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How To Use Ugliness In A Sentence

  • They remain current because they are potent illustrations of where racism leads; their ugliness, their repugnance, is manifest. Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist?
  • Comedy breaks down walls. It frees us for just a moment from the ugliness of this world. Goldie Hawn 
  • With live video feeds via satellite to a global market, much of the ugliness of war is brought into homes almost everywhere.
  • She has written an updated foreword to her book about the ugliness that was Bonfire of the Vanities.
  • If you want your pamphlets and novels to look nice, beware of your binder using what he calls his odd pieces, generally monsters of ugliness. The Private Library What We Do Know, What We Don't Know, What We Ought to Know About Our Books
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  • Suffering and death and all ugliness were forgotten in congenial and healthful companionship. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • My last day there, we were caught in the middle of some ugliness on that bridge.
  • And that ‘unusualness’ could be anything: beauty, ugliness, deformity, eccentricity…..anything. The picture not taken «
  • Good, as goodness might be measured in their particular class, hard-working for meagre wages and scorning the sale of self for easier ways, nervously desirous for some small pinch of happiness in the desert of existence, and facing a future that was a gamble between the ugliness of unending toil and the black pit of more terrible wretchedness, the way whereto being briefer though better paid. Chapter 6
  • This innocence clashing with the ugliness of life, was this good news for art?
  • When I was done hosing that stuff down, I sat in the office again, the word faggot and all that uglinesseven out there in wonderful Wisconsinsettling in my mind like a message. Dark Dude
  • To witness this person struggle against and overcome the worst kind of ugliness humanity has to offer was both upsetting and inspiring. The Sun
  • I walked across the floor and I felt ashamed of my thinness and my ugliness and _I know that he knew that I was ashamed_. The Dark Forest
  • I find walking boots morally indefensible in their ugliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • My suspicion is that the java fern, which has nearly taken over the entire tank, may have been hiding bits of detrius -- food, waste, rotten eggs (from the multiple spawnings of the minnows), and any number of other ugliness. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • It is the ugliness that is intolerable to look at, that turns you to stone or salt.
  • It's not just the's the inedibility. KILL IT WITH FIRE!! (Oh wait, they already did...)
  • He has harmony without melody; he invents and executes marvellous variations upon verse; he has footed the tight-rope of the galliambic measure and the swaying planks of various trochaic experiments; but his resolve to astonish is stronger than his desire to charm, and he lets technical skill carry him into such excesses of ugliness in verse as technical skill carried Liszt, and sometimes Berlioz, in music. Figures of Several Centuries
  • Burnett to restrain the roving eyes of the congregation and make gallants better attend to their devotions; all these, in addition to the memorial slabs and tablets, and weeping angels over cinereal urns, tend to give the church that air of ugliness and comfort which the modern churchman detests. She and I, Volume 1
  • Incoherence, ugliness, and a steep learning curve were indicators that a machine was powerful.
  • Raising their heads, both men looked up at the little dwelling, which seemed quite lifeless, with its narrow casements and its coarse, violet pargeting, displaying the shameful ugliness of poverty. The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
  • There's no denying the ugliness of much of the surrounding neighborhood, with its filthy streets and corroding industrial buildings.
  • Just as sublime beauty can soothe and inspire, urban ugliness can crush and depress. Times, Sunday Times
  • The product of the Soviets' laudable campaign for universal public housing, Petrzalka's rank ugliness serves only to emphasize what a jewel the old part of the city is.
  • The ugliness stands out this morning, the snowdrifts soiled by what the wind has picked up from the fields.
  • On the outskirts of Tabor there were long rows of multi-storey apartment blocks of an extraordinary ugliness; many flats looked empty.
  • Ben is a genetic throwback to Neanderthal man, shunned by family and society for his stupidity and ugliness.
  • I bequeath it now as a cure for many kinds of ugliness.
  • Perhaps the old sordidity, the fog and the paraffin, and the drunken landlady, was not the only reality; ugliness is not the whole truth; there is an element of beauty in the world. The Common Reader, Second Series
  • Its ugliness was disguised by the leafy frills of an ancient wisteria whose tributaries reached the eaves of the terracotta tiled roof. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Its no longer even faintly pretty but has become a wrinkle of ugliness.
  • Even in the relentless grime and dilapidation of the East End it was a landmark of ugliness. A NASTY DOSE OF DEATH
  • He was depressed by the extreme ugliness of the city.
  • Of the men who, as I have said, admired her, some felt a peculiar enchantment in what they called her ugliness; others declared her devilish handsome; and some shrank from her as if with an undefined dread of perilous entanglement, if she should but catch them looking her in the face. Mary Marston
  • A general idea of the "Exercises" may best be gained from Diertins's summary: After setting forth the end for which God created man and all other things, the book, ever considering this truth as the first foundation, leads us in a short time by the way known as the purgative way to acknowledge the ugliness of the sins which have caused us to stray shamefully from the end, and to cleanse our souls from sin. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • What cosmic, mystical reason could there be for such evil and ugliness and destruction to exist?
  • So let me get it straight: good conversative legal minds and leaders are great assests, wonderfully people — maybe they belong on the USSC — but they also defend their own at every turn, an ugliness we observe whenever they break ranks with libertarians busy attacking some leftist lawyer. The Volokh Conspiracy » Miguel Estrada Writes in Support of Elena Kagan’s Confirmation
  • Understanding her dance has rested upon a binary that relegates ballet to a position of abjection, impurity and ugliness.
  • I gazed down upon the old quarter, a collage of dun roofs, domes and vaults, pencil and square minarets, ugliness and elegance.
  • Like all master craftspeople, Brian wanted to let the ugliness and mistakes in.
  • On either side were workingmen's houses, of weathered wood, the ancient paint grimed with the dust of years, conspicuous only for cheapness and ugliness. CHAPTER I
  • But to some extent this may have been a mistake, since the role of such judgments is to serve verdictive aesthetic judgments of beauty and ugliness. Aesthetic Judgment
  • The thing's just ugly, and one big proof of its ugliness is that until the most recent election, its list of cosponsors was mostly conservative Republicans like Trent Lott and Gordon Smith and reactionary Democrats like Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu. $300 a day for Gatsby (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Just as sublime beauty can soothe and inspire, urban ugliness can crush and depress. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet, the worst passage of class ugliness is this sober opinion, drenched with pity: Imperfect Union
  • Of course there are exceptions to the ugliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • I gazed down upon the old quarter, a collage of dun roofs, domes and vaults, pencil and square minarets, ugliness and elegance.
  • The ugliness from the right continues to speak for itself. Obama as witch doctor: Racist or satirical?
  • She lived alone because of her peculiar ugliness, caused by a fire.
  • To be sure, there were aspects of Germany he did not care for -- he found Berlin suffering from the same "modernness, ugliness, and bigness" of Boston -- and at the end of his second semester he moved to England, which he found Dan Miller: "Harvard, We Have a Problem"
  • Ben is a genetic throwback to Neanderthal man, shunned by family and society for his stupidity and ugliness.
  • Whatever it may do in this way, in men, in women it is sure, unless prevented by age or by salutary ugliness, to produce a moderate, and a _very moderate_, portion of chastity. Advice to Young Men And (Incidentally) to Young Women in the Middle and Higher Ranks of Life. In a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Youth, a Bachelor, a Lover, a Husband, a Father, a Citizen, or a Subject.
  • He lives in the picture-perfect place that doesn't have crime, poverty, or ugliness, Mitch thought apprehensively.
  • Who knows better than artists how much ugliness there is on the way to beauty, how many ghastly, mortifying missteps, how many days of granitic blockheadedness and dismaying ineptitude there is on the way to accomplishment, how partial all accomplishment is, how incomplete? Tony Kushner At The School Of Visual Arts: 'Artists Know That Diligence Counts As Much, If Not More, As Inspiration'
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder they say, but so are ugliness, crudity and complete bewilderment.
  • The ancient statue overlooking the granite basin depicts a supine, sneering wanderoo but the Romans, because of its ugliness, compared it to a monkey or, more exactly, a baboon.
  • Beauty is the opposite of ugliness.
  • (This chapter in Sisman's book should be skipped by anyone of a delicate disposition: the ugliness of the behaviour exhibited by his opponents was in inverse proportion to the laughable tinyness of the teacup.) Hugh Trevor-Roper: The Biography by Adam Sisman
  • Such poverty, ugliness and human misery. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is also one of unredeemed and unredeemable ugliness, of a landscape despoiled and defiled.
  • For all their ugliness of language and unpersuasive fury, then, the current crop of political pamphlets bears a striking resemblance to the increasingly democratic culture in which they flourish.
  • One critic applauded this famous man for revealing his ugliness.
  • Not only do men and women abnormally crave drink, who are overworked, exhausted, suffering from deranged stomachs and bad sanitation, and deadened by the ugliness and monotony of existence, but the gregarious men and women who have no home-life flee to the bright and clattering public-house in a vain attempt to express their gregariousness. DRINK, TEMPERANCE, AND THRIFT
  • Evidently, a lot of the ugliness occurred near the end of the concert.
  • The greater ugliness is not the inappropriate outburst, but Ms. Dowd intentionally injecting a word loaded with a history of racial condescension to label a whole movement of opposition. Michael Williams (R Cand, SEN-TX) wants to talk about race. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Fashion is about change Oscar Wilde gibed, "Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months." and change can be painful at first. Wendy Brandes: 'Tis the Season for Peplums
  • We ought principally to love the higher forms of beauty separated from formless matter and gross corporeality (amiamo le grandi bellezze separate da la deforme material e brutto corpe), such as the virtues and the sciences, which are ever beautiful and devoid of all ugliness and defect. Judah Abrabanel
  • The clash of contemporary ugliness with ancient beauty is a tripwire I often stumble on.
  • To witness this person struggle against and overcome the worst kind of ugliness humanity has to offer was both upsetting and inspiring. The Sun
  • A search of tweets directed at him over the past week definitely turned up some deep ugliness.
  • Though he was committed to the cause of preserving beauty and repelling ugliness, he was no dogmatist. Times, Sunday Times
  • A nation that could tolerate ugliness without losing its appreciation for beauty would probably be a pretty forgiving place.
  • If you’re lucky enough to be one of those eighth graders whose name was written down in the back of that book, and if you’re further lucky enough not to have your name crossed out later due to an unfortunately horizontal growth spurt or a sudden increase in ugliness, you will be like me. THE EXILE OF GIGI LANE
  • The ugliness of the resort is counterbalanced by the excellence of the skiing.
  • Those raw and real moments when characters broke down or were expressing the ugliness of the human condition were superb.
  • Her students snicker at the bold smears coloring her teeth and at her pronunciation of “Rastafarian” (Ra-sti-fay-rien), roll their eyes when she uses words like “stichomythia” and “brackish” for their ugliness. Becoming an Oates Girl
  • The answer swiftly becomes clear: because the Reconstruction period is when the film's floodgates open, and the true ugliness emerges.
  • It gave a curious dignity to the tall crumbling tenements, covering the squalor and ugliness with purifying whiteness.
  • After the trials and tribulations of the past couple of years, the embarrassments and the ugliness, how could anyone at Leeds United have thought that Stan Boardman was acceptable as a star turn?
  • You never doubt the ugliness of the anti-Semitism that embitters Shylock. Michael Giltz: Theater: Al Pacino in Subtle Merchant Of Venice; An Obvious Elf and More
  • That hardly any believers approach aesthetic taste in this way is in no small part the reason we are flailing about today in a culture of ugliness and death.
  • I find walking boots morally indefensible in their ugliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here we have half - finished jobs , loose ends , all glaringly obvious in their collective ugliness.
  • A nation that could tolerate ugliness without losing its appreciation for beauty would probably be a pretty forgiving place.
  • 1 Dc Pauw, the great depreciator of everything Ægyptian, has, on the authority of a passage in Aelian, presumed to affix to the countrywomen of Cleopatra the stigma of complete and unredeemed ugliness. Gryll Grange
  • I am afflicted with a proclivity for self-criticism whereby every blemish is revealed in all its unredeemed ugliness.
  • His ugliness was embittered somewhat by sunken, toothless jaws and an enigmatical stare from a cross-eye; he was also knock-kneed, and as an erstwhile gunpowder worker, had lost two fingers and a large part of one ear. Across China on Foot
  • Music and lights and laughter, scratchy laughter that even in its ugliness sounded happier than mine.
  • There is a positive correlation between ugliness and agreeability and a negative correlation between good looks and agreeability. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ugliness of fashionably thin, beautiful models is clear and sickening.
  • Their productions are not just monstrous, but often take ugliness to a baroque extreme, suggesting mutant animals. Times, Sunday Times
  • God hates sin; He cannot stand to look at its ugliness. Therefore, unconfessed sin in our lives comes between us and damages our relationship with the Lord.
  • A perfectionism that rejects or abandons what we cannot fully control (or what thwarts our expectations) is a flaw far deeper than a monster's ugliness.
  • When your party leadership (such as it is) has so little self awareness that it thinks the solution to that ugliness is to justify it using over the top words like totalitarian it is time to find new leaders. Think Progress » GOP Rep. Nunes Excuses Racist, Homophobic Tea Partier Slurs As A Response To ‘Totalitarian Tactics’
  • Ought we to steel our hearts against the temptation, which seems to be implanted as deep as anything in my own nature -- nay, deeper -- to hold that what one calls ugliness and bad taste is of the nature of sin? The Altar Fire
  • And without--the frontier warfare; the yearning of a boy, cast ashore upon a desert of newness and ugliness and sordidness, for all that is chastened and old, and noble with traditions.
  • Even in the relentless grime and dilapidation of the East End it was a landmark of ugliness. A NASTY DOSE OF DEATH
  • Irregular and uncouth in form, rough in texture, and often repulsive in content, it summed up the distinctive traits of grotesque ugliness, standing as a debased counterpoint to exalted, flawless classical perfection.
  • The stultifying ugliness of a northern British industrial city is somehow transformed into a kind of wild beauty by the way the ratio opens up the image.
  • Many and various as have been the re-plannings it may be believed that never have the gardens looked better than at present, when taste in things floricultural has broken away from the formalism of scroll-pattern borders and indulgence in the eccentricities of topiarian art -- is even, it is to be hoped, on the way to free itself finally from the ugliness of "carpet bedding" -- when plants are largely grouped and massed instead of being placed in alternate kinds at regular intervals in geometrical patterns. Hampton Court
  • A modern metaphysicist says: "Our thoughts are real substance and leave their images upon our personality, they fill our aura with beauty or ugliness according to our intents and purposes in life. What's in a Dream: A Scientific and Practical Interpretation of Dreams
  • There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness.
  • Just as sublime beauty can soothe and inspire, urban ugliness can crush and depress. Times, Sunday Times
  • There wouldn't be beauty unless ugliness exists to prove otherwise.
  • There wouldn't be beauty ugliness exists to prove otherwise.
  • But in any case, though the ugliness of industrialism is the most obvious thing about it and the thing every newcomer exclaims against, I doubt whether it is centrally important. North and South
  • In these relationships, Michell portrays the ugliness in the institution of marriage and the establishment of family.
  • Mr. Greville gave me several of the first volumes of his manuscript Diary to read, and I was very much amused to find certain strictures upon the ugliness of my hands and feet, and an indifferent opinion of my merit as an actress, among the earliest entries in his Journal. Further Records, 1848-1883: A Series of Letters
  • Discordant vocal and guitar overdubs add a welcomed ugliness to the track.
  • The lies, smears, vitriol and ugliness from a segment of our population that has been fed nothing but lies, fear and hatred for over a year now (or if you really wanted to be accurate, almost 30 years) is getting even uglier. Think Progress » Tea Party protesters reportedly spit on one lawmaker, call others ‘fa–ot’ and ‘ni–er.’
  • The ugliness we sometimes encounter transcends outward appearances.
  • You never dramatize events; instead you allow beauty and ugliness to be exposed through their narrative contrast.
  • To witness this person struggle against and overcome the worst kind of ugliness humanity has to offer was both upsetting and inspiring. The Sun
  • Brookside showed societal ugliness in a way no soap opera had done before.
  • Though Plato therefore hates to acknowledge that poems contain any beauty, he does not go so far as to call mimêsis beauty's opposite and accuse poems or paintings of ugliness. Plato's Aesthetics
  • Regarding their inexpedience and ugliness, such a word as the Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • He was depressed by the extreme ugliness of the city.
  • And she longed with an intensity that outbalanced for the time every other feeling that he should confess his sin fully, entirely — see it in all its ugliness and gather himself together into a deep repentance before he went down into silence, or before he made a fresh start in life. Red Pottage
  • His bill not only includes some $400 million a year in direct subsidies, but it also attempts to bamboozle us with linguistic hocus-pocus, simply defining away the industry's environmental ugliness.
  • View screenshots (below) to see how "ugliness" is rated, and shared your thoughts in the comments below. Ugly Meter iPhone App Raises Cyberbullying Concerns (PICTURES)

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