

  1. a set of nonsensical syllables used while humming a refrain

How To Use tra-la In A Sentence

  • But not before I've admired the extra-large version of your picture, and admired the way the lichen is growing in the bottoms of the incised letters. Off Duty
  • On a visit to India, Kim came up with a refrigerator with an extra-large crisper and small freezer for a nation of vegetarians.
  • What about you, Abby, extra-large hot chocolate with butterscotch syrup?
  • f, densitometry of the bands from (e), normalized to β-actin; N = normal brain, S = sham, C = contra-lateral, I = ischemic; Graph depicts the average of at least three separate experiments, and the average+ / − the S.E.M. is shown; Panel III. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • They chose a colour called bakeapple jam as the interior accent, setting off the red ochre picked to match the building's extra-large "fatboy" bricks, which were originally carried as ballast from England. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • He used a cane when walking but used a special, extra-large motorized scooter whenever possible.
  • An extra-large number of pen-raised "triploid" rainbow in the 1 - to 2-pound range were purchased from a private contractor and planted this spring in many area lakes to help make up for fish lost to the Bellingham Hatchery closure. Local, Sports, Business and Entertainment News
  • But, then again, I might be rapturously anticipating my life as a sunbeam, singing tra-las to the season of mists and kissing the pates of the ludicrous.
  • Hopefully some genetic defect or other bad desease that god punished this bad bad guy with in response for all the extra-lawful motives those MAFIAA gangsters pursue via lemmings like Krichbaum and co! RIAA punishes Brittany for resisting
  • Students are normally assigned randomly to sections, but we gave students a choice as to whether they wanted in on this experiment or not; about 130 chose "in," and rather than invidiously have a small percentage not get their wishes in order to make all the sections the same size, the Deans in their infinite wisdom decided I'd just get to enjoy an extra-large group so that all 1Ls could have their first choice. A Good Omen (Herein of Torts)
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