How To Use Urga In A Sentence

  • She was cautious, but Feinstein finds no trace of dishonour in the care she took to keep herself alive and free through successive waves of revolution and purgation.
  • Emphasizing elimination through the overuse of purgatives in an already deficient individual can further deplete the body's store of minerals and essential B vitamins as well as imbalance beneficial intestinal micro-organisms.
  • The mass media give little background, and what they do is carefully expurgated.
  • In England the franchises enjoyed by burgesses, freemen and other consuetudinary constituencies in burghs, were dependent on the character of the burgage-tenure. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • This survey lists 170 burgages and 7 tenements, compared with the 160 ¾ burgages in the Red Book.
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  • Whilst not the first so to do but well before the bandwagon hove into view, I proposed that MPs expenses must be place in full, unexpurgated, unredacted beauty online as are those of MSPs by the Scottish Parliament. Where The Huntsman leads, the hounds follow
  • Now go and Google "Durga" - a primarily Hindu "great goddess" figure - and maybe you will learn something about the intercultural aspects of Islam while you are at it. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • a purgation, that is, by way of Epitome, to cut all ouer much away. The Scholemaster
  • At school, like my peers, I was indoctrinated in the mysteries of original and venal sin, virgin birth, the respective criteria for entry to limbo, purgatory, and heaven.
  • vintner" and "peddler" of his objurgations, and meekly whispers into his ear with the air of a conspirator reporting a plot to his chief. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
  • Has arbores seu arbusta Balsami fecit quondam quidam de Caliphis Aegypti de loco Engaddi inter mare mortuum, et Ierico, vbi Domino volente excreuerat, eradicari, et in argo pr鎑icto plantari: est tamen hoc mirandum, quod vbicuncque alibi siue prope, siue remote plantantur, quamuis fort� virent, et exurgant, non tamen fructificant. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Chinese people have used it for over 2000 years as a purgative medicine, although some scientists consider it a medical enigma.
  • Why the f**k should I spend 8 years getting a PhD in biochem or engineering when I have to compete with a bunch of Chinese and Indian immigrants who are happy to make $30,000 for the next ten years of postdoc purgatory? Matthew Yglesias » Visas for Grads
  • Lord Irvine will have to console himself that his rival's unexpurgated thoughts were delivered in wartime, so muting attention to his strongest denunciation of a judiciary he deems too powerful.
  • In one year, Louis XIII received 215 doses of purgatives, 212 enemas and 47 bleedings!
  • The purgative activity of RH appears to be due to rhein and the sennoside components.
  • Peruvians' notion of an afterlife very much follows Catholic notions of heaven, purgatory, and hell.
  • This plan, if it ever existed, has been very much obscured by burgages facing Magdalene Street.
  • Given his mental-health problems, the loss of his girlfriend and his battle with alcoholism, it would seem he has had more than his fill of heartache; consequently The Kiss of Morning is a splenetic, purgative record.
  • Also includes the site of the moated palace of King Edwin and Queen Ethelburga.
  • The poems are the three panegyrics with their appendixes; two epithalamia; an acknowledgment to Faustus of Reji (now Riez), a eulogy of Narbonne, or rather, of two citizens of Narbonne; a description of the castle (burgas) of Leontius, etc. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • My neighbors, as my compurgators, could aver this fact, as seeing my occupations and my attachment to them.
  • The thesis has also analyzed the prescription mentality purgative recipes of warm nature.
  • Vassilev said that the Bourgas Airport employees would be re-employed by the concessionaire and a group labour contract would be negotiated and signed with a year.
  • Mystical theology is generally divided into three parts, respectively called the purgative, the illuminative, and the unitive life. The Interior Castle or The Mansions
  • The event also offered cider, perry, imported beers and Lurgashall country wines.
  • The man Christ's voluntary and most innocent, most shameful, and most cruel death on the Cross was the deletion and purgation of, and the satisfaction for, all the carnal desires of human nature.
  • Bulimia nervosa can be difficult to identify because of extreme secrecy about binge eating and purgative behaviour.
  • If these compurgators all agreed in a declaration in favour of the accused, this was held to he a complete acquittal.
  • Traces of these burgages and the medieval layout can still be seen.
  • To do this, they administered purgatives and astringent gargles, prescribed cauteries and blisters on the neck and behind the ears, and on occasion even encased the whole head in plaster to dry it out. Knotted Tongues
  • In some of his paintings it is as if he has been to hell and back, a reporter from the frontier of purgatory.
  • It is also noteworthy that in these cases a portion of the compurgators were women.
  • The literary masterpiece Barrow draws on to illumine the path of conversion and repentance is Dante's Purgatorio.
  • _Cinchona_ supplies us with quinine, while _Ipecacuanha_ produces ipecac, which is an emetic and purgative. All About Coffee
  • The epistolary art is said to be especially feminine, and the novelists and essayists are full of compliments to the sex, which is alternately praised and objurgated, as man feels well or ill. Manners and Social Usages
  • Its low-calorie and high calcium content, and supposed medicinal benefits as a purgative, have brought a new generation of eaters.
  • “We first had a feeling of siccity in the pharynx, then intolerable pains at the epigastrium, super purgation, coma.” Madame Bovary
  • Certainly I think that no one is contemplating chemically "bowdlerizing" positive recollections, the talk seems to center around the artificial expurgation of bad memory, viz. trauma and the like. Lionel: We Are Our Memories
  • Her blockage of Durgapur expressway marks the beginning of a new era in contempt for law. Is Mamata Banerjee Leading Political Lawlessness in Bengal?
  • Physicians in India praise this oil highly; not only is it a sure and painless purgative, but it is free from the viscidity and disgusting taste of castor-oil; besides it has the advantage of operating in small doses, 2-4 grams. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Only an expurgated version of the novel has been published so far.
  • In Brown's late paintings and in the work Gillespie has been making in recent years, symbols are used less for confession and purgation than for spiritual instigation and invocation.
  • Pope Sixtus IV's fund-raising campaign touted indulgences which would free your deceased loved ones suffering in purgatory.
  • I concluded that what my grandfather had been in Purgatory, though also present on earth in some mystical way, and God allowed him to appeal to his son to pray for his release and purgation from attachment to this dimension.
  • purgatorial rites
  • Here is revealed one of the foremost of the causes which made the belief of the Dark Age in the numerous appearances of ghosts and devils so common and so intense that it gave currency to the notion that the swarming spirits of purgatory were disembogued from dusk till dawn. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • Mention of health at the end of the entry on rhubarb brings to mind purgative powers, plus questions about possible health risks if a lot of rhubarb is eaten.
  • Obama's policies are certainly worthy of objurgation, especially his grievous misjudgment at the end of 2009 to cast an additional 30,000 troops into the Afghan abyss in support of a failing counterinsurgency (COIN) strategy. Michael Hughes: Bush Created A No-Win Situation in Afghanistan for Obama
  • Kyrie, expurgator scelerum et largitor gratitæ; quæsumus propter nostrasoffensas noli nos relinquere, O consolator dolentis animæ, eleyson (ed. Burntisland, 929). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Earlier this year PBS distributed to its affiliates only the expurgated version of A Company of Soldiers, a Frontline documentary about American forces in Iraq, because of concerns that obscenities shouted by military personnel during an ambush might bring censure from the FCC; it released the unbleeped version only to those local stations willing to sign waivers absolving PBS of liability for any fines. Fatwa City
  • What doesn't get manhandled out gets washed out with whatever purgative their employer prescribes.
  • Durga Puja [Worship of Durga´], also referred as Durgotsab [Festival of Durga] is an annual Hindu festival that celebrates worship of Hindu goddess Durga. American Chronicle
  • More than 11.16 billion shares changed hands on the NYSE Composite, record volume -- the kind of purgative selling that some bulls were waiting to see. Dow Jones Industrials Lost 18% in Their Worst Week Ever
  • I had to say goodbye to my girlfriend so I could come back and get into shorthand classes - transition from bliss down to purgatory.
  • So perhaps before we indulge ourselves in a ritual sneer at those luckless rich, with their empty life of floating purgatory, we should look a little harder at ourselves and our own view of the outside world.
  • She never talked of herself, so that it were well to let it go down that when in repose, expurgated, Greek she certainly was. Jack London Play:The Scorn of Women
  • Furthermore, Dante's work is divided into three canticles (the Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise) and each canticle is then divided into thirty-three cantos.
  • It is enough that “my lud” has a handle to his name, and Murray Hill shoddyocracy will wine and dine and toady him, and perhaps for his title marry him to some sweet, pure and good American girl, whose life hereafter will be a purgatory to herself and a mutual misery to both. Black and White
  • Their jhuggi, just next to the Malibu Towers, is built on a plot of land owned by a Jat -- a member of the predominant, land-owning caste in Haryana, the state of which Gurgaon is a part -- whom they call Pehelvan ( "wrestler") and pay 600 Rupees a month for the right to live there illegally. Parvez Sharma: Delhi's Servant Crisis and the Commonweath Games
  • Researchers such as Superti-Furga are taking a taking a 'proteomics' approach to understanding precisely how certain proteins that are key drug targets organise themselves in the cell, and how they make complex interactions with often dozens of other proteins. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Some of its other traditional uses have been as a mild purgative for chronic constipation and for the treatment of swollen glands.
  • These were endowments to pay for masses to be sung (Latin cantare, ‘to sing’), usually near a tomb or effigy, for the repose of one or more souls in purgatory.
  • In a superb essay also published in Making and Meaning Timothy Anglin Burgard recounts Lobdell's experience, in April of 1945, of entering a barn in Gardelegen, Germany where Nazi troops had immolated more than 1,000 concentration camp internees. John Seed: Frank Lobdell: "Nothing Worth Anything Is Easy"
  • It was first published in drastically expurgated form in 1905.
  • He told them that he had tried to bribe the cops with fifteen thousand rupees per family, which was the going rate, but the lines at the local thana, or police station, were too long -- he was not the only jhuggi slumlord in booming Gurgaon with the same idea -- and it might make better sense for them to leave till "the games are over". Parvez Sharma: Delhi's Servant Crisis and the Commonweath Games
  • Here is the entirely unexpurgated version of the ditty.
  • The application site occupies part of the rear of a historic burgage plot. Medieval garden plot may sink plan for new homes
  • Far from that, it begins questioning Lettres-de-Cachet generally, their legality, endurability; emits dolorous objurgation, petition on petition to have its three Martyrs delivered; cannot, till that be complied with, so much as think of examining the Protestant Edict, but puts it off always 'till this day week.' The French Revolution
  • They were held after a rifle, two handguns, ammunition and a bomb detonator were discovered at a house Lurgan, Co Armagh.
  • The spiritual leader of Mongolia's Lamaists was proclaimed khan of Mongolia on 16 December, and the country's religious center, Urga, became the capital.
  • Soldiers' missives haven't been routinely expurgated since World War II and the days of ‘Loose Lips Sink Ships.’
  • Pre-publication teasers had it that the main reason for the expanded and 'unexpurgated' version of the diaries was that Campbell would pull no punches in his depiction of Brown once he had left Number 10, but this is at best half true. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • We seem to prefer the smile that conceals an inner deception to the honest purgative truth about ourselves.
  • Shows last week had discussions on Marian devotion, purgatory, and other Catholic doctrines.
  • Ant. & Cl.I. v. 24 [Antony] The demy Atlas of this Earth, the Arme And Burganet of men. Medallion Vulcan | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Refurgat inima tua ab iniquitate per id, quod Deus eft, re« iirgat corpus tuuiii a corruptione per id, quod ho« no eft« • 4. Theologia dogmatico-moralis secundum ordinem catechismi Concilii Tridentini
  • The ripe fruit, from which a medicinal tincture is prepared, furnishes euonymin, a golden resin, which is purgative and emetic. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • No ye that we have granted to all who have taken burgages at Liverpul that they shall have all liberties and free customs which any free borough on the sea has in our land.
  • In all diseases it is better that the umbilical and hypogastric regions preserve their fullness; and it is a bad sign when they are very slender and emaciated; in the latter case it is dangerous to administer purgatives. Aphorisms
  • Collated, expurgated and presented in hardback form so many years after his death the journals show a childish, drug-addled man who often verged on a limited kind of brilliance through his songs.
  • In ‘The high cost of low prices’, you objurgate the chain store for its business practices.
  • Of these seventy-seven, eight resided in Kabul, seventeen in Tashkurgan, thirty-nine in Bukhara, three in Katta Kurgan, two in Karshi, three in Kolab, one in Charjui, one in Yarkand, and four in Ourganj or Khiva. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • Not, go here martini it metabolite it andrei a angeles but roustabout in betony in resignation in anxiety, dreamboat and progress may conspire on offsetting a khan the reptile see petrify in forsake it grizzly not monkeyflower! choral it algonquin some selves it elmsford see lew not anastasia be coequal some bankrupt in ethnic a purgative not bridal on chimera and ammonia be cliffhang! began or kickback be amalgam or tycoon! Archive 2006-01-01
  • Most children read an expurgated version of Grimms'fairy tales.
  • Of the three ways leading to perfection the first is called the purgative, and consists in the purifying of the soul; from which, as from a piece of waste ground, we must take away the brambles and thorns of sin before planting there trees which shall bear good fruit. The Spirit of St. Francis de Sales
  • Mild oily purgatives like castor oil or bulk laxatives such as linseed or psyllium seeds are recommended.
  • I didn't blog for a couple of days over Easter because I was in purgatory - a village on the South Wales coast, near Cardiff - doing the family thing.
  • Prior to Election Day, there was a widespread belief that the outcome of the 2000 Election was a fluke, an aberration, that would correct itself, as a sort of natural purgative process, in 2004.
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Burlesques
  • Chris, then, has fallen from grace and is living in a kind of purgatory, respected but terribly alone, knowing he can never be forgiven because the person he wronged is dead.
  • This is just the investigation level," Gurgaon police subinspector Babbu Lal said Wednesday. Indian fraud inquiry names Citigroup CEO, execs - Yahoo! Finance
  • I am still heavily medicated and in pain, but can't see an end to this purgatory.
  • What you'll see, if you permit yourself the indulgence, is as unexpurgated a view of the period between 1875 and 1945 as you're ever likely to find on any website, or in any classroom for that matter.
  • In fact they expurgated any reference to animal sacrifices from their liturgy.
  • A Catholic priest gives the last rites to the dying and may offer a mass for a soul that departed to purgatory before making peace with God.
  • Queen's bath in Somersetshire; it is purgative, not corroborant, they tell me; and its taste resembles Cheltenham water exactly. Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey through France, Italy, and Germany, Vol. I
  • The son of a prosperous Hindu trader, Bhai Pheru, Guru Angad was an ardent devotee of the Hindu goddess Durga.
  • Among the more traditional remedies for plague fever were the various organic purgatives, including phlebotomy, diaphoretics, diuretics, emetics, and laxatives.
  • The grant of a borough charter might formalise the urban status of such communities, the town-plan evolving to assume a more economically inspired layout through the planning of a regulated street network, burgage plots and defences.
  • Lastly, for the errors brought in from false or uncertain history, what is all the legend of fictitious miracles in the lives of the saints; and all the histories of apparitions and ghosts alleged by the doctors of the Roman Church, to make good their doctrines of hell and purgatory, the power of exorcism, and other doctrines which have no warrant, neither in reason nor Scripture; as also all those traditions which they call the unwritten word of God; but old wives 'fables? Leviathan, or, The matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill
  • And I will objurgate and distance myself from any of my fellow countrymen and women who do so
  • Gurganus is a stylist and magician, and his stories are beautifully crafted.
  • Preeminent among Luther's complaints were the practice of selling of indulgences (essentially, the selling of forgiveness for sin), the practice of "simony" (selling church positions), and the Church's policy on purgatory. The Vail Trail - All Sections
  • In the 12th cent. burgage tenure came to be seen as the normal characteristic of an English borough: each burgess held a burgage, usually a house with little other land, for a money rent.
  • While some traditional herbs are not suitable for regular use due to their excessively strong purgative effects, ColoFlush uses herbs that are strong enough to support flushing out of the colon, yet gentle enough not to cause a loose, 'crampy' stomach. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • He was given a purgative before the operation.
  • Den wair be mines frensh frize? wair be mines chiz burga? u eeted dem! Dunno ’bout u guyz but i’s ready for the nuclar warz - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Nor shall we have wardship of that fee-farm, socage, or burgage, unless the fee-farm owes knight's service.
  • “We first had a feeling of siccity in the pharynx, then intolerable pains at the epigastrium, super purgation, coma.” Madame Bovary
  • A large mechanical platform is lowered into the subterranean depths of Purgato.
  • In addition, he anticipated the modern poets in objurgating the custom of garnishing poems with archaisms.
  • 'Durga' is an inaccessible region such as a forest or wilderness which cannot be passed through except with great pain and danger. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • Your Honour could make a direction that the transcript be edited or expurgated to that extent.
  • And when Sheikh Sa'di and Rumi have been ‎ purged of every occurrence of "shoma ', and all of Bengali literature expurgated of the ‎ odious" tui "and" apni ", then – and then only – will we achieve a non-hierarchic, ‎ democratic order, and not before that. ‎ REGIME CHANGE, LANGUAGE CHANGE
  • Readers can find the full, unexpurgated version here.
  • This oil acts as a purgative / has a purgative effect.
  • They showered me with advice as to my future conduct, and overhauled my clothes to see that no incriminating garment found its way into that which Bessie called my "expurgated" wardrobe. Madeleine: An Autobiography
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Labyrinth of Life, enjoyed the perplexities and quarrels of the scene, and exacerbated the already furious combatants by their poignant infantile satire. Burlesques
  • Dagger Flower," contains chemically an "oleo-resin," which is purgative to the liver in material doses, and specially alleviative against bilious sickness when taken of much reduced strength by reason of its acting as a similar. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • All preparations of the pooja are ready with the deity of goddess Durga decorated.
  • volumes of the best plays, unexpurgated
  • The Thirty-Nine Articles condemned ‘the Romish doctrine concerning Purgatory, Pardons’ as unscriptural.
  • In the afternoon, in another similar demonstration villagers of Ratanpur assembled at the crossing of Durgapur expressway and blocked it demanding opening of Tata plant and chanting anti Mamata slogans. In a Backlash, Calcutta and Bengal Heating Up for the Cause of Tata Nano
  • He explains that as a Catholic, the ideas of purgatory, heaven and hell, enter strongly into Kelly's worldview and because of this he must convince the audience, and himself, of his innocence.
  • Recent reports have revealed that the IISc plans the construction of a 'synchrotron' - a large and high-energy electron-accelerator, which is used as a tool in several streams of scientific research - at the Chitradurga campus. Analysis
  • But the boy Mohammed being by me objurgated-for I remarked in him a jaunty demeanour combined with neglectfulness of ceremonies-saluted it sulkily, muttering the while hints about the holiness of his birthplace exempting him from the trouble of stooping. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Punk music, with its live-fast ethos and objurgation of the status quo, never was meant to last long.
  • After an evaluation period, the generator, which has been designed to be portable, will be moved on to more testing sites such as Burgar Hill.
  • Its name is popularly shortened; rarely is it referred to in its unexpurgated form. Times, Sunday Times
  • You are a mere pygmy on your spiritual journey in comparison to some spiritual giants who have reached nirvana and have their name ticked off on the entrance list scroll pinned in the guard tower adjacent to the pearly gates, just up the block from the Purgatory Bar and Grill. Butt out « BuzzMachine
  • On the other hand, Atrios explaining "Why We Say 'F***' a Lot" (expurgation most definitely not in the original) fares far less well at Wood's hands. Angry, uncivil liberal bloggers
  • As he came back to Hatherly Court from the church, they were putting up the hatchment over the door, and Master Fred saw that the undertakers had put at the bottom “Resurgam”. Doctor Thorne
  • Most of these translated sources - including the Loeb library, a scholarly collection of source materials - are now being republished and, if not retranslated, at least re-edited to include previously expurgated passages.
  • Sitting in fringe theatres on sticky summer nights can be pretty purgatorial.
  • Warkworth was promoted as a borough in the C12, and long but narrow burgage plots line the main street.
  • The reader will not fail to note that the terrace of the slothful is the only circle of Purgatory where there is no request for intercessory prayer and that Dante here never speaks to any of those souls. Dante: "The Central Man of All the World" A Course of Lectures Delivered Before the Student Body of the New York State College for Teachers, Albany, 1919, 1920
  • As Greenblatt observes, ‘Purgatory, along with theological language of communion, deathbed confession, and anointing (aneling), while compatible with a Christian (and, specifically, a Catholic) call for remembrance, is utterly incompatible with a Senecan call for vengeance’.
  • A sculptor applies finishing touches to an idol of the Hindu goddess Durga as his son looks on him in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata September 25, 2006.
  • That is, under the canicular, or dog-star, and before the dog-star, purgations are painfull and difficill. Spadacrene Anglica The English Spa Fountain
  • If you search out where it came from Pliny's Natural History, Book LXXII, a copy here, the whole sentance reads: "lanae et per se coactae vestem faciunt et, si addatur acetum, etiam ferro resistunt, immo vero etiam ignibus novissimo sui purgamento Archive 2009-04-01
  • There is a selection of prayers for the souls in purgatory.
  • The epic has been the object of adaptation, interpolation, reinterpretation and expurgation by a number of retellers, each seeking to reflect what he saw as relevant to his time.
  • He rejected other common medical practices of his day such as purgatives and emetics with opium and mercury-based calomel.
  • And because thou rescuest people from difficulties whether when they are afflicted in the wilderness or sinking in the great ocean, it is for this that thou art called Durga [10] by all. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 Books 4, 5, 6 and 7
  • Explanation: purgation = act of spiritual purification all other words are related to 'powderiness'. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In fact they expurgated any reference to animal sacrifices from their liturgy.
  • Neatness and greenth are so essential in my opinion to the country, that in France, where I see nothing but chalk and dirty peasants, I seem in a terrestrial purgatory that is neither town nor country. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 3
  • So keen, in fact, is Random House to have the great spin doctor on board that Hutchinson will shortly publish the "unexpurgated" version of its already published The Blair Years. A literary career or a brilliant, successful one-off? Take your pick
  • Secondaries: Ringwood, and Hounsdown in Totton are "outstanding", Priestlands in Lymington is "good" with "outstanding" features; Noadswood and Applemore, both in Dibden Purlieu, and Burgate in Fordingbridge all "good". Let's move to … the New Forest, Hampshire
  • I find it particularly galling because, in this country, we have had to suffer pretty near total purgatory at the hands of our various enforcement agencies who seem to start from the premise that we are all members of that same Mafia clan.
  • So, too, a deliberate self-simplification, a "purgation" of the heart and will, is demanded of those who would develop the form of consciousness called "mystical. Practical Mysticism
  • Only an expurgated version of the novel has been published so far.
  • He surrendered all he had fought for, accepting even the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation and the existence of Purgatory.
  • Two horses with saddles and weapons and also vessels were also found in the burial mound, or kurgan. Mummies, Kurgans, Balbals
  • And the three-volume tome -- unexpurgated, but written cagily, and yet still self-revealingly at times -- has prompted me to pursue one of the great humorist's own personal delights. David Tereshchuk: Celebrating a Virtually Forgotten Media Maestro
  • The eventual publication of the unexpurgated text liberated 1960s authors. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I highly objurgate (word of the day calendars are wonderful things) his stealing my boyfriend's song.
  • She found that most of them had been expurgated to remove anything that was remotely controversial, in some cases making the author's intention unrecognizable.
  • Virtue, however, in the full Christian sense of the term, is only possible as we journey through the "purgative" way of the interior life and into what the mystical tradition calls the "illuminative" and "unitive" ways. Catholic Exchange
  • Cotswold District Council has refused another scheme at nearby Cramond, saying it was also a burgage site. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Dick was paying some tribute to things unforgotten, unshriven, unexpurgated. Tender is the Night
  • An imperforation of the Hymen is attended with no inconvenience, until the monthly purgations should take place. The Cherokee Physician, or Indian Guide to Health, as Given by Richard Foreman, a Cherokee Doctor; Comprising a Brief View of Anatomy, With General Rules for Preserving Health without the Use of Medicines. The Diseases of the U. States, with Their Symptom
  • He advocated enemas, emetics, purgatives and sneezing powders.
  • Prepared rhubarb is used when one desires to enhance the blood moving or heat clearing effects of the herb, but minimize the purgative action.
  • Police chiefs and district commissioners attempting to end jurga law find no government support.
  • * Nam et Porphyrius quandam quasi purgationem animae per theurgian, cunctanter tamen et pudibunda quodam modo disputatione, promittit, reversionem vero ad deum hanc artem praestare cuiquam negat, ut videas eum inter vitium sacrilegae curiositatis et philosophiae professionem sententiis alternantibus fluctuare: [1675] 1 The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
  • The trouble is that these sprawling jams were never meant to be released in this unexpurgated form. Times, Sunday Times
  • He heavily expurgated the work in its second edition.
  • This type of constipation caused by deficiency, usually does not respond to harsh purgatives such as rhubarb root, cascara, senna and sodium sulphite which tend to eliminate excess.
  • A general idea of the "Exercises" may best be gained from Diertins's summary: After setting forth the end for which God created man and all other things, the book, ever considering this truth as the first foundation, leads us in a short time by the way known as the purgative way to acknowledge the ugliness of the sins which have caused us to stray shamefully from the end, and to cleanse our souls from sin. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Mr Neil was not amused and declared war, publishing the piece unexpurgated in The Hootsmon.
  • Quum de zele culparetur, purgandi se causa permisisse fertur ut ea qui vellet uteretur; quod ejus factum in sectam turpissimam versum est, qua placet usus indifferens foeminamm. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Tashkurgan's best - known hotel is opposite a supermarket equipped with a tannoy system. A woman's voice blared.
  • Bill Czolgosz alters, edits, expurgates, massacres and abridges the original Twain narrative with gusto; and delivers up a whimsyladen trek through the rotting heart of the Zombie Apocalypse. The War of The Worlds
  • In the absence of positive evidence of guilt, and sometimes despite of it, the accused was bound to clear himself by compurgation or by the ordeal.
  • Many folks in La Plata County never make it farther north than Purgatory at Durango Mountain Resort for their winter frolicking, which is a shame.
  • The entire burgage was not large, space being valuable within so enclosed a town, in its tight noose of river. The Heretic's Apprentice
  • Mapping the infernal regions of Hell and Purgatory with a geographer's precision, Botticelli takes the viewer on a journey of visceral, blood-curdling horror.
  • He maintains the youngster's idea of purgatory is a couple of hours on a running track or in a gym.
  • Medicinal rhubarbs, as a purgative, are among the most important drug plants of all time.
  • Furthermore, I believe that there is a place of purgatory, where souls departed be punished for a time, for whom the church doth godlily and wholesomely pray, like as it doth honour saints and make prayers to them. Fox's Book of Martyrs Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs
  • A Tribute to N. Chandraji for showing Truth - EVEN.S OF 1978 AS RELATED TO 1987 1978 Subhash Mukhopadhyay created history when he became the first physician in India (and second in the world after British physicians Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards) to perform the In vitro fertilization resulting in a test tube baby "Durga" (alias Kanupriya Agarwal) on October 3, - Articles related to India expects $5 bn Canadian investment in road sector
  • Each party had to state his case under oath, and doubts as to the guilt or innocence of the accused person were resolved by either compurgation or ordeal.
  • Daniel's accusers, now that his innocency is cleared, and Heaven itself has become his compurgator, have the same punishment inflicted upon them which they designed against him, according to the law of retaliation made against false accusers, Deut. xix. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Nurgaliyev on Friday ordered Dagestani police "to reinforce work to detect inside and outside sources of financing" for local insurgents.
  • The defense team sees Tantawi as a compurgator, or a witness whose testimony would exonerate Mubarak. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • As we drew closer to World War Two here, he actually withdrew the book - I mean it was expurgated.
  • And, in the lowest deep, a lower deep Still threatening to devour me, opens wide, finding, as Aristotle would have said, relief and even comfort in the "purgation" through poetry, of the passions of pity and terror. The Adventure of Living : a Subjective Autobiography
  • He went back to Mrs Howard and delivered an expurgated version of her quondam husband's invitation to join the party. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Burlesques
  • In concern of the controversy caused by the expurgation of plane geometry in the new high school math textbook, we spend one year penetrating deeply in this area.
  • Coal India said the partners will form a joint venture, MAMC Industries Ltd., and Mining and Allied Machinery's plant at Durgapur in the eastern state of West Bengal will be revamped to make underground-mining equipment soon. Coal India Looks to Boost Underground Mining Operations
  • We'll see a real resurgance of underground communications networks if this gets worse.
  • Apostolici" denied purgatory and the utility of prayers for the departed. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • So that henceforth let no man feare to take either easie purgatives, or other inward Physicke, in the time of the canicular, or dog-dayes. Spadacrene Anglica The English Spa Fountain
  • I have done Gourgaud no wrong: every word imputed to him exists in the papers submitted to me as historical documents [28], and I should have been a shameful coward if I had shunned using them. The Journal of Sir Walter Scott From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford
  • By this date, it was believed that the dead did not proceed directly to salvation, but instead passed to the intermediate state of purgatory, where they experienced a prolonged and painful purgation of their sins.
  • Comparing the Idylls of the King with Malory's book, we are irresistibly reminded of certain Catholic books of devotion "expurgated" or "adapted" for members of the Church of Studies from Court and Cloister: being essays, historical and literary dealing mainly with subjects relating to the XVIth and XVIIth centuries
  • This traffic had the effect of multiplying burgages and therefore votes in the Pembroke interest.

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