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US Senate

  1. the upper house of the United States Congress

How To Use US Senate In A Sentence

  • That judicious senate, very sagely perpending the reasons of his perplexity, sent him word to summon her personally to compear before him a precise hundred years thereafter, to answer to some interrogatories touching certain points which were not contained in the verbal defence. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Because these threads owe so much to the Tea Partyers and their success in KY with Rand Paul, who you have not said is other than representative of libertarians, I would like to know what we might expect of such people if, Heaven forefend, they were elected to public office, let alone the US Senate. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Activist Government” and the Rights of Minorities
  • In a speech at the National Defense University, Vice President Biden "called on the US Senate Thursday to ratify an international treaty banning nuclear testing to strengthen a 'fraying' international consensus against the spread of nuclear weapons. Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • Rate It ias announced that Franken has asked the MN Supremes to affirm the district court decision, declare that Franken is entitled to a certificate of election; that judgment be entered immediately and that the Repub Gov Pawlenty & Dem SoS Ritchie be ordered to perform their 'ministerial duty' to prepare, countersign and deliver the certificate of election promptly to the sec. of the US Senate. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Franken Replies to Coleman's MN Supremes Appeal
  • Then in short shrift within a year or so in the US Senate, he has decided he wants to be President. Hillary Outraises Obama In Fourth Quarter Of 2007
  • I am proposing to arrange, therefore, that your letter of purported rebuttal and my letter "compellingly" refuting your rebuttal will be read into the record of proceedings of the US Senate, which - for the avoidance of doubt - are covered by absolute privilige. Archive 2008-07-01
  • I mean, at a certain level I can understand the US Senate thing ’cause they can always blame the mess on someone else but how in God’s name Granholm keeps getting reelected is beyond me. Sen. Susan Collins (R, ME) rejects trigger for ‘public option.’ [UPDATE: Sen Snowe rejects public option] - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Sen. Oral Snatch is one of the snippiest, small minded, hateful, racist Momorons you will ever see from the US Senate. Think Progress » Hatch Forgets About The Bush Years, Claims Reconciliation Is Meant To ‘Balance The Budget’
  • South Carolina's GOP includes Mark Sanford (fornicator & liar), Thomas Ravenel (drug addict,) and Jim DeMint (dumbest member of the US Senate). Wilson calls White House to apologize
  • If the election is as tight as it promises to be, they could well determine who controls the US Senate.
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