

  1. a metrical unit with stressed-unstressed syllables

How To Use trochee In A Sentence

  • With a polished iamb, trochee, dactyl, amphibrach and anapest. Archive 2009-06-01
  • It is a decasyllabic line, with a trochee substituted for an iambus in the third foot — Around: me gleamed: many a: bright se: pulchre. The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • A poet, of all men, should cherish the liquid consonants, and should resist the tendency of the populace to make trochees of all dissyllables. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 77, March, 1864
  • In poetry, Choriambi are never used alone, but always combined with other metrical 'feet' such as spondees, trochees and dactyls.
  • The first line, for example, appears to begin with two unstressed syllables followed by two stressed ones, while the second line unquestionably contains a trochee and an iamb and therefore forms a choriambic foot.
  • It has one stress, which falls on the only syllable, if there is only one, if there are more, then scanning as above, on the first, and so gives rise to four sorts of feet, a monosyllable and the so-called accentual Trochee, Dactyl, and the First Paeon. Author’s Preface
  • Of course the 'trochee trochee dactyl trochee trochee pattern is only the vaguest approximation of quantitative metrics, but it nonetheless imposes (lyrical or playful) exigencies on the language of the poem that lead, in the best of cases, to discovery, directions to the poem unexpected even to the poet. Anis Shivani: Poetry As a Bridge Across Cultures: Anis Shivani Interviews Marilyn Hacker
  • He should take care not to rely on the first foot of any line, because, as has been before observed, that is often a trochee even in the parisyllabic verse. Miscellany
  • The chapter then proceeds to consider the four most common metrical patterns: in relative order of importance, the iambic, the anapest, the trochee and the dactyl. THE PROSODY HANDBOOK: A GUIDE TO POETIC FORM by ROBERT BEUM & KARL SHAPIRO
  • But he calls a trochee, which occupies the same time as a choreus, [Greek: kordax], because its contracted and brief character is devoid of dignity. The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
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