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How To Use Trawler In A Sentence

  • A reduction in the days that vessels can spend at sea means trawlers fish harder near their home ports. Times, Sunday Times
  • That's one of the main Spanish trawler Tuesday, and a self-proclaimed pirate said the hostage-takers were paid $3.3 million in ransom. - Articles related to EU navy arrests 13 pirates off Oman
  • It got caught in a trawler's nets and died. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fish biologists descend in bathyspheres and submarines to the deepest oceanic canyon, and trawlers scrape up odd saltwater nematodes and mollusks from the bottom sediments.
  • In an Oct. 13 meeting with Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Obama said: ` ` Tell Raúl police Saturday detained 28 members of a far-right party who tried to disrupt an event held by a rival far-right tanker Monday farther out at sea than any previous assault, suggesting that pirate capabilities are growing as they increase intellectual Francisco Ayala, seen in this March 9, 2006 file photo during an interview with The Associated Press, in Spanish trawler Tuesday, and a self-proclaimed pirate said the hostage-takers were paid $3.3 million in ransom. - Articles related to Spanish PM vows sweeping reforms to boost economy
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  • The freezer trawler could trawl down to 500m off the rough West coast.
  • A Pentrevah girl got herself in trouble with a young trawlerman and they eloped to the States. A Girl Possessed
  • Campaigners say foreign fishermen who use two trawlers to tow a giant net are to blame and want the method banned. The Sun
  • Too much Affordably Good Design made me want to go straight to a novelty shop in Devizes to buy a toby jug of a grinning trawlerman's head sporting a yellow sou'wester.
  • Trawlermen in pursuit of these and other groundfish like pollock and haddock drag steel weights and rollers as well as nets behind their boats, devastating huge areas of the sea floor as they go.
  • We have had gentlefolks down from London about it, men who argue and palaver, and wear high hats and are said to have long bills, and there is talk of a Government cutter to protect us, towed by red tape, and the trawlers are to cast their nets farther asea. Without Prejudice
  • Trawlermen must throw everything they catch back into the sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most importantly, he is also a very competent member of a trawler's crew, capable of gutting the fish fast enough to keep the packers happy.
  • The bulk of the domestic shrimp catch is harvested by trawlers in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • The old trawler's toilets were so filthy that we could not use them.
  • We'd spent the night on an old trawler bobbing around in the estuary of the river.
  • Last year, 35 trawlers shrimped off Crescent City, but this year the number has increased to 60 boats.
  • I felt a little uncharitable: maybe they were just honest but hard-up Grimsby trawlermen, reduced to hawking their catch on the streets.
  • According to the BBC, trawlerman Benito Estevez fished the camera out with five holiday pictures intact on its SD card, off the west coast of Europe. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • With the Australians in charge the trawler and the chase ship then turned to re-cross the Indian Ocean.
  • When I say "growling," by the way, I mean literally growling, his years as a bona fide seadog -- Norwegian trawler? Neurosurgical Intervention For Beginners
  • Life as a Grimsby trawlerman has never been easy, but the rewards were still there 100 years ago.
  • Fleets of mainly Spanish and Panamanian trawlers fish for deep-sea species such as the orange roughy and the round-nosed grenadier which are popular among consumers on the continent.
  • The pre-sea trawler course teaches participants how to mend nets, do repairs, and other basic skills required for work on deep-sea factory-freezer trawlers.
  • Inside the museum, all manner of detailed models, from submarines, steamboats and trawlers to battleships, tugs and cobles, competed for best model in the various classes.
  • The four-man crew on board the fishing trawler.
  • The crew of the trawler had abandoned ship and the vessel was listing badly.
  • Crew members contacted Shetland coastguards to alert them and the trawler's sister vessel, the MFV Falcon was called to assist.
  • A big rescue operation has been launched for a trawler missing in the English Channel.
  • A big rescue operation has been launched for a trawler missing in the English Channel.
  • They pick up fish that have been thrown overboard from trawlers, and will catch fish themselves when necessary. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the ensuing sea chase, the trawler collided with another French fishing boat, tried to ram HMS Alderney, and eventually hit the warship while cutting across her bows.
  • After the helicopter refuelled for a second time, the crew finally airlifted the injured man at 9am as the trawler was en route to Castletownbere.
  • Trawlermen talk of the excitement and freedom of the sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • It came, instead, on a fishing trawler plying its trade in the unforgiving waters off the west coast.
  • On the morning of 11 February 1944, off the Norwegian coast, Stubborn sighted a convoy of seven ships escorted by four trawlers, a whaler and an aircraft.
  • They proceeded to fly at ridiculous and dangerous speeds around moored yachts and trawlers in their powerboats and jet skis and not a single lifejacket among them and no sign of anyone being around to stop them.
  • He spent months on Nova Scotia fishing trawlers and tells of being hit by a piece of machinery and scrabbling around for missing teeth. Times, Sunday Times
  • The boat was an old trawler, something more for fisherman than pleasure cruising.
  • My slowpoke trawler, the Sea Cow, was equipped with a portable scuba compressor.
  • Coastal fishing communities had been protesting the invasion of their fishing grounds by the trawlers.
  • The following vessels steamed into a group of trawlers which had not been told of the evening's movements.
  • If you charter a boat in Miami, you can pick and choose among spacious trawlers, luxurious motor yachts, or swift catamarans.
  • The trawler rolled wildly in the heavy swell.
  • Level with the anchor winch, the entire side of the hull is sharply stoved in and ripped open where the Polish trawler Snardy ploughed into the side of the lightship on 16 August 1967.
  • He grew up in poverty, the son of a trawlerman in a home with no running water. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stowed away aboard trawlers and ferries, animal travellers have descended upon the islands for many years.
  • Plucked from the depths of the ocean, grabbed by the gloved hand of a trawlerman, examined with a beady eye and then chucked over a shoulder back into the sea.
  • Conservative MP for South East Cornwall Sheryll Murray, whose trawlerman husband died at sea, wanted reassurances that no coastguard co-ordination centres would close before the new system works. BBC News - Home
  • On September 25 signals from the seamount ceased when a transmission cable that carried the signals to land was cut by a deep-sea trawler.
  • A British trawler was fishing some miles away from the incident when it dragged up the chest in its nets. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first wreck is believed to be a coastal trader or auxiliary minesweeper, while the second may be a fishing vessel or trawler that sunk in the area in 1981.
  • Suddenly something went wrong with her steering, and she veered sharply into the path of one of the convoy's escort trawlers.
  • The prawn trawler skipper dashed to the harbour where he keeps his boat.
  • Fishermen in their trawlers draw close to the straw vessels and throw candy, fruit, and other treats to the children.
  • The trawler was fishing off the coast of Iceland.
  • At the meeting it emerged that French trawlermen and netters, who usually set nets in one place and return to retrieve them, had an unwritten agreement to avoid fishing together in an ‘imaginary box’ around 30 miles long.
  • They are two young sub lieutenants, not out of their teens who have been placed in charge of these trawlers to take them to the Dardanelles.
  • During the early years these were sailing smacks, but the yard was at the forefront of the development of steam trawlers and came to specialise in long-range trawlers for the Hull distant water fleet.
  • Shellfish is a sustainable fishery and the trawlermen saw that, called it a day and are reaping the rewards.
  • Hundreds of men who found work on mackerel boats after they lost their trawler jobs were deemed ineligible, because they were said to be not as badly affected as those who abandoned the sea and found work inshore.
  • He said at any given time there were up to 2,000 people on ferries, pleasure boats, trawlers and cargo ships off the South East coast and the helicopter service was vital.
  • I've swum with crocodiles, followed the migration of the wildebeest and lived on a fishing trawler for two weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The four-man crew on board the fishing trawler.
  • In this case, many point their fingers at the shrimp trawler that operates off the coast, a trawler that doesn't want to stop fishing when the candlefish pass through.
  • What Triesman suffered was a fishing expedition, in which Jacobs was the trawlerman, the ubiquitous Max Clifford the dockside salesman and the Mail on Sunday the wholesaler. Whose interests are being served by this squalid tale of entrapment?
  • A high number of trawlers breach fishing regulations but few are arrested. Times, Sunday Times
  • A big rescue operation has been launched for a trawler missing in the English Channel.
  • They have flown to La Coruna in northern Spain to examine the trawler Celestial Dawn, which underwent an extensive refit in Devon after the Trident sinking in which seven men died.
  • Most importantly, he is also a very competent member of a trawler's crew, capable of gutting the fish fast enough to keep the packers happy.
  • Seven battleships, six cruisers and several torpedo boats steamed among the trawlers.
  • The most sophisticated fish auction in Europe has finally opened in Hull, revolutionising the lives of trawlermen, processors and merchants and reigniting the port as a major player in the international fish trade.
  • The industry was in its heyday - stacks of fish back to back the length of the quay, off a long line of trawlers newly returned from the far North.
  • The trawler had sailed from the port of Zeebrugge.
  • Fishermen now use deep-sea trawlers and sophisticated fishing equipment, while sampans (small boats) ferry people between various points on the coastline along Victoria Harbour.
  • The two men would almost certainly be regrouping on the trawler for a last, determined stand. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • You get close to the rhythms and idiosyncrasies of politicians, trawlermen, doctors, divas, victims, rogues. Times, Sunday Times
  • When they heard that he worked on a trawler they opened the bottle and poured a teaspoonful into a beaker adding hot water.
  • The most effective immediate assistance Canada could give in this war would be to build, equip and man a thousand "tinpot" trawlers and minesweepers and put them to work on our own eastern and western approaches and on the eastern and western approaches to the British Isles. War With the Blinds Down
  • In the 1990s, when increasingly stringent regulations to protect the fisheries were being imposed, tempers among trawlermen who felt their livelihoods threatened often became frayed, leading to high-profile confrontations.
  • HMS Cumberland has sent back dramatic pictures of a mission to help an Icelandic trawler which was being battered by a Force 10 storm.
  • Under those circumstances, the pirates, who have now learned how to operate far out to sea using mother ships such as seagoing trawlers carrying speedboats for attacks, look set for a lot more plunder. Earth News, Earth Science, Energy Technology, Environment News
  • As the storm dies down, the trawlermen, all self-restraint washed away by physical exhaustion, crowd into the galley and reveal their deepest fears to the writer.
  • The convoy was protected by three destroyers, a minesweeper, two corvettes and a trawler as it left Scotland.
  • He was what is called a trawler, and he and his men and boys used a different sort of net. Little Folks (Septemeber 1884) A Magazine for the Young
  • Confirmation of the severity of the storm arrived in the shape of a fishing trawler coming in to find shelter.
  • Of course if your view of fishermen is of the lone few on a trawler battling danger and the deep for a few mackerel it would be difficult to agree.
  • Here, the Turks had heavily mined the water and mine sweeping trawlers had proved ineffective at clearing them.
  • Under EU rules, trawlers which fish for so-called industrial species are permitted to catch up to 5% of white fish as part of their haul.
  • TOKYO — Escalating the diplomatic tiff with China, a top government official said Monday that Japan will ask Beijing to pay for the damage incurred by the Japanese patrol boats from a collision with a Chinese fishing trawler in disputed waters. Japan Asks China to Pay for Boat Damage
  • Bernie Ecclestone, 81, born in Suffolk, the son of a trawlerman, has been a powerful voice and an extremely hands-on supremo in Formula 1 for four decades. Bernie Ecclestone paid German £27m to 'keep him quiet and peaceful'
  • Over the last 18 years trawlermen have been told to cut catches and limit days at sea, as efforts to conserve stocks have become more desperate.
  • The Cleethorpes boat put two men on board, despite four-metre high waves, the tow was connected and slowly the bigger lifeboat started to drag the trawler out of the surf.
  • A fishing trawler off the Outer Hebrides broadcast a Mayday after their engine room and fish hold flooded.
  • These were to include a close escort of six destroyers, four corvettes, three minesweepers, four armed trawlers and two ack-ack ships.
  • Four fishermen tragically lost their lives at night off the south coast of Connemara when their fishing trawler the St. Oliver from Rossaveal was broken up in strong southerly winds and rough seas.
  • These are the pelagic trawlermen, the ocean's ultimate predators. Times, Sunday Times
  • Seven battleships, six cruisers and several torpedo boats steamed among the trawlers.
  • Marine investigators probing the mysterious loss of a Scottish trawler with all hands 27 years ago have obtained crucial new evidence that the boat was unseaworthy.
  • I can't say I watched the Trawlermen series in which Jimmy Buchan starred, I do know it created a bit of a stooshie when Chris Moyles made fun of the northern accent on his morning show, resulting in the fishermen challenging the Radio 1 DJ to come out with them on the boats for a day. Archive 2009-01-01
  • He was rescued in turn by a trawler, a drifter and a British destroyer - twice employing his pigeons.
  • Aid agencies say the loss of 3,300 fishing trawlers, which also doubled as transport for tourists visiting offshore islands, affects tens of thousands of families.
  • In the Gulf of Mexico, trawlers ply back and forth year in year out, hauling vast nets that scarify the seabed and allow no time for plant and animal life to recover.
  • Only commercial trawlermen currently have to register their catches. The Sun
  • The prototype device for dolphins will be tested by one of the two Scottish trawlers fishing for sea bass in the Channel this month.
  • Do you think anyone will mention the huge factory ships into which foreign trawlers empty their catch before turning round to quickly return to the fishing grounds?
  • Built in 1924 by a trawlerman for his daughter, the style is lavish but indefinable. Times, Sunday Times
  • More and more skippers swallowed their prides, converted their trawlers and diversified into shellfish.
  • The officials said the Chinese ships appeared to be a naval intelligence vessel, two smaller trawlers , a fisheries patrol boat and an official oceanographic ship.
  • Grizzled and articulate, he now drives a delivery van for some of his old trawlerman friends. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Spanish trawler ran aground on rocks close to the entrance to Fenit harbour in early June.
  • Through dauntless courage and competence, most of her crew lived through the ordeal, ultimately rescued by a Soviet fishing trawler that luckily happened to be nearby.
  • The Japanese ships pursued the trawler and captured it several hours later.
  • Trawler skippers who entered the zone faced fines of up to £50,000.
  • The eye comes from a grenadier fish, O'Hanlon says, just one of the weird and wonderful deep-sea fish a trawler dredges up from the depths, bug-eyed and baggy from the massive change in pressure.
  • The number of trawlers calling at Lerwick harbour has stabilised in 2004 following a period of decline.
  • Great flocks of them visit us from Norway in the winter and follow trawlers off the east coast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Waterford is also an effective port of refuge for Irish and foreign trawlers to shelter from bad weather, which I saw for myself when in the port.
  • Icelandic gunboats just sailed between British trawlers and their nets, cutting the "warps" that connected them. Top stories from Times Online
  • A big rescue operation has been launched for a trawler missing in the English Channel.
  • Jim's trawler Seaworthy pulled away from his dock and there were nuns on the bow, nuns at the stem, nuns on the flybridge and nuns down below in the cabin.
  • Three pink salmon were caught in the nets of trawlers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trawlermen give us the nod; tourists on ferries wave or fumble for the camcorder. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the U.S., shrimpers haul out gas-guzzling trawlers and catch shrimp in the wild, while in Asia, farmers raise shrimp in mesh cages.
  • Fish may be evolving to swim faster to escape capture by fishing nets from trawlers, according to research. Times, Sunday Times
  • I felt a little uncharitable: maybe they were just honest but hard-up Grimsby trawlermen, reduced to hawking their catch on the streets.
  • But the ship - and the many luxury trawlers like her - do share some traits with their working brethren.
  • The first ship on the scene was the Danish corvette Triton, but the vessel needed to make passage for the Faeroes and could not escort the trawler all the way to safety.
  • For two years I had to crew as a deckhand on a trawler so we could keep the business going.
  • These were to include a close escort of six destroyers, four corvettes, three minesweepers, four armed trawlers and two ack-ack ships.
  • Like a finger jutting out into the murky waters of the Humber, the Inner Bull Nose used to be a good spot to watch the trawlers easing their way in and out of the river.
  • If you're any distance from the coast, keep your eyes open for bigger passenger boats or trawlers.
  • If you were lucky enough to be standing on the dock in 1988 or whenever you were gifted the right to plunder the ocean - then when it got too competitive for you, you sell it to the lowest paid crew, and walk away with a bundle fo cash, etc., Now some Spanish trawlerman on subsistence wages, who owns nothing, is gauging every last fish out of the sea - for corporate paymasters. The Guardian World News
  • Fortunately, trawlermen have yet to be forced to play themselves in spoofs about themselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've swum with crocodiles, followed the migration of the wildebeest and lived on a fishing trawler for two weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Someone puts his red T-shirt in the wash with your pristine white pants and you suddenly find yourself weeping on the kitchen floor clutching a pair of pink frillies and cursing like a trawlerman.
  • The trawler officer untied the neck of the kitbag and turned it back. In Spite of Their Declaration of Bombs
  • Where he got the money from to purchase a trawler was a mystery to most people, although it was discovered later that a betting-man was in partnership with him. Chatterbox, 1905.
  • FOREIGN trawler barons who have bought a chunk of Britain's fishing quotas face being forced to hand some of it back under proposed reforms. Times, Sunday Times
  • An unexpected find on a previous expedition was a trawler that had disappeared in roughish weather in 1974 with all seven crew.
  • These were to include a close escort of six destroyers, four corvettes, three minesweepers, four armed trawlers and two ack-ack ships.
  • The trawler that sank off the East Coast of the Chatham Islands contained more than 100 tonnes of diesel oil, hydraulic oil and lubricating oils - a potential disaster for the 80 percent of locals who rely on the fishing industry in the area.
  • A reduction in the days that vessels can spend at sea means trawlers fish harder near their home ports. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just over half of them were returned to Plymouth, mostly by trawler fishing boats keen to get the shilling reward. Times, Sunday Times
  • For a start, Bernie Ecclestone, the tiddler-sized son of a Lowestoft trawlerman, isn't of the type to spoil anybody. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • A crewman from a Spanish trawler who was seriously injured in an accident 150 miles off the coast of Co Clare this evening is to be airlifted to hospital in Cork. RTÉ News
  • Only trawlermen face those hazards now. Times, Sunday Times
  • A reduction in the days that vessels can spend at sea means trawlers fish harder near their home ports. Times, Sunday Times
  • A deep-sea trawler suspected of catching snoek instead of its licensed catch of hake and horse mackerel was seized by the ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The fishing trawler then proceeded towards Peterhead where the rescued fishermen were landed.
  • The body of trawlerman Neil Murray, 57, was found onboard his boat off the Cornish coast when he failed to return to Looe Harbour after a day out alone at sea on Thursday. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Conservationists are planning to build an artificial reef to bring a once-prolific in-shore fishery wiped out by trawlers back to life.
  • Some are oddities, such as miniature tugboats, Chinese junks and small pirate ships, but many are simply modern editions - old-fashioned styles - workboats, harbor launches, fishing trawlers and picnic boats.
  • The Portavogie prawn trawler ‘Sonas’ had a lucky escape recently when she was struck by a coaster while on passage home to Portavogie.
  • At present the Spaniards, with EEC aid, are building large powerful trawlers to hoover the fish stocks off Africa.
  • At the end of the pier was a rusty fishing trawler, about ninety feet long, with a tall mast near the bow and a two-story deckhouse at the stern. The Omega Theory
  • There is concern in the local prawn fleet that if the larger pelagic trawlers cannot fish for cod and other species, they may diversify into prawn fishing and this may lead to an oversupply of prawns in the market and low prices.
  • Agreement has been reached with our trawlers and Australian Fisheries to make this devise compulsory.
  • They are simply angry at how they are divided between small boats and big trawlers. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was not your smelly Chesapeake Bay fishing trawler or Maine lobsterman. BLACK EAGLES
  • Prawn trawlers were still continuing to plod away with most of the old problems still there.
  • They said the fate of fishing trawlers out at sea at the time of the tidal waves was not yet known.
  • The term trawler covers a vast range of ship sizes and designs.
  • At that time he brought together 12 experts consisting of trawler captains, ship owners and engineers.
  • Atlantic Dawn runs a fleet of trawlers out of Donegal. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was at this point that he uttered his now infamous statement that ‘when the seagulls follow the trawler it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea’.
  • The trawler was fishing off the coast of Iceland.
  • It highlights the applaudable actions by the government in revoking 29 licenses to foreign super trawlers earlier this year, while exposing the urgency and the need for the establishment of sustainable fisheries policies in Senegal.
  • The best-known example of a member of a Lazarus taxon is the coelacanth, a fish closely related to amphibians that had been thought to have died out with the dinosaurs -- only to turn up in the net of a South African trawler in 1938. Lazarus, Elvis, zombies and Jimmy Hoffa
  • I think of trawlers catching dolphins in their nets.
  • (of fyke net) (de verveux) (biturn con alas) tickler chain chaine gratteuse cadena pare levantar camarn trammelnet trmail trasmallo trapnet filet pige nasa, trampa trawl board panneau de chalut puerta del arte trawler chalutier arrastreto trawl gear engin de chalutage arte de arrastre trawlnet chalut red de arrastre troller bateau de pche la traine curricanero trolling pche la traine pesca a la cacea trynet chalut d'essai red de ensayo Chapter 5
  • As the trawler's stern light drifted to starboard, he watched it grow dimmer, dissolving into the spray and darkness of the storm. CORMORANT
  • The crew of the trawler had abandoned ship and the vessel was listing badly.
  • Mechanized trawlers have been killing the adults for a while now, their shells washed ashore providing the gristly evidence. Bharati Chaturvedi: Turning People Turtles in East India
  • It tasted like something that had been shaved off the bottom of a trawlerman’s seaboot and then matured by nailing it to the floor of a particularly nasty whorehouse for a couple of decades. The Bloomsday Dead
  • It had more fish, too, although sections were severely impacted by the armada of trawlers and fishing camps.
  • Various factories in and near the harbour area specialize in keeping the extensive trawler fleet and other vessels seaworthy.
  • In its heyday, only 30 years ago, just under 1,000 trawlers operated from the port.
  • Rumours of discontent swirl round the Berlin Philharmonic like seagulls round a fishing trawler. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trawl net is like a long bag, and dragged underwater behind the trawler for about four hours.
  • Most importantly, he is also a very competent member of a trawler's crew, capable of gutting the fish fast enough to keep the packers happy.
  • A big rescue operation has been launched for a trawler missing in the English Channel.
  • The four fishing crew scrambled to release wires connecting the net to the trawler, which had been moving slowly forwards but was suddenly sent careering backwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the trawlermen had organised themselves to fight for compensation after losing their jobs when the fishing industry collapsed. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had to anchor in Weymouth Bay with steering problems, but soon sorted that out and headed on past Portland Bill with his two escort trawlers, Fort Albert and Horatio.
  • A fishing trawler 56 nautical miles south of Port St Johns was waiting to be towed last night, while a rescue tug struggled to free itself from a towline trapped around its propellers.
  • Two crewmen were airlifted to safety from a fishing trawler which ran aground just outside Stornoway Harbour.
  • At least five people drowned and many more are feared dead after a trawler attempting to ferry a boatload of illegal immigrants capsized Sunday in bad weather off the southern coast, police said Monday.
  • This method was called trawling, and the word trawler soon became synonymous with fishing boat throughout the North Atlantic.
  • The convoy was protected by three destroyers, a minesweeper, two corvettes and a trawler as it left Scotland.
  • The parallel ripples of the sea are leapfrogged by the sunset's cast of light, in which trawler-men mount the inshore rocks to deliver their catch to waiting market-women.
  • The four-man crew on board the fishing trawler.
  • This will be used to drill holes in the side of the trawler, which has been securely fastened by ropes, and pump out the oil to be taken away by tankers.
  • The latter group is made up of those whining whale lovers, owl spotters and tree huggers who try to prevent trawlers, loggers, miners and oildrillers from making an honest living looting our planet's finite resources.
  • But trawlermen say cod are being caught in the nets as they haul in other fish. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the men who work the fishing trawlers, it is a life of hardship and endurance.
  • Of course, this is palpably untrue since, with the exception of Miranda, they don't wear those trawlerman beards that all gay men do these days. Caroline Hagood: Mark Simpson and Caroline Hagood on Wo-Metrosexuality and the City
  • The tidal current was running against me, slowing the trawler to three knots.
  • He spends a season pulling fish from the deck of a troller, seiner or trawler and, with a replenished bank account puts his gear in storage, packs his shorts and t-shirts and takes a plane to Mazatlan where he has an apartment. Mazatlan: Tequila, tans and working stiffs
  • The public inquiry did little to quash the rumours and in the years that followed many trawlers lost fishing nets at a spot 70 miles off the Norwegian coast.

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