

  1. a supporter who accepts something as true

How To Use truster In A Sentence

  • The truster is at risk of being let down, disillusioned, or betrayed because the truster relies on the trusted.
  • There are more trusters than doubters, but the gap is perilously close for such a high-risk war plan.
  • This is an enormous difference to an honest truster. Does Hansen's Error "Matter"? « Climate Audit
  • Do you know, when I was a little tad and couldn't sleep at night with the pain, I used to make believe I was a 'truster' and say over to myself all the nice, comforting things I wished they would say. The Primrose Ring
  • Don't ye mind the time the trusters had planned to give us all paint-boxes for Christmas, an 'half of us not able to hold a brush, let alone paint things, an' Miss Peggie blarneyed them round into givin 'us books? The Primrose Ring
  • My point here is that being motivated by a desire to maintain a relationship (the central motivation of a trustworthy person on the encapsulated interests view) may not require one to adopt all of the interests of the truster that would actually make one trustworthy to that person. Trust
  • An automatic consequence is that the truster has no way of distinguishing good advice from bad. The God Delusion
  • Article 420 If the broker buys a commissioned article pursuant to the contract, the truster shall accept the article in a timely manner.
  • But by the time she emerged from the blizzard of documents, the trustbuster had turned into a truster. Antitrust And Common Sense
  • Article 419 If the broker buys or sells commodities at a market price, unless the truster indicates otherwise, the broker itself may serve as the buyer or the seller.
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