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[ UK /tɹˈɪlɪŋ/ ]
[ US /ˈtɹɪɫɪŋ/ ]
  1. United States literary critic (1905-1975)

How To Use Trilling In A Sentence

  • Supported by soft harmonies, the turning, trilling English horn melody evolves into a duet, as the flute line becomes a birdlike countermelody of rapid notes, accented with soft triangle strokes suggesting dewdrops glinting in the sun. The Splendid Start to a Farewell to Opera
  • Rinaldo is a youthful work, full of cheerful trumpet and drum outbursts, and many special battle effects, as well as some exquisite trilling sopranino recorder work imitating birdsong. Cendrillon; Rinaldo – review
  • Sitting outside the bar there is a light babble of a foreign tongue trilling off the tongues of groups of people enjoying leisurely drinks.
  • Trilling was concerned that, with such a dearth of intellectual challenge, liberalism would become soft, complacent, flabby.
  • Trilling's, which revolutionized our understanding of this recalcitrant work, brings the history of nineteenth-century ideas about duty, sincerity and much else to bear on the novel's uncongenial insistence on "fixity" of identity and conduct. Powell's Books: Overview
  • The musicians playing the virginal, the dulcimer, and the trilling shalm were familiar, but Gord couldn't recall their names. Night Arrant
  • If you walk up through Talbot Forest you will be in native forest with fine totara, matai and kahikatea and you will hear the calls of native birds, especially the trilling song of the grey warbler.
  • And day after day, it grew a little easier, a little less uncomfortable, and now she sits with her peers, trilling over a new Mask, playing pretend like when she was younger, until the day all this ridiculousness is over and she can move on to more important things. The Iron Maiden « A Fly in Amber
  • The Scottish accent, with it's trilling r's, startled Lars.
  • But on the sunlit walls, suddenly trilling like car alarms, small brightly coloured birds were hung in cages outside shops.
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