How To Use Trilling In A Sentence

  • Supported by soft harmonies, the turning, trilling English horn melody evolves into a duet, as the flute line becomes a birdlike countermelody of rapid notes, accented with soft triangle strokes suggesting dewdrops glinting in the sun. The Splendid Start to a Farewell to Opera
  • Rinaldo is a youthful work, full of cheerful trumpet and drum outbursts, and many special battle effects, as well as some exquisite trilling sopranino recorder work imitating birdsong. Cendrillon; Rinaldo – review
  • Sitting outside the bar there is a light babble of a foreign tongue trilling off the tongues of groups of people enjoying leisurely drinks.
  • Trilling was concerned that, with such a dearth of intellectual challenge, liberalism would become soft, complacent, flabby.
  • Trilling's, which revolutionized our understanding of this recalcitrant work, brings the history of nineteenth-century ideas about duty, sincerity and much else to bear on the novel's uncongenial insistence on "fixity" of identity and conduct. Powell's Books: Overview
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  • The musicians playing the virginal, the dulcimer, and the trilling shalm were familiar, but Gord couldn't recall their names. Night Arrant
  • If you walk up through Talbot Forest you will be in native forest with fine totara, matai and kahikatea and you will hear the calls of native birds, especially the trilling song of the grey warbler.
  • And day after day, it grew a little easier, a little less uncomfortable, and now she sits with her peers, trilling over a new Mask, playing pretend like when she was younger, until the day all this ridiculousness is over and she can move on to more important things. The Iron Maiden « A Fly in Amber
  • The Scottish accent, with it's trilling r's, startled Lars.
  • But on the sunlit walls, suddenly trilling like car alarms, small brightly coloured birds were hung in cages outside shops.
  • Their briskness across the stones, their ability to walk untroubled through current and spray and emerge with beaks crammed with larvae, the explosive calls and trilling year-round song that pierced through even this amplified rush of water over rock, were an abundant delight. Country diary: Hay-on-Wye
  • Somewhere in the distance an exotic bird gave off a trilling call that sounded both mournful and sweet.
  • Rebecca reaches in her handbag and takes out her trilling cellphone. THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • For the first two-thirds of the twentieth century, American liberals distinguished themselves from conservatives by what Lionel Trilling called "a spiritual orthodoxy of belief in progress.
  • Schlesinger, who remains almost the ideal example of the intellectual engagé, greatly admired Richard Hofstadter and Lionel Trilling, who always retained their detachment.
  • The canary was trilling away in its cage.
  • Their briskness across the stones, their ability to walk untroubled through current and spray and emerge with beaks crammed with larvae, the explosive calls and trilling year-round song that pierced through even this amplified rush of water over rock, were an abundant delight. Country diary: Hay-on-Wye
  • Women greet each other by ululating, or making a high pitched sound by trilling the tongue.
  • I kneeled to the crickets trilling underfoot as if about to burst from their crusty shells; and like a child again marvelled to hear so clear and brave a music pour from such a small machine.
  • Shipmate o 'mine, thinks I, as he stamped back to the house; I was wet with sweat, and it was with profound relief that I saw his carriage leave a few moments later, my half-caste charmer trilling with laughter and the Scourge of the Seas with his hat jammed down and snarling at the coachee. THE NUMBERS
  • Veery was trilling his _weary, weary, weary_ in the Elder thicket along the brook, when another, a larger animal, loomed up in the distant trail and glided silently toward Yan. Two Little Savages Being the adventures of two boys who lived as Indians and what they learned
  • Supported by soft harmonies, the turning, trilling English horn melody evolves into a duet, as the flute line becomes a birdlike countermelody of rapid notes, accented with soft triangle strokes suggesting dewdrops glinting in the sun. The Splendid Start to a Farewell to Opera
  • Birds of every kind chirped around her, trilling and squawking and before long, she opened her eyes to see pillars of light shine down on her: the sun through the tangled mess of branches in the pine above her.
  • Mention and even the flintiest fashionista will emit little trilling sounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • trilling songs with a lightsome heart
  • Ixion," with its trilling flutes and pockets of pregnant silence. NYT > Home Page
  • And the key to its success is that Trilling takes what Aristotle called dianoia “thought,” which he defined as a lesser element of tragedy, and makes it indistinguishable from ethos, character. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Audiences may laugh as a post-coital scene, set amid the flowers in moonlight, soars into a Morricone-esque musical riff with a chorus of women's voices trilling non-verbal notes, the art house equivalent of Dimitri Tiomkin telling us how to feel. GreenCine Daily: PIFF Dispatch. 5.
  • Slowly, other sounds emerge to fill the space around his voice: a slow and rhythmic drumming, the trilling of a wooden flute, melancholy chords of the stringed saz and the fluttering of an oboe-like instrument called a mey.
  • This bird has a beautiful trilling song, but it is not delivered in the fall.
  • Other than some occasional scatting, which is also appealingly deft, he doesn't sing again, nor do any of the accomplished sidepersons making small big-band sounds along with him venture any trilling. Undefined
  • At the sound of a trilling chirrup, his eyes jerked up.
  • If you walk up through Talbot Forest you will be in native forest with fine totara, matai and kahikatea and you will hear the calls of native birds, especially the trilling song of the grey warbler.
  • Shrill trilling vocalizations are thought to be similar to the sound of a boatswain's pipe.
  • Rebecca reaches in her handbag and takes out her trilling cellphone. THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • The canary was trilling away happily.
  • Joao's extraordinary expressive range reached from guttural croaks to coloratura trilling, with scatting and vocalizing in between.
  • Women greet each other by ululating, or making a high pitched sound by trilling the tongue.
  • And a younger, sprier Edwards fearlessly taunted his tormentor, U.S. Attorney John Volz, once rising to his feet for a toast in a French Quarter bar while trilling, “When my moods are over, and my time has come to pass, I hope they bury me upside down, so Volz can kiss my ass.” FLY FISHING WITH DARTH VADER
  • She's been trilling away about her feelings following the verdict.
  • Trilling frog tadpoles can metamorphose within 17 days, pumping the same hormone through their systems that induces premature births in humans.
  • The park beside Santa Sabina is empty except for a few mangy, watchful cats and an old man who is playing simple scales on the flute - trilling up the scale, trilling down.
  • For the first two-thirds of the twentieth century, American liberals distinguished themselves from conservatives by what Lionel Trilling called "a spiritual orthodoxy of belief in progress.
  • Once the Lubonskis decided to do something, the moved with force; next day the count called upo Ambassador Trilling and said: 'I'll vouch for this fello Bukowski. Poland
  • Trilling wants something like the consciousness of sin injected into liberalism, and the "job of criticism" is thus the moral critic's job of raising our awareness of humankind's fallen state, something for which Trilling finds literature eminently useful. Principles of Literary Criticism
  • Coming from her tight mouth, the county trilling on local lawlessness and moral decline made these cankers seem wholly benign.
  • Diana Trilling responded to Rahv's review in the July 1956 issue by calling the book an example of the kind of neutralism in world affairs that often masked pro-Communism.
  • There were plenty on the lawn around the Sagamore Club that dewy June morning, chirping, chirking, trilling, repeating their endless arias from tree and gate-post. A Young Man in a Hurry and Other Short Stories
  • But there's a self-obsessed drama type weaving and trilling and agonising and monopolising the stall owners.
  • Indeed, so far she has appeared to perform better with the noise trilling in her ears.

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