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How To Use Three-fold In A Sentence

  • Poorly ranked counties, such as La Salle and Livingston, had multiple challenges to overcome including: two - and three-fold higher rates of premature death, often from preventable conditions; high smoking rates that lead to cancer; heart disease; bronchitis and emphysema; high rates of obesity, which can put people at risk for diabetes; disability and heart disease; high unemployment and poverty rates and high numbers of liquor stores and fast-food outlets but few places to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. The Times Today's News
  • Returning to our contemplation of Christ, let us look next at two three-fold cords in the Scriptures that attest the sinlessness of Christ.
  • Within these forests, the mean number of exotic species increased nearly three-fold from 1938 to 1999, and two species not naturalized within the landscape in 1938, Lonicera morrowii and Rosa multiflora, had become widespread by 1999.
  • A key measure of risk aversion for Asian "junk-rated" credit, the iTRAXX Asia ex-Japan high-yield index, surged to a record wide of 950 basis points this month, rising three-fold this year.
  • At this time the limb bud can undergo as much as a three-fold increase in size.
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  • Our mission is three-fold: To undertake basic research to advance knowledge for its own sake.
  • Christ as the only mediator of the new covenant is the everlasting Son of God and was foreordained by the Father for his three-fold office.
  • Based on the WGI, the researchers estimate that when governance is improved by one standard deviation, incomes rise about three-fold in the long run, and infant mortality declines by two-thirds.
  • Now the only sounds are the three-fold footfalls.
  • Using an MFT strategy could result in a 2.5 to three-fold increase in the amount of time a single drug could be used, Boni added, reducing costly surveillance methods for drug resistance.
  • An intriguing mix of old and new, the exhibition structure is three-fold: portraits, landscapes and a photographic narrative on the effects of asbestos mining.
  • October 17 You are a three-fold being. You consist of body, mind and spirit.
  • Here the aims were three-fold: curbing expenditure, raising standards and giving greater emphasis to health promotion and illness prevention.
  • The rationale for investing in off-grid energy development is three-fold. Let the Market Pay for Renewable Energy
  • Poorly ranked counties, such as La Salle and Livingston, had multiple challenges to overcome including: two - and three-fold higher rates of premature death, often from preventable conditions; high smoking rates that lead to cancer; heart disease; bronchitis and emphysema; high rates of obesity, which can put people at risk for diabetes; disability and heart disease; high unemployment and poverty rates and high numbers of liquor stores and fast-food outlets but few places to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. The Times Today's News
  • Steels usually contain at least 0.3% manganese, which acts in a three-fold manner: it assists in deoxidation of the steel, prevents the formation of iron sulfide inclusions, and promotes greater strength by increasing the hardenability of the steel. CR4 - Recent Forum Threads and Blog Entries
  • Howard was regarded as a working fulfilment of the three-fold commission to teach, preach the gospel and heal the sick.
  • This is an increase of more than three-fold over totals for the past several years and highlights the expanding portfolio of financial services we offer.
  • Our mission is three-fold: To undertake basic research to advance knowledge for its own sake.
  • The impact of the global financial crisis and ensuing recession on Africa will be three-fold, according to World Bank Chief Economist for Africa Shanta Devarajan.
  • Either the Count de Saint-Germain or Cagliostro is considered to be the author of 'La Très Sainte Trinosophie' (The Most Holy Three-fold Wisdom), from the latter half of the 18th century. - Boing Boing
  • Howard was regarded as a working fulfilment of the three-fold commission to teach, preach the gospel and heal the sick.
  • And the outstanding debt which excludes mortgages has seen a three-fold increase to £40 billion.
  • The defect states in chalcogenide glasses, including positively charged, negatively charged and neutral three-fold coordinated sulphur clusters, were studied by SCF MO CNDO/2 method.
  • But for cattle and women lent [the return] is, their offspring: the highest encrease demandable for use of liquids [99] is eight-fold; for wearing apparel, for corn, and for gold, four-fold, three-fold and two-fold respectively. Hindu Law and Judicature from the Dharma-Sástra of Yájnavalkya
  • For example, SeTre-2 activity was about two-fold higher than that of SeTre-1 at the late fourth instar stage, while SeTre-1 activity was about three-fold and about 1. 5-fold higher than SeTre-2 in the prepupal stage and late pupal stage, respectively ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • What's more, the entrepreneur described with pride that once he had bought up all of his competition, he was able to raise his prices three-fold.
  • One more piece of evidence that the crisis we face is three-fold-economic political and environmental-and that revolutionary solutions are needed, most ricky-tick. Kasama
  • The hand of the soldier and the two hands of the servant signify the three-fold accusation and denial; the infolded hands of Peter tellingly express both denial and repentance.
  • Our mission is three-fold: To undertake basic research to advance knowledge for its own sake.

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