How To Use Trend-setting In A Sentence
Rightsphere, CCC's web-based rights management tool, was named by KM World as a Trend-Setting Product in 2007 and 2008 for dramatically improving productivity in the rights management arena.
In the USA itself, consumerism is moving headlong into its latest dash for efficiency through not only cashless, but cardless social trend-setting.
Their innate modesty is expressed in their alternative names - rissoles, patties, faggots - and a complete absence of trend-setting ingredients such as mizuna, enoki, frog's legs and mascarpone.
If you like portable video games as much as most trend-setting nerds, is the blog for you, bucko.
It passed a trend-setting recycling law in 1991 and was a pioneer of "feed-in tariffs", obliging utilities to buy power generated by renewable sources at prices that reflect their higher costs.
Wonderful music, emotional plots, trend-setting song sequences and much melodrama have been the hallmarks of his films.