How To Use Unrecoverable In A Sentence
The unfortunate aspect of this is that it is not clear if a file is unrecoverable until recovery is attempted, and at that point it's too late to do anything about it if it can't be recovered.
Companies such as AdvancePath Academics scoop up students classified as unrecoverable by traditional schools and help them complete their education.
Reason Magazine
An IMS / VS facility that allows the user to define inquiry transactions as unrecoverable.
The council has run up huge and unrecoverable debts.
Use a ‘wipe’ utility program to overwrite the entire hard drive. It makes the files unrecoverable.

An unrecoverable error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator.
This measure was intended to eliminate corruption and prevent unrecoverable loans being passed on to the Central Bank.
An unrecoverable error occurred trying to synchronize the cluster disk information.
O'BRIEN: If that failed, however, then you've got another situation which could cause a lot of what they call, what the investigators call parasitic drag, which is another way of saying forcing it into a steep left bank, and ultimately if it's unrecoverable -- in other words, if the other control surfaces here cannot compensate for it, that could very well put it into a spin, an inverted position that cannot be recovered no matter how hard the pilot tries -- John, any other thoughts?
CNN Transcript Jan 8, 2003
The sight of the 757 diving in at an unrecoverable angle is frozen in my memory, but at the time, I did not immediately comprehend what I was witnessing.
Life is actually a series of unrecoverable errors that one day combine to freeze your screen.
It's now virtually impossible to sue a doctor if the damage is worth less than $50,000, because legal costs would be unrecoverable.
This week, as his wife was anticipating contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he sent her stock plummeting to an unrecoverable low.
Talking about the film, Cronenberg has referred to Nabokov's theory of memory and art as attempts to recover the unrecoverable.
Loans categorized as "unrecoverable" amounted to 3.1% of its portfolio.
A Formula Shift
In the first case the contents of the file are truly unrecoverable unless you can guess the password.
The reactor is already one-third completed; some $2 billion, probably unrecoverable, has already been spent.
The flight recorders on the ill-fated planes, which are encased in titanium specifically to withstand catastrophic crashes, are apparently unrecoverable in this case, such was the enormity of the impact.
Unless a disk is demagnetized or destroyed not simply damaged, data is generally recoverable, even if there may be gaps or missing / unrecoverable files.
The Volokh Conspiracy » A New Book Coming Soon from Michael Bellesiles
If you provide huge tax breaks for private care, even if you call it a ‘patients passport’, you are giving free money to those who have private care already, a massive and unrecoverable deadweight cost.
The term employed for such a swift, unrecoverable catastrophe at sea is ‘sudden calamity’ but that masks the horrible reality that would have confronted the crew in their last few minutes alive.
It is laudable that companies are already making redundant equipment available for re-use but in the overwhelming majority of cases, they are not rendering the data on hard drives unrecoverable.
The pit was considered to be so dangerous that the bodies were unrecoverable.
The bank also managed to recover loans that were deemed unrecoverable through a call-back system in which clients were visited by bank employees.
Within weeks of the law's passage, banks saw a flood of loans once deemed unrecoverable being repaid in double time.
Administrator tool for secure shredding ( unrecoverable deletion ) of entire IDE disks.
Contingencies such as unrecoverable medical or dental expenses, hospital expenses and loss of wages are also provided for.
Unless a disk is demagnetized or destroyed (not simply damaged), data is generally recoverable, even if there may be gaps or missing/unrecoverable files.
The Volokh Conspiracy » A New Book Coming Soon from Michael Bellesiles
An unrecoverable Directory Services error has occurred. Contact your network administrator.
Perhaps you recall Chris who had the "unrecoverable" hard drive that Apple wouldn't let him keep?
The Consumerist: April 2007 Archives
Ground water - millions of years old - in the Mereenie basin is dropping to unrecoverable levels.
Instead, they simply delete all of the files they can find, and then once again use an antiforensics program like Privacy Suite to find the files that might have been forgotten and to make all of the deleted files unrecoverable.
In her book, ‘The Sappho Companion’, Margaret Reynolds says there's something strange, remote and ultimately unrecoverable about Sappho's writing.
In Gauteng, in all departments, any public servant was entitled to apply for the package and the only valid reason for tuning down an application was that the loss of staff member would cause "unrecoverable" harm to the service.
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