How To Use Traitorous In A Sentence
Justice, had traitorously and wickedly endeavored to subvert the constitution by the introduction of an arbitrary, tyrannical government against law; that the said Jonathan Sewell had disregarded the authority of Parliament, and usurped its powers by making regulations subversive of the constitution and the laws; that Jonathan Sewell had libellously published such Rules of Practice; that Jonathan Sewell had substituted his own will for the will of the legislature; that Jonathan
The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation Volume 1
And he had warned both Thick and the faceless servant who gripped him that they should be wary of `that stinking, traitorous dog.
By picture's end, Shaw has to navigate a thicket of Chinese organized crime figures, politicos and wheeler-dealers - plus his own traitorous colleagues - to save the day and, not incidentally, his own neck.
Only this time we will not forget or forgive either their traitorous attempts to geld the Constitution nor their aid and comfort to the enemy.
Obama hasn’t been blaming Bush enough
So far, indeed, are the loyal persons composing this regiment from seeking to avoid the presence of their late owners, that they are now, one and all, working with remarkable industry to place themselves in a position to go in full and effective pursuit of their fugacious and traitorous proprietors.
History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880. Vol. 2 (of 2) Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens

Now that it is no longer traitorous, popular antagonism towards the Catholic church has become open.
a lying traitorous insurrectionist
Even better, he's had a reply from one of the traitorous wretches planning to vote against the Bill later today.
But tonight ... tonight he cursed that cruelly traitorous strand, that hoary banderole of mortality that waved so thoughtlessly from an otherwise dark temple; that skinny, silver scroll upon which was written in letters bold enough for all of nature to read, an invitation to the burial mound.
La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
His uncle, who had shaped his career, was the foreign intelligence chief for the confederacy, during the Civil War - a man of traitorous inclinations, shall we say?
The treatment of faithless lovers and traitorous informers in outlaw lore suggests that not all Irish images of themselves were entirely positive.
She knew Guy could feel the sudden acceleration of her pulse, but she could do nothing to stop the traitorous throbbing.
Even Governor La Fayette, traitorous effete Feuillant dog that he was, seemed enthusiastic about the battle ahead.
He Don't Know Him
But this was not a reference to their obvious eating and drinking habits - rather to the traitorous porkers found in George Orwell's Animal Farm.
My traitorous voice seemed to speak out of its own volition… and in a high-pitched squeak too.
The Greeks held the pass but eventually a traitorous Greek led a Persian force through the hills to the rear of the Greek forces, who were subsequently massacred.
He pretended to love her while seeking nothing other than the restoration of his traitorous family, whereas I … I confess, I was developing a tendresse for Elizabeth.
Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
`Our traitorous friend been up to anything he should not have been up to, sir?
I apologize to anyone if my traitorous words have offended.
A traitorous spider scuttered along a branch sending Tale out of the bush and towards the porch.
Recent European immigrants were under suspicion of harboring traitorous loyalties to their former home countries.
The reason with all the felonous and traitorous evidence the Democrats have available to them the don't get off their pink tutued asses and revolt, Bart, is that, first of all, they've all been bought and sold and bought again and sold again and they are only in their offices or wanting to run for offices because of the power it gains them and the MONEY that they will accrue by being in the Washington, D.C.
Educating BartCop
All of the above, actually no, the most incompetent isnt on that list, the most incompetent is the PRIME Minister - aka the grinning inept traitorous megalomanical idiot due to step down sometime soon, closely followed by his neighbour in McDooning Street.
Poll: Most Incompetent Labour Minister Since 1997
And, to our immense relief, the traitorous mutineers left for Petrograd.
Greatly was Doña Ximena troubled at this, and Alvar Fañez also, that he had consented to what they asked; and she said, I do not think it is wisely done to let them take our daughters from us, and carry them into another country; for these our sons-in-law are traitorous and false at heart, and if I areed them right they will do some dishonour to our daughters, when there will be none there to call them to account.
Chronicle of the Cid
There was something about his eyes that made Robin feel wary of him, the eyes of someone deceitful and traitorous.
His traitorous activity got him court - martialed.
Come on Senator Pat, admit it, you and many of us have been used and abused by these "crazies" - help us dump them by stamping the big "I" of impeachment on your traitorous leaders foreheads.
Why We Must Break with the American Crazies -
But bring any of these trespasses up as some of the threads running through the tapestry of our history and he who so utters them will be assailed as unpatriotic, un-American, traitorous, treasonous, and anything else that might paint that truth-teller calumniously.
Barack Obama's speech and context. It's ALL context.
Biting hard on her lower lip, Isabel brushed away a traitorous tear.
The I understanding the cause of his miserable estate, sayd unto him, In faith thou art worthy to sustaine the most extreame misery and calamity, which hast defiled and maculated thyne owne body, forsaken thy wife traitorously, and dishonoured thy children, parents, and friends, for the love of a vile harlot and old strumpet.
The Golden Asse
A: because mossback is a traitorous cancervatard who would rather see the country fail than a democrat succed.
Think Progress » San Francisco Commonwealth Club postpones O’Keefe event.
Therefore, any one who 'cherishes' it is a traitorous bastard.
Rudy's S.C. Chair: "I Love And Revere And Cherish" Confederate Flag
But to dare to ask the question brought certain denunciation from the neo-conservative political power grid: Only a traitorous, subversive, unpatriotic, flag-burning, communist America-hater would question the virtue of a U.S. military venture.
August 2005
We can afford a few traitorous little ingrate rich kids.
Well what can we expect from the traitorous rightwing? ro ro is about the best they have to offer.
Think Progress » VIDEO: The Extreme, Violent Rhetoric Of GOP Lawmakers
In The Inferno, Virgil guides Dante through the underworld, comprising nine concentric circles that represent varying degrees of condemnation, from the unbaptized in Limbo to traitorous Satan at the center.
The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson: Questions
Nor did she permit her mind to dwell on an image of Rain so successfully buried she remembered it only in traitorous dreams.
With the group was a lieutenant, buttoned close in his gray coat, -- one button gone, perhaps to make a breastpin for some fair traitorous bosom.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 62, December, 1862
The treatment of faithless lovers and traitorous informers in outlaw lore suggests that not all Irish images of themselves were entirely positive.
Lily had come through the rip in the fabric to cast judgment on her weak traitorous aunt, that fearful and despairing wretch.
Biting hard on her lower lip, Isabel brushed away a traitorous tear.
There are few youths have sic true judgment as you, respecting the wisdom of their elders; and, as for this fause, traitorous smaik, I doubt he is a hawk of the same nest.
The Fortunes of Nigel
Ahhh - not just using procedurals in a traitorous way to block the Obama administration, but also to make sure workers don't get a fiar deal.
DeMint: Senate could've voted on TSA chief 'months ago'
Even Governor La Fayette, traitorous effete Feuillant dog that he was, seemed enthusiastic about the battle ahead.
He Don't Know Him
The man in the queue before me gets aggressive; trying to operate his Crackberry and pour sugar, he believes the immigrants have come here on a mission, traitorous codes embedded in their brownness, sleepers who've hijacked jobs the idle poor should embrace.
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For example, the perception that Asian men are sneaky and traitorous is founded entirely on wartime hysteria and jingoism following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Its pure white heart of snow often is hardened into grey and traitorous sleet.
However, I am beginning to think traitorous thoughts.
These were seen by authorities as very partial, untrue, seditious, and savouring too much of dangerous and traitorous conceits.
Dare to impeach the traitorous minister and advocate of anti - gold, against the peace negotiation.
Are you sooooo friggin myopic to think that irrespective of WHO did the declassifying, that THEY would have not just turned to the CIA when the CIA demanded via STATUTE, that an invesitgation be initiated for outing a NOC, and would not these truly traitorous scumbags you now defend, turn to the CIA and say, there is no cause for investigation becasue we declassyfied her, and therefore she IS NOT a NOC.
Think Progress » “Get it out.”
My stomach lurched as I threw myself at Roahin, doing anything I could to wring his scrawny, traitorous, lying, cheating little neck.
Every wrinkle, blemish and bruise, every traitorous little roll of fat, remains intact.
We shoul impeach the traitorous Bush admin. should be impeached from the human race!
Think Progress » Brown wins Massachusetts special election; Coakley concedes.