  1. previously unknown
    a first novel by an unheard of writer
    developments on an unheard-of scale

How To Use unheard-of In A Sentence

  • He refused to allow his actors to use makeup, an unheard-of conceit at that time but one made possible by the recent introduction of panchromatic film.
  • Cromwell himself and other inspired persons, (for the officers of this army received inspiration with their commission,) was first opened the daring and unheard-of counsel, of bringing the king to justice, and of punishing, by a judicial sentence, their sovereign, for his pretended tyranny and maleadministration. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part E. From Charles I. to Cromwell
  • It was unusual, in a Servant of Naamah; in an anguissette, unheard-of. Kushiel's Avatar
  • Also unheard-of was a cartel cornering a commodity such as crude oil, as long as the medium of exchange was gold.
  • That summer, it had itched more often than ever, as the goblins swarmed in unheard-of numbers, and banishing them was one way of putting that itch to rest. Excerpt: Runemarks by Joanne Harris
  • Janissaries, and stealing his head, for the purposes of baking, shaving, and roasting it, and that they should be condemned to pay the price of his blood; but as the kabobchi had been the immediate cause of the tumult by treating the head with such gross and unheard-of insult, and as he was a Greek and an infidel, it was further resolved that the Mûfti should issue a _fetwah_, authorizing his head to be cut off: and placed on the same odious spot where he had exposed that of the Aga of the The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
  • These are unheard-of results for end-stage patients with very poor prognoses. The FDA and Slower Cures
  • One could lie in wait on some high crag, and at hitherto unheard-of ranges hit a horseman far below.
  • developments on an unheard-of scale
  • Yet, if you, who first wrote Dialogues of the Dead, could hear the prayer of an epistle wafted to 'lands indiscoverable in the unheard-of West,' you might visit once more a world so worthy of such a mocker, so like the world you knew so well of old. Letters to Dead Authors
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