How To Use Tincture of iodine In A Sentence
Skin should be prepared with 1 or 2 percent tincture of iodine or povidone iodine for incision, suture and collection of blood for culture.
Liquid black ink, 25 c.c. Tincture of iodine 1 c.c. Allow the mixture to stand 24 hours, centrifugalise thoroughly, pipette off the supernatant liquid to a clean bottle and then add a crystal of thymol or one drop of formalin as a preservative.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
Is dot skin diminish inflammation good with iodin bend over good with tincture of iodine still?
It is also called decolorized or "white" iodine and won't stain the skin the way brown tincture of iodine does. -
Not so long ago, tincture of iodine was one of the most popular of antiseptics.
The tincture of iodine smarted when applied it to the wound.