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How To Use Troubling In A Sentence

  • Absorbing throughout, her film is troubling, well-illustrated and cogently argued. Times, Sunday Times
  • The truth is we'll never know for sure who would have been better, but the simple fact that party leaders are unwilling to allow its voters to hash these questions out for themselves is troubling.
  • These are troubling times we are in mired in, for the Lord is witness to the crimes of his children and has predestined us to suffer for our sins.
  • The Obama team's lack of candor and immediate forthcomingness on this question has already ssured that this story will dominate the news for weeks to come as troubling questions occur to us. Election Central Morning Roundup
  • More troubling is the endemic problem of which it is a symptom. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Chinese writers, he confronts the troubling complexities of recent history by means of a simple parable that reaches far beyond the boundaries of its fictional world. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Is it troubling that Abba, Vitka, and Ruzka left members of their own families behind in ghettoes that would eventually be taken by the Nazis? The Avengers by Rich Cohen: Questions
  • The boarding and takeoff found me only slightly out of sorts; an irritating whining noise near the gate was troubling me.
  • To that question, the response can be especially troubling.
  • I am not a student or professor of glottology, contenting myself with being able to speak one or two languages without troubling my head over their origin, so I dare not judge upon the affinity more or less remote of the not too sweet Sakai idioms with others, but there seemed to me such a marked difference between the Malay and Sakai phraseologies that My Friends the Savages Notes and Observations of a Perak settler (Malay Peninsula)
  • I drew attention, as have other commentators, to troubling improbabilities in the tremendous watery climax to Eliot's novel.
  • The leak of secret or classified information is also troubling the Government.
  • To unwind, she delves into contemporary quilting - tying past to present, weaving emotions and demands into creations that present a physical reminder of a very rich, yet often troubling, cultural history.
  • Those answers mean a lot, Mosley says, because it's troubling when biracial people seem to bleach away their blackness with European pride.
  • He had admitted before the kick-off that his Achilles heel is sorely troubling him and that 70% is the best he can now deliver.
  • One such experiment using iron sulphate fertilizer yielded troubling results such as release of isoprene, another GHG.
  • Family and friends said that the past few years have been very troubling for her as she had suffered from many mental breakdowns and remained a virtual recluse.
  • The European Union trade commissioner acknowledges on this broadcast last night that it is a concerning and troubling problem.
  • Considering he didn't speak any English two years ago, he has developed a good vocabulary, particularly apparent when detailing parts of his knee and shin that are troubling him.
  • In 2007, Greg Parks was prepping his kids for the Florida state test, but in what he calls an accidental peek at the test, the middle-school math teacher noticed a troubling choice of words: Instead of asking kids about the volume of a can — the example he and the textbooks had been using — the test asked about the volume of a swimming pool. For teachers, many ways and reasons to cheat on tests
  • There is a troubling darkness in its soul, which the righteous rhetoric and cynical evocation of God seem only to enhance.
  • ‘It's no use troubling ourselves about this now,’ she continued.
  • The owner had to go back to the gallery and swap the painting for something less troubling by another artist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Up next, troubling new concerns about our broken food system.
  • Their stretched financial position could be making a tricky situation much more troubling. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a troubling indictment of new, burdensome, institutional barriers to free inquiry.
  • But when you're going to war, it is particularly troubling when you use that kind of mentality and you don't speak about the truth of the situation as best as you know them, including the indicatory intelligence, including the caveats and qualifications and including the consequences, the risk and the cost of going to war. CNN Transcript Jun 20, 2008
  • The herdlike mentality of many is even more troubling. Coyne, at least get your facts straight.
  • Still ahead, troubling new evidence of the government's failure to keep U. S. passports secure.
  • She doubted he would be troubling any other girls now.
  • The vast and widening gulf between imports and exports tells a troubling story. Times, Sunday Times
  • She saw Nathan with his eyes shut in deep concentration and knew something was troubling him, but chose not to bother him just yet.
  • I'm sorry for troubling you but your help will definitely be appreciated.
  • What's troubling about this is the indiscriminate nature of the gunfire.
  • Indeed, what is most troubling is that both sides to the dispute have cynically resorted to the rule of law only when it suited them.
  • I will be off now, I am sorry for troubling you with my qualms… it is not a very noble thing, to tell a man who is not my husband each fear that crosses my mind.
  • We have extra giggles, which makes this job so much more fun, especially if a particularly troubling storyline is playing out. The Sun
  • They have plenty of natural enemies - cachalots, swordfish, and sawfish - without you troubling them.
  • Additionally, taxonomically troubling taxa such as Crataegus makes identification and quantification of aposematic species extremely difficult.
  • The revelations are deeply troubling – more so than the MPs' expenses scandal – because the corruptibility of journalists and senior police officers, as well politicians, is laid bare. Over more than three decades, no one dared question the perversion of politics by and for Rupert Murdoch | Henry Porter
  • Hobbes and Spinoza, despite their own differences, advanced, or were read as advancing, a number of objectionable and deeply troubling theses which Leibniz (and most of his contemporaries) saw as an enormous threat: materialism, atheism, and necessitarianism. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
  • They play exactly that style of harrying scattergun soccer and they are particularly troubling at home.
  • Even more troubling, though, is the indifference the council has shown to what neuroscience tells us about bioethics itself.
  • Despite the appearance of some troubling signs, the week saw steady corporate debt issuance.
  • At the moment, the idea of untended livestock seems more troubling to me than what a disease says my body can't do. News
  • A troubling drama set against the backdrop of the Korean War in which a young man gets involved with a precocious fellow student. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rothfels reminds us of the troubling questions about animal captivity.
  • He can make himself understood, given a few nouns, pronouns, verbs and numerals, without troubling himself in the slightest about accidence.
  • (and with what Lurie here even more generously calls "overoptimism"), this is troubling. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • She apparently has her own way in everything now, the old chief being quite satisfied to get his rations of muckamuck and tobacco without troubling himself as to how it is provided. Official Report of the Exploration of the Queen Charlotte Islands for the Government of British Columbia
  • Now, for the first time this season, neither knee is troubling him and there is no prospect of a move, at least until the summer.
  • A new report by the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund was released yesterday showing a close correlation between the increase in vitriol rhetoric associated with the immigration debate and a troubling rise in hate crimes against Hispanics and those “perceived” as immigrants. Wonk Room » The WonkLine: June 17, 2009
  • One other troubling situation she confronted was friction between the cultural groups.
  • ‘I'm sorry for troubling you, but we just want to speak with you concerning your son,’ Manda spoke up.
  • But even as the deal was announced, officials in the group were expressing disappointment at what some described as a marginalized role - a potentially troubling sign for the United States as it moves toward the planned withdrawal of all of its forces by the end of 2011. Sunni group walks out of Iraq parliament
  • He had an hour or so alone to get to grips with anything that was troubling him. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • But what makes his otherwise inspiring story so troubling is that he is now violating young people in much the same way that he was violated.
  • The resettlement of Newfoundland's rural outports is a familiar, if troubling, scene for many Newfoundlanders.
  • Then there are medication side effects that Jaquiss says can be especially troubling to this image-conscious age group: weight gain, acne and unwanted hair growth. Teen bond overcomes girl's heart transplant fear
  • The thing that had been troubling her was, she thought, trivial. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • Even so, he had a troubling doubt that lingered and stayed with him when he considered his future.
  • The racial dimensions of that alienation and disaffection are especially troubling.
  • In the overruling providence of God, the troubling may prepare the way for healing.
  • The possibility of endogenous social norms, and thus endogeny of long-run government policy away from any redistributive or compensatory role, is troubling in the context of Latin America. Remarks On Equity Issues In A Globalizing World
  • A different kind of influx is troubling co-hosts Japan.
  • Of course, the thought that I might not have a job next year is a bit troubling.
  • Most likely, stress is the aspect of a troubling divorce that appears to lead to hair loss among women," noted study author Dr. Bahman Guyuron, chairman of the department of plastic surgery at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine. Divorce, smoking may trigger hair loss in women
  • In another surprise, the assignment dilemma troubling the Client Service Center largely disappeared.
  • The 1994 presidential election campaign began in troubling circumstances.
  • But I saw a troubling current running through a couple of those commentsand it is that current, rather than the contrary viewpoint, to which I wish to respond here. I Have Seen The Enemy and It Is . . .
  • Songs like ‘I Have Forgiven Jesus’ mine a deep vein of self-loathing that, poignant in his younger self, seems more troubling in a man in his forties.
  • In this case, where Chomsky makes an extreme assertion without troubling to give a source at all, it requires examining a large amount of material to come to a conclusion.
  • To back their legal challenge, the plaintiffs have resuscitated some troubling arguments: they hint that Kennewick Man may have been here before the ancestors of contemporary Native Americans.
  • One might understand espial which is itself a troubling hapax to refer to the father of Laris Thefarie, which is the traditional way of naming people in Etruscan inscriptions. Etruscan inscription REE 59,1993
  • they succeeded in making minor modifications to the new law, but as of date TK the most troubling provisions remain
  • The extent to which industries are moving a wide array of mid-level professional jobs offshore is troubling.
  • Some troubling questions remain about the legal status of frozen embryos.
  • Surely adding to their alarm is the realization that the nuclear imbalance, troubling enough already, will only grow in the coming years. The Perils of Primacy
  • There has been, however, a troubling offshoot to this episode. 52449_CLARA
  • And the Church finds that very disconcerting at a troubling time like this. Times, Sunday Times
  • Equally troubling are the myths of geographical entitlement that undergird the reprehensible euphemism of ‘ethnic cleansing’.
  • Language, never a Miller forte, is particularly troubling here: modern, but with a light dusting of archaism, which rings artificial.
  • Obviously some of these are arguable statistics, but they're none the less troubling.
  • ‘The injury had been troubling him for a wee while,’ said Williamson.
  • The first is that it does indeed represent a significant innovation in malware; the fact that it targets a specific piece of technology – the Siemens controller – that plays a critical role in the industrial infrastructure of every advanced country is new and troubling. Meet the Stuxnet, so much subtler than a tactical nuclear device
  • Furthermore, the idea of citizenship, once introduced, raised many troubling questions.
  • But then there’s that troubling second case to deal with, and this is probably one that has the labels fretting: “You mean they downloaded the song for free, they liked it, and they still aren’t giving us any money?” Free and legal MP3s
  • When disaster strikes , a troubling human response can inflate the death toll: people freeze up.
  • ‘The injury had been troubling him for a wee while,’ said William.
  • Some troubling questions remain about the legal status of frozen embryos.
  • There are times when you just have to let whatever demon is troubling you inside out and there are times to take meds that will stop the flow. Treating Food/Water Poisoning in Mexico, or Any Other Place
  • To say that it’s troubling that she has a starting assumption that African Americans are genetically disposed to be less intelligent than whites, and that she needs evidence to disprove her starting assumption of their intellectual inferiority, is not to argue that she’s a racist because she didn’t consider whether African Americans may be more intelligent than whites. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pollak on Uniquely Israeli Stupidity
  • This reminds me of a problem that has been troubling Mycroft. Pour me a drink, Watson.
  • And that knauish and cunning woorkeman, by troubling him onely at some times, makes a proportion so neare betuixt the woorking of the one and the other, that both shall ende as it were at one time. Daemonologie.
  • Her conscience was troubling her a little.
  • What's troubling you, dear? You look ever so worried.
  • She will miss the Games because of a hamstring injury that has been troubling her since July.
  • The uniformity in the appearance and bearing of the assembled delegates is startlingly troubling.
  • You are likewise to abstain from beans, from the preak, by some called the polyp, as also from coleworts, cabbage, and all other such like windy victuals, which may endanger the troubling of your brains and the dimming or casting a kind of mist over your animal spirits. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • More troubling, the results will encourage more intransigence from Beijing.
  • It's only troubling if voters think that not discriminating is wrong. Balkinization
  • Yet a troubling increase has come by way of the Black Sea, which borders Bulgaria on the East, and the Danube River, which forms its northern border with Romania.
  • But the point is not pursued - the enthusiastic oversoul was apparently not expansive on the subject of extrajudicial murders - and such troubling thoughts are not allowed to cloud the overall narrative, a tale of brave resistance.
  • Most of them had long since fallen asleep but he felt this deep feeling of worry troubling him.
  • It's perhaps the only moment in the interview where there's a hint of something troubling beneath the surface.
  • That his players could not impact upon a team who had won just one of their previous eight games will be particularly troubling. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a troubling image, redolent of something locked in an aimless subterranean existence.
  • Sacrificing the lives of addicts to send an "unmixed" moral message actually sends a troubling moral message: that the unwanted have no worth. Latest Articles
  • The groin had been troubling me for some time and I guess that was the straw that broke the camel's back.
  • There were no real problems and I was pretty happy with my time. My calf had been troubling me in the build-up to the race and I wasn't even sure if I was going to run.
  • Far more troubling is the fearsome wobble in her voice that she only occasionally brings under control.
  • Despite these troubling warnings, we were determined to defy nature.
  • That's why it's so troubling today to see Clark join in the same self-fulfilling wave of determined pessimism and obstruction he battled four years ago.
  • The excessively rainy weather was troubling lambing in Wigglesworth.
  • It is troubling that she looks likely to give it the nod anyway. The Sun
  • More troubling is to take an up-close look at Seattle's streets and parks after Orion Center shuts down for the day, especially as temperatures drop and the combination of rain and gusty winds makes for bone-chilling conditions. Economy deals homeless youth support center double whammy
  • To stand in a glade in the Catskills is to realize what a deeply troubling trade-off that is.
  • What light might psychological research shed upon these troubling events?
  • I've observed or been informed by Sarah of several troubling issues.
  • I'm really sorry for troubling you.
  • The matter he is troubling himself with has now been relegated, by history, to matters of least importance.
  • Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says: tombaker says: must be doubly troubling for old dook to be reminded of teh gay at the same time hcr is being “rammed down his throat”. Think Progress » Gays Are More Dangerous Than Guns In Florida
  • Senator Clinton's position is symptomatic of a deeply troubling, imbricated pattern of her campaign: selectively playing-by-the-rules, while universally claiming the high ground as both moral leader and political victim. Adam Hanft: Why Won't Hillary Clinton Release Her Tax Returns?
  • Will the BBC's new guidelines about accuracy over firstness, delayed showing of troubling images (i.e. Beslan, New Orleans) influence other channels, already criticized by an ITV journalist, calling it a "negation of modern television journalism"? A TIME TO CHANGE: THE MEDIA DEBATES ITSELF
  • It is now clear that she was already in the midst of invasive and troubling surgery. Times, Sunday Times
  • It goes for an unabashedly arcade feel, eschewing the grit and authenticity of DiRT 3 in favour of a smoother, floatier handling model that won't have you troubling the brakes too often. This week's new games
  • a new and troubling thought
  • But most troubling of all was the simple fact that nobody knew what was going on.
  • For many parents, no situation is more troubling than knowing a child is continuing to pursue a sexual relationship even after the parent has forbidden it.
  • While the stats paint a troubling picture, the profession is taking steps to help mitigate the problem.
  • That it happens at all is nonetheless deeply troubling for a nation that has long thought itself immune from the kind of social malaise that it liked to characterise as a western problem.
  • More troubling are the forces that trap many of these workers in a career cul-de-sac.
  • A troubling drama set against the backdrop of the Korean War in which a young man gets involved with a precocious fellow student. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result has been a troubling tendency to import prior ideas about adolescence and youth into the new historical context.
  • Similarly, the idea that Persian Gulf security is somehow increased by maintaining authoritarian regimes should be disproved by the name Saddam Hussein, a great authoritarian with a troubling habit of invading his Gulf neighbors. Neil Hicks: Beating Back the Democratization Backlash
  • If similar comparisons are extended to the United States homeland, the conclusions are troubling.
  • Both chains said yesterday that the young and trendy were the sole bright spots of a troubling financial year. Times, Sunday Times
  • His eyes were azure blue and cold, very troubling.
  • Instead, Sarah herself, in her deliberate disengagement from these troubling ‘folk,’ suggests that she finds their presence problematic.
  • A troubling thought
  • I can't seem to fling off this cold;it's been troubling me for a month now.
  • More troubling is the decision to regularize Elizabeth's writings through modernized spelling and format.
  • The selling of the plethora of diet pills, supplements and herbal remedies is only one part of a broader, troubling picture.
  • But while such signs of speculation are troubling, there is little solid evidence that a real estate bubble is puffing up.
  • After a "lifelong, congenital disappointment," a deeper thirst is troubling him, too, a desperate desire for a kind of beauty that seems out of reach: "He can't stop himself from mourning some lost world, he couldn't say which world exactly but someplace that isn't this. Michael Cunningham's "By Nightfall," reviewed by Ron Charles
  • Motivation is one of the movie's troubling weaknesses - Cordier's shift in behavior is, to tell the truth, sudden and unaccountable.
  • That ruffles feathers on a council whose performance most Monday nights, let's be honest, will fix the insomnia that's troubling you in a jiffy.
  • I think that the signs out of Nevada were troubling for Hillary.
  • He argued that conscious anti-Semites, especially "the 'unadjusted' veterans," would identify unconsciously with the GIs: "just demobilized, ordinary, white native Protestant, 'our kind, '— a band of comrades with battle records, plagued by the unhappinesses and insecurities of that new, troubling No Man's Land between war and postwar. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • Such theories were an important part of the Victorian intellectual world, and when Eliot probes the place of the individual in the social body, she is questioning an aspect of organicism that is potentially troubling.
  • Our houseguest confided something troubling about her college-age son: He doesn't wear tube socks when he runs or bikes; he wears anklets, those socks that stop at the ankle or peek just over the top of ones' sneakers. Generation Sock
  • There, Algot, the hunchback sexton, tells Tomas before the service something that has been troubling him about the Gospels: Christ's physical agony could not have been as bad as his own.
  • This rough assumption brings other troubling implications in its wake, like cultural bovver boys.
  • Traveling from Zurich to Schaffhausen, Switzerland, in October 1913, Jung was roused by a troubling vision of "European-wide destruction. Jung Confronts His Demons
  • If he did not continue, and these sleepless nights or the agitated sleep which maddened him should return, and following them, this over-excitement of the brain in troubling the nutrition of the encephalic mass, it might be the prelude of some grave cerebral affection. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • He wanted to unburden himself and he wanted her opinion on the matters that had been troubling him.
  • In another surprise, the assignment dilemma troubling the Client Service Center largely disappeared.
  • What's troubling you, dear? You look ever so worried.
  • But with each clue he uncovers, a troubling picture emerges about the man who may have been his father.
  • More troubling is the endemic problem of which it is a symptom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Exactly; and this fact gives me the opportunity of making you understand the action of the lungs by explaining that of the bellows, which is in everybody's hands, but which three-fourths of the people use, without troubling themselves to inquire how it is made or acts. The History of a Mouthful of Bread And its effect on the organization of men and animals
  • Repeatedly the disasters he presaged were less troubling than I had feared.
  • While the new work expands upon themes of her earlier photographs, gone are the young twins in pinafores who enacted troubling excerpts from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland.
  • By dint of its association with racist violence, the skinhead scene occupies a special, troubling place among youth subcultures.
  • There is a troubling sprig of mistletoe in your hair, that you noticed only after showering. Times, Sunday Times
  • He can make himself understood, given a few nouns, pronouns, verbs and numerals, without troubling himself in the slightest about accidence.
  • The most troubling aspect of the present situation is the shaking down of unwary travelers by a government perfectly aware that if a fine is contested there will be no prosecution.
  • Equally troubling has been "professional plaintiffs' class action lawyers'" ability to have the judiciary cast aspersions on objectors' counsel for engaging in a litigation/business strategy not dissimilar from the litigation/business strategy of "professional plaintiffs' class action lawyers. Lawrence W. Schonbrun: Wikipedia Wars
  • We want more and more people to come out and discover the easy ways of staying fit instead of troubling themselves with difficult trips to the gym, ‘the marathon runner said.’
  • These are not their real names but their story is true and deeply troubling. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plausibility of Spinoza's view depends upon the extent to which it can reasonably redescribe this desire, and other similarly troubling desires, in ways which are consistent with IIIp28. Spinoza's Psychological Theory
  • Virginia's refusal to provide the match will have a number of negative impacts, the most troubling of which is the imperilment of the impending purchase of new 1000 series railcars. Transportation group backs McDonnell's proposal to add statewide appointees to Metro board
  • Such a pattern of self-deception is extremely troubling in anyone.
  • We have extra giggles, which makes this job so much more fun, especially if a particularly troubling storyline is playing out. The Sun
  • Some troubling questions remain about the legal status of frozen embryos.
  • Setting aside Justice Alito's rather unique take on the art of "expressionless," since when is it "very troubling" for the President to criticize the Court face-to-face during the State of the Union, but kosher for the Chief Justice to criticize the President in a speech on a campus in Alabama? James Sample: Roberts: Corporate $peech Good, Presidential Speech "Very Troubling"
  • The frequency of renegotiation is troubling because the contractual changes often are not desirable.
  • The silence is all the more troubling since in the past the US news media has had no problem at all covering other wacko conspiracy theories, ones with far less evidence to support them.
  • He idly picked his nose and then a large spot on his chin that was troubling him.
  • And I detect a troubling literal-minded Phariseeism here, and will respond in kind.
  • And the paintings themselves are this radical, troubling, pauseless enactment. Globe and Mail
  • Scratch the surface of this troubling story and it has three possible permutations. Times, Sunday Times
  • What's really troubling about someone like Eminem is the very purgative nature of art.
  • But Mona probably wasn't troubling herself with those names.
  • McCain's confusion about who our main enemy is seems to be part of a troubling pattern, and I have predicted that this will have serious political ramifications in the coming months. Your Right Hand Thief
  • The chancellor said: "We understand that these are very anxious and troubling times."
  • But there's something troubling about the online campaign that pillories him for insisting he is innocent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Buying fish, however, can be troubling for new cooks.
  • It is somewhat troubling how convenient these security measures are in terms of keeping pesky reporters at bay.
  • I am loath to prohibit landlords from taking reasonable actions not prohibited by a lease, but the prospect of preconviction penalties is also troubling. The Volokh Conspiracy » What Should Landlords Do If a Tenant Is Accused of a Violent Crime?
  • The poem is ‘a Renaissance jewel, beautiful but (compared to Hamlet) troublingly unvoiced, relatively toneless, unchangeably small.’
  • There remains a really troubling question about whether we should be using it as a spermicide on condoms.
  • Dr. Mark Stegeman's character assassination of our MAS department teachers is most troubling to me and I feel it is out-and-out evil," Gonzalez said. Jeff Biggers: Groundswell Calls for School Board President Resignation in Arizona Ethnic Studies Debacle
  • If we glance over the latter part of the book of prodigies, compiled by the otherwise unknown writer Julius Obsequens from the records of the pontifices quoted in Livy's history, we can get a fair idea of the kind of portent that was troubling the popular mind. Social life at Rome in the Age of Cicero
  • There is a troubling circularity to the country's economic policymaking.
  • So if we have one man and one woman who copulate in the standard way, and not in any kind of other way that we find troubling, then they can raise children.
  • Fourthly, that these creatures, though they have some use of voice in making known to one another their desires and other affections, yet they want that art of words by which some men can represent to others that which is good in the likeness of evil; and evil, in the likeness of good; and augment or diminish the apparent greatness of good and evil, discontenting men and troubling their peace at their pleasure. Leviathan
  • Aligning the design of life and a sustaining culture with the human needs that brain science is beginning to reveal would, I think, have a profound impact on many of the most troubling social dilemmas we face.
  • In another surprise, the assignment dilemma troubling the Client Service Center largely disappeared.
  • Finally, the finding of lack of economic consequences to the applicant resulting from a relationship where she has parented a child since 1982 is troubling as a step in determining standing to claim spousal support.

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