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[ UK /ʌnpɹənˈa‍ʊnsəbə‍l/ ]
  1. very difficult to pronounce correctly
    an unpronounceable foreign word
    unutterable consonant clusters
  2. impossible or difficult to pronounce correctly

How To Use unpronounceable In A Sentence

  • While some say it is "unpronounceable", it would be a good idea to get used to the name because for sure it is going to be around the international media for a long time to come. Pravda.Ru
  • The cost of those dreams is a rising tide of unpronounceable medical ailments like traction apophysitis, medial epidcondylitis and osteochondritis dissecans, scary badges that are being attached to athletes at younger and younger ages. Top Stories
  • While some say it is "unpronounceable", it would be a good idea to get used to the name because for sure it is going to be around the international travel, but the overall economic impact is only beginning to be understood. - Articles related to NASA's Earth Exchange Allows Scientists to Collaborate on Data Analysis
  • a few months the frightened family would lie awake at night and listen to trains rattling past, coming out from the explosives plant, piled to the tops with loads of trinitrotoluol, and such unpronounceable instruments of murder and destruction. Jimmie Higgins
  • The actual name was unpronounceable, and so was Shadowmelder's given name, so he just called himself that, and that was the end of it.
  • No one knew that the victims they imagined as faceless bogeymen with unpronounceable names, I imagined as my mother.
  • She suffered the change of her unpronounceable name, being euphonized as "Césarine," smilingly, but life at home in a demure and tranquil suburb little suited the young meteor who had flashed across Germany. The Son of Clemenceau
  • •Some Koreans may mistake your first name for your last name or find your last name unpronounceable and address you by English courtesy title + first name. ASIAN BUSINESS CUSTOMS & MANNERS
  • With a jumble of numbers and unpronounceable names - pyridoxine, cobalamin and molybdenum, say - it's hard to know which ingredients are hype and which you really need to stay healthy.
  • I just want these critics to admit that they like something besides bands with unpronounceable names and acoustic guitars.
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