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[ US /ˈtaɪtəs/ ]
  1. a Greek disciple and helper of Saint Paul
  2. Emperor of Rome; son of Vespasian (39-81)
  3. a New Testament book containing Saint Paul's epistle to Titus; contains advice on pastoral matters

How To Use Titus In A Sentence

  • If it should be objected by any that though he did not himself burden them, yet, being crafty, he caught them with guile, that is, he sent those among them who pillaged them, and afterwards he shared with them in the profit: "This was not so," says the apostle; "I did not make a gain of you myself, nor by any of those whom I sent; nor did Titus, nor any others -- We walked by the same spirit and in the same steps. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • The same dosage schedule may be followed for both antipruritic and antitussive therapy.
  • The Chalin sway, where Titus appears, is modeled after feudal China, and lends an exotic yet oddly familiar feel to that portion of the Entire. REVIEW:Bright Of The Sky by Kay Kenyon
  • Even though relief of symptoms will not shorten the duration of illness, patients can benefit from analgesics, antipyretics, beta-agonist inhalers, antitussives or vaporizers.
  • Take half an ounce of samphire, dissolve it in two ounces of aquaevitae, add to it one ounce of quicksilver, one ounce of liquid storax, which is the droppings of Myrrh and hinders the camphire from firing; take also two ounces of hematitus, a red stone to be had at the druggist's, and when you buy it let them beat it to powder in their great mortar, for it is so very hard that it cannot be done in a small one; put this to the afore-mentioned composition, and when you intend to walk on the bar you must annoint your feet well therewith, and you may walk over without danger: by this you may wash your hands in boiling lead. The Miracle Mongers, an Exposé
  • Because the discourse concerning the textural semiotics of Titus's sexualized offerings is not of a sufficiently academic nature to be the object of attention in an admittedly sui generis blog having its origins within an academic context, it it appropriate to say a few more words concerning the deconstructive sexualization and postcapitalist transgressive character of Titus's texts. About my proposed Titus recording.
  • He notes that he looked "to those twelve Caesars so mistreated by Suetonius," in the hope of emulating the best of each: "the clear-sightedness of Tiberius, without his harshness; the learning of Claudius without his weakness; Nero's taste for the arts, but stripped of all foolish vanity; the kindness of Titus, stopping short of his sentimentality; Vespasian's thrift, but not his absurd miserliness. Portrait of Power Embodied in a Roman Emperor
  • Given the infelicitous effects of other utterances in the play, Titus's vow during this extended ritual does not act as directly or causatively as he thinks it does.
  • It looks like Cheney/Bus Titus Pullo 11 minutes ago 11:24 AM "Iraq has been importing refined products since 2003 because of the dilapidate ­d refining sector and booming local demand. The Full Feed from
  • The shuttle shutdown will deal the heaviest blow to communities like Titusville, located just west of the spaceport.
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