
How To Use Unheard-of In A Sentence

  • He refused to allow his actors to use makeup, an unheard-of conceit at that time but one made possible by the recent introduction of panchromatic film.
  • Cromwell himself and other inspired persons, (for the officers of this army received inspiration with their commission,) was first opened the daring and unheard-of counsel, of bringing the king to justice, and of punishing, by a judicial sentence, their sovereign, for his pretended tyranny and maleadministration. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part E. From Charles I. to Cromwell
  • It was unusual, in a Servant of Naamah; in an anguissette, unheard-of. Kushiel's Avatar
  • Also unheard-of was a cartel cornering a commodity such as crude oil, as long as the medium of exchange was gold.
  • That summer, it had itched more often than ever, as the goblins swarmed in unheard-of numbers, and banishing them was one way of putting that itch to rest. Excerpt: Runemarks by Joanne Harris
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  • Janissaries, and stealing his head, for the purposes of baking, shaving, and roasting it, and that they should be condemned to pay the price of his blood; but as the kabobchi had been the immediate cause of the tumult by treating the head with such gross and unheard-of insult, and as he was a Greek and an infidel, it was further resolved that the Mûfti should issue a _fetwah_, authorizing his head to be cut off: and placed on the same odious spot where he had exposed that of the Aga of the The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
  • These are unheard-of results for end-stage patients with very poor prognoses. The FDA and Slower Cures
  • One could lie in wait on some high crag, and at hitherto unheard-of ranges hit a horseman far below.
  • developments on an unheard-of scale
  • Yet, if you, who first wrote Dialogues of the Dead, could hear the prayer of an epistle wafted to 'lands indiscoverable in the unheard-of West,' you might visit once more a world so worthy of such a mocker, so like the world you knew so well of old. Letters to Dead Authors
  • At that time, it was completely unheard-of for girls to go to university.
  • His early comedies might have been taken to represent an unheard-of civility from the back of beyond.
  • But now that a man may make money, and rise in the world, and associate himself, unreproached, with people once far above him, not only is the natural discontentedness of humanity developed to an unheard-of extent, whatever On the Old Road Vol. 1 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
  • At that time, it was completely unheard-of for girls to go to university.
  • This is not an unheard-of phenomenon, by the way, with certain volatile personalities who work together.
  • At that time, it was completely unheard-of for girls to go to university.
  • Yet, if you, who first wrote Dialogues of the Dead, could hear the prayer of an epistle wafted to “lands indiscoverable in the unheard-of West,” you might visit once more a world so worthy of such a mocker, so like the world you knew so well of old. Letters to Dead Authors
  • She competed on five consecutive world championship teams, a previously unheard-of feat.
  • My wineglass was empty and she was bringing me a refill with unheard-of good grace.
  • Since such interference with the abbatial orders here on monastic ground was unheard-of, he had taken no precautions against it, though most of the time the lodge was manned, and the whole range of keys under the occupant's eye, and safe enough. The Holy Thief
  • He called this phenomenon "a truly alarming spectacle, if we consider not only how extensively attacks are spreading but also their unheard-of numerical proportion, and the fact that they receive widespread legal approval and the involvement of certain sectors of health-care personnel. Media
  • The America's Cup has always been a showcase for innovation: the 1895 victor, Defender, for example, used aluminum, steel and bronze in the hull, an unheard-of combination at the time.
  • According to Hughes, Olsen became an addition to the stable when Komon sold one of his works for the previously unheard-of price of 1000 guineas.
  • It was unheard-of for anyone to complain.
  • She had planned unheard-of achievements, while I saw nothing else than the deanship of the College of Agriculture. CHAPTER II
  • He saved his carfares and went without lunch until he had enough money to buy an encyclopedia of American biography - and then he did an unheard-of thing.
  • And then we passed into the yard and dairies, where the same benevolent worship had congregated fowl of strange and unheard-of breeds; and there was a little bonham; and above all, staring around, wonder-stricken and frightened, and with a gorgeous blue ribbon about her neck, was the prettiest little fawn in the world, its soft brown fur lifted by the warm wind and its eyes opened up in fear and wonder at its surroundings. My New Curate
  • Home computers are now used on a scale unheard-of a few years ago.
  • It’s just amazing how readily we’ll tear each other down for doing whatever works for our families; it’s like multiplicity is a completely unheard-of concept in parenting. Oh, it’s going to be like that. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • Lord appeared confident that the document was genuine and that these hitherto unheard-of trading rights actually existed. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • On a rare recording, he can be heard to stumble on the next-to-last line-something unheard-of for one who enunciated so exactingly.
  • `Then Mom announced that she was going to visit her family for a couple of weeks, which was absolutely unheard-of. MOON PASSAGE
  • The America's Cup has always been a showcase for innovation: the 1895 victor, Defender, for example, used aluminum, steel and bronze in the hull, an unheard-of combination at the time.
  • She competed on five consecutive world championship teams, a previously unheard-of feat.
  • I believe it's not unheard-of for an entrepreneur to keep more than one set of books. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • At that time, it was completely unheard-of for girls to go to university.
  • Ticket stubs are now hot collector's items, with many fetching unheard-of prices.
  • Armies of unheard-of size, fighting on a scale never before known, generated an unprecedented demand for military information.
  • Radiation reached unheard-of levels.

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