How To Use Toller In A Sentence
An extoller of the simple, rooted life, he nevertheless accumulated a sizable fortune and lived very well indeed.
A classmate at Fairfax High suggested he meet a pianist studying composition named Mike Stoller.
One strong argument for the latter position would be the career of songwriters Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller.
Mr. Stollery Liberal Senator agreed that there is a campaign in Canada to "denigrate" UN operations.
Archive 2006-03-01
The intollerant and vituperate Republicans were removed and the Democrats reached the majority party!
Think Progress » Pundit Attacking Muslim Congressman Is Bush Appointee to Holocaust Memorial Board

Herculeosque uelint semper numerare labores miratumque rudis se tollere Terea pinnas post epulas, Philomela, tuas; sunt ardua mundi qui male temptantem curru Phaethonta loquantur35 exstinctasque canant emisso fulmine flammas fumantemque Padum, Cycnum plumamque senilem et flentis semper germani funere siluas.
Exordium to a Poem on Hunting
Partaker of influx and efflux I, extoller of hate and conciliation,
Leaves of Grass
Two and a half hours of retch-worthy glop, set to the greeting-card lyrics of Iris Rainer Dart ("It's never been easy / It's always been rough / I give her my life / But it's never enough") and the perfectly serviceable music of Mike Stoller (who is better known as the other half of Leiber & Stoller) and Artie Butler.
The Invisible Girls
For my part, I thinke it no way tollerable, that men should abuse these, and the like miracles of nature, to auouch absurdities, or, that they should with a kinde of impietie woonder at them, as at matters impossible.
A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
“Facinus est cruciare civem Romanum; scelus verberare; prope parricidium necare: quid dicam in crucem tollere?”
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
When their tread had died away from the ear, and the wind swept over the isolated grave with its customary siffle of indifference, Lot Swanhills turned and spoke to old Richard Toller, the hautboy player.
A Changed Man
He was arrested for being drunk and incapable and was taken to Toller Lane police station in Bradford, where he was locked up and placed under half-hourly observation.
It's a revue of songs written by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, plus a few other collaborators.
Oh! Have a turf, Mr. Stoller?" he called gayly up to him.
Complete March Family Trilogy
When their tread had died away from the ear, and the wind swept over the isolated grave with its customary siffle of indifference, Lot Swanhills turned and spoke to old Richard Toller, the hautboy player.
A Changed Man
Back roads around Tollerton were almost impassable because of standing water and the only clear way in and out of the village was on the road to and from the A19.
Partaker of influx and efflux I-- extoller of hate and
Leaves of Grass [1867]
We regret to find that Mr. Skinner, so well known to the sporting world as the able extoller and defender of the rights of our canine friends, should recommend the cropping of terriers.
The Dog
Alarum pennae continent in longitudine 12. passus, elephantem in sublime tollere potest.
Anatomy of Melancholy
After the word chicanery there was a growing noise, half of murmurs and half of hisses, while four persons started up at once -- Mr. Hawley, Mr. Toller, Mr. Chichely, and Mr. Hackbutt; but Mr. Hawley's outburst was instantaneous, and left the others behind in silence.
Middlemarch: a study of provincial life (1900)
The local Atollers are about to put Costner to death, thinking he's a spy, when they're attacked by the movie's piratical villains, the Smokers, led by the scurvy, baldpated Dennis Hopper.
'Waterworld': It Floats
The wild creator of the "_Robbers_," drunk with liberty, and audacious against all restraint, becomes the champion of "Holy Order," -- the denouncer of the French republic -- the extoller of an Ideal Life, which should entirely separate Genius the Restless from
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 334, August 1843
Fragrances; an extoller of the banner of love and harmony; a promoter of the greatest peace among all nations and tribes; a kindler of the fire of the love of God in the hearts of the people; a runner to the place of martyrdom in the Cause of God; a yearner for every calamity in the love of
Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas
Also, babies under a year don't really take up that much space other than their furniture (crib, bassinet, stoller, etc).
In my yeares lustie, many a deed doughtie did I. All these remembred faults be intollerable and euer vndecent.
The Arte of English Poesie
Michal Czerwonka for The Wall Street Journal Fred Stoller Fred Stoller's neurotic Brooklynite whine makes Woody Allen seem like an amateur, and Mr. Stoller, 52, has worked his gift into a career, first as a deadpan stand-up comic and then as a nebbishy actor in countless short-lived sitcom roles: Elaine's annoying date in an episode of "Seinfeld," a mopey cousin on "Everybody Loves Raymond," a jerky waiter on "Friends.
Diary of a Nebbishy Comic: 'My Seinfeld Year'
He started as a pageboy at the hotel in 1963 when he was just 15 after a two-week career in farming at Tollerton.
In writing this particular song, did Archie have in mind such extollers of memory as I, who find in memory-however painful certain of the events that are recalled-the desire for unity and oneness that defines the soul?
Mr. Carter is not a defender of the medium he’s covered for so long; nor an extoller, like some, of its innumerable virtues.
The Boob Tube Respected��� Television Without the Villains
Vicky is a great extoller of the Aga and also loves to cook.