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How To Use Titus In A Sentence

  • If it should be objected by any that though he did not himself burden them, yet, being crafty, he caught them with guile, that is, he sent those among them who pillaged them, and afterwards he shared with them in the profit: "This was not so," says the apostle; "I did not make a gain of you myself, nor by any of those whom I sent; nor did Titus, nor any others -- We walked by the same spirit and in the same steps. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • The same dosage schedule may be followed for both antipruritic and antitussive therapy.
  • The Chalin sway, where Titus appears, is modeled after feudal China, and lends an exotic yet oddly familiar feel to that portion of the Entire. REVIEW:Bright Of The Sky by Kay Kenyon
  • Even though relief of symptoms will not shorten the duration of illness, patients can benefit from analgesics, antipyretics, beta-agonist inhalers, antitussives or vaporizers.
  • Take half an ounce of samphire, dissolve it in two ounces of aquaevitae, add to it one ounce of quicksilver, one ounce of liquid storax, which is the droppings of Myrrh and hinders the camphire from firing; take also two ounces of hematitus, a red stone to be had at the druggist's, and when you buy it let them beat it to powder in their great mortar, for it is so very hard that it cannot be done in a small one; put this to the afore-mentioned composition, and when you intend to walk on the bar you must annoint your feet well therewith, and you may walk over without danger: by this you may wash your hands in boiling lead. The Miracle Mongers, an Exposé
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  • Because the discourse concerning the textural semiotics of Titus's sexualized offerings is not of a sufficiently academic nature to be the object of attention in an admittedly sui generis blog having its origins within an academic context, it it appropriate to say a few more words concerning the deconstructive sexualization and postcapitalist transgressive character of Titus's texts. About my proposed Titus recording.
  • He notes that he looked "to those twelve Caesars so mistreated by Suetonius," in the hope of emulating the best of each: "the clear-sightedness of Tiberius, without his harshness; the learning of Claudius without his weakness; Nero's taste for the arts, but stripped of all foolish vanity; the kindness of Titus, stopping short of his sentimentality; Vespasian's thrift, but not his absurd miserliness. Portrait of Power Embodied in a Roman Emperor
  • Given the infelicitous effects of other utterances in the play, Titus's vow during this extended ritual does not act as directly or causatively as he thinks it does.
  • It looks like Cheney/Bus Titus Pullo 11 minutes ago 11:24 AM "Iraq has been importing refined products since 2003 because of the dilapidate ­d refining sector and booming local demand. The Full Feed from
  • The shuttle shutdown will deal the heaviest blow to communities like Titusville, located just west of the spaceport.
  • Taking his father's advice, Titus makes some adjustments to the fuel mixture ratio with explosive and disastrous results!
  • We would spend a few days in Maryland then take a flight down to Titusville on the east coast of Florida where we would fish for snook, redfish, sea trout and perhaps get the chance of catching some cobia.
  • Epistles to Timothy and Titus, which is assisted by a supposed analogy between the position of the Apostles and of their successors; although the term bishop is clearly used in the passages referred to as well as in other parts of the New Testament indistinguishably from Presbyter, and the magisterial authority of bishops in after ages is unlike rather than like the personal authority of the Apostles in the beginning of the Gospel. Scripture and Truth: Dissertations by the Late Benjamin Jowett with Introduction by Lewis Campbell.
  • Resplendent in his uniform and medals, [Forest] Whitaker's Amin is a gloriously mad and grandiloquent figure, conceived by screenwriters Peter Morgan and Jeremy Brock as a Day-Glo Shakespearean monster, with audacious hints of Othello and even Titus Andronicus, a monster for whom they have written boldly extended dialogue scenes of unabashed intelligence and theatricality," writes the Guardian's Peter Bradshaw. GreenCine Daily: Baftas. Nominations.
  • Its pharmacology accounts for its analgesic and antitussive properties.
  • Quae postquam Metello comperta sunt, quamquam inter Thalam flumenque proximum in spatio milium quinquaginta, loca arida atque vasta esse cognoverat, tamen spe patrandi belli, si ejus oppidi potitus foret, omnes asperitates supervadere ac naturam etiam vincere aggreditur. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • They seem to give the praenomen (personal name) Titus to the same man, and a Titus Petronius Niger is attested as consul on Herculaneum tablets.
  • Intirminatui idem eft ac minando vctitus, uno verbo prohibitus, nemine Gram - matico rcclamante. Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera
  • Terrell said Titus had just found a location to open a store specializing in workout gear.
  • I love their scenes in Titus and Gormenghast passionately, oh my gosh. My Top Six Declarations Of (Heterosexual) Love
  • Syrup alone may act as a demulcent and provide antitussive action without side effects.
  • They which tarried, when they were gone, considering partly on the reasons alleadged by Titus, and partly terrified by his latest speeches; became induced, to like well of his alliance and amitie, as (with common consent) they concluded: that it was much better to accept Titus as their kinsman (seeing Gisippus had made manifest refusall thereof) than to lose the kinred of the one, and procure the hatred of the other. The Decameron
  • You are doing what the Word of God teaches in Titus 2: 3-5. The Pink Dress
  • Although returning aristocrats tended to favor powdered hair and tight-fitting knee breeches in the old style, most middle-class men wore trousers or pantaloons and kept their hair in a natural style, whether tousled or à la Titus.
  • One sickening moment which springs to mind is the bit in ‘Titus’ when we see the mutilated Lavinia for the first time, in all her handless, tongueless glory.
  • Macedonian is not meant (2Co 9: 4) probably the same as was sent before with Titus (2Co 12: 18); and therefore sent from Ephesus, and probably an Ephesian: all this is true of Trophimus. oftentimes ... in many things -- Join and translate as in the Greek, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The alkaloid was found to be devoid of analgesic properties but to possess central antitussive activity equal to that of codeine.
  • A year later, Edwin Drake struck oil at Titusville, Pennsylvania, in the United States.
  • To Titus the Roman, national differences, at one time unapparent, now impose themselves between him and the Palestinian queen.
  • He was given the title colonel to impress Titusville residents. Undefined
  • Sir Titus Salt kept a watchful eye over a panel of beer tasters judging a competition to recreate a brew in his honour yesterday.
  • She must be from Taxes!" the ad drawled against a silhouette of the Lone Star State, even though Titus is from Georgia. Freedom’s Watch: We’ll Miss Them - Swampland -
  • CONSECRATE THE DELPHINIUM TO TITUS AND TO HERCULES; and what is yet more remarkable, even in our time, a priest of Titus was formally elected and declared; and after sacrifice and libation, they sang a set song, of which these are the closing verses: -- The Boys' and Girls' Plutarch; being parts of the "Lives" of Plutarch, edited for boys and girls
  • Its pharmacology accounts for its analgesic and antitussive properties, along with adverse effects such as respiratory depression, decreased bowel motility, miotic pupils, nausea and hypotension.
  • We concentrated on the Pastoral Epistles, I and II Timothy and Titus, as representing one kind of early Christian way of handling women in their early communities.
  • Known as ‘Soldier’ or ‘Titus’, the cheerful Oates was a quiet, good-tempered individual noted for his laconic wit.
  • Titus, a Fourth Classman, was awarded the Congressional Medal of honor for gallantry at Peking, China, 14 August1900, while a soldier of the 14th United States Infantry.
  • Referendum ini akan memutuskan apakah Dewan Konstitusi akan melaksanakan sidang dimana Konstitusi baru akan ditulis. Global Voices in English » Honduras: Does the Country Need a New Constitution?
  • THE PEOPLE CONSECRATE THE DELPHINIUM TO TITUS AND TO HERCULES; and what is yet more, even in our time, a priest of Titus was formally elected and declared; and after sacrifice and libation, they sing a set song, much of which for the length of it we omit, but shall transcribe the closing verses: — The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • Bassianus, who is already engaged to Lavinia, reclaims his betrothed with the help of Titus' sons.
  • Titus is more of the extrovert type of person, even though he would still have this tendency to suppress some emotions deep inside; while Clem is the introvert type of person.
  • Four generations of the Salt family gathered in a building constructed by their ancestor to mark a festival celebrating Sir Titus Salt.
  • I hear it first from Titus, who knows my blood connection with the escapee. THE BINGO PALACE
  • Thus it was Titus who commanded the Roman legions during the famous sack of Jerusalem.
  • Shakespeare was the first to set down the ancestor word hollo, when he used it in his play Titus Andronicus: “Hollo, what storm is this?” The English Is Coming!
  • Master Antitus of Cressplots was licentiated, and had passed his degrees in all dullery and blockishness, according to this sentence of the canonists, Beati Dunces, quoniam ipsi stumblaverunt. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • He is a beau, a French Mr Darcy, dressed in the latest designer couture and with his hair worn in the disordered chic of the style à la Titus.
  • Nummus ratitus -- ce qu'aujourd'hui nous appellons jouer à croix ou à pile, car _pile_ est un vieil mot français qui signifiait un Navire, Notes and Queries, Number 185, May 14, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Synopsis: Captain "Titus" Oates, a British polar explorer, is plucked from the verge of death in 1912 to America in 2045, where aliens called Forties have bestowed time warp technology to humanity. REVIEW: The Year's Best Science Fiction #19 edited by Gardner Dozois
  • Titus, Trajan, Antoninus, and Constantine still live to fame in unperishing records of marble. Rome in the First and Nineteenth Centuries
  • It's a task that's knocked out some of the best, yet in the midst of all this journalistic Sturm und Drang, The Ferndale Enterprise has endured, publishing a hard copy edition every Thursday for the last 133 years and still going strong from its tiny wood-shingled office on Main Street in Ferndale, CA., courtesy most recently of the indefatigable Ms. Titus. Lorraine Devon Wilke: Women Of the News: Ferndale's Enterprising Editor, Caroline Titus
  • Dengan berbagai sponsor dari pemerintah, perusahaan Life Sciences seperti Biorad, dan berbagai institusi pendidikan hingga LSM, acara ini betul-betul menjadi ajang yang menarik untuk diikuti. Discover 07: Jika Ilmuwan Muda Berpesta – Netsains.Com
  • Isti nihil rapiunt, domos non comburunt, bestias non occidunt: Sed tamen homines vulnerant et mortificant, et si non possunt aliud mittunt in fugam; multo libentius tamen occidunt, quam fugant, post istos sequitur exertitus, qui cuncta qu� inuenit accipit, et homines etiam, si inueniri possunt, accipiunt et occidunt. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Sir Titus Salt kept a watchful eye over a panel of beer tasters judging a competition to recreate a brew in his honour yesterday.
  • The Dems darling in NV is new congressman Deena Titus and they would love to run her for Senate. No love for Harry Reid on the Tea Party Express
  • Not the bloody quietus of Titus or Hamlet or Braveheart; it wasn't frank enough, nor so wrenching.
  • Titus and Owen, as the ranking officers, really had little choice.
  • If you go to Rome today you can visit Titus' Triumphal Arch which bears the engraved image of the Menorah from the destroyed Temple in Jerusalem being carried victoriously into Rome.
  • Partibus equidem in illis miles unus quinquaginta generat, sortitus more barbaro denas aut amplius uxores. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • I've seldom been to a performance at the Globe where somebody doesn't faint, and at Titus Andronicus a few years back there was a domino effect in the Yard with people going down like ninepins; guessing who would be next was almost as compelling as the cannibalism happening on stage. How to survive six hours of Henry IV at the Globe
  • The play has often been connected to a narrative which, although surviving only in an 18th-century chapbook, was believed to derive from a much earlier version of the Titus story which Shakespeare dramatized.
  • With their thirst for revenge sated, there is nothing left for either Lavinia or the maddened Titus but the surcease of sorrow in death.
  • Syrup alone may act as a demulcent and provide antitussive action without side effects.
  • Then it seemed to me one entered a long patch of really bad writing [with] redundant adjectives, a kind of facetiousness, a terrible prolixity in the dialogue of such characters as the Nurse and Prunesquallor, and sentimentality too in the case of Eda [sic] and to some extent in Titus’s sister. Weird Factoid of the Day
  • A scene at a government auction: Henry and Titus are rivals, bidding for a piece of "secesh" furniture. Slave Songs of the United States.
  • Great Britain have lost a third elite showjumping horse for the London Olympics with the sale of Guy Williams's Titus. Great Britain showjumping team loses third horse for London Olympics
  • Titus produced a mug of brandy he had sharked from the ship and we all lapped it up with avidity. The Worst Journey in the World Antarctic 1910-1913
  • That these arches are triumphal is made clear by the frieze on the nearer of the two, which refers to Vespasian, whose joint triumph with Titus was well known from Josephus's account, discussed above.
  • Note 56: PrSalQ, B294, p. 140: "Quare femine primo et secundo conceptus mense non appetanda appetunt, ut carbones et similia; in ceteris autem mensibus non est adeo irrationabilis earum appetitus?" back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Other antitussives in these parts include coltsfoot, mullein, sundew, and plantain.
  • It may be easiest to categorize tree and shrub medicines according to their medicinal therapeutic qualities: astringent, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and antitussive.
  • Take half an ounce of samphire, dissolve it in two ounces of aquævitæ, add to it one ounce of quicksilver, one ounce of liquid storax, which is the droppings of Myrrh and hinders the camphire from firing; take also two ounces of hematitus, a red stone to be had at the druggist's, and when you buy it let them beat it to powder in their great mortar, for it is so very hard that it cannot be done in a small one; put this to the afore-mentioned composition, and when you intend to walk on the bar you must annoint your feet well therewith, and you may walk over without danger: by this you may wash your hands in boiling lead. Miracle Mongers and Their Methods
  • The Democratic operation in Nevada, built to save Reid and freshman Rep. Dina Titus, is a juggernaut of presidential-campaign proportions. Democrats hope early voters will give them an edge
  • They also claim that in his day their was no hierarchy, no episcopacy, as if that had been necessary, as long as Saint Paul himself was bishop of his communities, together with Titus, Timothy and others, whom one would call auxiliary bishops today. Fr. von Balthasar: People "need to recognize the incomparable, the unique character of the Gospel"
  • Titus, if thou hadst not neede of comfort, as plainly I see thou hast, I would justly complaine of thee to my selfe, as of the man who hath violated our friendship, in keeping thine extreamitie so long time concealed from mee, which hath beene overtedious for thee to endure. The Decameron
  • Behind the amphitheatre were the thermae of the same emperor Titus Vespasian. Travels through France and Italy
  • I hear it first from Titus, who knows my blood connection with the escapee. THE BINGO PALACE
  • This was done at his return from the little paltry town, even then when Master Antitus of Cressplots was licentiated, and had passed his degrees in all dullery and blockishness, according to this sentence of the canonists, Beati Dunces, quoniam ipsi stumblaverunt. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 2
  • It is also strongly antitussive.
  • As with the first meetings of other emperors and their consorts, such as Titus and Berenice or Livia and Augustus, we do not know when or where Domna met her future husband, who was still married at the time of his visit to Emesa. Caesars’ Wives
  • A man like Titus Oates occurs like a slip of the tongue, disclosing the unconscious forces, the nightside of an age ... R_urell: William F. Buckley: Father of Modern "Conservatism"
  • Titus, the dominant male silverback gorilla, is now 35 years old. Times, Sunday Times
  • I give Titus a lot of credit for exhibiting as much self-control as he did and not belting Ray on the spot.
  • He drew Saskia in her bath, at her toilette, looking after her son Titus, getting out of bed, preparing food.
  • Die Regering se erns en vasberadenheid ten opsigte van grondhervorming word duidelike weerspieël in die feit dat daar oor die volgende drie jaar R7 miljard begroot word vir restitusie en R7 miljard vir grondhervorming. African National Congress Parliamentary Caucus
  • Titus and Domitian were not close (they were separated in age by 21 years) and so while Titus was dying, Domitian left for the praetorian camp where he was hailed as emperor.
  • His opinion is that Palladian is Titus, and comments like this ...the "real Titus" inasmuch as a fictional character can be real has always been stupid are indicative of autophobia. Hey, James Wolcott called me a peeing intellectual nobility.
  • It is also an antispasmodic and antitussive (able to relieve coughing). Times, Sunday Times
  • Semblably Titus Livius writeth that, in the solemnization time of the Bacchanalian holidays at Rome, both men and women seemed to prophetize and vaticinate, because of an affected kind of wagging of the head, shrugging of the shoulders, and jectigation of the whole body, which they used then most punctually. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Cetak flyers atau risalah tentang blog anda dan edarkan pada orang ramai di kedai2 makan, pusat membeli-belah, pejabat dan institusi pengajian tinggi. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • The basic concepts in Titus Andronicus are pretty unpleasant too, but it is not being marketed as a comedy. Shakespeare: First Quarter
  • Consequently, little was said about qualifications for elders until Paul began organizing Gentile churches with the help of Timothy and Titus.
  • Ac ver� nuncij, qui aliunde veniunt, in magna miseria, et victus et vestitus penuria sunt. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Tales of Titus' violence as a praetorian prefect and his sexual debauchery preceded his office.
  • Little is known about the pathogenesis of this cough, which frequently proves resistant to conventional antitussive therapies.
  • For a start, it is set in Classical Roman times, in the reign of the Emperor Titus, and strikes me as being much heavier on recitative than Mozart's more famous works.
  • Non est amor desiderium aut appetitus ut ab omnibus hactenus traditim; nam cum potimur amata re, non manet appetitus; est igitur affectus quo cum re amata aut unimur, aut unionem perpetuamus. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Helping to personalize his achievement was the artist's original large copperplate with the image of the Arch of Titus and his portrait bust made by the English Sculptor Joseph Nollekens.
  • -- Mentitus se Michaelem Venerata Danais quidam seductor ad illum. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 5
  • One, a tall well-made figure, splendidly accoutred in the cavalry armor of the day, he recognized at once for Arvina, and in the stouter person, clad in the blue abolla, the color of which he had already connected with one whom he knew — his worst fears all realized — he discovered the messenger of treason, Titus Volturcius of Crotona. The Roman Traitor (Vol. 2 of 2)
  • Ac verò nuncij, qui aliunde veniunt, in magna miseria, et victus et vestitus penuria sunt. The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini
  • Titus was getting almost weepy about this when Patrice limped in with the lunch and spread it out on the marble table: hot pastrami on rye, big pickles, pastries and coffee in white cardboard tubs.
  • She had found the description of it, as worn by Mrs. Titus W. Trout, in an American fashion paper; it was of what was described as kingfisher blue, and had lumps and wedges of lace round the edge of the skirt, and orange chiffon round the neck. Miss Mapp
  • a project of rebuilding the Jewish temple -- which, if he could have compassed, it would have sufficiently answered his wicked design; Christ and the prophet Daniel having in express terms foretold not only its destruction, which was effected by the Romans under Titus, but its final ruin and desolation. The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
  • Syrup alone may act as a demulcent and provide antitussive action without side effects.

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