How To Use Tincture of opium In A Sentence
After all, Coleridge had not drunk ayahuasca, he had taken tincture of opium.
During the nineteenth century, laudanum, made from a tincture of opium, was a popular sleeping aid, but it was known to be fatal in large doses.
Medications used in this approach include paregoric, tincture of opium, phenobarbital, benzodiazepines, and chlorpromazine.
Police discovered ten bottles of barbiturate and amphetamine capsules plus some tincture of Opium in front of the offices in a plastic carrier bag.
The tincture of opium might be useful, I supposed, for despair.

Our tincture of opium of today was developed from Sydenham's laudanum.
As to the tincture of opium (commonly called laudanum) that might certainly intoxicate if a man could bear to take enough of it; but why?
As to the tincture of opium (commonly called laudanum) THAT might certainly intoxicate if a man could bear to take enough of it; but why?
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater