the US Senate.
  • The US Senate has 100 members.
  • And then Tindal reminds me that Greene is the first black person to be taken on as a candidate for a US Senate seat in South Carolina since the days of reconstruction immediately after the civil war almost one and a half centuries ago. Alvin Greene: America's most unlikely politician
  • The US Senate last month approved language that would ban downer animals from being used in the human food supply, but the measure was dropped from a final bill because of House opposition.
  • In the last few years, Professor Hayes has testified in various Senate hearings claiming the EPA is accepting flawed chemical industry-funded studies as evidence of atrazine's safety. Annie Spiegelman: Living Downstream: Steingraber Documentary Puts Moral Imperative on Banning Cancer-Causing Chemicals
  • In a statement to the US Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, quoted by Reuters, Pardew described the country as a nation of great promise and potential.
  • Still, these findings come only just over a week after NASA Administrator Michael Griffin testified to the US Senate that NASA funding for basic science would be cut to fund manned missions. Archive 2006-05-01
  • Voters are selecting candidates for both US Senate seats and for 52 congressional seats.
  • Voters are selecting candidates for both US Senate seats and for 52 congressional seats.
  • One of those ways is to advocate in the US Senate, Congress and US administrations.
  • The German chancellery and foreign office also welcomed similar comments made just a few days ago by the head of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
  • [1] A narrative of participants and chronology of the D.partment of Justice Office of Legal Counsel opinions on the CIA's D.tention and Interrogation Program prepared by Senator John D. Rockefeller IV of the US Senate Intelligence Committee was declassified by Attorney General Eric Holder on April 19, 2009: intelligence. pdf. The Complicit General
  • The original comment about the chimichanga, however, did not happen in the newsroom of the honorable Washington Post, but in a presumably more honorable place: the US Senate, where Senator John McCain apparently had recently talked about the contributions of Arizona to American culture and reported that his state is the place where "the chimichanga was born. Pilar Marrero: Republicans and Democrats Argue Over "Chimichangas"
  • The US Senate committee report says it based its conclusions on documents from the Iraqi oil ministry, distinct from those alleged foreign ministry papers relied upon by the Telegraph.
  • In this photo, a poster purporting to lay out the true size of the USSR's collection of SS-20s, a type of ICBM, is displayed during testimony before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
  • The US Senate has agreed to American clause over fears it could provoke a trade war.
  • States you have many people with leftist ideas active in the democratic parties, and probably you heard the term communist from them because there was an article in favor of the Cuban revolution, and they want a US senate investigation there. 27 FEBRUARY WITH CASTRO
  • After two years in that position, he run for and won a place on the US Senate representing that state, a position he still holds to this day.
  • Is equal representation by jurisdiction in the US senate a holdover from the holy roman empire, just like the US electoral college? Matthew Yglesias » Ungovernable America
  • Voters are selecting candidates for both US Senate seats and for 52 congressional seats.

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