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How To Use Unau In A Sentence

  • Just last year, pinkos raised a stink over the NCERT's deleting of certain offensive and unauthenticated assertions from history books.
  • It is understood Woolworths' analysis of ALH's unaudited figures will show the pub company missed its prospectus forecast in relation to gaming and on-premise liquor revenue.
  • Not only will this serve to disenchant the employee, it may also result in him or her taking the time off anyway and phoning in sick or being on unauthorised absence.
  • Latest twitter updates for the unauthorized authorized autobiographer: The long road home. Latest twitter updates for the unauthorized authorized autobiographer
  • In return for the donation, said Bunau-Varilla, Hanna had seen to it that the Republican platform called for the construction of an “isthmian” canal, rather than specifying one at Nicaragua, as the Democrats had done. The Path Between the Seas
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  • The ostensible reason was Mr Moussa's supposedly unauthorised dialogue with representatives of the main radical religious group, the Jamaat Islamiya.
  • Authenticated items usually go for about twice as much as unauthenticated items.
  • ANDREW MORTON, AUTHOR, "TOM CRUISE: AN UNAUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY": He could be in the position of what they call inspector general inside scientology. CNN Transcript Jan 17, 2008
  • It is true that whichever is the loser will have a remedy against the unauthorised seller.
  • Local TV stations are ready for the panel report on how unauthenticated documents found their way into Dan Rather's story.
  • Inevitably, there is suspicion that the latest internal recasting of the MoD, though triggered by 10 months' work by Lord Levene and the defence reform unit, has also been shaped at the 11th hour by Downing Street's extreme anger at recent unauthorised public complaints by the service chiefs about the sustainability of the Libya mission. Ministry of Defence: Too many chiefs | Editorial
  • Forty-five per cent of respondents detected unauthorised access by insiders.
  • The co-op offers packages grouped according to ethnicity, borough and frequency, and verifies unaudited circulations.
  • To study Wang Zuoliang's translation version of Thunderstorm with the guidance of Relevance-Adaptation Model, it is easy to find out some authentic and unauthentic translation examples.
  • Prison Service Orders say staff should not wear unauthorised badges or pins, and whatever the reasons for wearing it, the badge concerned could be misconstrued.
  • However, Armentrout says unaudited figures show that organizers spent about $1.9 million and owe approximately $965,000 to a variety of creditors.
  • What we seek to do alone is to prevent what we say is the unauthorised expenditure of public funds.
  • When they report that over 7 million unique users log in to HH every month, that to me is still questionable but also more significant -- and the capper is the ultimate commercial quantification, that they report unaudited over $30M in revenue last year. The future of VWs over a quarter
  • At its peak, in 1976, Ms. had a circulation of 500,000; it now limps along at an unaudited figure of around 110,000.
  • Other transactions including, without limitation, online purchases, mail and telephone orders, other transactions without sales slip and any unauthorized transaction are not eligible for the offers.
  • To thee, the fortune of the fatal field Inclining, unauspicious fame shall yield; The Works of the Greek and Roman Poets
  • Incurable diseases are being treated and cured by unauthorised self-styled doctors who have learned from their ancestors.
  • In general, the longer the password and the more complicated it is, the more difficult it is for an unauthorized person to crack it.
  • Among the problems caused by poor communications: excess inventories along the supply chain, misdirected products, unauthorized substitutions and spoilage.
  • If Turkish leaders thought the mere idea of joining the EU was “silly”, why did they make so many concessions in their national laws to the acquis communautaire? Matthew Yglesias » A Special Relationship
  • The practice of lumping such unauthorized charges onto bills, either by phone companies or third parties like chat lines or psychic readings, is known as "cramming. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • I claim that the term piracy was co-opted by business interests to include those making unauthorized copies of music for their private listening purposes - where there was no profit or reselling involved. Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • It a little tricky getting the blend just right," said Mr. Shaffer, an agronomy consultant based in Honaunau, Hawaii, who has consulted for vintners including Chateau Montelena. San Francisco Garbage Helps Make Vineyards Thrive
  • The defendant argued the plaintiff's opinion was unauthentic in the court.
  • Nay, there were a good many who were, even then, possessed with that unblest and unauspicious passion for Sicily, which afterward the orators of Alciabes's party blew up into a flame. The Boys' and Girls' Plutarch; being parts of the "Lives" of Plutarch, edited for boys and girls
  • PS 3/18/08: Reader Mike Mariano has written to inform me that THE SECRET OF BLOOD ISLAND actually had a VHS release, possibly unauthorized, under the title POW: PRISONERS OF WAR. Archive 2008-03-16
  • The unauthorised timber chalet was built on farmland at Neaum Hurst Cottages in Skelwith Bridge in 2001, along with a summerhouse and shed.
  • The entire principle of the acquis communautaire —law that all EU member states must share—is the root of Europe's current problems. The Fiscal Union Delusion
  • Mega Financial yesterday also reported a 6.5 percent drop in first-quarter unaudited profit from a year earlier to NT $5.06 billion, the company said in a filing to the Taiwan Stock Exchange.
  • Then, he called the attackers "leftist hackers," and argued that their actions were in retaliation for his comments about the unauthorized access of Alaska Gov. Latest from Computerworld
  • Yes, the movie sees the rule of law as making the difference between civilization and banditry, but that doesn't stop it from celebrating the violent and unauthorized murder of the villain by the hero.
  • Use by unauthorized persons is a violation of applicable laws.
  • The fact is that no one believes these threats and no one takes a blind bit of notice because they all know that when push comes to shove the maker of the threat wants to be seen as being acceptably more communautaire than he or she is a staunch defender of British Independence. Archive 2007-09-02
  • Administrative personnel providing unauthorised access to classified information or enabling its dissemination will face three years in prison or community service.
  • FAIR, by the way, is known as a strident anti-immigration organization that wants to substantially decrease both legal and unauthorized immigration to the United States. Front Page
  • Consumers instead flock to unauthorized sites offering unfettered music for free.
  • It's a vague enough notion, that something unauthorized was then loaded under cover of the dark.
  • MCINTYRE: The charge sheet for Senior Airman Ahmad al-Halabi lists dozens of security breaches, everything from downloading classified information to his laptop computer from a secure system, to gathering over 180 electronic version of written notes from prisoners, to delivering unauthorized food, namely baklava pastries. CNN Transcript Sep 24, 2003
  • Living without formal immigration status translates into a life of constant apprehensiveness and difficult decisions for unauthorized individuals. Timothy J. Steigenga: Why We Wrote Living "Illegal"
  • `You haven't been showing the Dialogues to anyone unauthorized, I hope. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Also, the first time I have seen a wannabee wear an unauthorized Good Conduct Medal. Heroes or Villains?
  • Riddell was jailed Tuesday and faces a charge of unauthorized practice of law. Prosecutor Stephen S. Snook said he also hopes to file identity theft charges.
  • However since the tapes have now been declared unauthentic and fabricated, she has filed a defamation case against the tabloid.
  • Within this student-generated text, reading and writing instruction is presented naturally, unlike the unauthentic dialogues found in the typical beginner's foreign language book.
  • However, rules are made to be broken, and besides, I wasn't the first unauthorized visitor to Martin Cheetham's office. KICK BACK
  • Following the dis cussion, Ambassador Goonetilleke said: I am satisfied that Intelsat is taking these unauthorised transmissions very seriously, and believe it would do all that it can to stop the terrorist transmissions. Sri Lankan Terrorists Hack Satellite | Impact Lab
  • He is suspected of breaking Japanese laws prohibiting unauthorised computer access.
  • Up to 200 members of the Stop the War coalition, CND and other groups symbolically put gags over their mouths as part of the unauthorised protest, which the police had warned would now be illegal.
  • The court reasoned that using the userid and password in violation of a contractual provision was an unauthorized access.
  • Let him suspect an officer of trying to overreach him in any matter of unauthorised stores, and he became as adamant.
  • Unauthorized absence is sufficient reason for dismissal.
  • And so we leave: unaudited, unbullied, and unchastised. Times, Sunday Times
  • They're charged with conspiracy, computer fraud, wire fraud, and possession of unauthorized access devices.
  • `Lieutenant Viard will be charged with the unauthorized use of a military vehicle," the military police officer explained. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • PERIMETER COMMAND NORTHERN ARMY GROUP Unauthorized egress from the Perimeter Zone is strictly forbidden. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • A survey in one formation discovered 70 unauthorised modifications to materiel.
  • He is suspected of breaking Japanese laws prohibiting unauthorised computer access.
  • Last week, UBS disclosed that a London-based trader at its investment bank had generated $2.3 billion in losses through what it called unauthorized trades. UBS Trader Faces New Charge
  • The entire principle of the acquis communautaire —law that all EU member states must share—is the root of Europe's current problems. The Fiscal Union Delusion
  • Even triggers that may be adjusted arrive from the factory with the adjustments sealed and accompanied by dire warnings about unauthorized tampering.
  • If it was not, you can ask the bank to chargeback the transaction as an unauthorised deduction.
  • Congress also allows the Department of Transportation to reference additional but unauthorized amounts in full-funding agreements.
  • While we can only speculate about his post-unauthenticated audio tape interviews, we can look at his post-DUI interview with Diane Sawyer. What Lindsay Lohan can learn from Mel Gibson and other celebrity lawbreakers
  • The ability to detect drugs and other unauthorised items will be improved, notably by the provision of a more effective searching procedure to be used where it is reasonably believed that a prisoner is concealing contraband.
  • It was informal, unsanctioned, unauthorized and went off without a hitch.
  • They found that unauthorised work had been carried out on two Ash trees, which had been reduced to stumps, a Sycamore and another Ash, which had been pollarded to a height of 4.5 metres.
  • If they did not accept them, the issuance of such notes by them, not only subjects the officers to the penalties against unauthorized banking, but is a misuser, and also works a forfeiture. Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Mississippi, December Session of 1862, and November Session of 1863
  • When citizen's voice opposition to anything Obama – they are labelled unauthentic sore losers – driven by a right wing conspiracy. Democrats accuse GOP of inciting mobs
  • Some thought was given to the possibility of creating artificial cobwebs, but it was decided that it would be impractical and unauthentic in a museum which prides itself on its authenticity.
  • This is not a tort of breach of privacy, this is a tort of an unauthorised publication perhaps.
  • BA said all its 340 planes would get a full-length metal armour plate fitted, which will substantially reinforce cockpit door exteriors and prevent unauthorised access to the flight deck.
  • Though the government is mapping out sophisticated strategies to checkmate their unauthorized intruders.
  • An unaudited 350m in 170 countries watch it every week. Times, Sunday Times
  • No access for unauthorized personnel.
  • Systems and methods which enable fast and simple identification of unauthorized users of cellular telephones are described.
  • You can protect your SIM card from unauthorized use by assigning a PIN personal identification number.
  • The single strand of evidence that is accepted as authentic often turns out to fit all too neatly a particular theory which is being advanced; inconvenient evidence is set aside as unauthentic.
  • He added that his school had already greatly reduced the numbers of unauthorised absences to well below the national average.
  • Employers are advised that the formal day of dismissal due to uncertificated or unauthorised work absence should be the last day on which the employee actually worked.
  • Unauthorized vehicles will be wheel clamped or towed away.
  • The base-year figures may be from audited or unaudited accounts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides, there remained some who, after the conflict at Culloden was over, could even view the enterprise as having been by no means unauspicious. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 Volume III.
  • The opening ceremony was artistically non-communautaire. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nothing prevents an unauthorized program from performing the same steps and printing out all the usernames and passwords.
  • That exercise alone comprised roughly 80 to 90,000 pages of text per new country with what we call "aquis communautaire," our "fund in trust," of all we had commonly achieved and that had to be adopted by the new member-states. The Netherlands and the European Union
  • He has slammed an unauthorised biography which he claims contains 'factual errors'.
  • Are also illegal unauthorized access to a protected computer system for the purpose of obtaining information and knowingly collecting an unlawful consumer debt, and using abus [ive] means to do so, MediaSentry operates in Australia: confirmed
  • Unauthorized claims to this medal is a FEDERAL CRIME. Gerald Bluefeather Smith
  • Many of these actuators were simple levers or wire pulls, none of which had any means to prevent unauthorised operation.
  • After reading about two controversies over an unauthorized concelebration between Anglican and Roman Catholic priests one in a priory in Ireland and another more recently in Arizona, it got me thinking about the mutual recognition of orders and that led me to recall the old effort to resolve the problem through the "Dutch touch" and that led me to remember a conversation I once had about . . . the "Kenyan touch. The "Kenyan touch?"
  • The first column of figures represents the percentage of half days lost through unauthorised absence.
  • Consumers are advised not buy from unauthorised dealers and to be suspicious of deeply discounted products.
  • Editors skittish about that advice might consider that they've been presenting unauthenticated citizen content for many years in the form of ‘man on the street’ interviews.
  • These vulnerabilities, details of which are available here, could allow an unauthenticated user to prevent other users from connecting to a database.
  • The school's network group had a policy of ‘no unauthenticated devices’ on the WLAN, so one of the professors just set up a little access point and hid it behind a few books in the office.
  • We were warned that the authorities do not take unauthorised access, indeed any infringements, lightly.
  • However, its most recent, unaudited, accounts bizarrely mention a 'financial reference note' for $4 billion. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are three-toed sloths, among which is the ai, and the two-toed sloths, among which is the unau.
  • This significant issue - the unauthorized disclosure of classified intelligence - has been extraordinarily resistant to correctives.
  • “If Turkish leaders thought the mere idea of joining the EU was “silly”, why did they make so many concessions in their national laws to the acquis communautaire?” Matthew Yglesias » A Special Relationship
  • He is suspected of breaking Japanese laws prohibiting unauthorised computer access.
  • The idea that you can tackle unauthorised filesharing by security countermeasures is very attractive, but not accurate. Ebook restrictions leave libraries facing virtual lockout
  • If Turkish leaders thought the mere idea of joining the EU was “silly”, why did they make so many concessions in their national laws to the acquis communautaire? Matthew Yglesias » A Special Relationship
  • Latest twitter updates for the unauthorized authorized autobiographer » Holmes contra Holmes
  • Unauthorized personnel are not allowed on the premises.
  • Unaudited accounts and management accounts were also accepted. Times, Sunday Times
  • `Lieutenant Viard will be charged with the unauthorized use of a military vehicle," the military police officer explained. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • On Thursday, a team of Highways Department officials commenced the eviction drive along the road and dismantled unauthorised permanent structures using earthmovers. The Hindu - Front Page
  • The European Commission has adopted a Communication setting out an ambitious and detailed Framework for Action to simplify, streamline and improve access to the body of EU law, known as the acquis communautaire. Number of EU Regulations
  • Braunau in 1889 has medieval fortifications and broken Gothic arches limned with moonlight.
  • The process of getting the documents was shady and the documents are unauthenticated. Times, Sunday Times
  • Assigned storage spaces shall be located where cylinders will not be knocked over or damaged by passing or falling objects, or be subject to tampering by unauthorized persons.
  • SINGAPORE—Singapore's gambling watchdog has fined the city-state's two licensed casino operators a total 385,000 Singapore dollars US$308,000 for breaches relating to the admission of unauthorized locals and minors into the two gambling facilities in 2010 and 2011. Singapore Fines Casinos for Admission Breaches
  • Last month, a federal appeals court in California dramatically and unwarrantedly expanded the scope of the federal criminal law prohibiting "unauthorized access" to computers and electronic mail.
  • The unauthorised absence rate was calculated on the percentage of half-days missed by pupils for unauthorised absence.
  • As the inspector said, the land remains grassed and it would be possible for sheep to graze on it, but it retains physical features identified with the previous unauthorised use.
  • Many companies have nevertheless broken those costs out in their unaudited press releases.
  • In their book, "Secrets of the Lost Symbol: The Unauthorized Guide to the Mysteries Behind the Da Vinci Code Sequel, " they uncover anagrams and coded phrases and a host of other curious facts.
  • But AOL blocked Microsoft users from sending its customers instant messages, citing Microsoft's unauthorized access to its system, hardly the kind of neighborliness that AOL has been espousing in the cable business. The War Of The Wires
  • After an unauspicious opening act it was good that we had the telegram authorizing our entry form the Ministry of Tourism. RVABlogs
  • Namibia Breweries Ltd, released its unaudited financial results for the first half of this year, up to July, this week.
  • Among the potential concerns was that my identity could be compromised or I could become clinically depressed if I learned unwelcome news based on unauthenticated analysis of my raw data. The $1,000 Genome
  • Mr. Jeremiah Morrow, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the bill from the Senate to prevent settlements being made on lands ceded to the United States unau - thorized by law, reported the same with sundry Mr. Jekhkiab Morrow moved the reference of this report to a Committee of the Whole. The debates and proceedings in the Congress of the United States : with an appendix containing important state papers and public documents, and all the laws of a public nature; with a copious index; compiled from authentic materials
  • There must be an unauthorised use or disclosure of that information.
  • Scientology lawyers are believed to be drawing up a lawsuit seeking GBP50m in compensation from the publishers of an unauthorised biography of Tom Cruise written by Princess Diana's biographer, Andrew Morton" - The Bookseller Scientology lawyers to sue over book
  • Those are actively purchased sales, not spurious, unaudited figures of papers dumped in corners, ignored or, at best, flicked through.
  • Anything less would have been regarded as unauthentic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Latest twitter updates for the unauthorized authorized autobiographer | The quotable David Simon: Of course its socialism
  • On that date the consolidated unaudited balance sheet of the Applicant showed a negative shareholder's equity of on total assets of $103 million.
  • Congress also allows the Department of Transportation to reference additional but unauthorized amounts in full-funding agreements.
  • Expect more demolitions of unauthorised buildings and buildings with by-law violations over the next two weeks.
  • The sign on the gates read "No Unauthorized Entry".
  • The commission criticised poor financial management, breaches in employment ceilings and unauthorised expenditure in the health system.
  • Latest twitter updates for the unauthorized authorized autobiographer The long road home. Latest twitter updates for the unauthorized authorized autobiographer
  • While the one unauthenticated photograph of him is too vague for comparison, Flash-man's description tallies fairly well with others, and the design of the medicine shirt puts the wearer's identity beyond question; it corresponds exactly with the shirt belonging to Crazy Horse which was presented by Little Big Man to Captain John G. Bourke of the 3rd Cavalry, the well-known Indian authority and historian. Isabelle
  • Their Munich-based overlords have tried in desperation to impose sanctions on both players and officials, ordering national associations to banish what they regard as defectors to an unauthorised competition.
  • If we were really concerned with the welfare of those two countries (for selfish if no other reasons) we might start by asking ourselves whether “preparing” them for the entirely inappropriate and burdensome acquis communautaire is quite the right way of going about matters. Another "surprise" from the Court of Auditors
  • He had a story of engine trouble to explain his own unauthorised landing, and we had to let him go.
  • She stated that the unauthorized access of the voicemail system was willful and intentional.
  • A hilarious but unauthenticated Justin Bieber quote is circulating online, striking panic into the hearts of Nirvana fans everywhere: "I feel like the Kurt Cobain of my generation, but people just don't understand me. Does Justin Bieber think he's his generation's Kurt Cobain?
  • In a statement Sunday, the Swiss bank blamed its recent $2.3 billion trading loss on what it called unauthorized speculative trading on equity-index futures over the last three months; an employee, Kweku Adoboli , has been charged with fraud by abuse of position. UBS's Controls and Culture in Question
  • To continue this unnatural, unauthentic, and destructive behavior, men and women must lie to themselves.
  • We were warned that the authorities do not take unauthorised access, indeed any infringements, lightly.
  • Le fait que Qaddafi a dû faire appel à une armée mercenaire pour essayer de réprimer le soulèvement de son peuple pourrait être un autre cas de figure : la communauté internationale a-t-elle le droit d'intervenir dans une telle situation ? Bishop Pierre Whalon: 'Just War' And The Intervention In Libya
  • NauruNauru is one of the three great phosphate rock islands in the Pacific Ocean - the others are Banaba (Ocean Island) in Kiribati and Makatea in French Polynesia; only 53 km south of Equator Geography-note
  • CYBER-ROBBERS LAUNDER FUNDS THROUGH MONEY MULESOnce a cyber-robber is ready to carry out an unauthorized cash transfer, he needs a place to send the cash. Cybercrooks stalk small businesses that bank online
  • Susan Boyle reportedly left the set of "American's Got Talent" after she found out she had been blocked by Lou Reed from performing his song "Perfect Day" for the show's season finale; Reed's rep denies the allegations saying the song was not cleared for the American market in time for the show; an unauthenticated e-mail from Boyle's rep maintains the original version of the story ... Is Lina Morgana source of Lady Gaga's schtick?; Susan Boyle's reported Lou Reed snub is denied, confirmed; First pictures of Rooney Mara in 'Dragon Tattoo'
  • The unaudited accounts say it has total assets of almost $36m.
  • Israeli government to take all possible measures to prevent an escalation of tension following what it termed provocative actions of a small group of Israeli settlers who established an unauthorised settlement in East Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives ANC Daily News Briefing
  • With people keen to enjoy the heat, the number of unauthorised absences from work were reported to be high.
  • In particular, we are concerned that some farmers have been using unauthorised chemicals to dip sheep or letting freshly dipped sheep access streams.
  • I may know the underlying content of the site - and use this knowledge to expand my awareness of unauthenticated functionality exposed by the site.
  • This was doubtless unauthorized, for as the ship passed on, the Confederate, which proved to be the McRae, discharged a broadside of grape-shot and langrage, part of the latter being copper slugs, which were found on the Iroquois's decks in quantities after the action. The Gulf and Inland Waters The Navy in the Civil War. Volume 3.
  • Several government bodies are major landowners and their land may be subject to unauthorised encampment - examples include the Forestry Commission and the Highways Agency.
  • You should ensure that you do not accidentally expose the contents of the record sequence to an unauthorized user.
  • Ce capital communautaire, si productif, vaudrait à chacun de ses copropriétaires, à chaque citoyen, un dividende périodique, du berceau à la tombe. Qu'est-ce que le vrai Crédit Social? Au-dessus des partis politiques
  • If your Card is lost or stolen we ask that you tell us immediately and, unless you have acted fraudulently or negligently, your maximum liability for unauthorized Charges is HK$250.
  • Several problems are mentioned including the unauthorised vehicular access and the illegal use of the water area.
  • Bernhard lives in his castle Scharnstein (which is an allod), and holds the villages of Grünau and Viechtwang as fiefs from the abbey.
  • Those selling on unauthorised pitches gives the public the impression there are hundreds of vendors.
  • Le fait que Qaddafi a dû faire appel à une armée mercenaire pour essayer de réprimer le soulèvement de son peuple pourrait être un autre cas de figure : la communauté internationale a-t-elle le droit d'intervenir dans une telle situation ? Bishop Pierre Whalon: 'Just War' And The Intervention In Libya
  • An inquiry at the academy found an unauthorised bank account and unauthorised deposits.
  • It was held that the employer was entitled to summarily dismiss the employee for this unauthorized use of the password.
  • Getting rid of weapons reduces the risk of accidental, unauthorised, hair trigger or pre-emptive use.
  • Those schools with the highest percentages of unauthorised absence were all inner city schools.
  • To make sure that the team was on the right track, and prevent people taking unauthorised short cuts, there were simple questions for which the team had to write down short answers.
  • It is a sophisticated mobile phone pager which texts the owner if the car alarm is triggered, the battery is disconnected or an unauthorised attempt is made to start the engine.
  • He reasoned that the unauthorized document reading was ‘inconsistent with that collegial spirit.’
  • In 2005, the Commission will set out in detail those other conditions for entry particularly those that concern economic reform and the implementation of the EU’s rule book, known as the acquis communautaire. Archive 2004-12-01
  • When we got the first hint that there might be something unauthentic about this story or the reporter's background, we went to general quarters and investigated.
  • For the first half, profit was about NT $17.9 billion, based on unaudited figures, Lee said.
  • Louisiana appears to be the only state in the nation that treats unlicensed florists making unauthorized arrangements as a public menace.
  • Unless you are using a mainframe computer, the level of risk to data loss and theft from unauthorized access is growing daily.
  • Allowing SMTP, especially to unauthenticated users, can be dangerous because it could help a spammer connect to your network.
  • On the other hand, there are lots and lots of ways to make DCOM applications insecure, so maybe one of them is just waiting for somebody to send it an entirely unauthenticated request to overwrite selected files on my hard disk.
  • I personally saw this at work in 1969, when an unauthenticated transmission caused 69th Signal Battalion's base camp at Ben Hua to be shelled, producing produced several casualties.
  • The Daily Star, already a winner, is up 12 per cent in London, on the basis of unaudited figures.
  • There have been a number of difficulties with car parking, including unauthorised public parking, obstruction of access for Fire service vehicles and obstructive car parking in general.
  • It allows them the monopoly to exploit their invention for a period without unauthorised limitation or competition.
  • All subsequent war has been subsumed in a rite which we know to be unauthentic.
  • Impérialisme humanitaire (Editions Aden, février 2009, pp. 100-101) « Le projet de cantonisation fut signé le 18 mars 1992 à Lisbonne par Izetbegovic, Karadzic et Boban au nom des trois communautés musulmane, serbe et croate. Dedefensa
  • Unauthorized duplication is a defilement of applicable laws.www. '/' 6''07396-6089-2'8''multimedia'disc '. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Sir William Ouseley is said to have brought from Persia a MS. copy of a portion of the Hezar o Yek Roz which he describes as agreeing with the French version, but, in the absence of documentary proof and in view of the fact that, notwithstanding the unauthorized incorporation of three of the tales of his original with Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp
  • The Times puts the mayor's "chickenshit" pursuit of Robert Morgenthau's "hidden" bank account in perspective this morning: Apparently there are 2,700 unauthorized city accounts around town, worth more than $122 million dollars. Did Anybody Leave $15 Million Lying Around?
  • In the legal action, Salinger's lawyers accuse the new unauthorised novel of being "a rip-off pure and simple".
  • Cuba is cracking down on unauthorized use of the Internet by prohibiting access via the government phone service.
  • Unaudited accounts for 2008 report a pre-tax loss of 49 million. Times, Sunday Times
  • La vie du village suit l'évolution générale des mœurs et des habitudes de vie: chacun son travail, ses horaires, sa voiture, son sport, son loisir ... ce qui change la convivialité -- Restent bien sûrs de bons moments de communauté villageoise mais rien qui puisse égaler ce que j'ai connu en 1968. Rubrique - French Word-A-Day
  • Indeed, when the leak story broke, he got right back on his favorite hobby horse and began railing against unauthorized leaks as if this never happened.
  • What nettled Bateman most about an unauthorized edition of prints of his work was that the artwork was sold at Sears: "That's the part I detest," he said. Daniel Grant: Copyright Infringers Target Wildlife Artists
  • However, we found no evidence that the funds of the Appeal were misapplied (other than the payment of some unauthorised benefits to trustees which were made in good faith).
  • The council says the earth moving and other operations carried out on the land already amount to unauthorised development.
  • Even more significant is that her two protagonists are born into what she terms ‘a shimmering caul of namelessness, of voices, / unauthenticated, multitudinous’.
  • The CCN was also correct to state that corruption is not only the theft and mismanagement of public funds, but runs far deeper - whether in fact it is unauthorised telephone use or unproductive time-wasting at work.
  • Headline: The fourth in a series of rage-filled (and unauthenticated) Mel Gibson audio tapes released. Celebritology Weekend: The John Edwards movie and a project for Meryl Streep and Tina Fey

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