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How To Use Tristan In A Sentence

  • When he left, AEW took the unusual step of outsourcing to Tristan the management of two funds that Mr. Lewis had been running at AEW. U.K. Property Deal Puts Focus on Secondary Markets
  • In Tristan it is not essential that the philtre is a true love-philtre, but here the case is different. Wagner
  • Prosecutors for Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. want to interview the woman, Tristane Banon, as part of their inquiry into allegations Mr. Strauss-Kahn assaulted a maid in his suite at the Sofitel hotel in New York City on May 14. Probe of Ex-IMF Chief Is Widened
  • Tristan threw up his hands in a dramatic gesture .
  • Of course, when you think of it, The Waste Land was the first great cut-up collage, and Tristan Tzara had done a bit along the same lines. AUSTIN KLEON
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  • Careful to avoid making too much noise as I crept up the creaky stairs, I made my way to the one area of the flat that I'd not yet been: Tristan's quarters.
  • The Welsh National Opera has mustered its forces to mount its second production of Tristan in only 14 years.
  • The deal is vintage Ric Lewis , a fund manager with a reputation for opportunistic investing, and it marks his 10th acquisition since he left AEW in 2009 to form Tristan Capital Partners. U.K. Property Deal Puts Focus on Secondary Markets
  • Tristan threw up his arms. "Look! The bloody thing's going straight for that hut. " He drew harder on his Woodbine.
  • Tristan stood beside his son’s bed, gazing down at that cherublike face, his heart raw with regret. A GIFT OF LOVE
  • Morning, sleepyhead, Alice smiled, as Tristan stirred on the next pillow. Kiss & Break Up
  • Boy toys: Dixon Wilson (Tristan Wilds), Ethan Ward (Dustin Milligan) and Navid Shirazi (Michael Steger). Trendy CW teens hit both coasts on 'Gossip' and '90210'
  • Tristan abruptly backs away, the wind rising and stinging his face.
  • In that touching movie, the hero Tristan often rode a horse, his long hair flying in the wind.
  • In Tristan and Isolde, this release from life is achieved by the self-sacrificial love of a woman who is prepared to share her lover's non-existence and unite with him in death.
  • Of course, when you think of it, The Waste Land was the first great cut-up collage, and Tristan Tzara had done a bit along the same lines. AUSTIN KLEON
  • If Tristan doesn't have the guts to tell Sherri what kind of doggish deed he's been up to, then you should definitely forget him.
  • Tristan shut the door, set down his tankard, then joined in the round of introductions. THE PERFECT LOVER
  • For example, Frank Martin's adaptation of the Tristan and Iseut legend in oratorio form Le Vin Herbé. Recordings of the week
  • Ross, sensing that he's been dismissed, nods and gives his father a meaningful glance, unseen by Tristan.
  • Tristan threw up his hands in a dramatic gesture .
  • The Welsh National Opera has mustered its forces to mount its second production of Tristan in only 14 years.
  • Texts: "The poetical Romances of Tristan in French, in Anglo-Norman, and in Greek," ed. Francisque Michel, London, 1835-9, 3 vols. 8vo. A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
  • It crams in numerological and musical symbolism, and includes quotations from Wagner's Tristan und Isolde and Zemlinsky's Lyric Symphony.
  • Tristan then grabbed a hold of my hand and led me through the forest.
  • Whatever the reason, the ceremonial uniforms were gorgeous, and Tristan wore his with the confidence of one born to show-off. TREASON KEEP
  • Tristan must have taken vast casualties to send a Second Lanceman to report. TREASON KEEP
  • In _Tristan_ it is not essential that the philtre is a true love-philtre, but here the case is different. Wagner
  • Of course, the outlier is Tristan, which might as well be a 20th century opera anyway. Top of the (OWA) Pops
  • Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde" is one of the consummate masterpieces of German opera.
  • Tristania combines rock, Goth, death metal, black metal, classical music and symphonic rock on February 18 at Manchester Academy.
  • Tristan grabbed the crook of my elbow and led me outside.
  • As Cameron speaks, at last the truth sinks into Tristan's benumbed brain.
  • The golden headed langur, which is found only on the island of Cat Ba in north-eastern photo: Creative Commons/Tristan Nitot photo: Creative Commons/Nicolás S - Articles related to Saving endangered species: It’s all about the economy
  • She was no dog, certainly, and in fact her high cheekbones and widely spaced greenish eyes and rather full lips and her svelteness and her prodigious heightshe was easily five-ten, almost as tall as Tristanqualified her as hot, a term that Tristan detested but also knew applied in this case, at least where other guys would be concerned. Excerpt: The Dart League King by Keith Morris
  • According to Tristan Jakob-Hoff, Chailly has taken his own pencil to the score and replaced the single-note Thwack! with a "short, anacrusis before each note - 'buh-duh-DUM! ArchitectureChicago PLUS
  • During the big pauses between each of the short, sobbing phrases at the opening of the Tristan prelude, you could have heard a pin drop.
  • With "Tristan und Isolde," Wagner fully abandoned opera's separate arias and ensembles for what he called the "endless melody" of his new form, music drama. At the Ravinia Festival, A Liszt of Subtle Works
  • The Welsh National Opera has mustered its forces to mount its second production of Tristan in only 14 years.
  • Labels: electronic media (benefits and necessity of switching off), journalism (prurience), television (intolerability of) 1 comments: tristan said ... well done! mine went to the scrap yard in 1995 Switching off the media
  • Her hair gleams red - Tristan can't tell if it's natural, or if the overhead lights are helping turn it that remarkable shade of copper-gold - and cascades in curls and waves down her back.
  • Tristan last blew its stack in 1961, forcing a complete evacuation.
  • Anna struck a chord, let her fingers ring out the overture to `Tristan and Isolde ", lost herself in its waves of longing. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Whatever the reason, the ceremonial uniforms were gorgeous, and Tristan wore his with the confidence of one born to show-off. TREASON KEEP
  • Fischer-Dieskau's Kurnewal is memorable for beauteous tone and his obsessive concern for Tristan.
  • From her he had learned the legend of Arthur, and the story of Tristan and Iseult. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • This month's issue of the always-excellent Smithsonian magazine has a long feature about the history and influence of the Dada art movement, described by artist Tristan Tzara as a "virgin microbe" that spread around the pre-World War I world leaving mind-blowing artifacts of absurdity in its wake. Boing Boing: May 14, 2006 - May 20, 2006 Archives
  • His string sextet Verklärte Nacht Op 4 is imbued with the ultra passionate nightmarish intensity of Wagner's Tristan and Isolde.
  • ‘Get your filthy hands off of me,’ she spits at Tristan contemptuously.
  • You're a terrible actress,’ Tristan folded his arms and grinned impudently at her.
  • His gaze flickers for an instant down at Tristan, whose shirt is now soaked with blood.
  • `Word for word," he said, `to Wotan, Tristan, Parsifal, Lorelei and Brunhild. LOHENGRIN
  • It never failed to amaze her that the scholars about her could discuss the hetairai of the Greeks, Tristan and Isolde, Abelard and Heloise, and the loves of the girls on the Isle of Lesbos, and then blush with shame when one even mentioned the existence of certain establishments not more than a dozen blocks from the University. Red dust
  • Tristan and Isolde" was to be presented at night and a great singer would sing _Isolde_. The Lost Prince
  • If the narrative happened over a longer period of time, the relationship between Yvaine and Tristan could have been better developed; the growth of Tristan from a boy to a man could have been given more attention; the scope and grandeur and just plain oddness of Fairie could have been shown. 10 Reasons Why I Hate the Movie Version of Stardust | Living the Liminal
  • Jade's back was turned to Tristan and her clothes were soaked to the bone.
  • Jansher did not concede more than three points in beating Tristan Nancarrow.
  • `Word for word," he said, `to Wotan, Tristan, Parsifal, Lorelei and Brunhild. LOHENGRIN
  • Email: tristan. garrick (at) dma (dot) org (dot) uk The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Tristan has begun raising financing for its first fund independent of AEW, called Curzon Capital Partners III LP. U.K. Property Deal Puts Focus on Secondary Markets
  • My father turns around and Tristan socks him in the face.
  • It was said that Tristan would never be willing to swallow his own pride and use parts crafted by specialists, and this desire for personal construction of each and every element had made him the most renowned robot-builder on the planet, fame far outstretching those who preferred to turn to others for parts. 365 tomorrows » Jared Axelrod : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The words inscribed there, translated, read ` Tristan lies here, son of Mark". THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • There's been quite a bit of what we call carnival revival," said Darren Tristano, a restaurant expert at market researcher Technomic. - News
  • Carefully, and ever so gently, Tristan coaxed my weight upwards to more of a sitting position.
  • Nichole was jerked back towards Tristan as he grabbed the wrist on her other arm.
  • Not surprisingly, Adrina's first appearance at the war council caused a stir, even more than Tristan's inclusion. TREASON KEEP
  • They already have sons, Tristan and Angus, at the village school, and know the sex of their new baby, but are keeping the knowledge to themselves.
  • Officials in Indonesia have warned that if the legal quagmire is not sorted out before Tristan reaches the age of five, he cannot be adopted.
  • It was a very explicit, very descriptive story with a sex scene between Tristan and Ian.
  • Tristan Parkes's daft singalong songs and Rosie Chambers' woodland set of wood chippings, floorboards and furniture entwined in flora add to the pleasure of Lane and Wass's madly comic double act.
  • Tristan is an opera with no place for mingy bourgeois compromise.
  • I began fumbling for words to say in response, still struggling to get over the fact that Tristan was, indeed, a Gypsy.
  • Tristan leaned back and stretched his legs out so they were propped on the chair in front of him.
  • The Welsh National Opera has mustered its forces to mount its second production of Tristan in only 14 years.
  • She moved that portrait aside, her gaze scanning a still life of roses, a slipper, a fan, and a filled dance card with the name Allison painted on it—a tender tribute to the first ball of the sister Tristan had adored. A GIFT OF LOVE
  • Not surprisingly, Adrina's first appearance at the war council caused a stir, even more than Tristan's inclusion. TREASON KEEP
  • The only difference was that Tristan's looks were more rugged, and rougher around the edges, something, apparently, that drove the girls crazy.
  • She was not permitted to socialise with Tristan's fellow officers, although a few of the names she had heard spoken in court. TREASON KEEP
  • Tristan grabbed me right back from him and anchored me to his side with the strength of steel.
  • But Lamoureux was not long before he returned to the conductorship of the concerts, which had now returned to the Chateau-d'Eau theatre; and a few months before his death, in 1899, he conducted the first performance of Tristan at the Nouveau theatre. Musicians of To-Day
  • Tristan expected to inherit the kingdom of his uncle, King Mark, in Cornwall.
  • The Welsh National Opera has mustered its forces to mount its second production of Tristan in only 14 years.
  • Tristan smiles, touched as he always is by Lucy's unsophisticated honesty. SEA MUSIC
  • Tristan and Isolde could not understand how their moment of nonpareil bliss might sustain a lifetime's happiness in the everyday world.
  • As we were walking, I tried to tune out as Trent and Tristan got into a lively conversation about logarithmic functions.
  • The corner of Tristan's lips quirked, but he nodded his approval.
  • His family had moved from the other side of town when he and Tristan were four, just starting kindergarten, and those two had been inseparable ever since.
  • Tristan looks at me with a smile and the laugh becomes a giggle, and soon we are just cracking up in the front seat.
  • Tristan Martens, a retired entomologist, is shaken by the discovery of his mother's sewing table in a New York antique shop. The Deadwood Beetle: Summary and book reviews of The Deadwood Beetle by Mylene Dressler.
  • As Tristan de Cunna was now ready to depart for Portugal with the homeward bound ships, the viceroy went along with him to Paniani, a town belonging to Calicut which he proposed to destroy, as it was much frequented by the Moors, who took in loadings of spices at that place under the protection of four ships belonging to the zamorin commanded by A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 06 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • Whatever the reason, the ceremonial uniforms were gorgeous, and Tristan wore his with the confidence of one born to show-off. TREASON KEEP
  • A new chain of cheering started and men began to crowd Tristan and pat him on the back, laughing and jeering.
  • Tristan was still in the parking lot getting the last of the equipment out of the van.
  • Bernarda Fink seduced us all with her sensuously exhaled Shéhérazade, her velvet mezzo timbre allied to clear and idiomatic delivery of Tristan Klingsor's ambivalently erotic texts.
  • Tristan's arrival had prevented her and she would never have found the right words to accompany the gift in any case.
  • It will probably rain later, but for now, Tristan Campbell has lowered the convertible's roof, letting the heat and light envelop him.
  • Looking down at me, Tristan grinned slightly wolfishly as he said, ‘Well, it won't do to have you feeling lonely, now will it.’
  • What could have been more appropriate for this marital tragedy than, of all operas, Tristan und Isolde?
  • In any case, the potion is gone, but by establishing firmly King Mark's love for both Tristan and Isolde, the movie gets beyond the typical childishness. Tristan & Isolde Review (for real, this time)
  • Werner Schroeter stages a Wagner opera featuring the "rebirth of Tristan in the spirit of battleship Potemkin", philosopher Peter Sloterdijk talks about Ovid and the metamorphosis of added value, a man at the piano analyses the score of a strike song while workers and factory owners face off in an opera by Luigi Nono, the poet Dürs Grünbein interprets Bert Brecht's aesthetisation of the Communist manifesto in swinging oceanic hexameter, cultural scientist
  • Tristan looked at the number printed across her wrist. 54189… A bar code, a number, not a life.
  • He looks down at Tristan, who still gazes silently at him through glassy unfocused eyes.
  • The rest of the crowd consists of family friends whom Tristan doesn't know, as well as a couple of guests staying at the Inn through the holidays.
  • As Tristan packs up his briefcase and prepares to leave the empty club for the night, he's surprised to hear the sound of a car door slamming outside.
  • It is not entirely surprising that Wagner's gift of the Tristan poem elicited no response.
  • The legend of Tristan and Isolde, one of the most popular, was tacked on to Arthur's.
  • Mike grunts from the burden of Tristan's dead weight.
  • The northern rockhopper penguin, Eudyptes moseleyi, is found on only a few islands in the Atlantic, with 99% of its population making homes on the British overseas territory of Tristan da Cunha, a lonely, volcanic archipelago considered to be the world's most remote inhabited group of islands. Tristan da Cunha islanders rescue rockhopper penguins threatened by oil slick
  • LONDON—In a deal that demonstrates the interest in secondary property markets in the United Kingdom, a fund operated by AEW Europe and Tristan Capital Partners has agreed to acquire a portfolio of three shopping centers for £145 million $236.5 million. U.K. Property Deal Puts Focus on Secondary Markets
  • Unlike ‘Tristan,’ Domingo has been studying this role only recently.
  • So the music that accompanies Isolde's death is her transfiguration, and the repetition of the Tristan chord shows that she dies of love's sorrow.
  • /15 Email: tristan. garrick (at) dma. org (dot) uk/rachel (at) dma. org (dot) uk PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • Mumbling and feeling awkward, Tristan moved to scoop a spoonful but the spoon hit the bowl and some of it splattered onto Tristan's chest.
  • We all know about "Liebestod" in "Tristan and Isolde," the moments of death in literature which obviously are sexually charged.
  • Now, in comes Tristan singing in a high, out of tune, girly pitch.
  • Janelle laughed as Shane and Tristan rehashed old tour memories, hoping she at least looked like she was paying attention.
  • Not surprisingly, Adrina's first appearance at the war council caused a stir, even more than Tristan's inclusion. TREASON KEEP
  • So, ladies, though my Y chromosome prevented me from being similarly moved, Tristan & Isolde is a good film if you want a good cry. posted by Dr. Richard Scott Nokes at 8: 16 AM Tristan & Isolde Review (for real, this time)
  • It's far closer to the language of Tristan — or, in a way, the epic E-flat-major triad that opens Das Rheingold (which, when it finally does move, goes to the not to the dominant but the subdominant — where Wolf and Puccini start). Honor among thieves

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