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How To Use Timing In A Sentence

  • The timing of the minister's visit, however, could somewhat detract from the goodwill it's supposed to generate.
  • The two leads give crackerjack performances, their timing, dynamism and interaction almost flawless.
  • This multiplication of coverage is cunningly designed to bamboozle the party media minders who sit in party headquarters with stop watches timing their contributions to ensure balance.
  • The timing of our statement is very opportune.
  • THE timing of these arrests is interesting and may not be coincidental. The Sun
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  • Actual results may differ materially from those set forth in this release due to the risks and uncertainties inherent in Somaxon's business, including, without limitation, Somaxon's interpretation of its communications and interactions with the FDA relating to the requirements for approval of the NDA for Silenor, and the FDA's agreement with such interpretation; Somaxon's interpretation of the results of the clinical trials for Silenor, the timing of the interpretation of such results and the FDA's agreement with such interpretation; the potential for Somaxon to make a resubmission to the Silenor NDA; the potential for Silenor to receive regulatory approval for one or more indications on a timely basis or at all; the potential for the FDA to impose non-clinical, clinical or other requirements to be completed before or after regulatory approval of Silenor; Somaxon's ability to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the FDA that potential NDA approval of Silenor is appropriate prior to the completion of standard, long-term carcinogenicity studies, given the context of completed trials and pending studies; the timing and results of non-clinical studies for Silenor, and the FDA's agreement with Somaxon's interpretation of such results; Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
  • Is their timing right, or have they boobed again?
  • Win the war by conceding control over timing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tony Blair showed impeccable timing by leaving his job just before the economy went phut. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Timing is everything when it comes to telling that skateboarding babe you're majorly crushing on him.
  • Batsmen need to use their feet cleverly when playing on the slightly slower pitches here so that they are in a position to play the ball without mistiming it.
  • Although the complex syncopated rhythms of duets can sound to the untrained ear as if they are coming from one bird, they are the efforts of two wrens perched side by side and interposing their notes with precise timing.
  • The dual ignition system also allows for an extremely lean fuel-air mixture and late ignition timing during warm-up.
  • It monitors the charging of the timing capacitor in astable and monostable circuits.
  • The timing of that deposit showed this to be a morning shooting.
  • The timing of the decision was a complete surprise.
  • If guides are to be distributed to students, the timing of this should be planned.
  • Subsequent timing observations have shown the pulsar to be in a 5.74-day circular orbit with a low-mass companion.
  • The exact timing of the splashdown was yet unclear and depended on the state of the sun.
  • Time control Your timing for arrival at meetings can give an indication of your power. Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
  • Because of bad timing and aborts, squadrons couldn't find each other.
  • Market timing occurs when traders make rapid in-and-out trades in unit trusts to take advantage of pricing inefficiencies.
  • The timing had to be exact.
  • The timing was perfect: The suburban lifestyle was taking hold, the cocktail party was replacing the urban barroom, making passable, munchable food as essential as ice cubes. One Big Table
  • Timing of tax cash flow. Capital allowances reduce a company's tax liability and thus improve its after-tax cash flow.
  • In puzzle mode that initially just means activating them slowly enough not to cause collisions, but later levels demand deeper experimentation with order and timing before you wheedle out a viable solution. This week's new games
  • On the way down it will take images that will help determine its exact location and altitude, and set the timing for the final thruster firings.
  • The timing corresponds with the formation of spores in a funguslike pathogen that attacks the plant and results in a condition known as downy mildew disease. NYT > Home Page
  • Timing intercourse to achieve or avoid pregnancy cannot be done with precision.
  • All light aircraft maintenance workshops would most certainly have one for synchronizing and timing port and starboard magnetos on piston engines.
  • Events which followed confirmed the efficacy of the declaration and its timing.
  • He was just walking into the restaurant when we got there. Perfect timing.
  • Her exercises, done with spellbinding precision and timing are a joy to behold.
  • Those who were negative complained primarily about the timing of the visit. Christianity Today
  • The looser rules on timing and the volume of shares available for repurchase prompted more than 200 companies to announce new or expanded buyback plans.
  • The fuses were the rigid kind of firework lighter things that glow for ages - the scientists amongst us had had great fun experimenting with these to get the timings right. The Phantom Firework Display
  • To be a good tennis player, you have to have good timing.
  • In the study of fossil populations, the timing of encrustation is important, although both encrustation during life or after death provides ecological and taphonomic data.
  • The two key elements are space and timing.
  • Pundits say that the timing of the National Stabilization Fund share disposal is the key to halting further losses.
  • Then, he was not declared winner until days after the event due to a timing error.
  • There is disagreement within the government over the exact timing of the referendum.
  • The timing of the gun was precisely synchronized with the turning of the plane's propeller.
  • Grint's got fantastic comic timing and knows exactly how far to take it, often stealing a scene with nothing more than a look.
  • The uncertainties over the timing of any asset realisations have led the liquidators to warn that thousands of policyholders may have to wait a full year before settlement of their claims.
  • Taking the most damaging pictures requires precision timing and nerves of steel.
  • But there is a yawning gap in timing between what he would love to happen tomorrow and what is still the case. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem of specifying the timing and the form of effective state action is essentially political, not economic.
  • and remarking , in the timing, interweaving, beginning afresh, the writer comes to discern things in his material which were not consciously in his mind.
  • l reviewing the signing, lining and signal timings on major roads to improve traffic flow.
  • Participants are judged based on the timing of the speech, voice intonation and gestures.
  • To these qualities he added cunning and a sense of timing in political intrigue. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • In addition to the above, data was retrieved about age, sex, preoperative and postoperative hearing and the timing of the postoperative audiogram.
  • One of the most important variables is the timing of the beginning of the wet season.
  • The structure can overcome the shortcoming of fake timing loop and be used in engineering.
  • Thanks to coincidental timing, this supermoon will be coming on the heels of the June solstice, which takes place only two days before.
  • This kind of action needs precise timing and director Mike Alfreds and his 14 strong cast provide the elegantly energetic execution required.
  • So before moving to the particular let's see if we can draw some general conclusions regarding degree and timing.
  • It allows for the test of a number of biologically important variables in organismic development, for example, the timing of maximal growth rate and the duration of linear growth phase.
  • The precise timing varies from year to year and place to place, but the winter and spring are generally bone dry.
  • Therefore, basic costs the timing circuit mainly by the decoding monitor, "time", "the minute", "the second", "the amount" the counter and the oscillator compose.
  • The timing of the minister's visit, however, could somewhat detract from the goodwill it's supposed to generate.
  • The reason for Beijing's lack of interest was most likely a simple matter of bad timing and political expediency. Times, Sunday Times
  • The timing of the book seems counterproductive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Manchester Science Festival, ManchesterThis might be the season of superstition and spooks, but since science is more unbelievable, wondrous and scary than fiction, it's apt timing for Manchester's cornucopia of explorative events (more than 200 of them). This week's new events
  • In those days, his stilted style, forced delivery, and wonky timing were virtues, reinforcing our sense of his hypothetically heartwarming kidness.
  • The timing is perfect because these are the two plants on which orange-tips mostly lay their eggs. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the timing and pace of recovery in Las Vegas is still uncertain and even more uncertain is the company ' s big exposure to Atlantic City, which is struggling. Harrah
  • I can tell you from experience that the public financing system, despite numerous flaws in reporting and timing requirements, works.
  • You are witty, have great comic timing and a fantastic accent.
  • The sections in sesquialtera can then be conducted by simply altering the even tactus of the opening duple meter to an uneven tactus, without changing the timing of the full tactus beat itself.
  • That's partly because the company decided that the timing was right in the first quarter to do the bulk of this year's securitization, in effect front-loading a big chunk of 2003 profits.
  • Like the outbound leg, if you lose timing don't continue the descent.
  • Each member of the team has a precise role, and perfect timing is crucial - the winner of the field gun is decided by hundredths of a second.
  • Speaking of balls hit on the ground, opposing infielders, particularly the shortstop, have a habit of mistiming their dives.
  • Success hinged on timing their arrival just as the last fat slice of sun slid below the horizon.
  • She must have looked crestfallen at her mistiming, because he said suddenly: `You have walked here? THE GOLDEN LION
  • The rest of the series struggles to reach the premiere's giddy sense of crackerjack timing.
  • The epidemiology in subtropical areas is basically similar to that in temperate zones, except that the seasonable timing of events is different.
  • Given the growing number of failing establishments that were downsizing their labor forces, the timing was not right to shove a wage increase (even if a small one) down the throat of business.
  • The spectacular mistiming of his own 2001 memoir, Fugitive Days, doomed the book to short-term infamy and long-term obscurity. Deconstructing Obama
  • It was simply a lastminute turn of the wrists that deposited the ball into those legside legtiming, spaces. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, higher temperatures and drought can shift the timing of budworm reproduction so that natural parasitoid predators are no longer effective in limiting budworm numbers [22]. Climate change and insects as a forest disturbance in the Arctic
  • He was still priming the timing device and the slightest error could detonate the mine prematurely. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • This was the only jole where he got the timing right. Pass me my Walking Stick
  • The phone just rang and rang, and never got answered, and my fax machine kept timing out.
  • Please check your flight timings carefully.
  • In both cases, alterations of developmental timing produce parallels between ontogeny and phylogeny.
  • When reached for comment, Adam L a/k/a clammyc noted that the timing of this post was merely "happenstance". by: you @ soon Blue Jersey - Front Page
  • the car runs more smoothly with the timing adjusted
  • Under what circumstances would managers have the incentive to manipulate the timing of revenue recognition? How would they do it? What risks are involved?
  • Rather like the judgements of force, the proprioceptive mechanisms that determine the perceived timing of muscle contractions have both a ‘peripheral’ and a ‘central’ component.
  • You're entitled to love again but the timing must be right. The Sun
  • It may seem tame in this context to devote time and technical skill to throwing up perfect spheres of glass in a vacuum and timing their passage up and down past two pairs of slits.
  • It said that the errors may affect the timing of recorded losses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those who were negative complained primarily about the timing of the visit. Christianity Today
  • Planning to visit Tirupati in the second week of January 2010, is it right time to visit there? ya its good and cool weather book the room and plan the darshan timings also by taking token in ttd chennai anybody know shabana/zaib origin from india mumbai (dongri) fathers name hafiz, sister rafiqa? Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • We need to determine the timing of the drug test and what was found in his system to understand whether perjury is an issue here. - Palmeiro, baseball won't fight Congress
  • None of them had the timing needed to make this stuff bearable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Pennine Acute Trust said the timing of the letter was a coincidence and not connected to the Observer story.
  • Responsible for construction of new project, including timing control, quality and investment control.
  • Please send us minimum prices of rubber V belt, timing belt endless belt and conveyor belt.
  • But it needs a flash animator, or any kind of animator, who is fast, talented, and has a good sense of timing and visual comedy. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - ELR needs a animator NOW!
  • Witch hazels may lack the flower power of forsythias or the head-over-heels perfume of lilacs, but they have one attribute that distinguishes them from other flowering shrubs: timing.
  • But the Fed's timing may not have been based entirely on domestic considerations.
  • My hips and body are turning faster, which knocks my timing out.
  • While the timing isn't ideal and the temperature with wind-chill factored in was around 1 degree, it could have been much worse. Super Bowl XLV: The Ice Bowl II as bad weather hits Dallas
  • Grey nurse sharks grow relatively slowly and mature at between four and six, though the precise timing of mating and pupping in Australian waters remains unknown.
  • Often, I've found, it's just the coincidental timing of first hearing and life events that have made them assume a special place in the recording library inside my head.
  • The timing of all subsequent follow up appointments and endoscopies in the healing phase was discretionary.
  • With production under way, the timing was right to shift attention to the tactical missile threat.
  • To the contrary, the timing of the highest nutrient requirement period of the winter calving cow was more coincident with the period when forage quality was highest (late spring to early summer).
  • The results revealed that the timing of pigmentation of compound eyes and adult emergence were delayed by treatment of KK-42 before 36th hours after pupation.
  • I hope that my hon. Friend will give the House a commitment on the timing of that replacement.
  • The timing of these tours of Zimbabwe and South Africa could not have been more opportune and is an ideal chance to get acclimatized to the conditions.
  • Caribbean Star Airlines is adding daily service from Georgetown, Guyana, to Bridgetown, Barbados, as well as re-timing the existing flight schedule to allow round-trip connections to London.
  • In addition to human, electro-optical, radio, and precise timing payloads, some satellites now carry robotic payloads.
  • The earliest chronographs used vacuum tubes for timing and a thin copper wire to start and stop.
  • The cylinder timing was on but a bit slow on a couple of the stops, but it was still on and working.
  • In Samoan words all syllables are given equal timing with a slight accent placed on the penultimate syllable.
  • The bizarre timing was a clear indication that the security services and the police had decided to take precipitate action.
  • The chair has to counsel the president on the timing and presentation of information for the board.
  • The company has disclosed the timing and nature of the transaction in its public filings. Times, Sunday Times
  • The timing of the announcement was rather unexpected.
  • They were connected to the timing device of a compact disc player designed to detonate them remotely.
  • Mr. Berry said the timing was a coincidence and that his decision was unrelated to Mr. Roman's departure.
  • Variations in the timing of perihelion and aphelion are caused by a ‘wobbling’ in the Earth's axis of rotation as it rotates around the Sun.
  • The timing of the meeting is certainly fortuitous.
  • Ferry schedules and precise timings are subject to weather conditions on the day of departure.
  • But he said the structural needs for lithography capacity in 2011 are strong enough that any changes to delivery timings will have no significant impact on the company's revenue expectations. ASML Sees Record Year
  • It disturbed me in my comfort spots, comforted me in my disturbed spots, and, as an erstwhile writer of fiction, I was simultaneously enraptured by her facility with words and timing; and nearly unconsolable and jealous and angry with myself for not working harder at it than I do. Dear Clusterflock | clusterflock
  • In these, the amount and timing of each cash flow movement is forecast and monitored closely, in the same way as we might plot personal cash transactions. Finance for the Non-Financial Manager
  • This study would form the basis for cancer chronotherapy, which aims in drug administration at appropriate timing according to the circadian rhythms of cancer cell susceptibility which will avoid adverse effects of chemotherapy.
  • the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired
  • ‘A mix of profit-taking, seasonal timing and the proposed legislation to combat stamp duty saving schemes coming into force on July 23 is likely to have contributed to more deals,’ the report states.
  • I was thinking of bad timing (although, thankfully, without mortality involved) last week when a listserv I'm on received an email from one of our members.
  • She speaks with uncanny timing in the most doggone delicious accent, and sings with irresistible sorcery.
  • The timing has been perfect. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has a wonderful sense of timing.
  • Temperature data loggers were deployed near the outflow of each lake to measure the timing and frequency of tidal inflow during high spring tides.
  • Their timing may be poor and their coordination haphazard but their purpose is clear. Times, Sunday Times
  • Timing was done in the most haphazard and disorderly manner and lacked credibility.
  • Capture rates in lowland habitats were much higher during the wet season than during the dry season, reflecting the timing of movements downslope and back to breeding grounds at higher elevations.
  • PICC, previously 100%-owned by China's Ministry of Finance, will list in Shanghai and Hong Kong, the statement said, without giving the timing or the size of the offering. China Pension Fund Buys 11% Stake in PICC
  • To run an engine on unleaded fuel it may be necessary to retard the initial timing to prevent detonation and/or pre-ignition.
  • The reason for Beijing's lack of interest was most likely a simple matter of bad timing and political expediency. Times, Sunday Times
  • The combination of horrific makeup, abhorrent timing, and trite jokes has literally become painful.
  • I kind of wonder about the timing and "newsworthiness" of a 15 second splice job leaked to FoxNews. Jeremiah Wright Steps Down From Obama Campaign
  • So too, timing is of the essence in matters of both sexuality and that other most real connection with physicality, all the pleasures associated with the art of gastronomy.
  • To these qualities he added cunning and a sense of timing in political intrigue. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Q: I'm a little confused as to the timing of the lawn tasks you recommend -- aerate, compost, overseed, fertilize and weed control? As season changes, gardeners get ready
  • Careful timing and choice of chemical can greatly enhance the effectiveness of a natural enemy.Sentencedict
  • There is reason to believe that, just as earlier conditions about the timing of elections and the "uniform" have been met, realistic demands in the planned charter too could be accepted to ensure "unrigged" polls. Rampant Corruption Is Root Cause Of Terrorism
  • RE #205 An astute prognostication, Steven, and remarkable timing steven mosher Atlantic Hurricane Track Versions « Climate Audit
  • However, US trade officials denied the timing of the complaint had been influenced by electioneering.
  • I tried a 1.6, which has twin independent cam shaft timing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The timing of that visit depended on the ‘final consummation of the peace process in Northern Ireland’, Mrs McAleese stressed.
  • He was using a stretched franger as a timing belt.
  • The timing of the pressure struck a raw nerve here, one that was still aching when Turkish lawmakers finally took up the request Saturday and dealt it a surprise defeat.
  • Minute differences in the timing and intensity of sound reaching each ear give the barn owl a fix on its prey.
  • His timing was impeccable attacking his old boss on the day he was making a big speech on the economy.
  • Answer guide: Because the accounts are to do with measuring economic activity rather than the timing of receipts and payments. 7.
  • This discovery is the first clear detection of significant changes in the intervals from one planetary transit to the next, what we call transit timing variations," said Matthew Holman, a News and Features - NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • We struggle to fix our focus and perfect our timing lest one of them drop. Christianity Today
  • I'm tracking each single letter, digraph, and trigraph with timing data and error rates.
  • The threat was surprising less for its stridency, which is not unusual in diatribes against the South and the United States, than for its timing. NYT > Home Page
  • If you heard the word scrambling, that's really what a lot of quarterbacks and receivers are doing right now, scrambling to get together in the communication and the timing of things. Front Page
  • There was improvisation as well as brute force and timing. The Sun
  • Author C. Palmer examined three aspects of timing in piano performance that are not explicitly notated in the score: chord asynchronies, rubato patterns and legato/staccato patterns.
  • This method is more fallible than most because it depends on careful and accurate timing.
  • Doppler frequency drift and timing error were considered in state transform equations.
  • A form is a predetermined pattern of techniques that ties together proper posture, balance, coordination and timing.
  • He has bought and sold his way to the top table through turning solid products into flag-waving brands with a mixture of luck, timing and innovation.
  • Timing the motion of the lamp by his own pulse, Galileo saw that the length of a pendulum determines its rate.
  • This year's vertiginous drop in the Nasdaq market has caused Shin to rethink its timing, but its preparations are well advanced.
  • Impeccable diction (even in patter songs), timing, and mimicry contributed to memorable character-monologues.
  • He started timing them with a stopwatch, and they got faster.
  • Weighing up the risks, Pfizer faces the normal development delays and setbacks which pharmas encounter with regard to the timing, efficacy and market potential of new products.
  • To design the timing circuit of LCD using VHDL.
  • He started timing them a stopwatch, and they got faster.
  • That colinearity seems to be a consequence of a primitive pattern of regulation that coupled the timing of development to the spatial arrangements of the tissues, and many organisms have evolved more sophisticated control of these patterning genes, making the old regulators obsolete…and allowing the clusters to break up without extreme consequences to the animal. Hox complexity - The Panda's Thumb
  • Whether by design or accident his timing was perfect.
  • Of course the timing is no coincidence. Anti-Ice
  • The timing of all subsequent follow up appointments and endoscopies in the healing phase was discretionary.
  • Retiming eliminate the digital time domain pulse distortion, in order to downlink clock recovery circuit to accurately signal reception.
  • Construction timing, geared toward the beginning of 2005, coincides with the birth and early life cycles of sockeye, chinook and coho salmon, steelhead and sea-running cutthroat trout.
  • Instead, species that differ in timing of gamete release tend to constitute genetically distinct clades.
  • Since timing is so crucial to punching power, and timing is eroded by age and wear and tear, that declaration is nonsensical. Times, Sunday Times
  • With timing so flawless and a tenor so strong he made bobby-soxers swoon and tough guys cry, the awkward kid from Hoboken became the standard bearer for almost all aural bliss.
  • Was Archbishop's obscure phrasing and bad timing to blame for uproar? Times, Sunday Times
  • Previous guitar games have taught players split-second timing but little else. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, the timing of elections can also affect the structure of power within presidential democracies.
  • The sexual chemistry between Wilks and Gray is palpable as they bounce ripostes off each other with wry wit and superb timing.
  • It helps tremendously that Montrealers haven't yet felt the first pangs of festival fatigue - timing is everything in fête season, especially in film.
  • Fine mechanical clockwork components allude to timing and precision; the shells or fossils also refer to time, and the format suggests balance and endurance.
  • I hope that my hon. Friend will give the House a commitment on the timing of that replacement.
  • The cylinder timing was on but a bit slow on a couple of the stops, but it was still on and working.
  • ‘The timing could not be more critical, the trade talks are on a knife-edge and we need to see leadership from the EU,’ she added.
  • He also queried the timing, coming as it did after the chairman was replaced and the head of the remuneration committee announced her intention to step down. Times, Sunday Times
  • With hindsight, they didn't seem bothered about the suggestion of a relationship, though the timing was awkward.

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