
  1. incapable of being ascended

How To Use unscalable In A Sentence

  • Within the safety of his bathroom, then, Truman imagines himself at the mercy of nature classically figured as an unscalable mountain - to Kant, ‘bold, overhanging, and, as it were, threatening rocks’.
  • Soon, in-the-trenches anti-poverty practitioners with long experience, community-based organizations close to their clients, market-based programs with real revenues and real customers, and experimental, innovative initiatives with great promise may be written off as woolly-headed, undisciplined or unscalable simply because they are un-evaluated. Jonathan Lewis: Social Impact Evaluation: Useful? Utopian? (Part 1 of 4)
  • In order to avoid having to climb over boulders that were virtually unscalable he led them out onto the spit of rock. GALILEE
  • The unscalable case expression and the unreusable reasoning process lead to the development and the maintenance of the systems difficult and costly.
  • It's hard to program safely; programs that manipulate threads are prone to inconsistent data, deadlocks, unscalable locking, and inverted priorities.
  • There never seems to be any difficulty in stretching the laws and the constitution to fit any kind of a political deal, but when it is proposed to make some concession to women they loom up like an unscalable wall.
  • They are a boundary, a dividing line, a wall impregnable and unscalable. The Night-Born
  • This, on the other hand, will essentially try to find ways of making unaffordable and unscalable energy sources a bit less so. US News: “Generation We’s Apollo Project”, Me: “What a dumb idea” « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • In the unscalable servo, video production companies stern can be mercilessly as actuating as persona ones, due to the massachusetts that they can tercelet as marconi for mostly soiled repentance fossilology. Rational Review
  • Vast, white, twelve foot high, the unscalable double gate mocked me, the light glaring in the bright white gloss. THE CALLIGRAPHER
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