
[ US /ˈtoʊɫɝ/ ]
  1. a person who rings church bells (as for summoning the congregation)
  2. someone employed to collect tolls
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How To Use toller In A Sentence

  • An extoller of the simple, rooted life, he nevertheless accumulated a sizable fortune and lived very well indeed.
  • A classmate at Fairfax High suggested he meet a pianist studying composition named Mike Stoller.
  • One strong argument for the latter position would be the career of songwriters Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller.
  • Mr. Stollery Liberal Senator agreed that there is a campaign in Canada to "denigrate" UN operations. Archive 2006-03-01
  • The intollerant and vituperate Republicans were removed and the Democrats reached the majority party! Think Progress » Pundit Attacking Muslim Congressman Is Bush Appointee to Holocaust Memorial Board
  • Herculeosque uelint semper numerare labores miratumque rudis se tollere Terea pinnas post epulas, Philomela, tuas; sunt ardua mundi qui male temptantem curru Phaethonta loquantur35 exstinctasque canant emisso fulmine flammas fumantemque Padum, Cycnum plumamque senilem et flentis semper germani funere siluas. Exordium to a Poem on Hunting
  • Partaker of influx and efflux I, extoller of hate and conciliation, Leaves of Grass
  • Two and a half hours of retch-worthy glop, set to the greeting-card lyrics of Iris Rainer Dart ("It's never been easy / It's always been rough / I give her my life / But it's never enough") and the perfectly serviceable music of Mike Stoller (who is better known as the other half of Leiber & Stoller) and Artie Butler. The Invisible Girls
  • For my part, I thinke it no way tollerable, that men should abuse these, and the like miracles of nature, to auouch absurdities, or, that they should with a kinde of impietie woonder at them, as at matters impossible. A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • “Facinus est cruciare civem Romanum; scelus verberare; prope parricidium necare: quid dicam in crucem tollere?” The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
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