

  1. the capital and largest city of Mongolia

How To Use Urga In A Sentence

  • She was cautious, but Feinstein finds no trace of dishonour in the care she took to keep herself alive and free through successive waves of revolution and purgation.
  • Emphasizing elimination through the overuse of purgatives in an already deficient individual can further deplete the body's store of minerals and essential B vitamins as well as imbalance beneficial intestinal micro-organisms.
  • The mass media give little background, and what they do is carefully expurgated.
  • In England the franchises enjoyed by burgesses, freemen and other consuetudinary constituencies in burghs, were dependent on the character of the burgage-tenure. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • This survey lists 170 burgages and 7 tenements, compared with the 160 ¾ burgages in the Red Book.
  • Whilst not the first so to do but well before the bandwagon hove into view, I proposed that MPs expenses must be place in full, unexpurgated, unredacted beauty online as are those of MSPs by the Scottish Parliament. Where The Huntsman leads, the hounds follow
  • Now go and Google "Durga" - a primarily Hindu "great goddess" figure - and maybe you will learn something about the intercultural aspects of Islam while you are at it. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • a purgation, that is, by way of Epitome, to cut all ouer much away. The Scholemaster
  • At school, like my peers, I was indoctrinated in the mysteries of original and venal sin, virgin birth, the respective criteria for entry to limbo, purgatory, and heaven.
  • vintner" and "peddler" of his objurgations, and meekly whispers into his ear with the air of a conspirator reporting a plot to his chief. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
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