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tincture of iodine

  1. a tincture consisting of a solution of iodine in ethyl alcohol; applied topically to wounds as an antiseptic

How To Use tincture of iodine In A Sentence

  • Skin should be prepared with 1 or 2 percent tincture of iodine or povidone iodine for incision, suture and collection of blood for culture.
  • Liquid black ink, 25 c.c. Tincture of iodine 1 c.c. Allow the mixture to stand 24 hours, centrifugalise thoroughly, pipette off the supernatant liquid to a clean bottle and then add a crystal of thymol or one drop of formalin as a preservative. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Is dot skin diminish inflammation good with iodin bend over good with tincture of iodine still?
  • It is also called decolorized or "white" iodine and won't stain the skin the way brown tincture of iodine does. -
  • Not so long ago, tincture of iodine was one of the most popular of antiseptics.
  • The tincture of iodine smarted when applied it to the wound.
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