
How To Use Undivided In A Sentence

  • She was literally demanding your complete, undivided attention.
  • Zeno could henceforth exercise undivided imperial authority, and Odovacar kindly offered to administer Italy in Zeno's name, complete with Zeno's image on the coins. Birdoswald Roman Fort: dating the post-Roman use of the site
  • While the protoplasm in the animal section of the ovum continues briskly to divide, multiplying the nuclei, the deutoplasm in the vegetal section remains more or less undivided; it is merely consumed as food by the forming cells. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Barbed and Unbarbed, and feet into Manycleft, and Twocleft, like those of animals with bifid hoofs, and Uncleft or Undivided, like those of animals with solid hoofs. On the Parts of Animals
  • Give us, pray, the benefit of your undivided attention.
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  • The placoderms and chondrichthyans both show at least some capsular protuberance of the braincase, but the braincase is a single, undivided mass, whether or not ossified.
  • As a result, windows with broad, undivided panes of glass became both practical and affordable - and very popular.
  • presented an undivided front
  • But opportunities were also missed by this famous soldier who had the world's undivided attention. The Sun
  • It is always to be remembered, that Saint John's Church thus consecrated and set apart to the worship of Almighty God, is by the act of consecration thus performed, separated from all worldly and unhallowed uses, and to be considered sacred to the service of the _Holy and undivided Trinity_. The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852
  • It was uncharted territory and required her full and undivided attention.
  • I'll just finish writing this sentence, and then you can have my undivided attention.
  • The military conflict continues to claim our undivided attention.
  • The smaller sacristy windows are undivided and free of tracery.
  • His duty was one of undivided loyalty. Times, Sunday Times
  • His 17.9-yard average per catch gets the undivided attention of defensive backs around the league.
  • The estate passed undivided to his only son.
  • What will all these little princes and princesses be like in their teenage years, if they get used to absolute, undivided attention from everyone when they're three and a half?
  • My three siblings and I inherited 800 undivided acres from our parents.
  • It was the final moment during which adult entertainment had the undivided attention and undiluted respect of the world.
  • The public interest is not one homogenous undivided concept.
  • Students are listening with undivided attention.
  • Tom seldom got his mother's undivided attention.
  • Each possesses it whole, entire and undivided, and all together not more than one alone. The Broken God
  • Time used to be just time, an unmeasured, undivided thing that washed over the earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • What about a bit of fellow-feeling for them at this undividedly uplifting moment? Times, Sunday Times
  • There is here neither Monophysitism nor Nestorianism, but an unconfused and undivided union of the church with the world.
  • Known as Ilish in Bengali, it is undoubtedly the king of fish in both Indian state of Bengal and the country of Bangladesh (which was a part of undivided, pre-independence India). Archive 2005-09-01
  • You must be prepared to give the job your undivided attention .
  • There should be a declaration that Mrs Clay holds a one undivided fourth share in Queenslea Drive on trust for each of the three appellants.
  • After the losses and the battles, after all they had been through, she smelled the herd, unbowed, undivided. THE CRASH OF HENNINGTON
  • He has my undivided loyalty.
  • In return, you expected undivided loyalty from them. The Sun
  • As I watched, this particular young boy completely captured my full, undivided attention.
  • I will have His undivided attention for that period. Beat Stress
  • We begin by wanting our parents' undivided love and hating those who we have to share it with.
  • A manager can devote more undivided attention to the co-op.
  • The small firn also rises with a common footstalk from the radix and are from four to eight in number. about 8 inches long; the central rib marked with a slight longitudinal groove throughout it's whole length. the leafets are oppositely pinnate about 1/3 rd of the length of the common footstalk from the bottom and thence alternately pinnate; the footstalk terminating in a simple undivided nearly entire lanceolate leafet. the leafets are oblong, obtuse, convex absolutely entire, marked on the upper disk with a slight longitudinal groove in place of the central rib, smooth and of a deep green. near the upper extremity these leafets are decursively pinnate as are also those of the large f rn. The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • She didn't like the undivided attention I concentrated on her.
  • In restoring undivided Republican control of the federal government, the 2002 midterm elections confirmed three current realities of American politics.
  • The purpose of this film is to grab the audience's undivided attention, and it accomplishes this fairly well.
  • The large and usually horseshoe-shaped head shield (cephalic shield) was made of a single plate of undivided bone.
  • There are also special circumstances such as wills, separate estates, joint property, and divided or undivided possession of an estate.
  • Now I'm going to give him my full, undivided attention.
  • It means putting the light out, moving the furniture and settling down to give the programme undivided attention. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remember that prelapsarian age when you gave things your undivided attention? Times, Sunday Times
  • Eldest children are the only ones to have experienced the undivided attention of their parents.
  • To give your undivided attention to your darlings is a lot to ask of a busy parent. Times, Sunday Times
  • They will tend to produce a single, undivided, bulb in the first year.
  • But practice and undivided concentration make nearly perfect. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the upside, I can safely say that I had the undivided attention of the class.
  • At one time, each was an integrant part of one undivided system. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • And being composed of the same, the other, and the essence, these three, and also divided and bound in harmonical proportion, and revolving within herself — the soul when touching anything which has essence, whether divided or undivided, is stirred to utter the sameness or diversity of that and some other thing, and to tell how and when and where individuals are affected or related, whether in the world of change or of essence. Timaeus
  • In this case the reality is that the husband traded his wife's unascertained share as well as his own between separation and trial, particularly committing those undivided shares to the investment in Baco.
  • He ardently espouses the dream of an undivided Land of Israel, in the tradition of the revisionist right, which bases its claim on ancient biblical maps.
  • Beloochistan; and the possession of them gives the British the undivided command of a trade which, in spite of the late disasters, already promises to become considerable; while the interposition of the now friendly state of Khelat [37] between the coast and the perturbed tribes of Affghanistan, will secure the merchandise landed here a free passage into the interior. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 328, February, 1843
  • Somehow he managed to field a team when the odds were stacked against him doing so, but his undivided loyalty ensured that he nearly always carried the day in that regard.
  • News that the city may be hiking property taxes on undivided properties - duplexes and triplexes - is guaranteed to anger low-income housing advocates across the city.
  • He gets the team's undivided attention, but, for instance, he doesn't have a teammate as a drafting partner.
  • And any major opportunity is a challenge demanding undivided attention and dedication. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • As with many 1960s British theatres the seats are all on one steeply raked tier; unusually they are undivided by aisles, keeping the audience as a single unit.
  • Traditionally, much agricultural land and urban property was held as collective property, either undivided inheritances or endowed land.
  • He demands and is worthy of my undivided affection.
  • I couldn't give the programme my undivided attention.
  • How can something so small require the undivided attention of two grown adults and still not be satisfied?
  • It is not a question of staring but rather of giving the person your undivided attention. Working with Teenagers
  • These are massive problems, to which the Transport Secretary should be devoting his undivided attention.
  • The apparently compound ( "pinnate" or feather-shaped) leaves of many palms are not strictly compound; that is, they do not arise from the branching of an originally single leaf, but are really broad, undivided leaves, which are closely folded like a fan in the bud, and tear apart along the folds as the leaf opens. Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
  • an undivided interest in the property
  • The placoderms and chondrichthyans both show at least some capsular protuberance of the braincase, but the braincase is a single, undivided mass, whether or not ossified.
  • She has my undivided attention as I absorb this new information.
  • Its proposal excluded any legal restoration and precluded the break-up of the undivided collective ownership of the cooperatives.
  • Mandela said, "We want a united(sentence dictionary), undivided South Africa".
  • Just undivided attention can feel special. The Sun
  • That way, I am not bored to sleep by (a likely wonderful) talk which I cannot understand, and I can focus on the "khutbah," during which I am supposed to pay my undivided attention. Israel Palestine Blogs
  • You must be unconscious of the body to give undivided attention. 23 Steps to Successful Achievement
  • The strata titles create the private undivided ownership of a unit in the project with the share of ownership of the land and public space.
  • The wild plant has fleshy, shining, waved and lobed leaves (the uppermost being undivided but toothed), large yellow flowers, elongated seed-pod, and seeds with conduplicate cotyledons. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The ability to comprehend continuousness or interruption; to give undivided and continued attention to one subject, or to interrupt intelligently; application, connectedness. How to Become Rich A Treatise on Phrenology, Choice of Professions and Matrimony
  • This dough needs my full and undivided attention.
  • The undivided hall could well have served for common meals, with its participants seated on benches or resting on couches.
  • I couldn't give the programme my undivided attention.
  • If you want my full and undivided attention-- I mean, if you want me rigidly alert like a German guard-dog-- simply compile an intriguing set of "dots" which include phrases like: "...he never realized he was being used as a cat's-paw in a conspiracy. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Even here it is not exclusively the partible soul: it is still the impartible as well: what in it knows partition is parted without partibility; undivided as giving itself to the entire body, a whole to a whole, it is divided as being effective in every part. The Six Enneads.
  • Your level of enjoyment depends on how much you invest in the lyrics and metaphors - Saul's observations come flying at breakneck speeds and require undivided attention, rendering the album unlistenable as background music.
  • This means that the bases for church reunion have to be the confessions of faith and the communal structures of the once undivided church of East and West.
  • Damion still sat there giving her his complete and undivided attention.
  • Play with these together, giving your son your undivided attention. Times, Sunday Times
  • In such cases, the supraorbital branch passes through the supraorbital foramen, through which the undivided nerve ordinarily passes.
  • undivided responsibility
  • Once he has that they can expect his undivided attention.
  • This right was bestowed on us by emperors, rajas and nawabs (local rulers and influentials in the undivided Indian subcontinent).
  • The plight of one character absorbs the undivided attention of the entire audience.
  • For the full hour and a half, you are given the undivided attention of the beautician.
  • Now he has the wind in his sails and the undivided attention of the public. The Sun
  • Some men feel they have a right to their wives' undivided attention all the time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then a man could study its customs with undivided soul; but being so very near next door, he goes about the land with one eye on the smoke of the flesh-pots of the old country across the seas, while with the other he squints biliously and prejudicially at the alien. American Notes
  • The estate passed undivided to his only son.
  • Adults rarely give the television their undivided attention.
  • Give your undivided attention to what you're working on. The Sun
  • She entered my world to give me her full, undivided attention.
  • Eldest children are the only ones to have experienced the undivided attention of their parents.
  • ‘We pledge to continue down the road to strive for the nation's consciousness and a normal and undivided country,’ he said.
  • Following in a line of postings about Barack Obama's mistakes that seem not to interest the BBC or most media outlets - 57 States, Barack Obama's oratorial skills, the 1993 WTC attempted bombing, Jerusalem undivided, Afro-American or Arab-American and on and on and on; here is another. Barack Obama - Another misspeak that will not get much coverage
  • The writers occupied important positions in undivided India and I dare say a place in the hearts of those they came in contact with.
  • Single-light doors have one undivided panel of glass.
  • The shops are also undivided and a land surveyor is preparing subdivision diagrams for council approval to create freestanding sites.
  • What is a key ingredient of undivided attention? Christianity Today
  • The estate passed undivided to his only son.
  • When Mr. Manning called, and assisted her into the carriage, he observed an unusual preoccupancy of mind; but after a few desultory remarks she rallied, gave him her undivided attention, and seemed engrossed by his conversation. St. Elmo
  • The paintings she produced in those months won, as they win now, undivided admiration. Berthe Morisot
  • We used to be one nation, undivided, under three networks, three car companies and two brands of toothpaste for all.
  • This right was bestowed on us by emperors, rajas and nawabs (local rulers and influentials in the undivided Indian subcontinent).
  • If we find _agni_, meaning fire, in Sanskrit, and _ignis_, meaning fire, in Latin, we may safely conclude that _fire_ was known to the undivided Aryans, even if no trace of the same name of fire occurred anywhere else. India: What can it teach us? A Course of Lectures Delivered before the University Of Cambridge
  • Scapular blade forming a 45° angle with coracoid articulation; humeral distal condyles exposed on anterior of shaft; stout ulna; humeral deltopectoral crest markedly expanded distally; elliptical femoral mid-shaft cross-section; distal condyles of femur bevelled dorso-medially; astragalar posterior fossa undivided PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Each possesses it whole, entire and undivided, and all together not more than one alone. The Broken God
  • Any assignment which does not convey to the assignee the entire and unqualified monopoly which the patentee holds in the territory specified, or an undivided interest in the entire _monopoly, _ is a mere license. Practical Pointers for Patentees
  • Typically C. ochrochlora has much larger almost undivided squamules while C. coniocraea has smaller finely dissected squamules.
  • Anxiety about atomism produced changes: work for hire doctrine; joint works were subject to undivided rights; “indivisibility” doctrine, creation of private groups to aggregate rights like ASCAP. IPSC, first plenary session
  • Palestinians want East Jerusalem as the capital of a Palestinian state, Israel has declared Jerusalem the undivided capital of Israel.
  • The flowers of the corncockle have undivided petals and are reddish-purple.
  • If you want my full and undivided attention-- I mean, if you want me rigidly alert like a German guard-dog-- simply compile an intriguing set of "dots" which include phrases like: "...he never realized he was being used as a cat's-paw in a conspiracy. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Time used to be just time, an unmeasured, undivided thing that washed over the earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • I couldn't give the programme my undivided attention.
  • In a closely divided 4 – 3 decision, the Supreme Court of Wisconsin upheld the city’s actions because Wisconsin courts follow the undivided feerule. The Volokh Conspiracy » An Important Case on Compensation for Takings
  • Caroline Fellows, her red hair in a burnished upsweep, was giving her undivided attention to YELLOW BIRD
  • Spending quality time with children requires your full and undivided attention.
  • Using a dissecting microscope, the colonies and individual undivided cells were scored for the number of cell divisions that had occurred.
  • Agree that you will set aside space to give each other undivided attention at least once a week. The Sun
  • Traditionally, much agricultural land and urban property was held as collective property, either undivided inheritances or endowed land.
  • This got my parent's complete and undivided attention.
  • These undivided properties are handed down to the girls but may be used by their brothers or husbands to provide for the household.
  • undivided affection
  • For by reason of the mutual inbeing of the Divine persons in the unity of the same nature, the object of all spiritual worship is undivided. Christologia
  • You'll save time by giving them your undivided attention at an hour when you can wrap up each item as you go. The Guide to Greatness in Sales
  • Caroline Fellows, her red hair in a burnished upsweep, was giving her undivided attention to YELLOW BIRD
  • He certainly had my full and undivided attention.

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