How To Use Undomesticated In A Sentence
When an undomesticated woman refuses to hide her sexuality, abnegates her maternity, she creates a force field of extraordinary energy.
‘Zoe that is a wild animal, as in undomesticated,’ Keegan pointed out.
But since the instinct must have been developed during the predomestication period, how under the sun could his wild, undomesticated ancestors have experienced the close, long - continued, and vital contact with man?
The Other Animals
They come, always, in expensive vehicles, designed to be driven over rough, undomesticated land.
after years of marriage he remained essentially undomesticated

In these aboveground collective social spaces his unhygienic, undomesticated presence is not proper; it signals defiance in its fetid, imposing refusal to be controlled or to disappear.
In this study spanning 40 years and involving more than 10,000 foxes, researchers re-created the process of domestication by taking undomesticated commercial farm foxes and selectively breeding them solely for tameness over many generations.
Sophia Yin: Why It's Risky to Have Wild Animals as Pets
But there must be a case to be built about not having small undomesticated animals as household pets.
This approach therefore cannot be used for genome mapping in many other situations where no nuclear family records are available or for other undomesticated species, such as wildlife and forest trees.
There are always the parents who get on and drag along an armada of noisy and undomesticated children.
I had my routines: constant vigilance, my antidote to the sin of sleeping and the undomesticated world of dreams.
The scene where he battles the wolf especially emphasizes his transformation into that good dog, as the wolf represents Yeller's undomesticated forebears and the wild animal he resembled so closely at the beginning of the story.
There are still undomesticated dogs living in the wild today.
Needless to say, he had no domestic skills either, never having been taught any; and his friends, coming from the same social milieu, were just as undomesticated.
No matter how well treated, an elephant remains an undomesticated animal.
undomesticated," including blacks and non-assimilated immigrants, were linked to immorality by examining more closely some of the origins of domesticity.
Acting 'Natural': Vanity Fair and the UnMasking of Anglo-American Sentiment
To deepen his predicament, because he is single, his advisers and confidants are generally undomesticated guys just like him.
Where Have The Good Men Gone?
I was brought up in the cattle country of Dakota, although I was born in Manitoba (my parents moved across the line when I was young) and I know the wild cattle and horses there were less manageable than the undomesticated musk-ox; and I know from watching my mother work wool, and helping her work wool, - we were very poor, and my mother used to knit socks to sell them-I know the wool is as good as any wool.
The Canadian Arctic Region
It is probably related to undomesticated peppers that still grow in South America.
As for the exterior styling: I think it just rips—unhinged, subversive, undomesticated, and not at all pretty.
Mini's Hot Coupe: Drive It—If Your Pal Buys One
Its philosophy and tone were so juvenile, so entirely undomesticated, that it made Playboy look like Camus.
Where Have The Good Men Gone?
Perhaps worst of all, buying undomesticated animals encourages people to capture them from the wild.
Janovy describes the importance of research in undomesticated systems, those that are beyond our experimental control wherever they occur.
We see this in her mythological and fable-like prose poem ‘The Flood,’ which portrays and condemns the effects of the eradication of undomesticated wildness.
From an evolutionary perspective domestic chickens have been wildly more successful than hosts of undomesticated species.
As a general rule, I believe that undomesticated creatures should not live in houses.
In a satirical perspective, it may be blaming us for disregarding funerary rituals, for keeping death in an undomesticated, barbaric status.
Shelob, Smaug, the Balrog ... in their astounding names, the fearful verve of their descriptions, their various undomesticated malevolence, these creatures are utterly embedded in our world-view.
Archive 2009-06-01
`Frankly, I think we'd be less conspicuous without undomesticated animals of any description.
Humans are not supposed to engage in activity normally associated with undomesticated animals.
The previously undomesticated boy quickly realizes that half-measures like hastily buying his little cousin a pre-packaged lunch at a convenience store on the way to kindergarten can have traumatic consequences in a milieu where bringing in an amateurish or non-homemade bento is perceived as a symptom of a shamefully inadequate family.
Daddies dearest
a few undomesticated horses left