
How To Use Trapa In A Sentence

  • When social mating systems were dichotomized, extrapair chicks were twice as frequent in monogamous as in polygynous species.
  • And it is the treachery of his appetite which inveigles him into the mischief, which cheats, and abuses, and by deceitful overtures trapans him into a perpetual calamity. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • The Democrats treated that as a strictly intraparty issue. oboe Says: Matthew Yglesias » Trent Lott Revisited
  • Adrenal rests are usually found in the hilar region and not intraparenchymally.
  • SENATE GOP WHIP CONTEST COOLING OFF - Running tonight in Roll Call form David Drucker: "The contest for Senate Republican Whip has chilled following a backlash of rank-and-file GOP Senators, who are upset that a very public intraparty power struggle might sew discord and alienate voters in the midst of a national fiscal crisis. HUFFPOST HILL - Senate Punk-Off Continues to Escalate
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  • About 70 percent of women who were unscreened and developed a risk factor did not receive intrapartum antibiotics.
  • Washington Post: In Hawaii, intraparty feud may cost Democrats a seat in Congress POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Friday, May 7, 2010
  • In fact, by so doing you may impress your date even more than by an accurate pronunciation of “vongoline di aranciata trapanette a due eliche.” Saving Face
  • When I sat down to think about it, the only female voice that gets heard consistently is Gina Trapani. Women Grow Business » 2010 » May
  • During EXIT, which stands for ex-utero intrapartum therapy, the baby is delivered through an abdominal incision, but remains connected to the umbilical cord to allow the baby to maintain placental support. CCAM — Ryan
  • As in, "The transverse occipital sulcus intersects the intraparietal sulcus near the level of the parieto-occipital fissure" and "The Sahara is in Afghanistan, I think." ... Boing Boing
  • Lesions with associated hydrops that are diagnosed late in gestation may benefit from resection using an Ex Utero Intrapartum Therapy (EXIT) approach. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • And the day it's well return'd again. trapan: injure treacherously, fey: marked by fate, boun: go, stancheon: iron bar, loup: leap, twin: part The Fire of Frendraught
  • When smokers viewed the smoking scenes, there was greater activity in part of the brain called the intraparietal sulcus and other structures that play a role in perceiving and coordinating physical movements. The Guardian World News
  • President Obama's advisers acknowledged Tuesday that they were unprepared for the intraparty rift that occurred over the fate of a proposed public health insurance program, a firestorm that has left the White House searching for a way to reclaim the initiative on the president's top legislative priority. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: August 19, 2009
  • EXIT, which stands for "ex utero intrapartum therapy," allows the baby to be partially delivered through a C-section while still attached to the placenta via the umbilical cord. Giant Neck Mass -- Kelly
  • Secondly, a major D.C. advocacy group, the Club for Growth, decided to spend a whopping $200,000 to ensure Bennett's defeat -- the kind of intraparty hit that the Club can only afford to carry out in one or two races per cycle. Bennett Lost in Utah. Should Other Conservatives Be Scared?
  • We're always going to have intraparty little squabbles," Harkin said. Bipartisan Group Of Senators Pledges To Work On Revamping 'No Child Left Behind'
  • As for all other pretences, they are nothing but death and damnation dressed up in fair words and false shews; nothing but gins, and snares, and trapans for souls, contrived by the devil, and managed by such as the devil sets on work. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. II.
  • Mollohan lost to state Sen. Mike Oliverio by 56 percent to 44 percent in what was by far the toughest intraparty race for the congressman since he was first elected in 1982. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Wednesday, May 12, 2010
  • _Catskin_, which Mr. Burchell told to the children of the Vicar of Wakefield, is considered by Newell as the oldest of the Cinderella types, appearing in Straparola in 1550, while _Cinderella_ appeared first in Basile in A Study of Fairy Tales
  • The ex utero intrapartum therapy procedure for high-risk fetal lung lesions. Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation publications
  • The ex utero intrapartum treatment procedure for a large fetal neck mass in a twin gestation. CHOP ex utero intrapartum therapy publications
  • Its namesake dish, cuscus alla Trapanese, is a tagine-like couscous served with seafood soup, prawns and monkfish, and its historic center features tightly packed streets that were once surrounded by the casbah walls. Monique Stringfellow: Sicily's Wild Western Coast
  • Shortly after retiring from the Foreign Ministry in January 1966, she became secretary general of the Mapai Party and supported Prime Minister Levi Eshkol in intraparty conflicts. Five People Born on May 3rd | myFiveBest
  • Mr. Blackburne observed further to me, some certain notice that he had of the present plot so much talked of; that he was told by Mr. Rushworth, how one Captain Oates, a great discoverer, did employ several to bring and seduce others into a plot, and that one of his agents met with one that would not listen to him, nor conceal what he had offered him, but so detected the trapan. Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete
  • Case was first elected to the U.S. House in 2002 but gave up his seat to mount an upstart, intraparty primary bid against Akaka. Ex-congressman Ed Case jumps into Hawaii Senate race
  • Penicillin is the agent of choice for intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis.
  • Objective Through retrospective analysis of the effect of one-to-one responsibility system deliver, probe into the best intrapartum health-care service mode.
  • Procedures that increase the likelihood of direct fetal exposure to maternal blood should be minimized during the antepartum and intrapartum periods.
  • Gina Trapani did a great write-up of SyncBack here on Lifehacker, so that might be a good article to look up. ohhenry1 jonnypage Backup Maker Offers Dead Simple Backup Creation | Lifehacker Australia
  • These ultrapatriotic characters were turning the defeat of France into a sort of pedestal on which they could stand, the better to insult Frenchmen…They took advantage of the German Occupation to impose a really tyrannous programme on the people, something that might have been thought up by a bunch of former Cagoulards.57 The Sion Revelation
  • The recent emergence of Bobby Jindal and Rush Limbaugh in the intraparty maelstrom yet affords fresh opportunities for conservative dismality. Transterrestrial Musings
  • Paolo Di Trapani of the University of Insubria in Como, Italy, and his colleagues, came up with a pulse shape that combines attributes of both solitons and linear X waves.
  • One of the important documents of the intraparty debate on renovation vs. orthodoxy that finally split the PCV was a short book on the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia by a former guerrilla leader, Teodoro Petkoff, who was denounced in Pravda just before the PCV split and later by Leonid Brezhnev, in his speech to the Twenty-fourth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, for "nationalist tendencies [with] an anti-soviet character. Carnival in Caracas
  • The inferior parietal lobule (lobulus parietalis inferior; subparietal district or lobule) lies below the horizontal portion of the intraparietal sulcus, and behind the lower part of the postcentral sulcus. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • James Madison in the Federalist Papers pointed out that what he called faction -- the word we would use now is maybe "ultrapartisanship" -- can stir passions that come about because of relatively small differences, and then can unleash an amount of energy that is seemingly out of all proportion to the cause of the disagreement. CNN Transcript - Special Event: CNN/"Los Angeles Times" Host Democratic Presidential Debate - March 1, 2000
  • An analysis of extrapair paternity in the dusky warbler, Phylloscopus fuscatus, revealed that females choose copulation partners on the basis of the quality but not of the quantity of song.
  • Whether breeding synchrony has resulted in the evolution of extrapair mating systems or whether it correlates with a yet unknown factor that is responsible for EPFs remains to be determined.
  • Carrà, Soffici, and Ottone Rosai contributed to the Strapaese circle with landscapes and genre painting rendered in a conservative, naturalist idiom.
  • For instance, as memory load increased, the synchrony among the "frontoparietal regions known to underlie executive and attentional functions during memory maintenance" got stronger, and memory capacity was predicted by synchrony in a network where the "intraparietal sulcus was the most central hub". Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Because of the protective layer of the dura mater, subdural and intraparenchymal metastases from prostate cancer are rare.
  • Nothing but gins, and snares and _trapans_ for souls. Lives of John Donne, Henry Wotton, Rich'd Hooker, George Herbert, &C, Volume 2
  • If rattrapage is to be complete, it is important that there be adequate water, nutrients and no weeds after the intercrop is removed. 5: Farming systems and gardening techniques
  • The goal of intrapartum management is to maintain normoglycemia in an effort to prevent neonatal hypoglycemia.
  • Similarly, many instances of intrapartum asphyxia resulting in stillbirth were of babies who were already growth restricted.
  • We conclude that the chicks were sired by extrapair males.
  • Ili ne volis gxeni la nigre vestitan virinon, kiu sencxese, kvazaux senspirite, la funebrajn cxambrojn trapasxis; de frua mateno gxis malfrua vespero, en pensojn profundigxinta, sxi travagis la logxejon, senripoze kiel la pendolo de l'horlogxo, kvazaux sxi eterne iun aux ion sercxus. The Esperanto Teacher A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians
  • As in, "The transverse occipital sulcus intersects the intraparietal sulcus near the level of the parieto-occipital fissure" and "The Sahara is in Afghanistan, I think." ... Boing Boing
  • Carrà, Soffici, and Ottone Rosai contributed to the Strapaese circle with landscapes and genre painting rendered in a conservative, naturalist idiom.
  • When I sat down to think about it, the only female voice that gets heard consistently is Gina Trapani. Women Grow Business » Where’s The Perspective In Productivity?
  • Despite his public stance, Mr. Trapani over the past couple of years was meeting behind the scenes "with almost everybody" in the luxury-goods business in order to engineer a tie-up, he said. Bulgari Gives LVMH a Bump
  • 7: 00AM Gina Trapani | Funny guy screencaster Donnie Hoyle is back with a new episode in his “You Suck at Photoshop” series, and this one covers color range selection. Saturday, February 2, 2008 | Lifehacker Australia
  • Gur would stand in the crowd of courtiers, his head bowed, his face blank; upon an imperceptible sign from Don Reba, he would step forward from the courtiers 'ranks and recite ultrapatriotic poems -- which, however, were greeted with nothing but secretly stifled yawns. Hard to be a god
  • Regulus satrapa – golden-crowned kinglet, male, captured at a winter bird-banding site near Ft. The Panda's Thumb: August 2009 Archives
  • In rare cases, a specialized delivery technique, known as the Ex Utero Intrapartum Treatment (EXIT) procedure, which offers immediate ECMO cannulation, may be an option. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH)
  • They'll once again have their hands full with guard Reggie Jackson and forward Joe Trapani, who both present challenging matchups for Virginia Tech How will Virginia Tech deal with senior night?
  • The world is not only Asia," said Francesco Trapani , chief executive of Italian jeweler Bulgari SpA, which is being taken over by LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA. Spenders Splurge on Luxury in Europe
  • The Fetal team used the EXIT (ex utero intrapartum treatment) procedure to deliver her head and neck while keeping her attached to the placenta. CHAOS — Waterman
  • During an EXIT (ex-utero intrapartum therapy) procedure, the baby is delivered through an abdominal incision, but remains connected to the umbilical cord. SCT -- Warmington-Fluharty
  • Neighboring males often are the genetic fathers of extrapair offspring.
  • Yet, unmindful of the calumny and criticism heaped on her by an uncharitable press and a still more uncharitable society, MS bravely travelled that long and difficult road from Madurai to Rashtrapathi Bhavan.
  • Intrapartum X-ray pelvimetry has not proven to be useful. 3. CARE DURING THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR
  • In a prospective study designed to more accurately define the incidence of CSM, 23.6 percent of 585 patients with tetraparesis or paraparesis admitted to a United Kingdom regional neuroscience center had CSM.
  • Its namesake dish, cuscus alla Trapanese, is a tagine-like couscous served with seafood soup, prawns and monkfish, and its historic center features tightly packed streets that were once surrounded by the casbah walls. Monique Stringfellow: Sicily's Wild Western Coast
  • We Surround Them 'day, the day when newsperson Glenn Beck, noted not-Hollywood not-celebrity Chuck Norris, and a collection of ultrapatriotic Randian nobodies are going to flex their muscles and show all of America the tremendous power of their particular brand of ultra-conservative movement. Daily Kos
  • It is no coincidence that so many Italian products and dishes are named after cities: bistecca alla fiorentina, prosciutto di Parma, saltimbocca alla romana, pizza napoletana, risotto alla milanese, pesto genovese, pesto trapanese, olive ascolane, mostarda di Cremona… From early in the second millennium, the hundred cities of Italy hogged the produce of the countryside and used it to build a rich food culture. Delizia!
  • Therefore, males are emancipated from mate guarding and parental duties during the incubation period, making this period free for opportunistic extrapair activities.
  • He can trapan a Jephthah into a vow and solemn oath, and then bind him, under fear of perjury, to perform it by an horrid and unhuman murder. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
  • However, Trapani is sponsored by the male-owned Gawker and her subject matter is “soft” tech – she’s domesticated. Did Robert Scoble Break Google?
  • Extrapancreatic: factors are demonstrated by: (1) the diabetogenic effect obtained in pancreatectomized hypophysectomized animals; (2) the increase in the severity of diabetes in pancreatectomized dogs treated with anterohypophyseal extract; (3) the increase in resistance to insulin which precedes and accompanies hypophyseal diabetes; (4) the fact that hyperglycemia and diabetes occur before that there are visible lesions in the beta cells of the islets, and before insulin secretion diminishes. Bernardo Houssay - Nobel Lecture
  • Sed la vento diris: "La muro staras kontraux mi, kaj mi tute ne povas trapasi gxin. The Esperanto Teacher A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians
  • Segundo os sindicatos, a adesão prevista, cerca de 50%, está a ser fortemente ultrapassada, rondando até ao momento os 80%. Greve IV
  • The furniture makers in and around the city of Trapani often used blackened pearwood instead of ebony, and much mother-of-pearl and coral, for which Trapani was famous.
  • Males were likely to obtain extrapair paternity while their own social mates were incubating and the males were emancipated from mate guarding and parental duties.
  • CHOP ex utero intrapartum therapy publications | The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia CHOP ex utero intrapartum therapy publications
  • In this condition, both adults and four-year olds showed activation in an area called the intraparietal sulcus, part of the parietal lobe. Mind Hacks: April 2006 Archives
  • To determine the content of gallic acid in fruit of Trapa manshurica by HPLC.
  • The other three members of Os Trapalhões take on the roles of the Oz-bound characters: Zacarias as the Scarecrow (with long straw blonde hair and heavy make-up, strangely resembling Sylvia Miles), Mussum as the Tin Man (his costume is an industrial tin drum) and Dede Santana as the Lion (his costume is a brown afro and a furry vest with a tail hanging from its backside). Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • To Clay Cooper: I would not go to see Yakov Smirnov if he were appearing in Irkutsk or Petrapavlovsk. My Range Bag
  • Trapattoni suggested that the Leeds United centre-half Darren O'Dea would deputise for the suspended Sean St Ledger as his players considered the prospect of the Luzhniki's surface. Giovanni Trapattoni confident of an Ireland win against Russia
  • These point to a circuit involving the primary motor cortex, the premotor cortex and the anterior intraparietal sulcus. Mind Hacks: August 2005 Archives
  • Adam was born on July 15, 2002, by Caesarian section at 39 weeks and underwent an ex utero intrapartum therapy (EXIT) procedure. CCAM — Jackson
  • Lesions with associated hydrops that are diagnosed late in gestation may benefit from resection using an Ex Utero Intrapartum Therapy (EXIT) approach. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • Mr. Trapani is the only family member to have a prominent operational position. Bulgari Gives LVMH a Bump
  • In socially monogamous species, extrapair males usually do not assist females rearing the young or provide other direct benefits to the female.
  • The common yellowthroat is a neotropical migratory warbler that is similar in many respects to other warblers whose patterns of extrapair fertilization have been related to breeding synchrony.
  • From about the middle of the postcentral sulcus, or from the upper end of its inferior ramus, the horizontal portion of the intraparietal sulcus is carried backward and slightly upward on the parietal lobe, and is prolonged, under the name of the occipital ramus, on to the occipital lobe, where it divides into two parts, which form nearly a right angle with the main stem and constitute the transverse occipital sulcus. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • Intra - and interobserver variability in the assessment of intrapartum cardiotocograms. 7. REFERENCES
  • Much research has focused on understanding breeding synchrony in animals and its relationship to such issues as mating systems and extrapair copulations in birds.
  • The goal of intrapartum management is to maintain normoglycemia in an effort to prevent neonatal hypoglycemia.
  • Extrapair paternity is widespread within passerine birds and is indicative of sexual selection.
  • Arizona Republicans put aside their political differences and intraparty squabbling Saturday to nominate delegates to their upcoming national convention.
  • Moral or extrapatrimonial damage is often difficult to put a figure on in an exact or even approximative manner. It pays to have hurt feelings when you complain to the HRC's
  • Ryanair flies from Stansted to Palermo from £72 return, or Luton to Trapani from £76 return. Sleeping with the Finzi-Continis: Sicily's Madonie mountains
  • In this area, called the intraparietal sulcus, clusters of neurons are sensitive to the sight of specific quantities, research suggests. Local News from Spartanburg Herald Journal
  • Regulus satrapa by Dave Rintoul — golden-crowned kinglet, male, captured at a winter bird-banding site near Ft. Photo Contest Vote: Animal - The Panda's Thumb
  • “Nothing but gins, and snares and trapans for souls.” ” Lives of John Donne Henry Wotton Rich'd Hooker George Herbert etc
  • Doctors decided it would be best to bring Jocelyn into the world using the EXIT (ex-utero intrapartum treatment) procedure. Jocelyn's CCAM story
  • Is it possible for him, who is love itself, to be cruel, harsh, and inexorable; to sit in heaven contriving gins and snares to trapan and ruin his poor creatures; and then to delight himself in the cries of the damned, and the woful estate of tormented souls? Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • One tent camp has been established near Taranto on the mainland, another is being set up in Trapani, in Sicily and there are discussions to set up a third one in Tuscany. Tensions Rise in Lampedusa As Immigrant Influx Continues
  • As in, "The transverse occipital sulcus intersects the intraparietal sulcus near the level of the parieto-occipital fissure" and "The Sahara is in Afghanistan, I think." ... Boing Boing
  • Many of our citizens pass through an ultrapatriotic phase and feel it to be very Soviet to dislike Americans. Destination Brain
  • Shortly after retiring from the Foreign Ministry in January 1966, she became secretary general of the Mapai Party and supported Prime Minister Levi Eshkol in intraparty conflicts. Five People Born on May 3rd | myFiveBest
  • Pardon is made a decoy to the crime, and a possibility to be saved trapans into a certainty of being damned. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VI.
  • RGH global activities span the globe, although the company's latest annual report says its principal competitor, TetraPak has a "significantly higher" share of the global "aseptic" packaging market, used for packaging food, beverages and pharmaceuticals than RGH. NZ On Screen
  • Scientists had 10 volunteers watch either numerals or dots on a screen while a part of their brain known as the intraparietal cortex was scanned – it’s a region of the parietal lobe especially linked with numbers. I’m thinking of a number (of dots) | clusterflock
  • Sicily, alike as regards the Phaeacian and the Ithaca scenes; while the voyages of Ulysses, when once he is within easy reach of Sicily, solve themselves into a periplus of the island, practically from Trapani back to Trapani, via the Lipari islands, the Straits of Messina, and the island of Pantellaria; The Odyssey
  • Other rare plants include the sedge Machaerina rubiginosa, the aroid Cyrtosperma merkusii, and floating water plants such as Hydrocharis dubia and water chestnut (Trapa maximoviscii). Western Java rain forests
  • The isolates were serotyped and tested for susceptibility to antimicrobials including those recommended for intrapartum prophylaxis.
  • Extrapair paternity has been reported to be strongly positively associated with sexual dichromatism.

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